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Mar 13, 2001
If you haven’t watched Cobra Kai yet, then what the hell are you waiting for? It’s the most ridiculously over the top fun show I’ve seen in years.

Unless you watched the movies constantly when you were a kid, I would recommend watching The Karate Kid, then Cobra Kai seasons 1 & 2, then Karate Kid Part II, then Cobra Kai season 3.

Rewatching the movies isn’t strictly necessary, but you’ll definitely get more out of the show in terms of understanding in-jokes and small moments if the movies are fresh in your head.


Jun 24, 2005

I am inevitable.
I finally finished Evil since I was on vacation and that was an awesome show. However, is it just me or did the season's last episode's second half seem bleh? For such an awesome and batshit series, the last half of the episode was a bore. It was really weird to me.

I also watched and thoroughly enjoyed The Queen's Gambit.

And caught up with The Crown.

And watched a poo poo ton of UK TV Christmas and New Years specials.

And I tried for the 4th time to get into The Expanse and bounced off hard. I think I need to give up. I really wanna get into it but it doesn't grab me. I'm broken.

Basically I got to watch a lot of TV in the past two weeks that I haven't been able to for months since work has been insane. It was very nice.

Jun 10, 2006


Croatoan posted:

And watched a poo poo ton of UK TV Christmas and New Years specials.

Anything good? Presuming these were older ones as there didn’t seem much worth bothering with this year.

Inspector 34
Mar 9, 2009



Croatoan posted:

And I tried for the 4th time to get into The Expanse and bounced off hard. I think I need to give up. I really wanna get into it but it doesn't grab me. I'm broken.

Don't ever be ashamed of your broke brain, we all have our issues to overcome.

Jun 24, 2005

I am inevitable.


Anything good? Presuming these were older ones as there didn’t seem much worth bothering with this year.

Doctor who was fun for the fan service. Other than that Call the Midwife and Pointless. The rest were just the same old stuff but with decorations. I still enjoyed them though.

Oct 11, 2006

Freshly Squeezed

Croatoan posted:

And I tried for the 4th time to get into The Expanse and bounced off hard. I think I need to give up. I really wanna get into it but it doesn't grab me. I'm broken.

How far have you gotten? When it first started airing on tv I think we were halfway through the first season before it finally clicked for me.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Expanse is the best scifi show ever imo but forcing yourself to like it will not work. Just take a break and try again. It took me a few years before I got into The Wire.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I like The Expanse once I remember who everyone is (current season is ace so far) but its highs are nowhere near BSG’s highs imo

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Escobarbarian posted:

I like The Expanse once I remember who everyone is (current season is ace so far) but its highs are nowhere near BSG’s highs imo


For me, the show has a decent setup and some good plotting (let's not talk about it shooting itself in the foot by adapting only half a book for it's first season), but I reckon that it consistently fails to provide strong characterisation for a lot of its cast, particularly most of its villains. Some of that stuff just tips over into cliché.

I'm also tempted to go against goon consensus and argue that the fourth season was its strongest complete season, but I also quite liked season three.

Feb 17, 2011

OldSenileGuy posted:

If you haven’t watched Cobra Kai yet, then what the hell are you waiting for? It’s the most ridiculously over the top fun show I’ve seen in years.

Unless you watched the movies constantly when you were a kid, I would recommend watching The Karate Kid, then Cobra Kai seasons 1 & 2, then Karate Kid Part II, then Cobra Kai season 3.

Rewatching the movies isn’t strictly necessary, but you’ll definitely get more out of the show in terms of understanding in-jokes and small moments if the movies are fresh in your head.

I'm going to add to this that Karate Kid 3 had the absolute best Rifftrax since it's an absolutely insane movie.

Neddy Seagoon
Oct 12, 2012

"Hi Everybody!"

Open Source Idiom posted:

I'm also tempted to go against goon consensus and argue that the fourth season was its strongest complete season, but I also quite liked season three.

Season 4 isn't bad per-se, but being planetside in one location for most of it just kinda felt antithetical to the show's whole premise to me. It also just came off like the kind of story that would've been a two or three-parter in another sci-fi show rather than an entire seasonal focus.

Mar 30, 2006
I haven't really seen much talk about His Dark Materials in here but I just watched both seasons and very much enjoyed it. I haven't read the books though so I'm not sure if the show is a good adaptation or if it just shits on the source material.

Neddy Seagoon posted:

Season 4 isn't bad per-se, but being planetside in one location for most of it just kinda felt antithetical to the show's whole premise to me. It also just came off like the kind of story that would've been a two or three-parter in another sci-fi show rather than an entire seasonal focus.

This perfectly explains how I feel about season 4. I'm excited to watch season 5 but I want to wait until it's all out so I can binge it all over a couple days.

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

The show is one of the most incredibly faithful adaptations of any media I've ever seen. It's got some minor changes of course but basically all the major plot beats have been straight on.

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010

TheAardvark posted:

I somehow managed to never hear that Warrior was from the same guy as Banshee and it took like.. 3 minutes to just know, oh, this has to be by the Banshee people.

Is everyone as intensely unlikable as Banshee? I couldn’t get into that show because everybody sucked so much.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer

Regy Rusty posted:

The show is one of the most incredibly faithful adaptations of any media I've ever seen. It's got some minor changes of course but basically all the major plot beats have been straight on.

They really hosed up the bear fight tho

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

Escobarbarian posted:

They really hosed up the bear fight tho

That is true

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I don’t mind His Dark Materials in general but I do find it really boring at times. Season 2 was an improvement for sure - the Lyra/Will stuff was great - but it took until towards the end for me to really enjoy any scenes with Coulter or the witches, and then I thought the finale was a step down from the preceding episodes. I really hope they’re given the budget to properly portray the really crazy poo poo in book 3.

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010

Escobarbarian posted:

I don’t mind His Dark Materials in general but I do find it really boring at times. Season 2 was an improvement for sure - the Lyra/Will stuff was great - but it took until towards the end for me to really enjoy any scenes with Coulter or the witches, and then I thought the finale was a step down from the preceding episodes. I really hope they’re given the budget to properly portray the really crazy poo poo in book 3.

Is Lin Manuel Miranda still being a charisma black hole in the second season? He was awful in S1.

Solaris 2.0
May 14, 2008

Neddy Seagoon posted:

Season 4 isn't bad per-se, but being planetside in one location for most of it just kinda felt antithetical to the show's whole premise to me. It also just came off like the kind of story that would've been a two or three-parter in another sci-fi show rather than an entire seasonal focus.

Season 4 follows the book almost spot on, though the show has a bit more character growth for Naomi. Also the doctor doesn’t get horny. Both are for the better.

But yea of all The Expanse books, I think 4 is the weakest. It almost felt like the authors were trying to make the universe more “grounded” (heh) but then realized their mistake and book 5 is a massive correction.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer

Ugly In The Morning posted:

Is Lin Manuel Miranda still being a charisma black hole in the second season? He was awful in S1.

Yeah he still isn’t good but he’s trying bless him

The Klowner
Apr 20, 2019

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
LMM is just terrible at everything he does. He's like bizarro Donald glover

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I like him just fine as a composer and lyricist but drat he needs to not act ever again he needs to stop it

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!
Hamilton sucks.

I said what I said.

Sep 9, 2001


Ugly In The Morning posted:

Is Lin Manuel Miranda still being a charisma black hole in the second season? He was awful in S1.

They could have at least asked him to do a cowboy accent over the phone as an audition, that's all it would've taken.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

Rhyno posted:

Hamilton sucks.

I said what I said.

I've never seen Hamilton, and I never heard of Linda Manuel Miranda before the Hamilton craze started.

Is he funny or something?

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Escobarbarian posted:

I don’t mind His Dark Materials in general but I do find it really boring at times. Season 2 was an improvement for sure - the Lyra/Will stuff was great - but it took until towards the end for me to really enjoy any scenes with Coulter or the witches, and then I thought the finale was a step down from the preceding episodes. I really hope they’re given the budget to properly portray the really crazy poo poo in book 3.

What, really?

She's loving grand.

Jun 10, 2006


Hughmoris posted:

I've never seen Hamilton, and I never heard of Linda Manuel Miranda before the Hamilton craze started.

Is he funny or something?

Not really. He’s obviously talented, but in a way that’s quite cringeworthy. I like Broadway and have seen Hamilton, but can’t disagree with the statement that it’s like someone saying ‘I’m not like your other history teachers, I’m cool’ or it being like Captain Dan. They did a mixtape of the songs where actual hip hop artists like The Roots did their takes on the songs, and it’s infinitely better.

Apr 28, 2006

"Now it's time to say good bye to all our company. M I C - see you real soon :geno:"

May 17, 1993

Ugly In The Morning posted:

Is everyone as intensely unlikable as Banshee? I couldn’t get into that show because everybody sucked so much.

I'll have to get back to you on that. Honestly here's what I remember about Banshee:

- job was cool
- antony starr
- hot people fuckin'
- people gettin they rear end beat

so far this checks off the important boxes (2.5 of them anyway, no antony star)

AARD VARKMAN fucked around with this message at 16:47 on Jan 4, 2021

Neddy Seagoon
Oct 12, 2012

"Hi Everybody!"

Solaris 2.0 posted:

Season 4 follows the book almost spot on, though the show has a bit more character growth for Naomi. Also the doctor doesn’t get horny. Both are for the better.

But yea of all The Expanse books, I think 4 is the weakest. It almost felt like the authors were trying to make the universe more “grounded” (heh) but then realized their mistake and book 5 is a massive correction.

Something else, thinking on it, is the rest of season 4 is just transparent preamble for season 5. They should've compressed a LOT of this down, because all the Mars arc is all just to get Bobbie positioned to work for Avasarala and the stealth asteroids lobbed at Earth. Once you see it all in hindsight, it really could've been compressed into half a season and lost nothing that couldn't have probably been built into whatever comes after book 4.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer

Open Source Idiom posted:

What, really?

She's loving grand.

It’s not Ruth Wilson’s fault, it’s the writing of her scenes in most of season 2. She owns

Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

zoux posted:

"Now it's time to say good bye to all our company. M I C - see you real soon :geno:"

Listen I know some people hate That Guy, but - this is a parody. It is not a real thing that exists.


...of SCIENCE!
Apr 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

Regy Rusty posted:

Listen I know some people hate That Guy, but - this is a parody. It is not a real thing that exists.


It's funny because a couple years ago people were outraged when a news story about Disney not letting a family put Disney characters on a tombstone was making the rounds. It's like either way they can't win.

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010

Hughmoris posted:

I've never seen Hamilton, and I never heard of Linda Manuel Miranda before the Hamilton craze started.

Is he funny or something?

Someone described him as “painfully Theatre Kid” and it was one of those things that instantly gave words to how I feel about the guy. It’s like this painfully forced enthusiasm.

The Klowner
Apr 20, 2019

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
That description reminds me of how someone I know once described improv, but it fits with LMM as well

Ugly In The Morning posted:

Someone described him as “painfully Theatre Kid” and it was one of those things that instantly gave words to how I feel about the guy. It’s like this painfully forced enthusiasm.

Yes, and?

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!
I tried watching Letterkenny, it's not funny.

May 31, 2005

Old Town Road to EGOT

Rhyno posted:

I tried watching Letterkenny, it's not funny.

A friend recommended it to me so I watched the first handful of episodes. I don't know if you have to be Canadian to appreciate it or what, but I didn't laugh at all.

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010
I love letterkenny even though I went into it expecting to hate it. I’m from a (non-Canadian) hick town and that definitely helps, they really nail that particular setting.

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!

Rageaholic posted:


A friend recommended it to me so I watched the first handful of episodes. I don't know if you have to be Canadian to appreciate it or what, but I didn't laugh at all.

I'd seen a ton of clips on FB and was very puzzled by how many people say they love it as none of them had ever even made me crack a smile.


Mar 30, 2006
I love Letterkenny but it did take most of the first season before it really started to click for me. That kind of humor works for me but I definitely understand why some people wouldn't like it.

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