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Feb 7, 2006

One Road. Two Friends. One Ass.
Yeah I've watched WandaVison because it's been fun to see good actors try a variety of styles. I'm not keeping up after.


Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010

SunshineDanceParty posted:

good actors try a variety of styles.

That’s basically a short description of the MCU.

Looten Plunder
Jul 11, 2006
Grimey Drawer
Surely Love and Thunder is gonna be bugnuts crazy as well.

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010

Looten Plunder posted:

Surely Love and Thunder is gonna be bugnuts crazy as well.

After Thor 2 I almost skipped Ragnarok and would have very much regretted that.

Mar 12, 2008

Watching you sleep.

Butt first, let's
check the feeds.

Yeah, I think the MCU's gonna get a lot broader going forward. It was already headed in that direction with Ant Man, Guardians, and Ragnarok but the stuff they have in the pipeline has a lot of theoretical weirdness. Sam Raimi doing a Doctor Strange film with Multiverse in the title. Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy teaming up in a Taiki Waiti film. Moorehead and Benson doing a Moon Knght series. The Loki series. The Eternals and Shang Chi. MCU's definitely a little out of the box going forward and that's without even having any clear idea what sort of "multiverse" stuff they're planning.

But there's also gonna be a lot of standard MCU like Falcon/Winter Soldier because that stuff sells. They're messing with the formula but they're not gonna discard it entirely. And it feels like there's gonna be a lot of back and forth between fans who want more of what they like and the ones who want something different. But if Marvel does it right they'll give enough of both to satisfy as many as they can.

STAC Goat fucked around with this message at 22:07 on Feb 20, 2021

Jun 10, 2006


Ugly In The Morning posted:

After Thor 2 I almost skipped Ragnarok and would have very much regretted that.

It’s incredible they were able to reel me back in after making a movie as bad as The Dark World, but agreed.

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010


It’s incredible they were able to reel me back in after making a movie as bad as The Dark World, but agreed.

I dunno if I can even say The Dark World was bad, it was so forgettable I couldn’t tell you what it was about while I was watching it.

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

Calling Thor 2 bad is accidentally implying it's more interesting than it is.

Also the last like, fifteen minutes or so are kind of great, somehow? It's weird.

Mar 12, 2008

Watching you sleep.

Butt first, let's
check the feeds.

I rewatched it a few weeks ago and its not actively terrible or anything but its the most obvious "we need a sequel" sequel in the MCU. Just nothing really compelling to take away from it.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I know a lot of British people who think complaining about getting the tube lines wrong in Thor 2 is part of their personality lmao

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010

STAC Goat posted:

I rewatched it a few weeks ago and its not actively terrible or anything but its the most obvious "we need a sequel" sequel in the MCU. Just nothing really compelling to take away from it.

Eh, there’s also Iron Man 2.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Iron Man 2 is notable because I firmly believe that nobody gave any acting notes to Mickey Rourke and that was his one condition for doing the movie. Also we got the Justin Hammer dance.

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010
It also totally wasted the Demon in a Bottle storyline, which was part of why Iron Man was a favorite of mine growing up. My dad is an alcoholic and as a kid it was good to see that kind of presented honestly in the stories I was reading.

Jun 10, 2006


Arist posted:

Calling Thor 2 bad is accidentally implying it's more interesting than it is.

Also the last like, fifteen minutes or so are kind of great, somehow? It's weird.

That’s fair, it’s somehow so dull it remains a bad memory though. Don’t recall enjoying the last 15 minutes, or anything about the tube lines esco mentioned and I’m hire glad of it.

Mar 12, 2008

Watching you sleep.

Butt first, let's
check the feeds.

Ugly In The Morning posted:

Eh, there’s also Iron Man 2.

Iron Man 2's very sequely, sure, but its also one of the first real world expanding films. It introduces Black Widow, War Machine, and SHIELD proper and I think its the first time the MCU starts to actually look like the MCU. That's not as big a deal so many films and crossovers later but at the time I think it was a big deal.

Thor 2 on the other hand is basically just all the same players from Thor 1 doing more stuff. The only thing it really does that matters is I think its where Hemsworth and Hiddleston really start to get the feel for their characters as they'll be going forward instead of kind of stuffy Shakespearian characters.

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010

STAC Goat posted:

Iron Man 2's very sequely, sure, but its also one of the first real world expanding films. It introduces Black Widow, War Machine, and SHIELD proper and I think its the first time the MCU starts to actually look like the MCU. That's not as big a deal so many films and crossovers later but at the time I think it was a big deal.

Thor 2 on the other hand is basically just all the same players from Thor 1 doing more stuff. The only thing it really does that matters is I think its where Hemsworth and Hiddleston really start to get the feel for their characters as they'll be going forward instead of kind of stuffy Shakespearian characters.

Hemsworth had Thor down in that scene where he’s drunk with what’s-his-face in the first one.

Mar 12, 2008

Watching you sleep.

Butt first, let's
check the feeds.

Fair. And I guess Hiddelston had Loki in that scene where he's getting smashed by Hulk.

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames
Iron Man 2 is fine, it's just kind of bloated and directionless, but it's perfectly entertaining. A solid C+

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010

Simone Magus posted:

Iron Man 2 is fine, it's just kind of bloated and directionless, but it's perfectly entertaining. A solid C+

It just wastes a lot of good poo poo on that C+.

Jun 10, 2006


Iron Man 2 looked like a masterpiece compared to the 3rd, at least.

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010


Iron Man 2 looked like a masterpiece compared to the 3rd, at least.

The 3rd was great, though?

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

It just made me want to watch Kiss Kiss Bang Bang again instead. At least that one doesn't have annoying kid characters.

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

The kid in IM3 was also good

Mar 13, 2001
lol the third iron man is easily the best one. gtfo with that awful take

Dec 23, 2002

where are people at with 'a discovery of witches'? i watched the pilot, and it seems...a bit cheap? feels way more like a syfy pilot than something amc would put out. do the characters and story really go places from here?

Jun 10, 2006


OldSenileGuy posted:

lol the third iron man is easily the best one. gtfo with that awful take

The loving flying armor man. So, so bad. And then the girl who couldn’t decide which side she wanted to be on. And Happy being so loving insufferable they had to put him in a coma.

(Vague memories because I had zero desire to see it a second time. Also comic book movies are generally pretty poo poo as a whole, but at least can be entertaining.)

Feb 2, 2004

I get this funky high on the yellow sun.

Love it (I do) or hate it, IM3 is absolutely the most polarizing of the three. Pretty much everyone can agree 1 is solid, 2 has good concepts but wastes its potential, and then 3 just has diametrically opposed opinions from everyone. I do appreciate that when people say they dislike it, a lot of them do give good critiques (like some of the ones above) as opposed to just an outright dismissal of the film as a whole.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
Has there ever been a more generic show theme/intro than Mr. Mayor?

Nov 3, 2009

I have been watching The Office for the first time and I have no idea what the intro for that show wants to convey. The music is bad and doesn’t fit and the random clips from the show don’t tell you anything about the characters or the tone of the show. IDK, it just stands out to me as a particularly lazy and generic intro.

Aug 21, 2006

I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just some QB that I used to know
Finally got around to Avenue 5 and holy poo poo that show got dark, but hilarious. The scene where they convince themselves they are still on Earth as part of a reality show and keep spacing themselves to prove it is so good.

Nov 18, 2000


swickles posted:

Finally got around to Avenue 5 and holy poo poo that show got dark, but hilarious. The scene where they convince themselves they are still on Earth as part of a reality show and keep spacing themselves to prove it is so good.

It's amazing how precinct that was.

Jun 10, 2006


People can’t be that dumb!

*two months later*

Wow, people are that dumb!

Armando is a genius.

Jun 20, 2003

This is the dumbest thing to get hung up on in Mr Mayor but "cheap" bassoons cost $10k plus so that's a very impressive pub trivia prize to say the least lmao

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013


People can’t be that dumb!

*two months later*

Wow, people are that dumb!

Armando is a genius.

I read a Tweet talking about how the writer's room thought they went too far and were too dark in the show's first season, and then reality slapped them in the face.

I assume they'll be taking it further with the season that's just been filmed.

Jul 3, 2004

I'm watching The Shield and it's so funny that there are two cops that are there just to be bullies

Neddy Seagoon
Oct 12, 2012

"Hi Everybody!"

swickles posted:

Finally got around to Avenue 5 and holy poo poo that show got dark, but hilarious. The scene where they convince themselves they are still on Earth as part of a reality show and keep spacing themselves to prove it is so good.

Avenue 5 is amazing just for starting off looking like it's just going to be an obnoxiously-loud sitcom in space and letting the audience realize after like the second or third episode it's all continuous and there are consequences to every fuckup and oh god what next :suspense:.

Nov 11, 2003

by VideoGames

Cael posted:

Love it (I do) or hate it, IM3 is absolutely the most polarizing of the three. Pretty much everyone can agree 1 is solid, 2 has good concepts but wastes its potential, and then 3 just has diametrically opposed opinions from everyone. I do appreciate that when people say they dislike it, a lot of them do give good critiques (like some of the ones above) as opposed to just an outright dismissal of the film as a whole.
I always felt like 3 had too much going on. They try to pack in far too many subplots at once and only partially succeed. One less villain or a more focused central plot would've done wonders for it, and randomly happening upon a kid with the perfect Iron Man Recovery Garage in the middle of nowhere is a bit too coincidental.

IM2 and Thor 2 get far more poo poo than either should. The self-contained plots weren't great and the villains are sort of uninspired, but a lot happened to further the overall MCU story in both than a lot of the other films. Hulk still sucks though.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Iron Man 3 is a pretty good Shane Black movie and everyone who hates it should cancel themselves

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

I liked the part where it briefly turned into Lethal Weapon with Tony and Rhodie buddy cop bantering without any iron man suits on. The kid character was godawful.


Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010
The scene where Tony busts into the mansion with a bunch of hardware store stuff was extremely excellent and a great extension of the whole theme where the armor isn’t what makes him Iron Man

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