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Feb 13, 2012
My roommate is watching Survivor and I wish I could get into it but it just doesn't click with me. I think it's all the strategizing and alliances; it's ridiculous and stupid and I should be all over it but it just comes off as boring high school drama. Combine that with the "survivalist" setting and it makes the show seem more manufactured.

I guess I'll just stick with the 90 day fiance series even though they're just as manufactured.


muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

Okay, I don't watch the show but he's already the main/title character right? How is this is a spinoff?

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

I guarantee it's about money. If it's technically a new show then they can pay lower salaries again.

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

Mu Zeta posted:

I guarantee it's about money. If it's technically a new show then they can pay lower salaries again.

Plus they're getting rid of the entire cast pretty much. I wish Lance Reddick would be in this though too.

Jun 17, 2005

I've never seen that show outside of this thread so I choose to believe it's about a guy who makes dishwashers but also goes on adventures (mostly related to dishwashers or other kitchen appliances)

Mar 14, 2007

It's Gutfest '89
Grimey Drawer

GreenNight posted:

Plus they're getting rid of the entire cast pretty much. I wish Lance Reddick would be in this though too.

Mar 14, 2007

It's Gutfest '89
Grimey Drawer
Seemingly no Jamie Hector either, which sucks. I like J. Edgar and his character background is getting deeper & deeper.

Feb 9, 2021

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames

GreenNight posted:

Plus they're getting rid of the entire cast pretty much. I wish Lance Reddick would be in this though too.

If they don't even bother having Bosch at least move to a new city to explain the change then that's just lazy

Nov 18, 2000


Looks like the Paramount+ catalog went live early (it's possible it's been there since March 1st without me noticing.)

May 5, 2009

Bosch is going international to keep hunting down the baddies that took out his ex-wife and Job from Banshee.

Unless he already did that and I forgot. :newlol:

Apr 13, 2004

Fry old buddy, it's me, Bender!
Oven Wrangler

So it's a serial radio drama?

Chubby Henparty
Aug 13, 2007

Occasionally the early court room scene pops into my head
'Detective Bosch, just how many people have you killed?'
'I don't know'
'Thank you for your service'

(referring to his former green beret exploits)

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I hope it’s called Bosch 2

Looten Plunder
Jul 11, 2006
Grimey Drawer

Gaunab posted:

My roommate is watching Survivor and I wish I could get into it but it just doesn't click with me. I think it's all the strategizing and alliances; it's ridiculous and stupid and I should be all over it but it just comes off as boring high school drama. Combine that with the "survivalist" setting and it makes the show seem more manufactured.

I guess I'll just stick with the 90 day fiance series even though they're just as manufactured.

I'm going to defend Survivor here without trying to sound like an overly protective fanboy. I know Survivor is Reality TV (arguably the godfather of the genre) but it's not "Reality TV". Yes, the producers are telling a story. Yes, they will edit people down to stereotypical archetypes but there is very little manufactured or fake stuff when it comes to actual life on the island or the interactions between the contestants. 90 Day Fiance, The Bachelor, Real Housewives etc. are entirely different beasts with prolific use of Franken-biting (Survivor is guilty of this too, but not anywhere near the same degree), fake beefs purely to pop a rating, entirely staged settings/environments designed purely for the camera and nothing else. What you're seeing on Survivor when it comes to camp life is largely exactly what's happening. Contestants and crew are not allowed to interact with the exception being a producer coming over to ask a contestant to come to the side and film a confessional.

I assume you're watching Survivor on whatever service has recently put seasons up for streaming, and I'm not sure what seasons are available, but if you're a fan of reality TV there is bound to be an era of Survivor that appeals to you (it's changed a lot over 20 years). If it's the insane strategizing and the manufactured twists that aren't your jam, then you'd perhaps appreciate some of the older seasons when the game was a lot more "pure". Seasons like S15: China, S7: Pearl Islands, S6: The Amazon, S10: Palau or Season 12: Panama. You could even go as late as S19: Tocantins or S16: Micronesia (this is a great season but does have a Fans vs Favourites gimmick with half the players being returnees so maybe don't do it as a first viewing). You could even go back to one of the first 3 seasons where even uttering the word "alliance" was taboo for the most part.

Looten Plunder
Jul 11, 2006
Grimey Drawer


So it's a serial radio drama?

Is this a Quibi reject or something?

Dec 25, 2004

Looten Plunder posted:

Is this a Quibi reject or something?

Reads like a quarantine project to me. "How can we sell something to a streaming service that doesn't require us to film anything or use expensive animation?"

Jul 15, 2011

Formerly known as
Hair Elf
"Quibi reject" is a powerful phrase

Apr 13, 2004

Fry old buddy, it's me, Bender!
Oven Wrangler

Looten Plunder posted:

Is this a Quibi reject or something?

I guess it depends on if you can listen to it vertically and horizontally.

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Trailer makes it look like a podcast

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo

Bish Bash

The Klowner
Apr 20, 2019

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
The Mighty Bosch

Dec 22, 2009

"Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?"

The Klowner posted:

The Mighty Bosch

Elements of the past and the future, combining to make a show not quite as good as either!

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
So I just started watching the pilot of Jett. I see it hasnt been renewed for season 2 yet... Am I going to be mad with the way the only season wraps up?


Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!
I'm guessing the Bosch spinoff is going to be something to do with him leaving the police force and working for Mimi Rogers.

Sep 11, 2001

Hughmoris posted:

So I just started watching the pilot of Jett. I see it hasnt been renewed for season 2 yet... Am I going to be mad with the way the only season wraps up?


Maybe. It's 100% cancelled though.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!


Maybe. It's 100% cancelled though.


After having just finished The Knick, I don't know if I can take another show that met its end too early...

Toxic Fart Syndrome
Jul 2, 2006

*hits A-THREAD-5*

Only 3.6 Roentgoons per hour ... not great, not terrible.

...the meter only goes to 3.6...

Pork Pro

Oasx posted:

Did you just call Fringe lovely??

I're the only one who noticed and commented soooooooo :shrug:

Can I be polite and call it campy? :haw:

Hughmoris posted:


After having just finished The Knick, I don't know if I can take another show that met its end too early...

Wasn't there some talk about a third season, recently?

fakeedit: :toot:

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

I don't think Soderbergh has anything to do with it unfortunately

Nov 3, 2009

Article says he's EP so he has at least some involvement.


“I told them, ‘Look, I had, I had my shot. Godspeed, take it in whatever direction you want,’” he said

Aug 3, 2006

Do i remember right that Revolution was the one in which the Power went out and then some Google-Nerd became the unwilling Prophet of an all-powerful nanomachine-cloud thingy?
I kind of want to rewatch that now... :honked:

Dec 18, 2005

Break bread wit the enemy

So I just saw a trailer for Invincible. One of my all time fave comics. (Until it jumped all the sharks)

But holy hell does it look like poo poo and so the voiceactors sound like crap.

Dec 23, 2006

by vyelkin

Hakkesshu posted:

Article says he's EP so he has at least some involvement.

Eh, that doesn't necessarily mean much. JJ Abrams is a guy, for example, who probably has a dozen different executive producer credits at any given time but has no actual involvement. Spielberg and Ridley Scott are much the same way. Technically Dick Wolf is the EP on L&O SVU, L&O Organized Crime, the three Chicago shows, as well as the two FBI shows on CBS, but apparently the only ones he really pays attention to and works on are the two L&Os. Greg Berlanti seemingly has an EP credit on just about every single show on The CW; Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof are happy to put their names on anything that comes their way. And, of course, Aaron Spelling would let just about anyone put his name on a TV show or a movie if they slipped him a few bucks, but he was legendarily hands-off from most things he was nominally attached to. And so on.

A lot of the time, someone will allow their name to be attached to a project as an EP just because the name value makes it a little bit easier for that project to get funding or a green light.

Other times it's contractual, like how Gene Roddenberry held an executive consultant title on the Star Trek movies, and an EP credit on The Next Generation, despite having been removed from involvement with both (or, more recently, Bryan Fuller keeping his EP credit on Star Trek Discovery despite being fired months before filming began).

Either way, I think that's what's happening with Soderbergh and the Knick spinoff.

Timby fucked around with this message at 18:10 on Mar 4, 2021

Apr 28, 2006


Oct 11, 2006

Freshly Squeezed
I don't have the same confidence in Rob Thomas as I used to. iZombie just fizzled out during the last few seasons, and the new season of Veronica Mars was a little disappointing.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

All Creatures Great and Small is my fav show so far this year. It has the impossibly beautiful rolling green hills of a quaint English countryside town and what looks like extremely expensive costumes and sets that look straight out of the 1930s. Also has really cute puppies and farm animals. In almost every episode the protagonist sticks his arm deep into a cow's or horse's rear end in a top hat to diagnose them.

Sep 9, 2001


bou posted:

Do i remember right that Revolution was the one in which the Power went out and then some Google-Nerd became the unwilling Prophet of an all-powerful nanomachine-cloud thingy?
I kind of want to rewatch that now... :honked:

Yeah that's the one. The main character girl, or her brother maybe, could turn the power back on or something as well, which was why Giancarlo Esposito wanted to kidnap him.

It was so stupid, and it's a shame it didn't go longer.

Sep 26, 2019

Tying to binge watch a show where British People attempt to be sexy and its taken me 4 weeks thus far because British People attempt to be sexy


space marine todd
Nov 7, 2014

Is this where I can ask for recommendations? My partner and I really enjoy two kinds of shows: weird/mystery box shows (Lost, X-Files, and Twin Peaks) and shows full of beautiful cinematography/music/Big Social Themes (My Brilliant Friend, The Young Pope, and High Maintenance).

We especially like shows if they manage to do both things (Utopia, Watchmen, and The Leftovers). Action can be fun (The Witcher and The Mandalorian), but that's less of a priority for us.

Suggestions for something new to watch?

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