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muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

Oof, prolific character actor Craig "muMs" Grant has died. He was in a ton of stuff but most people will probably remember him as Poet on Oz.


Sydney Bottocks
Oct 15, 2004

IRQ posted:

Rush Limbaugh got literally everything he wanted.

IIRC he was anti-Trump at first, because he wanted Republican politicians to keep the quiet parts quiet and let him and others say the quiet parts out loud, as a way of deflecting blame off Republicans onto media people like him, so that the politicians could keep getting elected; and also because someone like Trump would eventually mobilize the Democratic base against him the way Limbaugh and others tried to motivate the Republicans against Bill Clinton and later Obama. Of course, like nearly everyone in conservative media during Trump's reign of error, he eventually came to kiss the ring, but I'm pretty sure he would've rather had a new version of GWB instead of Trump. And he died seeing the Republicans lose both the executive and legislative branches while the nutjobs he helped inspire have (finally) been getting labeled "domestic terrorists" and arrested by the bushel. So at least he died knowing that the carefully crafted conservative media machine he was such a huge part of was finally taken over by the people most likely to drive it straight into the ground, so there's some comfort in that. :)

Aug 4, 2007

The Demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering!

I missed Oscar Isaac chat but he's still in the thread title so here's him playing a Cure cover with Gaby Moreno & Friends. It's one of my favorite songs so I've had it bookmarked for repeat listens for ages. I didn't notice that was him until I scrolled down and read the comments a few months ago. Very excited for Moon Knight, even if he doesn't sing.

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

Yeah, I would definitely recommend the soundtrack to Inside Llewyn Davis where he actually sings a bunch of the songs.

Oct 17, 2006

Sirotan is a seal.

Thanks to this thread I now feel officially Old. It's 8pm, I'm tired and thinking of going to bed early, and I'm laying here watching Columbo for the first time ever. It's kinda enjoyable?

Oct 17, 2009

*Stupid Babby*

feedmyleg posted:

Lost another great one.

What are some under-seen gems in her career?

I never knew she was the mom in Dinosaurs

Chairman Capone
Dec 17, 2008

muscles like this! posted:

Yeah, I would definitely recommend the soundtrack to Inside Llewyn Davis where he actually sings a bunch of the songs.

I'll always laugh at how prophetic it is that Inside Llewyn Davis has Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver singing a song together addressed to someone named Kennedy about how they don't want to be made to go into space again.

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.

muscles like this! posted:

Yeah, I would definitely recommend the soundtrack to Inside Llewyn Davis where he actually sings a bunch of the songs.

The ILD soundtrack has been part of my usual rotation since the day I saw it in theaters. I love that movie so much and it’s the reason I’ll give pretty much any Oscar Isaac project a shot.

Sirotan posted:

Thanks to this thread I now feel officially Old. It's 8pm, I'm tired and thinking of going to bed early, and I'm laying here watching Columbo for the first time ever. It's kinda enjoyable?

One of us! One of us! Gooble gobble one more thing!

Season 1 is great, there’s only one or two mediocre episodes. Season 2 is even better.

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

So yeah, watched the first episode of Invincible and it definitely doesn't shy away from the gore, so be forewarned.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
Superstore just had their finale and I thought they did a good job landing it. I had started binge watching it during the height of the pandemic but fell out of it when America Ferrera left . I'm a bit sad to see it go. :smith:

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.
I used to really enjoy Superstore but never caught up with it after Mateo was arrested by ICE. Is it worth finishing?

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

Big Mean Jerk posted:

I used to really enjoy Superstore but never caught up with it after Mateo was arrested by ICE. Is it worth finishing?

Eh... I'm sure there are big fans of the show that would say yes. I thought the writing started falling off hard around that time, as a lot of shows do in the later seasons. If I'm being honest, I skimmed through a lot of the episodes in season 5 and most in season 6. I watched the finale just to see how they wrapped things up, and it was nice.

Nov 11, 2003

by VideoGames
I'm watching this volcano tonight and it's a pretty zen watch.

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.
Alright, I think I’ve found my favorite example of “Columbo trolls his murder suspect” thus far. Season 3, episode “Double Exposure”; the suspect is out high-stakes golfing with friends and about to take a shot when Columbo comes barreling out of nowhere in a golf cart shouting “Mr. [Suspect]! Oh Mr. [Suspect]!” and then in their resulting conversation only drops his gotcha bombshells as the guy is about to take his shots.

It’s another Robert Culp guest spot too, so it’s a great episode.

Annabel Pee
Dec 29, 2008
I hope he actually says Mr Suspect

Chubby Henparty
Aug 13, 2007

muscles like this! posted:

I'm still enjoying Debris but I'm not sure if it will really find an audience. It is very deliberately paced without a lot of straight up action.

I am fully down with Debris now. It's a 'small' sci fi show I think lots of people may have wanted: Each week a new piece of weird alien tech pops up and causes issues, but not as crazily as early-Fringe, and the team deals with it. There's wider plot hooks and double dealing going on in the background but so far that's not getting in the way of poisonous localized terraforming or whatever. The leads are charming, have good chemistry, and actually seem like nice people (I miss Limitless), outside of whatever double dealing the ongoing plot's about to drag them into. I like that they're actually applying the tech found in previous episodes to manage, and not even solve, the current problem.

Did anyone follow Reverie? That's a show I watched the pilot of and figured I'd seen every episode ever so didn't need to continue.

May 17, 1993

Chubby Henparty posted:

(I miss Limitless),

You and me and probably several other people do too. It just had a good vibe imo

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames

Chairman Capone posted:

I'll always laugh at how prophetic it is that Inside Llewyn Davis has Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver singing a song together addressed to someone named Kennedy about how they don't want to be made to go into space again.


Jun 10, 2006


Something about the latest Resident Alien felt weird, like the type of episode it was should've been more of a filler episode in the middle of the season. I still super enjoyed it as ever, and the Ancient Aliens guy being on it made me laugh, but I think that added to the 'filler episode' feel. Either way, sad there's only one left this season and excited already for s2.

Dec 25, 2004
For some reason I thought last week was the finale! Felt like one, certainly. Now I'm happy there is more.

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames
I started watching Resident Alien last night and didn't realize it's literally a riff on Northern Exposure, down to having the same red pickup truck, being apparently filmed in the same town, and even having characters that are remarkably similar.

It's great

Apr 28, 2006

Where are y'all watching this

Dec 25, 2004
The first few episodes are on Peacock. The rest of the episodes are on a sketchy site I found via googling.

Dec 25, 2004
The first three episodes of Invincible are out on Prime. I wasn't planning to watch it due to superhero fatigue amd general lack of interest, but a friend's recommendation prompted me to pop it on and I was pleasantly surprised. It's kind of refreshing to watch a totally straight superhero story that isn't chock full of cynicism or irony or satire and isn't trying to reinvent the wheel. It's kind of a greatest hits of the big DC and Marvel characters all mushed into a fairly simple and straightforward mold, executed well.

Jun 17, 2005

zoux posted:

Where are y'all watching this

I'm using my office's Direct TV login to watch through the Syfy app :evilbuddy:

Edit: I've only seen the first one so far but Tudyk is killing it

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer


Something about the latest Resident Alien felt weird, like the type of episode it was should've been more of a filler episode in the middle of the season. I still super enjoyed it as ever, and the Ancient Aliens guy being on it made me laugh, but I think that added to the 'filler episode' feel. Either way, sad there's only one left this season and excited already for s2.

Agreed. It was weird to go from the stakes of ep 8 to this more normal-feeling episode.

feedmyleg posted:

The first three episodes of Invincible are out on Prime. I wasn't planning to watch it due to superhero fatigue amd general lack of interest, but a friend's recommendation prompted me to pop it on and I was pleasantly surprised. It's kind of refreshing to watch a totally straight superhero story that isn't chock full of cynicism or irony or satire and isn't trying to reinvent the wheel. It's kind of a greatest hits of the big DC and Marvel characters all mushed into a fairly simple and straightforward mold, executed well.

Watched the first two so far. Enjoying it (the cast is so stacked!) but the dialogue is incredibly ropey. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised given that Kirkman himself seems to be running the adaptation, though.

Nov 10, 2002

Muay Buok
Season 2 of Solar Opposites drops today on Hulu

Feb 2, 2004

I get this funky high on the yellow sun.

isaboo posted:

Season 2 of Solar Opposites drops today on Hulu

So happy we get more of The Wall.

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

isaboo posted:

Season 2 of Solar Opposites drops today on Hulu

There's just something about this show that pushes my funny buttons. Like just stuff like the statue to Jack the Ripper when they were in London. Just laughing like crazy at that.

Jun 10, 2006


Cael posted:

So happy we get more of The Wall.

Due to my terrible memory for things that happen in shows, I can’t work out it all the wall flashback stuff is from last season or stuff that happened since. I think the latter?

I’m glad it’s back, but oof bad timing with regards one of the voice actors.

Mar 27, 2010

Chubby Henparty posted:

Did anyone follow Reverie? That's a show I watched the pilot of and figured I'd seen every episode ever so didn't need to continue.
I watched the whole thing when it first aired and I’ve forgotten literally everything about it. It was fairly standard network, scifi-lite like Stitchers or Looking Glass but even less memorable.

The Klowner
Apr 20, 2019

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Chairman Capone posted:

I'll always laugh at how prophetic it is that Inside Llewyn Davis has Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver singing a song together addressed to someone named Kennedy about how they don't want to be made to go into space again.

Oh my God

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

Uh oh!

Dec 22, 2009

"Jesus, did I say that? Or just think it? Was I talking? Did they hear me?"
“Suck my lovely tits, Robocop!”

Solar Opposites season 2 is great so far.


Gonz fucked around with this message at 07:30 on Mar 27, 2021

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Superstore finale was great. Gonna miss that show.

Jul 25, 2007

Hated it. Dropped out after 15 minutes some of the most bewildeeing writing ive seen in a while. Starts out with a 5 minute monologue from a side character that is Lifetime tier without the campiness, then introduces the main character on the toilet while his mom is in the bathroom. Bizaare.

Animation is terrible too. Ben 10 is better

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Shageletic posted:

Hated it. Dropped out after 15 minutes some of the most bewildeeing writing ive seen in a while. Starts out with a 5 minute monologue from a side character that is Lifetime tier without the campiness, then introduces the main character on the toilet while his mom is in the bathroom. Bizaare.

Animation is terrible too. Ben 10 is better

I had similar concerns, but I'd recommend you finish the first episode.

Can't confirm you'll change your mind, I'm still a bit touch and go. But I enjoyed the first episode holistically, and the second episode was quite strong.

Dec 25, 2004
Agreed—Invincible had a really rough start but steadily improved. The dialogue is still not great throughout, though.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I assume Jon Hamm monologuing to open episodes is going to be a running gag but drat it was a bizarre way to start the first episode of your new show


Feb 25, 2006

I believe in a universe that doesn't care, and people that do.

Show is bad.

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