bull3964 posted:From last week: Weird that the best season is the one that Gaiman had the least to do with and which deviated from his book the most (while he whined about it). One of the stories out of Season 2 were that McShane and others were having to re-write on set because the dialogue they were getting was awful. Anyway, Jim Belushi is tweeting about how he's learning lines from a script again and a new David Lynch show starts shooting next month. I refuse to believe it's a coincidence.
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# ? Feb 18, 2025 00:20 |
I liked season 3 more than 2, it was a bit more focused and actually seemed like it was driving towards something. Yeah, that cliffhanger. I guess there's some rumbling of a wrapup movie, but I doubt it's going to happen.
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Tenzarin posted:Joe Rogan is this generations Maya Angelou. Jamie, pull up that video of that gorilla... jesus christ man, tear your arms right off... whoah...
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Rick and Morty Season 5 will start June 20th.
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bull3964 posted:Rick and Morty Season 5 will start June 20th. Neat.
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CAPTAIN CAPSLOCK posted:It ended on episode 3. There are 8 episodes this season. fair enough, I thought that didn't make sense. Maybe I'll like it even more by the end.
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Sounds like a few potentially great shows were ruined with out of sequence storytelling. https://twitter.com/sepinwall/status/1376521271312228361?s=21 theblackw0lf fucked around with this message at 17:54 on Mar 30, 2021 |
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I remember the back-end of Battlestar Galactica S2 had a ton of episodes in a row that all did the "24 hours/48 hours/1 week earlier" bit to the degree that even the crew started making fun of it, though I think at least after that they steered clear of it going forward. Perhaps not coincidentally those included pretty much the worst episodes of BSG, too.
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Oh wow they killed a main character in the cold open -26 HOURS EARLIER- oh it's bullshit
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He better not watch Memento... Edit: ah well poo poo. That's what I get for posting before reading the article Cactus fucked around with this message at 18:28 on Mar 30, 2021 |
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Anyone who liked Solar Opposites should give Roiland’s game Trover Saves the Universe a shot. As a game it’s alright but it’s really, really goddamn funny if you like that sense of humor.
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Chairman Capone posted:I remember the back-end of Battlestar Galactica S2 had a ton of episodes in a row that all did the "24 hours/48 hours/1 week earlier" bit to the degree that even the crew started making fun of it, though I think at least after that they steered clear of it going forward. Perhaps not coincidentally those included pretty much the worst episodes of BSG, too. Alias seemed to be the one that did this all the time
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The Witcher's timeline was janky as gently caress, but as soon as I read it was all being told out of order for no reason I was able to just kick back and not care. I don't think that sort of a thing is necessarily a death sentence but it certainly doesn't make many shows better. I'm guessing its all due to streaming numbers and how a successful show is calculated. If they put a bunch of fun stuff early enough the audience will watch slightly longer and they'll get renewed because that's the only metric streamers care about.
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feedmyleg posted:The Witcher's timeline was janky as gently caress, but as soon as I read it was all being told out of order for no reason I was able to just kick back and not care. I don't think that sort of a thing is necessarily a death sentence but it certainly doesn't make many shows better. The Witcher did it in a super weird way because there was no indication that things were being done out of order. The out-of-order shenanigans added nothing to the show and had me completely baffled until I read about it, but that was after I gave up on it anyway.
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I liked the Witcher quite a bit but yea the three separate storylines set decades apart with only snippets of dialogue to hint at it was a bad choice.
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I also feel like the whole "24 hours earlier" thing completely misses the point of in medias res. You are supposed to start in the middle of the action and then keep going, filling out the backstory through dialogue and context. I mean, if the introductory part of the story is so boring that you don't trust it to keep the viewers attention, why include it at all? Obviously, this doesn't apply when non-linear narratives are used to achieve an artistic effect, but the default "let's move this one cool scene to the front so people don't change the channel" is just lazy storytelling.
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The CW live action Powerpuff Girls has cast its Professor Utonium and you'll never guess who. Donald Faison.
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muscles like this! posted:The CW live action Powerpuff Girls has cast its Professor Utonium and you'll never guess who. I read that name and immediately pictured Frankie in my head. And now I'm sad it isn't.
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Ugly In The Morning posted:The Witcher did it in a super weird way because there was no indication that things were being done out of order. The out-of-order shenanigans added nothing to the show and had me completely baffled until I read about it, but that was after I gave up on it anyway. By the time I finished the show I had seen people complaining about the "super complicated" timeline shenanigans (just the headlines, not the details) and I assumed there was going to be some huge timey wimey mindfuck twist in the tail, but no; it was just the blatantly obvious stuff that anyone paying even partial attention should have caught by episode two.
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All the Witcher had to do was put a date or a "20 years later" thing at the bottom of the screen like almost every other show that features time jumps does and all would have been well. I'm still baffled why they didn't. Sure, if you're paying super close attention and/or are familiar with the source material you can pick up what's happening but come on, the obvious reality is that very few casual Netflix viewers fall into that category. Wherever the line is between having respect for your viewers intelligence and making your story reasonably easy to follow, the Witcher was just shy of falling on the right side of it.
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Part of the problem was that the show is a bit of a slog a lot of the time so it was easy to stop paying attention and miss whatever small cues they had about the time gaps.
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bull3964 posted:Rick and Morty Season 5 will start June 20th. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6Zy_mLgSNQ Trailer if you want one
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Cactus posted:Sure, if you're paying super close attention and/or are familiar with the source material you can pick up what's happening but come on, the obvious reality is that very few casual Netflix viewers fall into that category. If people can't work it out they're either not paying attention at all, in which case they have no right to complain, or they're morons. I had never read the books or played the games. I'm not someone who pays super close attention when watching shows and my memory's poo poo, but I got it in episode 1. There were huge loving hints in the first three episodes, but it's not necessary for anybody to know before episode four, when it's spelled out in huge letters so even the dumbest viewer should get it.
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Why only give 'hints' though? It's not treated as some massive twist with a big reveal. It was silly not having '20 years earlier' cards.
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Junkenstein posted:Why only give 'hints' though? It's not treated as some massive twist with a big reveal. It was silly not having '20 years earlier' cards. Because they knew that people would be able to pick it up without a card. Which most did. It's not giving 'hints' like a big mystery, it's just not telling you outright either. There's nothing wrong with not bludgeoning the audience over the head at all times.
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theblackw0lf posted:Sounds like a few potentially great shows were ruined with out of sequence storytelling. Speaking of Rick and Morty, whenever people talk about in media res I always think about this bit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJ-Z_DW0AuE It's basically Harmon listing off his screenplay pet peeves but it's also just a great guide to avoid hacky writing in general. Whenever you write something, ask yourself: are you doing anything the Screenplay Guy would do?
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New Godzilla owns but man Coach Taylor finally started aging, and it looks like the past 10 years all caught up with him at once
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I know that i'm about 40 years too late, but I just finished Little House on the Prarie and it was really good!
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Oasx posted:I know that i'm about 40 years too late, but I just finished Little House on the Prarie and it was really good! ...really? I'd always assumed it was like, white American propaganda fluff. It's good?
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DrVenkman posted:Because they knew that people would be able to pick it up without a card. Which most did. It's not giving 'hints' like a big mystery, it's just not telling you outright either. There's nothing wrong with not bludgeoning the audience over the head at all times. Some did. Enough didn't that it became a very common criticism that could easily have been avoided. Putting "20 years later" at the bottom of the screen for a couple of seconds when needed is not "bludgeoning the audience" and would not have detracted at all from the overall experience of watching The Witcher for anyone, whether they had already cottoned on or not. Not doing so did detract from the experience for a not-insignificant number of people, enough that we're still bringing it up today when the topic of unneeded time jumps comes up. I had to point it out to a couple of my friends that each character arc was taking place decades apart, after which they stopped getting confused as to the timeline of events and were able to enjoy it. Had I not read (most of) the first short story book I probably would have been the same. None of us are slavering morons unable to put 2 and 2 together - we're slavering morons for different reasons - it's just that we're just used to certain conventions being used to indicate when time jumps are occuring that were not being used here. Nothing to lose if you do, something to lose if you don't, and they chose not to. Baffling.
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Simone Magus posted:...really? I'd always assumed it was like, white American propaganda fluff. It's good? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31wTSY3nZZs Sorry for the extremely irritating watermark here Also I thought Todd Bridges died like all those other 80s child stars but he didn't! Good news!
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Oasx posted:I know that i'm about 40 years too late, but I just finished Little House on the Prarie and it was really good! Time for Gunsmoke!
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zoux posted:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31wTSY3nZZs Holy gently caress. That's great.
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Simone Magus posted:...really? I'd always assumed it was like, white American propaganda fluff. It's good? Little House on the Prairie is inoffensive family faire. I haven't seen all of it, but my mom loved it so, when I was growing up and we had a day off from school (and during the summer), it was time for LIttle House as soon as the cartoons ended around 9am. She departed the wisdom on me that every episode falls into one of two categories, sad or funny. That Nelly Olson was a snotty little poo poo though
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Iron Crowned posted:Little House on the Prairie is inoffensive family faire. I haven't seen all of it, but my mom loved it so, when I was growing up and we had a day off from school (and during the summer), it was time for LIttle House as soon as the cartoons ended around 9am. She departed the wisdom on me that every episode falls into one of two categories, sad or funny. I don't think it's fair to call it inoffensive. Sure it isn't The Wire, but a surprising amount of people die. Compared to dramas of today it can get pretty darn dark.
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Oasx posted:I don't think it's fair to call it inoffensive. Sure it isn't The Wire, but a surprising amount of people die. Compared to dramas of today it can get pretty darn dark. it was the 70's, people died all the time
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Ye gods CBS, have a little dignity https://twitter.com/Snoodit/status/1377357712678211587
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howe_sam posted:Ye gods CBS, have a little dignity Should've been CSI: Miami
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# ? Feb 18, 2025 00:20 |
https://twitter.com/DEADLINE/status/1377366559346192386 Hell yes
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