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Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

Two????? :popeye:


Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

Someone tweeted that Danial should have a different accent in each movie and Rian replied saying he was considering it.

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

I'm a little bummed that this means they probably won't be in theaters though.

Feb 17, 2011

Arist posted:

I'm a little bummed that this means they probably won't be in theaters though.

Theaters still exist?

Josh Lyman
May 24, 2009

That's a stupid waste of money.

And it should be a miniseries instead.

Chairman Capone
Dec 17, 2008

For some reason I thought that William Peterson had been me too'd, but I think I was just confusing him with his character in The Contender.

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames
I am extremely here for Knives Out sequels forever

The Klowner
Apr 20, 2019

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
I love all of the actors in the original but I really hope they keep it in the spirit of the Poirot/Holmes/Lecoq detective story heritage and only have Daniel Craig return in the sequels

Oct 9, 2012
one character in each movie has to wear the sweater.

Looten Plunder
Jul 11, 2006
Grimey Drawer

The Klowner posted:

I love all of the actors in the original but I really hope they keep it in the spirit of the Poirot/Holmes/Lecoq detective story heritage and only have Daniel Craig return in the sequels

Is assume this is very much how it would work.(I'd like to have Stanfield back too)

As awesome as the cast is, how much fun would it be waiting on the cast announcements each time. I'd imagine there's be actors lining up to get a spot in one of them

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

All the actors come back but play different characters, including Daniel Craig.

Dec 30, 2008

Oasx posted:

I don't think it's fair to call it inoffensive. Sure it isn't The Wire, but a surprising amount of people die. Compared to dramas of today it can get pretty darn dark.

For real. I had to watch a lot of Little House and I thought it was some sappy feel-good family show at first, but I grew to like it quite a bit. It got surprisingly real sometimes. Mary losing her eyesight and then convincing herself that she was getting it back was just sad. Poor Mary, she got a pretty lovely deal overall.

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames

The Klowner posted:

I love all of the actors in the original but I really hope they keep it in the spirit of the Poirot/Holmes/Lecoq detective story heritage and only have Daniel Craig return in the sequels

Yeah I'm hoping that's what "sequel" means in this context

Feb 19, 2006
Turning the light on the darkest places, you and I know we got to face this now. We got to face this now.

Rian already said it's a new mystery just with Danial back as the detective.

Inspector 34
Mar 9, 2009



Mu Zeta posted:

All the actors come back but play different characters, including Daniel Craig.

Would love to see Michael Shannon with the Foghorn Leghorn accent.

Nov 18, 2000


This year's [as] gag is Adult Swim Jr. with shows dubbed by children. Rick and Morty Babies right now.

It's extra amusing that they are subing in different words for most swears, but they are letting the fucks fly uncensored, by little kids.

bull3964 fucked around with this message at 04:11 on Apr 1, 2021

RC and Moon Pie
May 5, 2011

bull3964 posted:

This year's [as] gag is Adult Swim Jr. with shows dubbed by children. Rick and Morty Babies right now.

It's extra amusing that they are subing in different words for most swears, but they are letting the fucks fly uncensored, by little kids.

The ATHF song has been redone, too.

e: At least some of the ATHF episode is kid-friendly. Carl's porn is now coloring books. The animation has been updated to look like a coloring book.

RC and Moon Pie fucked around with this message at 04:38 on Apr 1, 2021

Nov 18, 2000


RC and Moon Pie posted:

The ATHF song has been redone, too.

Yeah, they did a whole new opening with Rick and Morty including animation.

I'm finding this way more amusing than I should.

They've put more effort into this year's stunt than they have for years.

Aug 21, 2007

Live, laugh, kupo!

Simone Magus posted:

...really? I'd always assumed it was like, white American propaganda fluff.

The books were, Laura Ingalls Wilder made a lot of excuses for her family of the "oh the place was empty and we did everything for ourselves as true Americans without government getting in the way" variety. I believe her daughter's considered one of the founders of Libertarianism. Not sure about the show, it's been ages since I saw any so I'll leave that to others.

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010

bull3964 posted:

Yeah, they did a whole new opening with Rick and Morty including animation.

I'm finding this way more amusing than I should.

They've put more effort into this year's stunt than they have for years.

Bushworld Adventures was decently high effort.

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!

Ugly In The Morning posted:

Bushworld Adventures was decently high effort.


Nov 18, 2000


I am kinda bummed out was just those two shows and they are done already.

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.
I’m watching an episode of Columbo guest-starring Miguel Ferrer’s dad, Jessica Walter, Robby the loving Robot, and a kid character named Steven Spelberg who apparently invented Robby. Also there’s a running gag of Columbo trying to get all these characters to watch his dog while he investigates.

I love this show.

Aug 21, 2007

Live, laugh, kupo!

Big Mean Jerk posted:

I’m watching an episode of Columbo guest-starring Miguel Ferrer’s dad, Jessica Walter, Robby the loving Robot, and a kid character named Steven Spelberg who apparently invented Robby. Also there’s a running gag of Columbo trying to get all these characters to watch his dog while he investigates.

I love this show.

If I remember my trivia Spielberg had directed an episode with the same writer, who then named the kid as a nod. This was a few years before Jaws and Close Encounters and such so he was hardly a household name.

Looten Plunder
Jul 11, 2006
Grimey Drawer

bull3964 posted:

This year's [as] gag is Adult Swim Jr. with shows dubbed by children. Rick and Morty Babies right now.

It's extra amusing that they are subing in different words for most swears, but they are letting the fucks fly uncensored, by little kids.

What is this and where can I watch it?

Sydney Bottocks
Oct 15, 2004

wizardofloneliness posted:

For real. I had to watch a lot of Little House and I thought it was some sappy feel-good family show at first, but I grew to like it quite a bit. It got surprisingly real sometimes. Mary losing her eyesight and then convincing herself that she was getting it back was just sad. Poor Mary, she got a pretty lovely deal overall.

I've been doing a rewatch of WKRP in Cincinnati (one of my favorite sitcoms of all time), and in the "Real Families" episode there's a bit of a dig at LHotP, which was beating WKRP in the ratings at the time. Herb's wife gets asked what kind of shows they let their kids watch, and she says "The Little House in the Prairie, that's a fine, wholesome show. It's about blind children out west, and every week they have a fire, or someone gets an incurable disease. We enjoy it very much!" :v:

Nov 18, 2000


Looten Plunder posted:

What is this and where can I watch it?

April Fools gags typically are gone once they are aired.

When it cycled through the 2nd time, I realized I was wrong about the "fucks' and they inserted other words. Still super amusing.

Adult Swim did post the redone opening though (only the opening was re-animated.)

May 17, 1993
Never felt like the right time before, but I'm watching through Arrested Development finally. And let me just say: Lmao

Jun 10, 2006


Wait til your fourth watch through.

Apr 28, 2006


Wait til your fourth watch through.

Yeah, one of the most joke-dense shows ever made.

Dec 25, 2004

Aardvark! posted:

Never felt like the right time before, but I'm watching through Arrested Development finally. And let me just say: Lmao

Do yourself a favor and stop after season 3. Don't break your own heart by watching the Netflix seasons.

Chairman Capone
Dec 17, 2008

I don't know, I agree that it's nowhere near the original run, but there are some good bits in season 4, especially with Tobias, GOB, and Buster. (At least the original version of the season 4 episodes, I don't think the re-edits Netflix did flowed as well. I think you can still watch the original versions, too.)

Plus Herman Love, DeBris, Dr. Norman, and Argyle are great season 4 characters.

I say, as long as you keep your expectations suitably low, it's worth it to watch season 4, especially if you view it as a spinoff rather than part of the "real" show.

On the other hand, absolutely stay away from season 5. Not even worth watching it as a curiosity.

Edit: It is crazy to think how from the end of the original run up until season 4, there was such a huge AD fandom, and then the first Netflix season just completely deflated that. I remember the AD thread here would have dozens (dozens of us!) of posts a week, if not a day, right up until season 4, and then it died off almost instantly. In retrospect, while I do think there are some true gems in season 4, a movie might have been a better way to go, especially given how difficult it apparently was to get the actors together to film for any extended period of time.

Chairman Capone fucked around with this message at 16:00 on Apr 1, 2021

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Yeah I really enjoy season 4 but 5 has almost no redeeming qualities and should be completely ignored

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

I didn't even finish the second episode of Season 5. It was just so lifeless.

Jun 10, 2006


As someone who enjoyed s4 enough at the time, it wasn't enough for me to rewatch it (never did the alt ordering) and never even tried s5. It's such a shame. I might have to do s1-3 again soon though, it's been a few years and I need something new to watch.

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.
I love season 4, but the remixed version that Netflix now features is a loving atrocity. It ruins so many great jokes.

If you end up watching season 4, which you should, watch it in the original order which iirc Netflix has now buried in the Trailers & More section.

Apr 5, 2007
I quoted Season 4/5 a lot last year, mostly to myself, because I need more of that stimmy-mummy

Nov 3, 2009

Season 4 is so weirdly ambitious and it keeps up the density of the jokes, it's definitely worth watching, and almost at the level of season 3 in my opinion. Unfortunately, the fact that they could never get the scheduling right really does hurt it, and the obviously green screened actors is legitimately one of the most distracting things I can remember seeing in a show.

As has been said, season 5 has almost no redeeming qualities, and the green screening/obviously ADR'ed lines are even worse than in season 4. I do like the actual ending, though.

Hakkesshu fucked around with this message at 16:13 on Apr 1, 2021

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames
I didn't bother to finish S5 either. 4 was fantastic though


Dec 25, 2004
Yeah, it's been ages since I revisited the first few AD seasons but I watched some clips after Jessica Walter's passing and I really feel like it's time for a rewatch.

Hakkesshu posted:

Season 4 is so weirdly ambitious and it keeps up the density of the jokes, it's definitely worth watching, and almost at the level of season 3 in my opinion.

I respect its ambition for sure, but I still don't enjoy it. Comparing it to season 3 isn't inaccurate since that season was also a mess, but at least it felt like in line with the previous two seasons and acted as a really good payoff. Like it or not, season 4 feels like a different thing entirely. To me it feels vestigial.

Simone Magus posted:

4 was fantastic


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