galenanorth posted:
What thread is that? Got a link? I love that kind of stuff.
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# ? Feb 13, 2025 02:13 |
I decided to start watching The Girlfriend Experience show based on really enjoying Amy Seimetz’s last movie. Did anyone here watch it? I noticed Seimetz and her other co-writer/director for s1 split up and did their own separate seven-episode stories for s2, what’s the deal with that?
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Didn't know they made a series out of that. And didn't even bring back Sasha Grey
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Ugly In The Morning posted:What thread is that? Got a link? I love that kind of stuff. https://twitter.com/itxaropena/status/1347951968325677064
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Azhais posted:Didn't know they made a series out of that. And didn't even bring back Sasha Grey I think the main reason being that she is a really terrible actress.
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The difference for the over 30 crowd is that we didn't have those events injected directly into our veins with 12 different versions of commentary coming at you simultaneously with half of them being conspiracy theories. You often had to wait a whole 12 hours between news updates! A lot fewer first hand accounts and footage too.
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Rhyno posted:I think the main reason being that she is a really terrible actress. Maybe it was the script, she has been great in everything else I have seen her in.
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bull3964 posted:The difference for the over 30 crowd is that we didn't have those events injected directly into our veins with 12 different versions of commentary coming at you simultaneously with half of them being conspiracy theories. I think the first major news event like that for me was the Boston Bombing, where I was mainlining news from the GBS thread.
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bull3964 posted:The difference for the over 30 crowd is that we didn't have those events injected directly into our veins with 12 different versions of commentary coming at you simultaneously with half of them being conspiracy theories. I miss the days when conspiracy theories involved aliens and/or bigfoot who is also an alien, instead of Obama secretly running the government to make Trump look like an idiot. Ugly In The Morning posted:I think the first major news event like that for me was the Boston Bombing, where I was mainlining news from the GBS thread. And that was what only 7 years ago now?
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Iron Crowned posted:
Widespread smartphones have only been a thing for about 12 years. Really crazy to think about, just a little over a decade of having everything at your fingertips all the time. Hurricane Katrina is one of the first events that I really followed for the whole day online. 2005 so no smartphones yet, but I was at a computer all day at work. 9/11 was virtually impossible to follow online at the time. The infrastructure damage at the WTC took down a ton of internet routes and no sites were able to keep up with the sudden increase in traffic anyways. I think it took about 10 minutes to load the front page of CNN on broadband.
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No, nothing ever happened before I turned 30.
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i remember talking about 9/11, on 9/11, in the east commonlands in everquest
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bull3964 posted:Widespread smartphones have only been a thing for about 12 years. Really crazy to think about, just a little over a decade of having everything at your fingertips all the time. Smartphones were a thing 12 years ago but I wouldn’t call them widespread til 2012 or so- I can’t find it now but there’s a graph of smartphone adoption rates over time and there’s a huge spike in the early 2010’s.
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Ugly In The Morning posted:Smartphones were a thing 12 years ago but I wouldn’t call them widespread til 2012 or so- I can’t find it now but there’s a graph of smartphone adoption rates over time and there’s a huge spike in the early 2010’s. Plus you couldn't really take/host 4k UHD HDR video like we do now. Things were barely better than the Rodney King footage for a long time. I know this is confirmation bias, but I feel like a bunch of milestones in my like (38ish) was accompanied by these news events that everyone was watching. Started High School and a month or two later Princess Di passes away and I stay up all night watching news and then watch/record her funeral. Get out of high school, 9/11. poo poo's wild
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Ugly In The Morning posted:Smartphones were a thing 12 years ago but I wouldn’t call them widespread til 2012 or so- I can’t find it now but there’s a graph of smartphone adoption rates over time and there’s a huge spike in the early 2010’s. The first iPhone rolled out 14 years ago, and I think I was using my first BlackBerry in ... 2008, but Android 2, and the OG Motorola Droid (with the slide-out keyboard, and also the first phone to ship with Google Maps navigation pre-installed) alongside the rollout of 3G networks, dropped in late 2009, and I'd say that's around the time smartphones really entered the mainstream. Timby fucked around with this message at 22:21 on Jan 11, 2021 |
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Timby posted:Google Maps
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FilthyImp posted:poo poo I remember when they announced that was going mobile. Stock in Garmin dropped like a loving rock immediately. Yeah, that was a pretty huge seismic shift in the landscape. Not only did Garmin become a non-entity almost overnight, but Apple also realized that Google wasn't just dancing around in the smartphone OS space but rather actually intended to play. Google made a ton of mistakes in those early years of Android, some of which from which it will always be recovering, but the Maps thing on Android was huge and forced Apple to license Google Maps immediately so it didn't get lapped.
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TheAardvark posted:i remember talking about 9/11, on 9/11, in the east commonlands in everquest about all I remember about 9/11 is I got the day off work because my office was in the evacuation zone around another potential target (the mall of america)
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The level of shock around navigation on your phone that didn't require a monthly subscription charge was mind blowing. Verizon charged like $5 /month for VZ Navigator (or $1 for 24 hour access.) I briefly had a Windows Mobile phone Samsung Omnia SCH-i910 before jumping to a Moto Droid. Oh I remember being excited when I got flash working on the Droid so I could watch videos from websites since the app library wasn't too developed at that point. How things have changed.
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Print those directions off of mapquest and hope there's no traffic.
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The January 6 Capitol riot was the first time I've mainlined news for hours for an event other than an election since Hurricane Katrina. During landfall, I watched CNN for hours. I browsed SomethingAwful as a lurker and saw some SimCity disaster memes
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Escobarbarian posted:Renew Infinity Train HBO Max you cowards
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The death at the end of s3 is so unbelievably brutal.
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Now that Alex’s actor is a sex pest and Bobbie hasn’t had much to do this season, I nominate Amos for Best Expanse Character This Season Thus Far. I was a little iffy on the premise of the Roci crew being so split up this season, but they’ve really made it work. The only plot I don’t really care about is Naomi’s, but that’s mostly because I can’t stand her son or Marco. Drummer seems a little underutilized as well, but that’s a tiny complaint and it looks like she’s about to have her plot folded into the larger arc of the season.
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TheAardvark posted:i remember talking about 9/11, on 9/11, in the east commonlands in everquest This hits me hard because on 9/11 they sent everyone home from work at noon and all I wanted to do was log on but my girlfriend at the time wanted to cry on the phone to me all night while she watched the news so I couldn't dial up and get online and I am a horrible person
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First time I remember constantly being tuned in was when a forest fire hit my hometown in 2000. That wasn't due to constant news updates though, the news just kept repeating the same thing, it was just easy to get sucked into being a trauma zombie and I eventually managed to get a crowbar between my parents and the hotel television.
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I remember the space shuttle explosion but none of the details of the day. 9/11 I was extremely hung over but remember my mom came over to wake me up and we sat there for 3 or 4 hours.
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I was working second shift when 9/11 happened and I remember going out to get some lunch during the day and the streets and parking lots of businesses were all empty. It was like a ghost town.
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muscles like this! posted:I was working second shift when 9/11 happened and I remember going out to get some lunch during the day and the streets and parking lots of businesses were all empty. It was like a ghost town. I worked for Borders at the time, the company had a location in one of the towers. We had a company wide vigil in the stores and as soon as they confirmed every employee got out we closed for the day.
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For the 1986 Challenger disaster I was at home watching the launch because my parents let me skip school to watch because I was a space nerd. For 9/11 I was asleep and my girlfriend called to tell me and I thought she said "We're being attacked by Paris" instead of "by terrorists" and I was really confused.
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On 9/11 I walked into Tower Records to buy the new CAKE and Ben Folds albums. The CAKE "Comfort Eagle" came with a free t-shirt.
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I remember hearing that with The Flight Attendant it starts great and just gets worse and worse from there. Is that accurate? If I’m already finding myself bored and looking at my phone throughout the first two episodes should I just bail?
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OldSenileGuy posted:I remember hearing that with The Flight Attendant it starts great and just gets worse and worse from there. Is that accurate? If I’m already finding myself bored and looking at my phone throughout the first two episodes should I just bail? I thought it started great and kept being great, but if you don't like the first two episodes, it's probably not for you. I was pleasantly surprised by how surreal it was, with the whole recurring hotel dreamscape.
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I was having a lymphadenctomy on the morning of 9/11 and when I came to, the hospital was on lockdown and everyone in Recovery was watching the TV instead of the patients. The horrified gasps of the nurses when the second plane hit is something that's stuck with me to this day. In that moment, it felt like the world was ending in my then-drugged up teenaged mind. Mu Zeta posted:On 9/11 I walked into Tower Records to buy the new CAKE and Ben Folds albums. The CAKE "Comfort Eagle" came with a free t-shirt. Those were some good choices. Commissioning a Symphony in C is still Cake's best song.
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OldSenileGuy posted:I remember hearing that with The Flight Attendant it starts great and just gets worse and worse from there. Is that accurate? If I’m already finding myself bored and looking at my phone throughout the first two episodes should I just bail? Nah it’s pretty consistently good imo
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Vanderdeath posted:
Cake rules but gets a ton of poo poo because by being easy to cover bar bands and the like overplayed the hell out of their songs in the late 90’s-2000’s.
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I had been driving all day and was getting gas, someone came up to panhandle me for money and they were saying they needed the gas money so they could "go help those people in the destroyed part of new york city" and I was like "wtf are you talking about"". He just walked away instead of explaining but the radio quickly caught me up.
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OldSenileGuy posted:I remember hearing that with The Flight Attendant it starts great and just gets worse and worse from there. Is that accurate? If I’m already finding myself bored and looking at my phone throughout the first two episodes should I just bail? This is how it felt for me. Production is pretty good, but story, acting and characters are pretty bland. I watched all of it because it never actually becomes grating or bad, but it was entirely unmemorable.
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TheAardvark posted:i remember talking about 9/11, on 9/11, in the east commonlands in everquest We'd just wiped in Dragon Nec and the CR was just completely stalled by guild/ooc chat and I remember caring more about getting my corpse and a rez than whatever was going on in the US.
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# ? Feb 13, 2025 02:13 |
My real first big news early memory is actually Reagan getting shot. I remember how school was a buzzed that day, but that is all I remember. Funny when I search my memory of early big events in my life the first one that comes to mind 'clearly' is the series finale of MASH of all things (ironic I post this in TVIV almost 38 years later). I know not news, but it was a big deal in 1983. On 9/11 we had a cafeteria at work with a TV. Everyone keep migrating that way as it became a reality that we were under attack. It was a large call center for Citibank owned credit cards (over a 1,000 people), so it got pretty insane. We stopped making outbound calls and a few people stayed working to take incoming calls. We also had a scheduled blood drive that day at work, and I remember hearing about the missing PA flight on the blood bank's bus radio while I gave blood. At the time I was part-time at my job and I was suppose to have afternoon college classes that day but they were canceled. So I spent the day at my brother's house watching the news until my wife got off work. I do clearly remember the misplaced anger I felt that night, wishing we could strike at something, anything immediately. A stupid human reaction that in hindsight is pure garbage. Remember all the American flags everywhere during the weeks after? It was easier to find toilet paper in March 2020 than it was to find a flag after 9/11. Most Americans had a false sense of unity that later got destroyed by our misguided invasion of Iraq. Rhyno posted:I remember the space shuttle explosion but none of the details of the day. I remember my mom let me stay home from school at the time (I was 13 at the time) and we watched it happen. I remember thinking it seemed like something that would happen in a movie not in reality.
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