Chris Evans is the ne plus ultra for me. I'm legit mad at the fake new Cap in FatWS because who the hell does he think he is.
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# ? Feb 18, 2025 09:08 |
MST3K Kickstarter is up https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mst3k/makemoremst3k Basically Joel wants to forgo the "getting on a streaming service" part of the previous revival and is trying to just make new MST that is audience funded. Same cast as before with production starting pretty quickly after completion of the campaign. The idea being that they're going to make an app with a subscription model with new episodes going up one at a time and a rotating library of older episodes.
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Is it bringing back the same cast? I assume so since they're using Jonah in the header but I didn't see anything in there.
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Simone Magus posted:Anderson Cooper would be the best jeopardy host, why not do that He was awesome when he was hosting The Mole back before he was really well known. God that was a good show.
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I can't see myself subscribing to any MST3K service if they're just delivering more of the same. I'd watch it on YouTube with ads, but at this point that's as far as I'd go. I can just rewatch the old ones for free.
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muscles like this! posted:MST3K Kickstarter is up There are a couple of red flags I'm seeing here. First, repeat crowdfunding campaigns rarely out-do their predecessors, and even the original "Bring Back MST3K" campaign, with its $6+ million raised, needed additional capital from Netflix in order to actually get everything out the door. And second, while everyone loves the idea of building their own streaming platform / app and doing their own thing, that kind of endeavor tends to be a lot more expensive and a lot more complicated than people really expect at the outset--there's a reason, after all, that ESPN, CBS, WWE, the NHL, HBO, PlayStation Vue and a bunch of other companies either use or have used BAMTech / Disney Streaming Services, which began as MLB.tv, as their streaming backend infrastructure instead of rolling their own--and with things like “frequent live screenings, premieres, and community events” and all this stuff with the Gizmoplex virtual theater, it just seems like a really, really ambitious project, and I have to question whether Joel & Co. have adequately scoped everything out in terms of timeline, budget, all that.
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I just wanna back at a level that means I can watch the new episodes but it seems like a subscription model to this streaming service so uh, I'll let other people put the money forward and wait until it's established and the episodes have all been released and then I'll subscribe.
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muscles like this! posted:MST3K Kickstarter is up I hope it isn't but I think this might be a failure waiting to happen.There were stories that it was very mismanaged last time and I don't really trust Joel to be able to pull off something even more ambitious. Also they better get someone else to record the theme song because you can't have that weirdo on it anymore since he was outed as sexual predator.
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Timby posted:And second, while everyone loves the idea of building their own streaming platform / app and doing their own thing, that kind of endeavor tends to be a lot more expensive and a lot more complicated than people really expect at the outset They're owned by Shout Factory, which already has its own streaming app. They could spin it off into a whitelabel or just make a Shout Factory Premium. feedmyleg fucked around with this message at 22:20 on Apr 7, 2021 |
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feedmyleg posted:They're owned by Shout Factory, which already has its own streaming app. They could spin it off into a whitelabel or just make a Shout Factory Premium. I had absolutely no idea that Shout had acquired the IP in its entirety, I just thought they had a distribution deal. Thank you for the clarification. ![]()
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I feel almost bad for saying this as someone who loves MST3K, the show meant a lot to me growing up, who contributed to the first Kickstarter, but... I just feel like, okay, we got two new seasons, they were fine, I don't know if I really feel like anyone is clamoring for more MST3K. That itch got scratched with the first Kickstarter. In ten years or whatever maybe, or if there's a new group involved, but I just can't get really excited about this. I mean, I don't hate the new seasons at all, but by far the best thing to come out of the revival was the live tour where Joel and Jonah riffed on a movie together. Getting the chance to see Joel back in front of the "screen" was great.
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I’d be a lot more hyped for new MST3k if they were also going with a brand new host. I like the revival’s Mads and I like the bots now that they’ve found their voices, but uhhhh Jonah sucks. His personality just doesn’t mesh with MST imo. Joel is a tired everyman, and Mike is sarcastic and irreverent, but Jonah just comes off like what he is; a mediocre LA stand-up guy trying way too hard to be funny on Movie Night with his friends.
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I mean wouldn't this basically be exactly Rifftrax but from the other guy? (And only the subscription model i guess). They stream.
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Nah. MST has opening and ending skits, an established setting, and breaks in the movie. Rifftrax doesn’t do any of that, it’s essentially just a running commentary track for the video.
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I don't think most people are watching it for the skits and setting fundamentally though.
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feedmegin posted:I don't think most people are watching it for the skits and setting fundamentally though. OOooh baby don't say that in the MST3K thread, lemme tell you
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feedmegin posted:I don't think most people are watching it for the skits and setting fundamentally though. Probably not, but I do think having the cheap sets and puppets made from scraps does give the show a unique charm that a lot of other riffing projects lack. It’s not necessary and it’s not the big draw, but it adds something.
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It's ambiance, its the same reason why any of the hosted movie night shows are more fun than just watching them on their own. I have very little experience with older MST3K but I liked the Netflix stuff enough to watch it multiple times and I will watch whatever new stuff they produce, eventually.
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Hey, its the Powerpuff Girls https://twitter.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1379916648648474629
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If they get weird with it, I’m all about a live action PPG.
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Finished season 2 of Arrested Development, and drat are there a lot of scenes of adults hitting on 15 year old Maebe.
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Aardvark! posted:Finished season 2 of Arrested Development, and drat are there a lot of scenes of adults hitting on 15 year old Maebe. The joke there is that she is posing as an adult at a major film job (i think thats in s2)
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EL BROMANCE posted:If they get weird with it, I’m all about a live action PPG. I don't think you have to worry about that, it's the CW. They'll be fighting cthulhu and nazis
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Watermelon Daiquiri posted:The joke there is that she is posing as an adult at a major film job (i think thats in s2) I get the joke. Actually in season 3 there's also Michael dating a mentally disabled person with a 1st grader's mentality. I think those jokes have just aged poorly. We don't joke about 15 year olds passing as adult women anymore ![]()
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The latest reality show I've become addicted to is 60 Days In. Watching the participants integrate into the jailhouse politics is interesting and the overall message of the show seems to be that there needs to be prison reforms which makes me feel less guilty for watching. On season 4 now and there hasn't been a participant as strange as Robert.
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Doom2020! posted:I watched that thing all the way at least 3 times and know a thread with a decent amount of traffic. I know we are goons and all but can't imagine that many checked it out only to nope. Maybe I'm wrong and just don't want the whedon cut to be proven right. Whedon's cut underperformed as well so maybe people just don't give a gently caress about the justice league.
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theblackw0lf posted:Did Bartlett ever have a democratically controlled congress? lol
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muscles like this! posted:MST3K Kickstarter is up I feel this kind of production style is completely out of date and a wasteful use of money. A lot of that money has to be going to stuff that isn't actually very important to the quality of the end-product like I.P. rights, actors and sets. 350 000 $ an episode reeks to me of a bloated production process that is unwilling to prioritize. You can't and you shouldn't run TV-budget without being on TV, it's not sustainable. The format is entirely, A: Good writing B: Good delivery And everything else is fluff that can and should be skimped upon. But hey it's not going to be my money so who cares. Clearly a lot of people want to give this another shot. MiddleOne fucked around with this message at 13:59 on Apr 8, 2021 |
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zoux posted:https://twitter.com/VinceMancini/status/1379467083214323715 There is a scene in the Doom Patrol show where Cyborg is dismayed to learn that he has said booyah often enough to count as a catchphrase. Doom Patrol is so good.
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Lurdiak posted:Whedon's cut underperformed as well so maybe people just don't give a gently caress about the justice league. My comic-reading buddy just watched ZSJL and complained that he didn't like any of the characters in it. I asked him if he liked any of those characters in the comics, and, naturally, he said "Well, I like Batman..."
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feedmyleg posted:My comic-reading buddy just watched ZSJL and complained that he didn't like any of the characters in it. I asked him if he liked any of those characters in the comics, and, naturally, he said "Well, I like Batman..." That's always been DC's problem. Batman, Superman, then a bunch of characters no one really enjoys (unless dwayne mcduffie is writing them as ripoffs of Marvel characters).
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I also tire of the secret identity conflict that DC has hung on to. I found it refreshing that the MCU largely dispensed of this. In the era where everything is recorded and people pour over every detail of media, there's no way someone hasn't ID'd batman or superman in like 3 days. I never really liked the whole "I can't tell my loved ones or I'll put them in danger!" trope because gaslighting those closest to you isn't really the best way to protect them. It's never made sense. Them knowing doesn't put them in danger unless the bad guy also knows and if the bad guy knows, it doesn't matter if they loved one knows, they are still a target (they just don't know why.)
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bull3964 posted:I also tire of the secret identity conflict that DC has hung on to. I found it refreshing that the MCU largely dispensed of this. In the era where everything is recorded and people pour over every detail of media, there's no way someone hasn't ID'd batman or superman in like 3 days. Tim Drake did it at 9. I like the secret identity stuff when it actually has an affect on the person's personal life and psyche. Most of the time with Batman he may as well not be Bruce Wayne outside of it being his source of wealth. With Spider-Man, though, his two identities can get in a love triangle with his crush.
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The problem with it I think is that there's only a few kinds of stories you can tell involving secret identities, and you either have to write all the secondary characters as morons who are constantly ignoring or explaining away obvious clues like a guard in Thief or having so many people know that there's no point to even having a secret ID. In Marvel I think the only two major characters with secret identities are Daredevil and Spider-man, and both had very public outings, one of which had to be rolled back by the devil.
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It stands in the way of developing a deep universe on screen. It's fine for comic books since they are structured differently and are easy to divorce from realism. But when you get into a live action universe spanning movies and TV shows, it never allows you to further develop character relationships that will pay off down the line.
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I don't have any real problem with secret identity stuff but it has to make sense in context. Lois and Superman choosing to not tell their kids their dad is Superman makes enough sense as a conflicted parental decision and kids are never gonna see their dorky dad as Superman even if the internet was connecting it (and it wouldn't be THAT hard to hide it in a major city if you're at all smart). At the same time that show told the kids right say so it could tell the next stage of stories. And I have to catch up on it to see if it addresses the fact taht Superman operating out of Smallville at the same time Clark Kent moves back to town SHOULD be a red flag to all those people going "crazy miracles tended to happen when Clark was around, life has sucked since then". I think modern hero stuff is definitely coming up against the "everyone records everything and obsesses over it" modern world where some Twitter rando would trace Bruce Wayne's flight plans with Batman's out of Gotham activities. Its also probably coming up against the "STOP KEEPING SECRETS!" backlash against tv melodrama storytelling. But I think it can still work if you do it right. But its good that its not the standard anymore so there's more diversity of storytelling. STAC Goat fucked around with this message at 15:05 on Apr 8, 2021 |
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The second Nolan Batman movie handled that pretty well I thought, with the "and your plan is to blackmail this person?" thing. It was funny anyway, I don't know if it stands up to scrutiny; what one hedge fund bro can discern, so can another
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I think practically there's always been guys who could figure out Batman's identity, but they're not really problems unless they become super villains. The modern real world problem would be that some dude would post it on Twitter and it would trend and there'd be a #BruceWayneisBatman thing and everyone would ask Wayne and then the Joker or someone would decide to just kill Bruce Wayne or his loved ones just to be safe. But that's not solved by just telling everyone he's Batman. Tony Stark tells the world he's Iron Man and the next two Iron Man films have super villains targeting him, his home, and his loved ones. So secret identities make perfect sense, especially if you're not a crazy rich and famous weapons designer. Its just a matter of what stories you tell with them.
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Most of my annoyance with secret identities focuses around people who are close to the super hero. I get that nothing is solved by going iron man style, but the usual "I can't tell the person I'm trying to share my life with because it would put them at risk" is a thing that I tire of. It just creates manufactured drama and if anything you are putting them more at risk since the aren't as suspicious about what's going on around them. Some of that is dealt with in the DCU. I haven't watched the new cut of JL yet, but do they explain why Clark Kent is suddenly no longer dead because superman isn't anymore?
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# ? Feb 18, 2025 09:08 |
I think when most superheroes talk about how the knowledge would put their loved ones at risk, they're referring to the notion that you wouldn't coerce or torture someone for information that they don't have, which is... pretty obviously a spurious notion lol
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