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Oct 6, 2003
i have friends who will pull magazine models wearing headphones off of trains without even speaking the same language as them. Friends who will show up in a town after hitchhiking cross country for 3 days without showering and pull two girls working

MorrisBae posted:

New episode of City on a Hill was loving wild

Haven’t screamed “what the gently caress” at my TV in years


I've visited this thread a few time every day since COVID started (and p regularly before that) - and never heard of this show. There is just so much drat TV. Worth watching?

Currently enjoying Servant and Painting with John.

Painting with John doesn't come up much but really recommend it! Its a bit "like" Joe Pera in that is a very sincere, somewhat experimental "this feels nice and mellow show." Esp like watching it to wind-down before bed.

re. Justified:

Does the show pick up later in the first season or in the second? I'm 3-4 episodes in and aside from a fun first episode and a likable protagonist, its surprisingly bad - like even by "this is a network show" standards (which it isn't). Really hoping the writing picks up since so many people recommend it so highly.


Apr 28, 2006

Yeah, it picks up by the back half of season one.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!

False posted:

re. Justified:

Does the show pick up later in the first season or in the second? I'm 3-4 episodes in and aside from a fun first episode and a likable protagonist, its surprisingly bad - like even by "this is a network show" standards (which it isn't). Really hoping the writing picks up since so many people recommend it so highly.

Yeah, stick with it. They quickly move away from the "criminal of the week" episodes and the story line builds. If you're not enjoying it by the end of S1 then it probably isn't your show.

Mar 7, 2013

Creepy little garbage eaters

False posted:

re. Justified:

Does the show pick up later in the first season or in the second? I'm 3-4 episodes in and aside from a fun first episode and a likable protagonist, its surprisingly bad - like even by "this is a network show" standards (which it isn't). Really hoping the writing picks up since so many people recommend it so highly.

The first bunch of episodes are basically a collection of Elmore Leonard short stories (the third episode is a very loose adaptation of Riding the Rap for instance). It gets a little more serialized towards the end of the season, but the show doesn't hit on the story telling structure it uses for the rest of the series until the second season. If beloved character actor Margo Martindale doesn't grab you in the second season premiere the show most assuredly isn't for you.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Yeah the second half of s1 gets a lot better and then 2 is just stupendous

Jan 18, 2020

by Athanatos

False posted:

I've visited this thread a few time every day since COVID started (and p regularly before that) - and never heard of this show. There is just so much drat TV. Worth watching?

Yeah it’s great - Kevin Bacon plays a crooked FBI agent in 1990s Boston. They’ve been showing the new episodes on the Pluto channel Showtime Selects if you want to check it out:

Sep 9, 2001


False posted:

re. Justified:

Does the show pick up later in the first season or in the second? I'm 3-4 episodes in and aside from a fun first episode and a likable protagonist, its surprisingly bad - like even by "this is a network show" standards (which it isn't). Really hoping the writing picks up since so many people recommend it so highly.

It definitely starts out slower and more procedural-like but Raylan basically forgets that he even has an office after not very long in S1 and just stays in crime county murdering people being present during officer-involved shootings. But yes, that show takes a little bit to hit its stride.

Walton Goggins was only a recurring character in season 1, for the rest of the show he's a full cast member, and that has a lot to do with it.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
The Nevers isn’t as bad as I had been led to expect but the serial killer character and her speech was embarrassing. And of course it is insanely generic Whedon bingo. Good cast, though!

Aug 1, 2010

Supesudandi wa, kukan-nai no dandidesu

MorrisBae posted:

Yeah it’s great - Kevin Bacon plays a crooked FBI agent in 1990s Boston. They’ve been showing the new episodes on the Pluto channel Showtime Selects if you want to check it out:
speaking of Kevin Bacon crime shows, you guys remember The Following? My favorite part was when he fell into every single trap that the murder cult set for him, only to be miraculously saved

Oct 11, 2006

Freshly Squeezed
The Nevers was very much my thing, but I also expected it to be. It will be interesting to see what changes once the new showrunner takes over.

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames

Oasx posted:

The Nevers was very much my thing, but I also expected it to be. It will be interesting to see what changes once the new showrunner takes over.

Yeah I really liked the pilot. I actually didn't even know Whedon was involved lol. But I'm extremely here for The League of Extraordinary Gentlewomen.

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames

Escobarbarian posted:

The Nevers isn’t as bad as I had been led to expect but the serial killer character and her speech was embarrassing. And of course it is insanely generic Whedon bingo. Good cast, though!

I thought that speech sorta started good and had its moments but the sheer length and extremity of it were definitely a bit grating

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005
An oral history of the Wonder Showzen sketch "Beat Kids" talking to the creators of the show and a couple of the kids.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
By far the best part of the Nevers pilot was when they escaped by abandoning their carriage by shooting a tinier car out of it that they awkwardly squatted in

May 17, 1993
I think I'll wait for the Snyder cut.

Parakeet vs. Phone
Nov 6, 2009

Mae posted:

speaking of Kevin Bacon crime shows, you guys remember The Following? My favorite part was when he fell into every single trap that the murder cult set for him, only to be miraculously saved

As it kept getting worse and worse I hung on to the idea that they promised that the storyline would at least wrap up after 1 season and that any following season would be a new case. I was a teenager at the time and watching it with family, and we kicked off the finale by promising that we'd never watch it again if the main dude lived. As the fire started, there was a collective sigh as we knew he'd emerge alive at the end.

The closest I ever got to that again was How I Met Your Mother.

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

Even without the Whedon connection I probably wouldn't be watching The Nevers just because I find Victorian England an extremely tired setting.

Feb 25, 2006

I believe in a universe that doesn't care, and people that do.

muscles like this! posted:
An oral history of the Wonder Showzen sketch "Beat Kids" talking to the creators of the show and a couple of the kids.

Isn't that the segment where they'd harass homeless people.

Chairman Capone
Dec 17, 2008

muscles like this! posted:

Even without the Whedon connection I probably wouldn't be watching The Nevers just because I find Victorian England an extremely tired setting.

Yeah, it feels like "feminist superhero steampunk Victorian Britain" concept is like ten years past its prime. Even ten years ago steampunk was pretty much a shadow of its cultural prominence. At the very least Penny Dreadful put the nail into the coffin, not because it was bad but because it did it so well.

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames

Chairman Capone posted:

Yeah, it feels like "feminist superhero steampunk Victorian Britain" concept is like ten years past its prime.

What a weird thing to say. When game of thrones started, you could have said "this tits and dragons garbage is about 30 years past its prime"

Apr 13, 2004

Fry old buddy, it's me, Bender!
Oven Wrangler
Did anyone else watch Locke and Key and did anyone else understand how Dodge is also apparently Gabe? When/how did that end up happening? Overall I was pretty disappointed with how season 1 ended, the best part of the show was loving around with magic keys and seeing what they could do and once that stops being the main focus of the show it got kinda boring. I didn't find the main villain interesting at all, I thought the ending twist was pretty obvious except for my above question, and I really disliked the mom a lot. That being said I'll check out the next season since I do not value my time much.

Chairman Capone
Dec 17, 2008

Simone Magus posted:

What a weird thing to say. When game of thrones started, you could have said "this tits and dragons garbage is about 30 years past its prime"

On screen no, not when the show started, though in print it was different even when the book series started. But right now, absolutely, which is also why Game of Thrones went from having eight spinoffs in production to having difficulty getting even one picked up, and why all the Game of Thrones knockoff TV and movie attempts fizzled out completely.

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames
I was just saying that nothing is ever passé by default so it's a weird criticism to levy without any additional information. Everything cycles in and out, nothing ever just goes completely out of style.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
I knew going all-animated for No Activity s4 was a bad idea but JESUS it’s so much worse and uglier and more inappropriate than I imagined

Watermelon Daiquiri
Jul 10, 2010
Personally I'm also for victorian super ladies (super as in great)

Apr 28, 2002

Long Live The King!

Escobarbarian posted:

I knew going all-animated for No Activity s4 was a bad idea but JESUS it’s so much worse and uglier and more inappropriate than I imagined

It's like the one show that is perfectly suited for Covid-era shooting constraints. At most you're going to have like three people on screen together and mostly just only two. It doesn't make sense.

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!
Maybe Tim Meadows was hideously disfigured.

Nov 18, 2000


X-O posted:

It's like the one show that is perfectly suited for Covid-era shooting constraints. At most you're going to have like three people on screen together and mostly just only two. It doesn't make sense.

At the same time, it relies pretty heavily on guest stars and I'm not sure how guest spots with one production team would potentially affect other main projects they are working on.

Same goes for travel as well.

Apr 28, 2006

Les Cousins Dangeroux

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames
Even odds on Michael Cera guest starring in the next season of Search Party, probably as himself

Apr 13, 2004

Fry old buddy, it's me, Bender!
Oven Wrangler

Apr 28, 2006

Yeah gimme that Stephon

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames
Okay internet, that's enough for today

May 17, 1993

just got to this episode like an hour ago oddly enough (the pictured one)

Apr 5, 2007
Ramy Season 2 deals with some light cousin incest. I'd root for them as a couple if Ramy wasn't such a turd weasel-boy.

Jul 3, 2004

The Hannibal Muralist episode is so good. season 2 is a totally different level than 1

Mar 31, 2007

Cats are terrifying, everyone knows that! 'Cause they're witches! And they've got knives in their feet!

mistermojo posted:

The Hannibal Muralist episode is so good. season 2 is a totally different level than 1

"I love your work! :haw:"

i love that show so much, guess it's time for a rewatch!

May 19, 2016

I keep seeing Jaleel White in random shows I'm watching like Drunk History and Ducktales, and I haven't even ever seen Family Matters, but it's always nice whenever he shows up

edit: also, he voiced Sonic, which I noticed while watching the first episode of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog on Netflix

galenanorth fucked around with this message at 01:34 on Apr 14, 2021

Aug 21, 2006

I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just some QB that I used to know

galenanorth posted:

I keep seeing Jaleel White in random shows I'm watching like Drunk History and Ducktales, and I haven't even ever seen Family Matters, but it's always nice whenever he shows up

Are you a fan of delicious flavor? If so I recommend checking out his episodes of Psych.

Edit: and also all of Psych


May 17, 1993

swickles posted:

Are you a fan of delicious flavor? If so I recommend checking out his episodes of Psych.

Edit: and also all of Psych

I was gonna bring those up. Him and Kenan Thompson and Dule Hill all together :wth:

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