Open Source Idiom posted:McCrory was an insanely talented actor. I first saw her in Anna Karenina, though I think most people know her either as the matriarch from Peaky Blinders, or Eva Green's evil double from Penny Dreadful. Or maybe from her episode of Doctor Who. She was one of those actors who popped up everywhere and was very memorably when she did. I think I probably first saw her in the Heather Ledger Casanova. I also remember her in Skyfall, the Jim Caviezal Count of Monte Cristo, Peter Morgan's Tony Blair movies, and Hugo, all off the top of my head (and some of those she was only in like one or two scenes). Looking her up now she was also in a couple Harry Potters, His Dark Materials, and Phineas and Ferb. That's a good range of work overall.
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# ? Feb 13, 2025 14:50 |
NieR Occomata posted:Like, is Ma Rainey's Black Bottom about "black suffering"? It kind of is, but regardless it loving sucked and I bet most people here have never watched it, because it's a boring poorly adapted filmed work. Huh? I liked it. I thought most critics did too. What about it sucked and how was it poorly adapted?
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Azhais posted:Amazon trained their UI engineers wrong, as a joke You have no idea.
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LionArcher posted:I personally am more worried wish some of that budget will go to the superior book series they've bought, Wheel Of Time, which requires a big budget to do right anyway. At least they can reuse all the sets, costumes, extras, cg monsters, etc completely unchanged and use the money they saved to do the magic right.
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It was definitely a dumb idea on Amazon to do both a Wheel of Time and LOTR series at the same time.
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My fear with the LotR show is that its astounding cost means that they recognize that it will have to be the most popular show of all time in order to be a success, and that will lead them to making a bland four-quadrant show that ends up being for nobody.
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Khanstant posted:Even weirder, it's getting it's own spinoff? I liked the characters and stuff fine but you're right, it was just generic workplace stuff could work anywhere. Really contrived to fit the car rental place framing too, or, maybe, don't know how much time I've ever spent in one to know. Oh it was definitely contrived, all the humor that was specific to what kind of business it was got jettisoned after season 1. feedmyleg posted:My fear with the LotR show is that its astounding cost means that they recognize that it will have to be the most popular show of all time in order to be a success, and that will lead them to making a bland four-quadrant show that ends up being for nobody. I predict it'll be one of those shows that's all buildup and then massively under-delivers on the payoff because they're out of money and didn't plan it out ahead of time.
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I just don't give a poo poo about fantasy shows that takes place 1000 years before what I've already seen. LOTR, GoT. At least Wheel of Time is new.
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Oh no Samaritan finally got to him.
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I knew he was going to turbodissapoint me someday but I didn’t expect it would be with Q poo poo.
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Jim Caviezel was always super religious, isn't that big of a step towards crazy conspiracy theories. Person of Interest is still great, never really about him specifically either way.
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Why aren't Hollywood actors ever a normal conservative or even an orange county conservative. They always have to be batshit like Steven Seagal or John Voight. I think Adam Baldwin was pretty disgusting on twitter too. At least Chris Pratt is smart enough to stfu most of the time.
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Oasx posted:Jim Caviezel was always super religious, isn't that big of a step towards crazy conspiracy theories. Person of Interest is still great, never really about him specifically either way. Now that you mention it, I remember what the first movie I saw him in was, and who made that snuff porn poo poo, and it seems less than surprising.
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Mu Zeta posted:Why aren't Hollywood actors ever a normal conservative or even an orange county conservative. They always have to be batshit like Steven Seagal or John Voight. I think Adam Baldwin was pretty disgusting on twitter too. At least Chris Pratt is smart enough to stfu most of the time. Imagine how hard it is to stay conservative when the vast majority of people surrounding you every day are at least moderately (nominally) liberal. You've gotta push haaard the other way.
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Mu Zeta posted:Why aren't Hollywood actors ever a normal conservative or even an orange county conservative. They always have to be batshit like Steven Seagal or John Voight. I think Adam Baldwin was pretty disgusting on twitter too. At least Chris Pratt is smart enough to stfu most of the time. Because the normal conservatives don't make it their sole identity. Nick Searcy is pretty conservative, more of a rude rear end in a top hat then a Q nut, and one time casually mentioned that hey, maybe being a known conservative cost him acting gigs at some point but he was fine with it, whole nature of the beast industry of acting. Right Wing media went nuts pushing story after story about Hollywood liberals and Searcy had to issue a follow-up along the lines of "who loving cares? there's a million bullshit reasons you don't get hired, like resembling the casting director's childhood bully, it's not a fair industry" He still goes on about the "commies" in Antifa but that kind of seems like more angry old man stuff then talking about how the deep state has already killed Biden and secretly replaced him with a Trump puppet.
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Nooooo ![]()
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Oasx posted:Jim Caviezel was always super religious, isn't that big of a step towards crazy conspiracy theories. Person of Interest is still great, never really about him specifically either way. He's super religious but unlike Kirk Cameron and the like he was able to keep it separate from his acting. Key word being was I guess.
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GreenNight posted:I just don't give a poo poo about fantasy shows that takes place 1000 years before what I've already seen. LOTR, GoT. And also has one of the greatest fantasy series endings of all time. (As in Sanderson and Jordon actually stuck the landing, which is nuts.) GRRM never will and that's kind of funny.
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MiddleOne posted:Nooooo Well poo poo. Will be hard to watch persons of Interest again anytime soon.
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LionArcher posted:And also has one of the greatest fantasy series endings of all time. (As in Sanderson and Jordon actually stuck the landing, which is nuts.) GRRM never will and that's kind of funny. I don't know that the lonely man ending was really "sticking it", but better than some anyway
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better than 'oh ho im so awesome and special I need THREE women to love me' and the fact that with that whole situation he could not continue on as the dragon in the aftermath without destabilizing everything.
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I don't know what anyone's talking about.
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They know he's alive and will come looking for him eventually though. e: I guess I should add very vague Wheel of Time spoiler, it will be meaningless to anyone unfamiliar with the series though. ONE YEAR LATER fucked around with this message at 00:09 on Apr 18, 2021 |
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I usually don't like fantasy, prolly because my mum raised me on Wheel of Time ![]() Seriously though the first few books are actually very good, definitely better than GoT. I think book 7 or 8 is where things slowed to an absolute crawl because he'd put too many plots in motion, to the point where either book 9 or 10 didn't actually advance the story because it was catching one of the characters up to the present, and also that book only detailed i think a month worth of time? And it was booooooring.
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The one right after the cleaning montage was just all 70 scattered groups reacting to the events and was pretty dire. Up to that point I reread the series each time a new book was released but I just couldn't bring myself to do that afterward
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It's better when there's not multiple year waits in between books, rip asoiaf fans. I just hope that amazon dropping hundred of millions on LotR means they're all in to do the full series for WoT because it gets so good and has some cool poo poo in it and I wanna see that stuff on screen. I just wanna see the battle began at Dumai's Wells in live action, that's all I'm asking!
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Lurdiak posted:I don't know what anyone's talking about. I scroll past 80% of this thread really. Can't everyone just talk about superheroes exactly as much as I want you to? No, not those superheroes. They suck.
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Yeah, I reread the whole thing a few months ago, was definitely more tolerable with the next book ready to go right after
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Yeah plus WoT has some weird stuff that makes it more interesting. I wanna see the flashbacks from when there was high technology, plus the fact that WoT actually takes place on Earth and has words, myths and names that reflect that fact, like the thing about Apollo 18 or whatever
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Azhais posted:Yeah, I reread the whole thing a few months ago, was definitely more tolerable with the next book ready to go right after I assume this is especially true with some of those later books where basically nothing happens.
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Has anyone watched Mary Kills People? I vaguely remember a trailer for the series but never heard anything about the show. Any good? I'm a fan of Caroline Dhavernas from her days on Hannibal.
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I'm rewatching The Wire and I'm worried about the gaping hole it will leave in me once I'm done (I'm also following Jerusalem's recaps from way back in 2013 after every episode). I've never been a great consumer of television. Babylon 5 holds a special place in my heart, I've seen Breaking Bad, and I watched a few seasons of The Sopranos back in the day and it's on my "to watch" list. I really enjoyed The Americans. What kinds of obvious picks am I missing as far as GOAT teledramas?
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Tosk posted:I'm rewatching The Wire and I'm worried about the gaping hole it will leave in me once I'm done (I'm also following Jerusalem's recaps from way back in 2013 after every episode). Need to add Hannibal to that list.
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The Leftovers, and season 1 of both True Detective and The Terror.
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Tosk posted:I'm rewatching The Wire and I'm worried about the gaping hole it will leave in me once I'm done (I'm also following Jerusalem's recaps from way back in 2013 after every episode). If you like The Wire you should go back and check out Homicide: LIfe on the Streets, loosely based on the book by David Simon. That show gets worse as it goes on but the early seasons are some of the best TV that's ever been made, and the TV movie they made after the show wrapped up is one of the best finales I've ever seen. I wish Andre Braugher hadn't been typecast as a cop because he's so drat good on this show that it makes me want to see what he could do in more out there roles. Hughmoris posted:Need to add Hannibal to that list. No you don't. Hannibal is stylish trash and that's all it is.
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I like The Good Wife a lot. It's like if The Wire was exclusively about rich white people. It's not as good as top tier HBO or The Americans but it's a nice backup show for lighter viewing.
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Lurdiak posted:No you don't. Hannibal is stylish trash and that's all it is. MODS?! Tosk posted:I really enjoyed The Americans. I need to go back and watch The Americans. I think I fell out midway thru season 2. Hughmoris fucked around with this message at 03:44 on Apr 18, 2021 |
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*double post...
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# ? Feb 13, 2025 14:50 |
I also really liked Six Feet Under recently. I'm trying to think if I've seen other series worth mentioning to give an idea of what I have and haven't seen... I did see TD season 1 and the first two seasons of Hannibal, then I never touched them again. I enjoyed the ancient BBC adaptation of I, Claudius. My "to watch" list at the moment is Deadwood, The Sopranos, Farscape (need my janky scifi) and Homicide: Life on the Streets. I've found a lot of gems on this forum before so I'll be sure to at least watch a few episodes of all suggestions! Thanks, tv gurus. Also, any recommendations on review series to go with the viewing are welcome. It is enhancing my viewing so much with The Wire.
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