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Nov 3, 2009

Big Mean Jerk posted:

Now that Alex’s actor is a sex pest and Bobbie hasn’t had much to do this season, I nominate Amos for Best Expanse Character This Season Thus Far.

I was a little iffy on the premise of the Roci crew being so split up this season, but they’ve really made it work. The only plot I don’t really care about is Naomi’s, but that’s mostly because I can’t stand her son or Marco. Drummer seems a little underutilized as well, but that’s a tiny complaint and it looks like she’s about to have her plot folded into the larger arc of the season.

I'll go on record saying that one of the biggest mistakes this show ever made was the casting of Marco Inaros. That guy is loving terrible for the importance that his character has. Makes me wish they just replaced him with Anderson Dawes and cut the whole Naomi's son bit. There's no world in which I believe people would be rallying behind this loving loser.

Hakkesshu fucked around with this message at 13:15 on Jan 12, 2021


Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013
Has anyone here watched 30 Coins on HBO Max yet? I just watched the first episode and I'm still pretty high on the sheer wackiness of it all.

It's possibly the funniest, weirdest thing I've seen in ages, only it's played so deadly seriously that you're almost not sure it's in on the joke. I completely lost it when the Sexy Mayor had be lured out of his house in the middle of the night, not once, but twice, to see the miracle murder baby -- their first attempt to do so gets sidetracked by travelling to his ex-girlfriend's house, whereupon he's trapped there by a sudden scary mob of elderly women, who turn out to be terrifying gossips. When the plot finally convinces him to actually investigate, everyone, including the people who are 100% certain something supernaturally evil is going down, insists that the only possible solution is child protective services.

Meanwhile, the mother of the miracle murder baby kills her husband with a barbie doll head attached to a coathanger then makes a web out of old knitting.

It's Evil Dead meets Resident Evil meets the Exorcist.

Meatgrinder posted:

We'd just wiped in Dragon Nec and the CR was just completely stalled by guild/ooc chat and I remember caring more about getting my corpse and a rez than whatever was going on in the US.

Yeah I was pretty young and far away from it too. I just wanted to know when Sailor Moon would be back on TV.

Aug 13, 2003

I'm on board with 30 Coins. Religious horror is my weakness. Second episode was a big step down but still enjoyable.

Apr 28, 2006


Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Dec 4, 2001
Oven Wrangler

Medullah posted:

I'm on board with 30 Coins. Religious horror is my weakness. Second episode was a big step down but still enjoyable.

I had no idea this existed and the first Google search results sure looks promising

HBO's 30 Coins Reveals the Vatican Is a Demonic Cult

Sep 30, 2002

Anime Deviant

nate fisher posted:

Most Americans had a false sense of unity that later got destroyed by our misguided invasion of Iraq.
I had a flashback to those dumb as all gently caress SUPPORT ARE TROOPS yellow car ribbons, but on the way I remembered how we would clap/honk/cheer for cops/paramedics/firefighters for a while after 9/11.

Man. We cheered for cops :ughh:

Chairman Capone
Dec 17, 2008

FilthyImp posted:

I had a flashback to those dumb as all gently caress SUPPORT ARE TROOPS yellow car ribbons, but on the way I remembered how we would clap/honk/cheer for cops/paramedics/firefighters for a while after 9/11.

Man. We cheered for cops :ughh:

I think our concept of "first responders" that's so big now directly came from 9/11 pushing the idea that medics and firefighters deserved the same worship that cops got.

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

FilthyImp posted:

I had a flashback to those dumb as all gently caress SUPPORT ARE TROOPS yellow car ribbons, but on the way I remembered how we would clap/honk/cheer for cops/paramedics/firefighters for a while after 9/11.

Man. We cheered for cops :ughh:

Rudy Giuliani was universally loved and respected in America for a brief period

nate fisher
Mar 3, 2004

We've Got To Go Back

Mu Zeta posted:

Rudy Giuliani was universally loved and respected in America for a brief period

Now any world where Giuliani is respected feels like bizarro world. The guy has went in complete freefall. There has to be something mentally wrong with him. That said I thought NYC was starting to turn on him before 9/11 due to not only his marriage issues, but police issues? That his brand of law and order went too far, but 9/11 came along and gave him a new political life.

Jun 18, 2004

Grimey Drawer
Being British, the first big news story I remember is Princess Diana’s death. We had one teacher at school who was really super torn up about it

Apr 28, 2006

Remember the Maine? I do, quite well in fact.

TV Zombie
Sep 6, 2011

Burying all the trauma from past nights
Burying my anger in the past

Netflix’s Lupin looks really promising though I’m only on the first episode.

Chairman Capone
Dec 17, 2008

nate fisher posted:

Now any world where Giuliani is respected feels like bizarro world. The guy has went in complete freefall. There has to be something mentally wrong with him. That said I thought NYC was starting to turn on him before 9/11 due to not only his marriage issues, but police issues? That his brand of law and order went too far, but 9/11 came along and gave him a new political life.

Yeah, both Rudy and George W. Bush had their political careers and public images saved by 9/11, only for the war on terror to then eventually grind them down.

And now thanks to Trump and Ellen, half of Democrats now think Bush was a good president.

Mar 22, 2003
Can't post for 9 years!

zoux posted:

Remember the Maine? I do, quite well in fact.

Maine is a terrible state. Bottom 5.

Apr 28, 2006

A bonny ship if there ever was one though

Aug 4, 2007

The Demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering!

TV Zombie posted:

Netflix’s Lupin looks really promising though I’m only on the first episode.

Wasn't it a movie? Or is this something different from that? I looked up last year's movie and thought it would be out on dvd/blu ray this week or next in the US.

Jun 17, 2005

zoux posted:

A bonny ship if there ever was one though

👆horny on Maine

Apr 13, 2004

Fry old buddy, it's me, Bender!
Oven Wrangler

TV Zombie posted:

Netflix’s Lupin looks really promising though I’m only on the first episode.

It's pretty good but only part 1 so it ends with no real resolution.

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

bagrada posted:

Wasn't it a movie? Or is this something different from that? I looked up last year's movie and thought it would be out on dvd/blu ray this week or next in the US.

Just to be clear this is not Lupin III, this is a live action French production starring Omar Sy.

Apr 28, 2006

Sumo posted:

👆horny on Maine

Enlisting in Teddy's Rough Riders

Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010

Chairman Capone posted:

Yeah, both Rudy and George W. Bush had their political careers and public images saved by 9/11, only for the war on terror to then eventually grind them down.

And now thanks to Trump and Ellen, half of Democrats now think Bush was a good president.

I don’t know anyone who thinks he was a good president, just like “man, we thought he was the worst a president could possibly be and ohhh boy we were wrong”.

Giuliani wasn’t well liked in NYC even after 9/11 (especially considering he was the reason hundreds of firefighters died compared to like fifty cops) and I know a ton of people that are happy they get to see him blow up his undeserved reputation and face possible time in the clink.

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo
I bet those thousand points of light liked him

Feb 16, 2011

Mu Zeta posted:

Rudy Giuliani was universally loved and respected in America for a brief period

Even 2Pac clowned on Giuliani.

...of SCIENCE!
Apr 26, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

nate fisher posted:

Remember all the American flags everywhere during the weeks after? It was easier to find toilet paper in March 2020 than it was to find a flag after 9/11. Most Americans had a false sense of unity that later got destroyed by our misguided invasion of Iraq.

I was in middle school and even then I was smart enough to recognize how hollow all these cries of unity were when literally on 9/12 the ubiquitous stories started about how the employees at X local business franchise were dancing and cheering when the towers fell because they were muslim started circulating and then Snopes started documenting all the lovely email glurges about how this was Bill Clinton's fault for not giving the military more funding or whatever. I have very little sympathy for the adults who let themselves get swept up in a furor of nationalism at the time.

Mu Zeta posted:

Rudy Giuliani was universally loved and respected in America for a brief period

It's really fun to shut down boomers who mythologize George Carlin as some enlightened philosopher-poet of our age by pointing out how much he was all over Guiliani's dick in the aftermath of 9/11.

Aug 4, 2007

The Demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering!

muscles like this! posted:

Just to be clear this is not Lupin III, this is a live action French production starring Omar Sy.

Just saw that in the Chicago Tribune. My bad, I haven't been on Netflix lately. I'll have to check it out.

I went down the Taskmaster hole on YouTube, halfway through season 2 so far. Thanks for all the spam about it, its funny and scratches an itch I've had since I ran out of unique Would I Like to You? clips in my recommended feed.

Feb 13, 2019

by vyelkin
Finally sat down and watched the first episode of the Sopranos after realising its on Sky Box Sets. Always wanted to but never had it on a service i own.

Why did no-one tell me this is basically Goodfellas the show, loved the music choices, love the new jersey accents. Thoroughly looking forward to watching more!

Chairman Capone
Dec 17, 2008

Ugly In The Morning posted:

I don’t know anyone who thinks he was a good president, just like “man, we thought he was the worst a president could possibly be and ohhh boy we were wrong”.

From CNN's polling in 2018:


Six in 10 Americans, 61%, say they now have a favorable view of the 43rd President of the United States in the latest CNN poll conducted by SSRS, nearly double the 33% who gave him a favorable mark when he left the White House in January 2009. [...] Most of Bush’s climb back to popularity came from Democrats and independents. His favorability mark among Democrats has soared from only 11% in February 2009 to a majority 54% now.

In fact, Bush holds a majority favorable rating among every demographic group but liberals – including strong Democratic groups like nonwhites and people under 35 years old.

If anything I think the Democrats' push of "all Republicans except Trump and maybe McConnell are our friends" has probably improved Bush since that poll.

Apr 28, 2006

JollyBoyJohn posted:

Finally sat down and watched the first episode of the Sopranos after realising its on Sky Box Sets. Always wanted to but never had it on a service i own.

Why did no-one tell me this is basically Goodfellas the show, loved the music choices, love the new jersey accents. Thoroughly looking forward to watching more!

It's waaaay funnier than good fellas

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.
The little character beats on Sopranos are often the best part of the show. The characters are all terrible people but they’re so loving funny.

Apr 28, 2006

Big Mean Jerk posted:

The little character beats on Sopranos are often the best part of the show. The characters are all terrible people but they’re so loving funny.

You ever think what a coincidence it is that Lou Gehrig died of Lou Gehrig's disease?

Feb 5, 2007
Switchblade Switcharoo

zoux posted:

You ever think what a coincidence it is that Lou Gehrig died of Lou Gehrig's disease?

His parents were just asking for it naming him that

Mu Zeta
Oct 17, 2002

Me crush ass to dust

Kundun! I liked it!

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.

zoux posted:

You ever think what a coincidence it is that Lou Gehrig died of Lou Gehrig's disease?

He was gay, Gary Cooper?

Apr 28, 2006

Chrissy Moltisanti is the GOAT

I also love how Stevie Van Zandt was cast based on the strength of his over the top Jersey mob guy impression he did at the E Street band's Rock and Roll HoF induction. And he was great in the show!

Big Mean Jerk
Jan 27, 2009

Well, of course I know him.
He's me.

zoux posted:

Chrissy Moltisanti is the GOAT

I also love how Stevie Van Zandt was cast based on the strength of his over the top Jersey mob guy impression he did at the E Street band's Rock and Roll HoF induction. And he was great in the show!

He really straddles the line between outright parody and genuinely threatening and he’s pretty solid for someone who isn’t really an actor.

Apr 28, 2006

Feb 16, 2011

If Olyphant had played Ted on Better Off Ted that show would have gotten more seasons

Simone Magus
Sep 29, 2020

by VideoGames
Is there not a thread for Search Party? This show loving owns so hard


Jun 10, 2006


NBC ordering stuff direct to series - - My favorite bit of this news drop:


Grand Crew stars Arrow‘s Echo Kellum and Nailed It!‘s Nicole Byer as part of a group of Black friends who “unpack the ups and downs of life and love at a wine bar” together. The single-cam comedy’s ensemble cast also includes Justin Cunningham, Carl Tart and Aaron Jennings; Brooklyn Nine-Nine writer Phil Augusta Jackson will pen the pilot and serve as an EP.

Carl Tart is amazing and I dig Nicole too, this could be a lot of fun. I wonder if this approach is a 'we trust the names, but gently caress it if it's not network material we'll put it on Peacock' as I doubt it's got a huge budget to work with.

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