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dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
sometimes the sensor shows pips behind you, which I think might indicate people above / below you but I'm not positive about that.


Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
Seer will no doubt be getting severely nerfed down the line. His ultimate is just savage and his tactical is brainless for how good he is. Fun to play as but not so much against.

Valkyrie seemed perfect balance wise other than some bugs and exploits with her abilities when she was released, out of all the new characters I was extremely impressed at how well she was integrated from day one.

Feb 6, 2011

Is it ever going to be enough, to love another and be loved?

dragon enthusiast posted:

sometimes the sensor shows pips behind you, which I think might indicate people above / below you but I'm not positive about that.

I swear it was a full 360 around you with the peaks getting taller as they got closer, but I'm not positive either tbh :lol:

Ra Ra Rasputin
Apr 2, 2011

Songbearer posted:

Seer will no doubt be getting severely nerfed down the line. His ultimate is just savage and his tactical is brainless for how good he is. Fun to play as but not so much against.

Valkyrie seemed perfect balance wise other than some bugs and exploits with her abilities when she was released, out of all the new characters I was extremely impressed at how well she was integrated from day one.

Yeah, Valk brought some unique stuff but it was all very well balanced and wasn't overly annoying and getting hit by the missiles didn't feel as unfair as Seer's kamehameha blast.

She had vertical mobility (on a passive!) but it was slow enough that it wasn't like trying to track release Horizon doing a wiggle dance in her lift that she is using as a healing and sniping platform for 10 seconds.
She had a team reposition ultimate but the team had to coordinate with her and they couldn't be shot before takeoff.
She had huge area scanning but only while she couldn't do anything but be a flying target.

Sep 27, 2004

Big fan of :frog:

Ra Ra Rasputin posted:

Seer's kamehameha blast.

By the by, satisfaction wise, that tactical is one of the best feeling buttons to press in the game. The VFX, the slight delay, the WOMP as the nanoswarm targets things. Really fuckin feels like you're doing something.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
How many times is this client going to load and compile shaders

Ra Ra Rasputin
Apr 2, 2011

Boxman posted:

By the by, satisfaction wise, that tactical is one of the best feeling buttons to press in the game. The VFX, the slight delay, the WOMP as the nanoswarm targets things. Really fuckin feels like you're doing something.

Reminds me of the charge rifle then, top tier visuals and sound effects, bottom tier to be on the receiving end of.

Dec 4, 2012

Lipstick Apathy
I'm trying so hard to make this game work, but I feel like I can't hit anyone while I'm constantly getting nailed. Is this game super forgiving on controller or something?

Ra Ra Rasputin
Apr 2, 2011
Controllers are basically legal cheat codes in close up fights.

Jul 7, 2009

Seer's ult is driving me up the wall. Why is it so loud! Every five seconds in a firefight now it's WHEERERERERERE

Aug 24, 2010

Bottom Liner posted:

How many times is this client going to load and compile shaders

i followed a guide to fix this

update graphics drivers
from graphics control panel, disable shader cache - apply
re-enable shader cache - apply

went from multiple minutes to almost immediate

Mar 25, 2006

:ssj:goku i won't do what u tell me:ssj:

Chard posted:

i followed a guide to fix this

update graphics drivers
from graphics control panel, disable shader cache - apply
re-enable shader cache - apply

went from multiple minutes to almost immediate

Cheers, this worked for me, went from a couple minutes load to to immediate

Evil Kit
May 29, 2013

I'm viable ladies.

Agoat posted:

I'm trying so hard to make this game work, but I feel like I can't hit anyone while I'm constantly getting nailed. Is this game super forgiving on controller or something?

There's a number of things you can do like making sure your dpi is in a comfortably low range, making sure Window's default mouse accel (known as "enhanced pointer precision") is off and finally, just playing the game a shitload.

I didn't feel like I was starting to track anywhere close to properly till even 100 hours in and felt a noticeable improvement after discovering the first two things mentioned above. That said, this is just the kind of game where you need to practice a lot, sometimes that practice is just a medium for getting over any panic in a gunfight so you can be calm and focused. Hell, I'm close to 500 hours in now and still gently caress up my aim with some consistency. Best advice aside from above is just to pick a few stable weapons and try to only play with those while you're playing the game, just using the R-301 was basically how I practiced getting better at tracking in game.

As for controllers it's already been mentioned but they are basically cheating up close but really start to suffer at mid/long range. Also the looting looks loving horrifically slow if you've gotten used to looting with m+kb levels of senstivity. Another disclaimer: using a controller on PC will not give nearly as good an aim assist compared to console controller players.

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
Oh another thing that I see newbies do that gets them killed a lot is ADS in close quarters fights, especially with a gun with a 2x or higher scope on it. Not only does it slow down your movement, making you an easier target, but if you also have low FOV and/or weird sensitivity settings you will lose tracking on enemies really easily.

Dec 11, 2007

Don't doodle on it!

dragon enthusiast posted:

Oh another thing that I see newbies do that gets them killed a lot is ADS in close quarters fights, especially with a gun with a 2x or higher scope on it. Not only does it slow down your movement, making you an easier target, but if you also have low FOV and/or weird sensitivity settings you will lose tracking on enemies really easily.

“Newbies”, hah. I’ve been playing this since season zero and as soon as I start panicking in a fight you can absolutely bet that I mash that ADS button and then lunge halfway across my desk to keep my 3X optics on the wall-bouncing Octane five feet away from me.

Why no, I’ve never broken out of Gold, why do
you ask?

Yellow Yoshi
Apr 29, 2020

Figure 1: Mario's weird dog
i think it depends, i often prefer a 2x on an R99 just so the target is even larger on my screen and easier to focus on
but i play with a much higher sensitivity than is "recommended"

Oct 9, 2004

Goddamn, the new Alternator rips! I mostly skipped the season where they introduced disruptor rounds but yeah, this is how a care package weapon should feel. Put the PK back in, Respawn, I miss it!

Aug 13, 2009

Evil Kit posted:

There's a number of things you can do like making sure your dpi is in a comfortably low range, making sure Window's default mouse accel (known as "enhanced pointer precision") is off and finally, just playing the game a shitload.

There's generally no need to disable Windows mouse accel with modern games (including Apex), they read the raw mouse data before Windows adds its accel curve

With multiple big monitors it's nice to have accel on the desktop IMO

Yellow Yoshi
Apr 29, 2020

Figure 1: Mario's weird dog

Kalko posted:

Goddamn, the new Alternator rips! I mostly skipped the season where they introduced disruptor rounds but yeah, this is how a care package weapon should feel. Put the PK back in, Respawn, I miss it!

looking back on it it should always have been care package. getting your shields evaporated at 150m in 3 bullets by some nonce with a slow-firing smg was a very normal experience in those times

Jun 18, 2013
Care package mastiff is what I miss. That thing with its wide horizontal spread absolutely shredded.

Aug 13, 2007

It's important to make sure everyone knows that you need a thermite grenade at all times.

Aug 16, 2012

CoolCab posted:

90% sure they've changed how the physics work when you use the mouse to look at gun skins. feels better now.

I thought it was a bug that caused the weapons to turn slower but I’m glad it isn’t just me now.

Evil Kit
May 29, 2013

I'm viable ladies.

repiv posted:

There's generally no need to disable Windows mouse accel with modern games (including Apex), they read the raw mouse data before Windows adds its accel curve

With multiple big monitors it's nice to have accel on the desktop IMO

Maybe it's just placebo effect but I immediately noticed a difference when I finally turned it off. :shrug: Doesn't hurt to try, and I don't miss it in the slightest despite having two monitors.

Aug 13, 2009

I tested it out in the firing range (with windows accel enabled) and moving the mouse from one end of the mousemat to the other spun me the same distance regardless of how quickly I moved the mouse

Sep 13, 2007

A free custom title is a free custom title

Lipstick Apathy

dragon enthusiast posted:

sometimes the sensor shows pips behind you, which I think might indicate people above / below you but I'm not positive about that.

I think it's above and below your crosshair, because if you take Seer into firing range, it doesn't detect dummies behind you. Only seems to measure in a wide cone in front, maybe like 150 degrees or something.

Nov 16, 2018
The minimap cone shows where the heatbeat sensor works, no?

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
So Bang smoke needs a buff now with the amount of wallhacks in the game. Seer just completely negates her.

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

They buffed Bangalore's smoke, now instead of obscuring LOS it highlights enemies

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Also Wraiths passive has been changed so that it reveals whoever is aiming at you! Why even bother having walls

Jun 2, 2006

Crypto is now highlighted for everyone so you can send him back to the lobby asap so they can pick a better character

Oct 9, 2004

Loba's bracelet can now telefrag.

Hugoon Chavez
Nov 4, 2011

Allow Valkyrie to shoot while flying, Respawn you cowards.

At the start of the match she can punch people while in the air and make them drop on lava.

Nov 5, 2009

Grimey Drawer

Bottom Liner posted:

So Bang smoke needs a buff now with the amount of wallhacks in the game. Seer just completely negates her.

I played a squad where everytime the seer popped his active the bangalore would dump smoke on the same line as it. It was fairly effective.

Our squad still won but that was mostly due to their third falling down into our team and getting shredded.

Dec 10, 2010
Obviously the fix is to make gibbys dome opaque from the outside.

May 25, 2001

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

Had a thought on how to make Crypto’s drone more useful in a passive sense. Make it so the drone can be controlled like Mirage’s decoys. Park it somewhere in front of your team and let it find bad guys as you advance.

Jul 15, 2011

KFC Famous Bowl
It seems like the best defense against Seer is running away to reposition, but try telling that too a pubbie. Yesterday a teammate of mine got barely missed with a charge rifle shot, got ulted by Seer, then started slowly peeking over the roof of building with a 2020. He got headshotted immediately.

Apr 17, 2005


repiv posted:

titanfall players have now taken to reverse engineering the game in order to spoon-feed respawn the exact things that need changing in order to stop the attacks

that's some desperation

you wanna hear the twist ending to this post: this dude apparently was the hacker who brought down both titanfall 1, 2 and apex. it was this dude the whole time, apparently lmao

Queer Salutations
Aug 20, 2009

kind of a shitty wizard...

CoolCab posted:

you wanna hear the twist ending to this post: this dude apparently was the hacker who brought down both titanfall 1, 2 and apex. it was this dude the whole time, apparently lmao

Megaman's Jockstrap
Jul 16, 2000

Cruising the information superhighway

highme posted:

Had a thought on how to make Crypto’s drone more useful in a passive sense. Make it so the drone can be controlled like Mirage’s decoys. Park it somewhere in front of your team and let it find bad guys as you advance.

They just need some way to let it move around without Crypto having to be in VR. I've wanted them to have a follow mode (because honestly having a big glowing loud drone directly above Crypto's head is not the ideal way to Recon). There's other things you could do too, like record 5 seconds of activity and then the drone would auto-loop it even if unattended (yes this is pretty silly but the point is that they need a way to actually have the Drone and Crypto be meaningfully active at the same time).


Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
[Records five seconds of slamming and opening the same door over and over]

I want this so badly

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