Schneider Inside Her posted:Yeah dropping is a weird one. Messing up a hotdrop pretty much dooms your entire team to death but there is no real indication or instruction on how to do it properly. Be the first group to arrive somewhere. Work with your team. Is that the instruction you need, or specifically how to drop? Zesty fucked around with this message at 06:48 on Apr 11, 2021 |
# ? Apr 11, 2021 06:43 |
# ? Oct 7, 2024 06:26 |
Zesty posted:Be the first group to arrive somewhere. Work with your team. Is that the instruction you need, or specifically how to drop? I can hotdrop fine, I'm just saying that there is no real way to learn other than trial and error. If I am jumpmaster I can get my team to the ground early. But I have been playing semi-regularly since this game came out.
# ? Apr 11, 2021 07:10 |
Zesty posted:Be the first group to arrive somewhere. Work with your team. Is that the instruction you need, or specifically how to drop? It's more to do with how drops work, the physics, should you use your W boost, what happens if you do, etc. The game could really benefit from a Pilot Wings-style training where you need to land in a circle from different places, beat AI there, something like that. For such a core component of the game, it's really under-explained.
# ? Apr 11, 2021 07:11 |
Brain In A Jar posted:It's more to do with how drops work, the physics, should you use your W boost, what happens if you do, etc. is there a reason not to hold W at all times?
# ? Apr 11, 2021 15:05 |
This discussion has me worried I don’t actually know how to drop properly
# ? Apr 11, 2021 15:09 |
man in the eyeball hat posted:is there a reason not to hold W at all times? Trolling your teammates
# ? Apr 11, 2021 15:23 |
man in the eyeball hat posted:is there a reason not to hold W at all times? I think that for a long drop you want to hold W and point down until you hit a high speed, then level out and stop boosting? not going to lie I'm mostly saying this so someone else can specifically tell me how I'm wrong
# ? Apr 11, 2021 15:26 |
Sir DonkeyPunch posted:This discussion has me worried I don’t actually know how to drop properly Always look straight down when first dropping from the ship to get maximum speed. If you're dropping into a hotspot, jump when 600m from your target and aim just under where you want to land so you have maximum speed for the entire drop. Should be right about 147m/s. If you're trying for a far drop, jump 1,000m from your target and dive until you hit 145m/s, level out, then every time your speed drops to 135m/s dive until it gets back up to 145m/s then level out again.
# ? Apr 11, 2021 15:28 |
there's 2 stances you take when dropping, either your limbs are next to your body when dropping down for speed or spread out when going for distance. the trick is that you can get a huge speed/distance boost when switching from the speed stance to the distance stance, so you drop down until you hit a certain speed, then level out to get that boost
# ? Apr 11, 2021 17:04 |
xtal posted:I've enjoyed suggestions I've seen that her ult should work as a respawn beacon and permanent DOC Give it at least a chance to have a red weapon in it
# ? Apr 11, 2021 18:01 |
Simone Magus posted:Give it at least a chance to have a red weapon in it I think that would be too much.
# ? Apr 11, 2021 18:59 |
This seems like a good time to ask this. The red weapons don't auto reload as if they had a gold mag, right? I think I would rather have a Volt or R99 with a gold mag, than a Prowler. And for Peacekeeper, I set up markets to steal it, and my team doesn't even bother. Kraber is the only weapon that seems really good, and it's still really hard to use since you need to land headshots
# ? Apr 11, 2021 19:04 |
the prowler auto reloads but the kreber doesn't have any attachments afaik, it's just a kreber, and shotgun bolts don't autoreload so the PK can't.
# ? Apr 11, 2021 19:08 |
xtal posted:This seems like a good time to ask this. The red weapons don't auto reload as if they had a gold mag, right? I think I would rather have a Volt or R99 with a gold mag, than a Prowler. Hmm yes please keep joining my matches and leaving Prowlers around, thank you
# ? Apr 11, 2021 19:32 |
https://youtu.be/lldmXcrJ-84 Seems kinda real.
# ? Apr 11, 2021 20:48 |
why the gently caress did my teammates just throw themselves off the map after we won two third parties in a row? they literally jumped off the map after we won the fight, both of them. i grabbed both banners because gently caress you for bailing in ranked, i solod to second
# ? Apr 11, 2021 22:01 |
MarshyMcFly posted:https://youtu.be/lldmXcrJ-84 So the leakers are straight up sneaking into the internal beta Apex server now? thats bold lol
# ? Apr 11, 2021 22:25 |
man in the eyeball hat posted:why the gently caress did my teammates just throw themselves off the map after we won two third parties in a row? they literally jumped off the map after we won the fight, both of them. i grabbed both banners because gently caress you for bailing in ranked, i solod to second Did you ask them?
# ? Apr 11, 2021 22:30 |
man in the eyeball hat posted:why the gently caress did my teammates just throw themselves off the map after we won two third parties in a row? they literally jumped off the map after we won the fight, both of them. i grabbed both banners because gently caress you for bailing in ranked, i solod to second You should of been a part of their psychic link to know which piece of loot they had mental dips on that you took. Your own fault really.
# ? Apr 11, 2021 23:01 |
repiv posted:So the leakers are straight up sneaking into the internal beta Apex server now? i think all this stuff is already in the client, they're just tripping event flags early using voodoo
# ? Apr 12, 2021 00:40 |
dragon enthusiast posted:i think all this stuff is already in the client, they're just tripping event flags early using voodoo They show the event stuff active in an actual match, which would surely require the event flags to also be tripped on the server https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBOqsgSyfss I wonder if they've managed to coax the public client into connecting to server instances meant for internal QA testing, hence the "CERT" gamemode on the menu repiv fucked around with this message at 01:01 on Apr 12, 2021 |
# ? Apr 12, 2021 00:53 |
im super ready for apex deathmatch mode. it will let me get my wigglies out whenever i want, and also hopefully make the real matches a bit more focused.
# ? Apr 12, 2021 01:32 |
man in the eyeball hat posted:is there a reason not to hold W at all times? A very rare edge case use is you can just float there and watch for a stray/solo enemy flight path. Then you chase them down and beat them up for a finisher. You know, for your Finisher daily challenge.
# ? Apr 12, 2021 02:40 |
man in the eyeball hat posted:why the gently caress did my teammates just throw themselves off the map after we won two third parties in a row? they literally jumped off the map after we won the fight, both of them. i grabbed both banners because gently caress you for bailing in ranked, i solod to second Was one of them Octane and was it on Olympus? There's a video making the rounds of an octane using a jump pad to get to make a big-rear end jump. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAhugwJuhnY Japanese octane has a weird voice, especially since his exclamation after the jump is the original voice actor.
# ? Apr 12, 2021 13:51 |
# ? Apr 12, 2021 23:16 |
So is caustic her dad or something?
# ? Apr 13, 2021 00:54 |
George H.W. oval office posted:So is caustic her dad or something? Her dad is dead, and she see lots of similarities so she is projecting a little bit (a lot). They also have the mutual respect of being intellectuals/scientists.
# ? Apr 13, 2021 01:00 |
no, but implicitly he's dying of whatever killed her father, probably cancer. caustic is breaking bad.
# ? Apr 13, 2021 01:00 |
These comics need more panels. They're cramming too much poo poo in there. I feel like the hard limit of four images to a tweet are ruining them.
# ? Apr 13, 2021 01:00 |
The layout and flow are a mess, yeah.
# ? Apr 13, 2021 01:19 |
They are very very hard to read and follow. Anyone want to give it the Cliffnotes version for us?
# ? Apr 13, 2021 01:19 |
Wattson, who sees her dead father in caustic, suspects his mass murder plans are because he's dying of cancer. other legends do not seem to have a problem with this. Wattson goes to caustics house to find out his mass murder plans. he threatens to gas her, she calls his bluff, he flips because she's the only person he has literally ever expressed any positive emotions about in any context. Wattson tases him, disables the gas bomb or whatever and threatens him to go to the Mafia with the knowledge that he wanted to do mass chemical terrorism (?) and as such the characters are one again at their old equilibrium. the art is good, the writing is poor imo
# ? Apr 13, 2021 01:28 |
What are the best new guns/which legends are currently considered pretty good? I haven’t played since season 1 or so, and I’m super out of the loop on any balance changes etc. Is there a place to look for current summaries?
# ? Apr 13, 2021 01:35 |
tildes posted:What are the best new guns/which legends are currently considered pretty good? I haven’t played since season 1 or so, and I’m super out of the loop on any balance changes etc. Is there a place to look for current summaries? Horizon and Octane are the meme right now but any of the OG legends are still very very good. The top guns right now are Anvil Receiver 301/Flatline (protip: prioritize explosive holds) and the Shitfire, but honestly they're all very closely balanced, just use whatever you're comfortable and effective with. I had a win yesterday evening where I ran Longbow/Charge Rifle. It really does not matter what gun you have as long as you know their capabilities and play around them.
# ? Apr 13, 2021 01:55 |
I'm not gonna lie, I initially thought the official apex twitter was retweeting fanfics with those comics. Also when did Octane suddenly become meta? The last change I recall was his jumppad getting two modes of flight, which was a very good change, but was that enough to suddenly push him to the front? Revitalized fucked around with this message at 02:01 on Apr 13, 2021 |
# ? Apr 13, 2021 01:57 |
Revitalized posted:I'm not gonna lie, I initially thought the official apex twitter was retweeting fanfics with those comics. Insane vertical and horizontal mobility is a helluva drug.
# ? Apr 13, 2021 02:45 |
Revitalized posted:Also when did Octane suddenly become meta? The last change I recall was his jumppad getting two modes of flight, which was a very good change, but was that enough to suddenly push him to the front? It wasn't just the jumppad change, it was also how it interacts with Revenant's death totem... and then Octane/Revenant becoming a popular pairing meant that the buff Octane got to his health regen in Season 7 suddenly became that much more important.
# ? Apr 13, 2021 02:48 |
Considering that apex is just a long continuous third party fight having huge mobility with low cooldowns is extremely fun and good.
# ? Apr 13, 2021 02:49 |
Revitalized posted:I'm not gonna lie, I initially thought the official apex twitter was retweeting fanfics with those comics. Octane became meta mostly because he now has the best horizontal team movement in the game and wraith got dumpstered between hitbox and portal changes
# ? Apr 13, 2021 02:56 |
# ? Oct 7, 2024 06:26 |
Octane's passive doubling in effect didn't hurt either, it's fairly noticeable to jump up in health while repositioning and to mostly get your health back by the time the next one is ready. Jump pads going from a joke to a legit top tier movement option was big too while every other option has seen nerfs to cooldown or safety, you can still snipe people on the trajectory even with the extra jump mixup but it's much less predictable and a faster moving target.
# ? Apr 13, 2021 02:58 |