Chard posted:technicolor revenant is my birdsona every time i see bird revenants little beak thing this plays in my mind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtIBHfOdyX0
# ? Jul 1, 2021 04:58 |
# ? Oct 4, 2024 21:33 |
Yellow Yoshi posted:every time i see bird revenants little beak thing this plays in my mind *clicks, sees video already liked, nods* tf2 was the absolute pinnacle of online gaming, prove me wrong
# ? Jul 1, 2021 05:16 |
Something about the physics on the train ain't right. Landing on the supply ship also now feels real wrong too, like they broke how standing on moving surfaces works.
# ? Jul 1, 2021 05:24 |
drill site is genuinely the worst named location ever created survey camp at least lets you pick a gun you like that you will have no ammo for
# ? Jul 1, 2021 05:41 |
Chard posted:*clicks, sees video already liked, nods* agreed, Titanfall 2 supercedes all other experiences
# ? Jul 1, 2021 06:30 |
Yellow Yoshi posted:agreed, Titanfall 2 supercedes all other experiences fists up bhithc
# ? Jul 1, 2021 06:45 |
Skulltown arena is pretty good because you can walk around the small corridors with an EVA-8 and delete people like some kind of Doomguy. Still think Phase Runner is probably my favourite arena map though. And the original BR maps are bad compared to the modern versions, but I kind of like how they don't have loot and ammo absolutely everywhere? It's weird, loot density on the modern maps feels better but there's something to be said about "oh no I don't have everything I could possibly need on drop"
# ? Jul 1, 2021 11:47 |
Capital City is fun, you're just constantly rotating into fights
# ? Jul 1, 2021 14:13 |
iTrust posted:And the original BR maps are bad compared to the modern versions, but I kind of like how they don't have loot and ammo absolutely everywhere? It's weird, loot density on the modern maps feels better but there's something to be said about "oh no I don't have everything I could possibly need on drop" A vicious battle for scavenging and survival is how the genre should be, yeah. When everyone's fully kitted it's just deathmatch on a particularly large map.
# ? Jul 1, 2021 14:49 |
dragon enthusiast posted:Capital City is fun, you're just constantly rotating into fights Agreed. I was here for season 0 and experienced skull town to it's fullest, but quit for awhile and had never seen the OG world's edge. Capital city is awesome because it's dense but quite a large area. You can land almost freely, have time to grab a gun or 2, then quickly try to get into some fights. Makes me wonder how a map would feel/play that was maybe half the size of the current maps but with fairly equal POIs spread out evenly.
# ? Jul 1, 2021 15:49 |
Current strategy is to queue into trios as a solo, climb to very high places in these deprecated maps, and then plink at people with the bow. No expectation of winning.
# ? Jul 1, 2021 18:29 |
What amuses me is they prenerfed the Revenant/Octane combo by nerfing both characters abilities durations and cooldown but just because revenant can climb good and has a smaller hitbox now almost every team is revenant/octane lately.
# ? Jul 2, 2021 00:00 |
Using the Hemlock in Arenas a lot more and man I forgot how great this gun is
# ? Jul 2, 2021 00:23 |
Simone Magus posted:Using the Hemlock in Arenas a lot more and man I forgot how great this gun is its fun to blast it in arena with no concern for ammo but in BR I find myself loving the single fire mode on it and the 301 lately.
# ? Jul 2, 2021 00:28 |
It’s absolutely insane what a difference good teammates make in this game. I know this is news to no one, but every time I play with group A (friends that are very casual players, generally little game sense/can’t really watch your back) versus group B (my sweaty friends) it’s a huge difference in performance for me. I would say my KDR with group A is like 1.00 MAYBE and 2.0-2.5 with group B because with group A we rarely win our encounters so it’s hard to convert my 1-2 knocks into actual kills. I still play with group A to have fun but it’s weird to go from winning 1 in 15~ games to winning 5 in 15 games solely based on having a more cohesive squad. Ok, it’s not weird at all…. Makes me feel bad for exclusively solo queuers.
# ? Jul 2, 2021 18:59 |
https://twitter.com/playapex/status/1411040728680181764 Fair warning this is probably the most melodramatic and long-winded animatic yet. They really need a more aggressive editor.
# ? Jul 2, 2021 20:49 |
runchild posted:https://twitter.com/playapex/status/1411040728680181764 No kidding. I know the joke is that millennials can't keep track of anything for long, and we all suffer from attention deficit disorder, but by minute three I was wondering if there was actually a purpose to this little clip at all. Ah well. We have to get more gasps in there.
# ? Jul 2, 2021 21:18 |
six minutes and fourty seven seconds, get da gently caress outta heah
# ? Jul 2, 2021 21:57 |
im happy for wattson, or sorry that happened on another note https://twitter.com/rspn_pav/status/1411004585435484162 https://twitter.com/RKRigney/status/1411002498836537346
# ? Jul 2, 2021 22:11 |
I wish they'd do a solo arenas mode with like 9 players total. Just mayhem
# ? Jul 2, 2021 22:14 |
they made the two problematic LMGs super expensive but forgot to touch the devotion, which you can now turbocharge for about the cost of a lv2 spitfire
# ? Jul 3, 2021 01:50 |
Haha yeah I noticed that, turbo devotion is far cheaper than it should be
# ? Jul 3, 2021 02:45 |
im sad they took the 6x off the base-level charge rifle
# ? Jul 3, 2021 04:25 |
Skulltown sucks. BR: 80% of the teams drop there and die within the first 2 minutes. I can see why they got rid of this POI. Granted, the other original KC spots are fun. Arenas: Everyone runs up the stairs on either side and dies up on the roof. The lower parts with all the doors everywhere are fun to fight in, but people can't resist going up the stairs. The new Arenas meta seems to be everyone buys a devotion. It was more fun with all LSTARS as those didn't kill you in .5 seconds if you aren't in cover. Does anyone know what causes the Sentinel to be glitched from being unable to be charged in Arenas? Is it like what order you buy the gun and cells in? I'm surprised they still haven't fixed that.
# ? Jul 3, 2021 13:26 |
dragon enthusiast posted:
I’ll have to check out the devotion but u can still buy lstar rd 1 and keep buying it, really a lvl 1 lstar is all you need in arenas.
# ? Jul 3, 2021 17:09 |
I'm just curious how many healing items the enemies bought for you to hit 5k damage in arena. I topped out around 2k and that's when I did 90% of my teams damage.
# ? Jul 3, 2021 18:24 |
Bottom Liner posted:I'm just curious how many healing items the enemies bought for you to hit 5k damage in arena. He’s got 20 knocks which is roughly 4k just on base hp. Looks like a 7 round game with potato teammates.
# ? Jul 3, 2021 19:23 |
oh right, i was thinking it was a 3-0 of domination.
# ? Jul 3, 2021 19:28 |
Cretin90 posted:
I have similar friend groups to this, my group A probably wins 1 out of 25 games, group B wins 1 out of like 15ish, and the people in group A are getting super frustrated with the game and I don't blame them, I am too. We get put in lobbies with diamond/masters players and get annihilated for ~5 games in a row, then we get a pity bot lobby, then get annihilated for ~5 games in a row, etc. By bots I mean AIs, not "bad human players." When I play with group B things definitely go better, but overall the caliber of the opponents feels the same (ie, WAY better than me) when I play with either group. It seems completely ridiculous. Playing with group A we never got our asses kicked consistently this hard in any prior season. Whatever the hell they did to their EOMM garbage this season needs to be reworked.
# ? Jul 3, 2021 19:54 |
bromplicated posted:Skulltown sucks. I had a game where I dropped hot bridges and managed to survive the hot drop. Everyone else in the game went to skulltown. By the time we left bridges, there were 3 squads left. We lost to the last squad after they murdered everyone in skulltown.
# ? Jul 3, 2021 19:55 |
Dren posted:I’ll have to check out the devotion but u can still buy lstar rd 1 and keep buying it, really a lvl 1 lstar is all you need in arenas. have you considered dual devotion / lstar also yeah the match ended up going into sudden death. should have won much sooner but I'm not at the point where I can win 1v3s often
# ? Jul 3, 2021 19:58 |
J posted:By bots I mean AIs, not "bad human players." Just to be clear here, do you actually think Apex has AI players like Fortnite?
# ? Jul 3, 2021 20:36 |
All on Steam version; Since the release of Genesis, it's taking me - on average - five minutes to Load into the game. When the game eventually loads, I'm greeted with a Disconnection error. I then reconnect - after another few minutes - and change Game mode to Arenas or Ranked. What follows is a huge stutter and a 50/50 chance that I'm either going to get a disconnection error again or it's going to agree with what I've asked and let me Ready Check for whatever game mode it is I've elected to play. This isn't stopping me from playing or anything, it's just a pretty annoying thing. I'd say it's taking me 10-15 minutes from Gameload to actually being able to play. So... is this happening with anyone else, or does anybody know what the drat hell? iTrust fucked around with this message at 23:17 on Jul 3, 2021 |
# ? Jul 3, 2021 23:15 |
iTrust posted:All on Steam version; sounds like a weird network issue more than game? Game has been running much better for me since event launch with the only bug I was getting previously seemingly gone.
# ? Jul 3, 2021 23:43 |
iTrust posted:All on Steam version; This hasn't happened to me personally but someone on our discord has been having this issue. Takes them a while to make it past the intro screen (they error out before being allowed in) and it then takes a while for us to matchmake in. This is also the first time I've ever seen the "Team Mate Preloading" message while queueing.
# ? Jul 3, 2021 23:53 |
I've seen the "Team Mate Preloading" message once, but that was on a friend on the Xbox version who had literally just launched the game after the patch.
# ? Jul 3, 2021 23:56 |
runchild posted:Just to be clear here, do you actually think Apex has AI players like Fortnite? Yes I do, and I think "percentage of the lobby that is bots" is a knob that gets adjusted depending on how badly you've been doing during your recent games. Here's why I think that. A couple weeks ago I was playing duos with my friend, and we did something we don't normally do, and that is bang our heads against fragment drops over and over. We were getting toasted repeatedly, barely getting any kills and getting obliterated by superstar octanes tap strafing around every corner. Fine, whatever, go again. We did this for what I would guess to be 10 or so games with maybe 2 kills total between us (seriously, we were getting dumpstered super hard by everybody) until the map switched to olympus and we end up in by FAR the most bizarre game of apex I've played. We drop turbine and there were several other squads there. I land at that bunker on the west side. I get bloodhound scanned at max range. A few seconds later I get bloodhound scanned again, also right at max range. I start shooting at the squad in the middle area. Then between the squad in the middle, and a squad somewhere else, I get so goddamned many grenades thrown at me I actually made a "How the hell do they even have this many grenades, could turbine even have this many grenades" comment. But the grenades were all... complete poo poo. Like bouncing off the front side of the bunker harmlessly kinda poo poo. But it was still the most number of grenades I've ever had thrown at me in a turbine drop. Then I get scanned again by the middle squad... at max range. Then I got scanned again by another squad.... at max range. These squads sucked and we mopped them up without taking much damage. Then we get scanned, at max range again. Another squad is rotating in, and throws a poo poo ton of bad grenades at us and we mop them up. Then another squad does the same thing, including the very convenient max range scan to give us advance notice of where they're coming from. At this point I look up and holy poo poo I have 11 kills and somewhere around 2k damage dealt. The most single game kills I'd ever had before this game was 11, and my single game damage high was 2600ish. And there's still 15 squads alive. The kill feed has been quiet aside from us, and we haven't been hearing any gunfire at any of the usual areas surrounding turbine. That's around the time where I started thinking about the grenades, the max range scans, the near harmless squads, unusually fast rotation timings from squads that were really bad, all these squads moving and behaving in the exact same way, etc. Normally fast rotating squads are dangerous. And I've never, ever had a lobby where people were dying this slowly. Not even remotely close to this slowly. I tell my friend to ease up and let me try to get a 4k/20 since it felt like it was in play in this weird lobby. We go out towards estates and killed another squad or two around that highway area, who also felt mostly harmless. By then the ring was going north, so we go back towards fight night and docks. Along the way we encounter a solo pathfinder , I shoot him and he has red armor. I expect to summarily demolished by some superstar, but no. He moved and shot like poo poo, and we loot his body and it has red armor, but the rest was super basic. poo poo guns, poo poo attachments, low ammo, a few cells/syringes with no big heals. I know there are plenty of superstars who can run through a lobby with a BB gun and some pocket lint, but that guy wasn't it. Then we find a solo wraith and same story. Red armor, moved and shot like poo poo, extremely basic inventory. Remember this lobby is quiet and dying off really slowly. Barely anything in the kill feed, barely any audible gunshots that aren't us. For the remainder of the game everyone we fought all had red armor. There just wasn't enough action in the game for there to be that many red armors. All the inventories felt unnatural, nobody had a big stack of anything, batteries/medkits/phoenixes were nonexistent. I had 0 batteries for most of the game, and was running on total fumes for ammo because none of the bodies had more than 50-100 shots. The gunfights felt like how a lot of single player FPS enemies are coded where a certain percentage of bullets hit you. I never got lasered, but also never got completely whiffed on. The opponents never made any hard pushes, but they also never tried to fully run away either. If they were just bad human players I would expect some of them to try to fully run away or hide in a corner somewhere, and their inventories to have large stacks of at least something, even if it was some goofy poo poo like 20 syringes or 80 shotgun shells. Normally when I shoot someone and they have red armor I don't expect things to go well for us, nevermind an entire lobby full of people with red armor who feel mostly harmless. On paper you might say "Oh but bad players don't commit to pushes and sit there trading damage forever" but we weren't third partying anybody. There were no gunshots to run up on, no damage being traded! That's a big part of why I think they are bots, I think their armor just levels up based on the time elapsed in the game rather than damage dealt. End result was I hit my 4k damage badge, but fell short of the 20 kills with 18 kills. But it feels phony. I immediately told my friend afterwards that felt like AI opponents. And ever since then, it's like the FedEx arrow. I start seeing these behaviors in games after we've had a streak of bad games with no kills, which is often. The max range scan > bad grenade spam thing in particular sticks out to me like crazy, as well as the "whole squad has red armor, but shoots and positions poorly and their inventory looks like they just died on a skulltown drop" thing. Maybe my dumb lizard brain is just seeing stupid poo poo but I am pretty drat convinced the game uses bots. iTrust posted:All on Steam version; I had this problem earlier this week. Infinite black loading screen for ~5 minutes, timeout with code:pin, then it lets me in. Then I also had the huge stutter into disconnect upon changing the game mode. I was partied with someone playing on the origin version (the other two players including me were on steam) and they were the group leader. After they left and our group was all steam players, the stuttering on game mode switch disappeared. I ended up going into steam > apex legends > properties > verify integrity of game files, but at the same time the guy who was origin switched over to the steam version. Then both the initial slow login time and stuttering issues were gone the next day. Not sure if either of those things helped or if respawn fixed something behind the scenes coincidentally, though. We also had the "Teammate preloading" problem where the queue would never fire, had to solve that one by disbanding and reforming the group, then queuing again.Sometimes had to do that after every game.
# ? Jul 4, 2021 00:19 |
lmfao that you dont' believe people can regularly be this garbage at a videogame
# ? Jul 4, 2021 00:38 |
J posted:I had this problem earlier this week. Infinite black loading screen for ~5 minutes, timeout with code:pin, then it lets me in. Then I also had the huge stutter into disconnect upon changing the game mode. I was partied with someone playing on the origin version (the other two players including me were on steam) and they were the group leader. After they left and our group was all steam players, the stuttering on game mode switch disappeared. I ended up going into steam > apex legends > properties > verify integrity of game files, but at the same time the guy who was origin switched over to the steam version. Then both the initial slow login time and stuttering issues were gone the next day. Not sure if either of those things helped or if respawn fixed something behind the scenes coincidentally, though. We also had the "Teammate preloading" problem where the queue would never fire, had to solve that one by disbanding and reforming the group, then queuing again.Sometimes had to do that after every game. I'll give Verify Integrity a go and see if that solves the problem. Talking to a few folks about it and it seems to be common enough - One guy I know has said he's done a full reinstall of the game and that solved it, so I'm hoping it's an Integrity thing. Thanks!
# ? Jul 4, 2021 00:39 |
# ? Oct 4, 2024 21:33 |
I can't actually imagine Respawn would bother to invest the effort in developing even semi passable AI instead just tuning their matchmaking to occasionally expand to pick up really bad/new players in order to fill a lobby in their unranked game mode. Like, just try to imagine the kind of pathfinding algorithm this game would require for a bot to be able to function on any of the maps in a decent fashion, much less the looting loop.
# ? Jul 4, 2021 00:47 |