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Aug 13, 2009

we team fortress 2 now :tipshat:


Dec 30, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

CredulousAtBest posted:

Welp logged in for the first time in months, played some games and the servers all went down.

The must have been struggling to calculate the damage I was putting out, sorry guys :/

Divide by zero errors are tough.

Also I suck at this game but it is fun.

An Ounce of Gold
Jul 13, 2001

by Fluffdaddy

Ahh yes, the Angler Fish technique. They will shoot nessy instead of your head.

Apr 10, 2006
This is kinda old man yells at clouds but it bothers me how stiff the matchmaking in duos is. I suspect it’s because the likelihood of having one excellent friend is much higher than having two excellent friends so the player pool for duos is both much better and much smaller.

This post brought to you by queueing ten matches in duos this morning with my 0.9KDR friend and getting annihilated by double hammers/trail of skulls people in 8-9/10 those matches.

Cretin90 fucked around with this message at 17:24 on Jul 10, 2021

egg tats
Apr 3, 2010

Cretin90 posted:

This is kinda old man yells at clouds but it bothers me how stiff the matchmaking in duos is. I suspect it’s because the likelihood of having one excellent friend is much higher than having two excellent friends so the player pool for duos is both much better and much smaller.

This post brought to you by queueing ten matches in duos this morning with my 0.9KDR friend and getting annihilated by double hammers/trail of skulls people in 8-9/10 those matches.

duos this season seems way harder than it used to

maybe all the bad players are in arenas, bolstering my bafflingly high for me 50% winrate

Dec 11, 2006

...on the plus side I'm feeling much more angry now than I expected so this totally helps me get in character.

Car Hater posted:

I just sat down to play for the first time in a few months and holy poo poo Valkyrie is OP, they nerf her ult off completely in final ring right? I've racked up something like 4? 5? wins already since last night just by jumping over mountain ranges to a good high-ground and waiting for/third-partying the final fight, or by getting my whole team out of a fight we weren't positioned for. I used to play mostly pathfinder/octane for the mobility but jetpack is better for that by far. the special is kind of hit or miss, but it's fun to suicide with.

Still though, is this the new meta? if not, how isn't it?

She gets a lot of play in normal matches / ranked and is part of the meta in pro tourneys, but not an auto-pick and not even the most-picked movement legend. Not only are certain parts of a team comp necessary in competitive (like Gibby and arguably Bloodhound), Valk's reposition is vulnerable while ascending/flying and while it usually doesn't get punished even in ranked, pros punish it *hard* while flying and if it's used wrong it's a team death sentence. So it's almost impossible to use it to rotate out of a tight spot. Octane had a higher pick rate as the team movement legend last ALGS champs.

Simone Magus
Sep 30, 2020

by VideoGames

egg tats posted:

duos this season seems way harder than it used to

maybe all the bad players are in arenas, bolstering my bafflingly high for me 50% winrate

I think Arenas is like weed or alcohol are to mood. It just makes you more of whatever you already are. Good players are great in Arenas and bad players are really bad

The other night, and I'm sure I'll never pull this off again, I used a holo spray offensively. I threw it around the corner which actually worked in making someone shoot at it.

Bonus, it was the Wraith "looking for me" one. Ha. I really should have clipped that. Oh and if was in skull town. And it was the last kill of match point.

Oct 4, 2020
My name is CredulousAtBest. Glenn Greenwald constantly owning me has resulted in my prodromal schizophrenia, so please be polite when you deal with psychotic breaks and kindly nod to my unintelligible tripe.

pacerhimself posted:

Divide by zero errors are tough.

Also I suck at this game but it is fun.


Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
Keep getting solo queued despite having fill checked all afternoon. Why is this game so good but so busted every day in new ways?

Apr 10, 2006

Bottom Liner posted:

Keep getting solo queued despite having fill checked all afternoon. Why is this game so good but so busted every day in new ways?

Lol my last game today was solo queueing (with fill checked) into trios and seeing a full pred trio as champ squad in pubs. Definitely time to sign off for the day.

Aug 13, 2009

Something that slipped under the radar in the new event trailer - they show an ironsight prowler in arena, which suggests it's going back to ground/shop loot

You can't remove optics in arena so a care package prowler would always had a digi threat on it

Sep 13, 2007

A free custom title is a free custom title

Lipstick Apathy

Bottom Liner posted:

Keep getting solo queued despite having fill checked all afternoon. Why is this game so good but so busted every day in new ways?

I was having this for a while but I just click spam Fill Teammates and then queue in after leaving it on a checkmark. Seems to give me teammates now :shobon:

Jul 29, 2012

repiv posted:

Something that slipped under the radar in the new event trailer - they show an ironsight prowler in arena, which suggests it's going back to ground/shop loot

You can't remove optics in arena so a care package prowler would always had a digi threat on it

loving finally

Ra Ra Rasputin
Apr 2, 2011
They should let you spend 1500-2500 materials after round 6+ on carepackage weapons from the shop.

Apr 17, 2005

switch it with the alternator in the care package, there's no reason for there to be no heavy two light SMGs when both the RE45 and R301 kind of hybrid fill the role anyway. make the alternator care package good, and give it a mechanic similar to the sentinel except you can spend a shield bat to gain disruptor rounds for X seconds/shots.

Hackan Slash
May 31, 2007
Hit it until it's not a problem anymore

CoolCab posted:

switch it with the alternator in the care package, there's no reason for there to be no heavy two light SMGs when both the RE45 and R301 kind of hybrid fill the role anyway. make the alternator care package good, and give it a mechanic similar to the sentinel except you can spend a shield bat to gain disruptor rounds for X seconds/shots.

*Gets disrupter rounds flashbacks*

Jul 29, 2012

Put the bow or the devotion in the care package. Turbocharger crafting days are a nightmare.

Aug 13, 2009

put the re45 in the care package and give it this magazine


Car Hater
May 7, 2007

wolf. bike.
Wolf. Bike.
Wolf! Bike!

repiv posted:

put the re45 in the care package and give it this magazine


the smiley makes me prefer the idea of dual re45's

Aug 22, 2008

You wanna get through this?

Car Hater posted:

the smiley makes me prefer the idea of dual re45's

Lifeline already dual-wields them in one of her banner poses, and I think Crypto dual-wields P2020s in one of his loading screens. Dual pistols would be really fun, especially if you can mix and match which ones you hold.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
Just make the p2020s akimbo Goldeneye style. that'd be fun as hell.

Aug 13, 2009

PunkBoy posted:

Lifeline already dual-wields them in one of her banner poses, and I think Crypto dual-wields P2020s in one of his loading screens. Dual pistols would be really fun, especially if you can mix and match which ones you hold.

speaking of which, i wish those banner poses and legend pick intros featuring weapons used your actual skin for that weapon rather than the boring default

missed opportunity to sell hemlok skins to sweaty wraith mains imo

repiv fucked around with this message at 19:36 on Jul 11, 2021

Jul 29, 2006


TheDemon posted:

She gets a lot of play in normal matches / ranked and is part of the meta in pro tourneys, but not an auto-pick and not even the most-picked movement legend. Not only are certain parts of a team comp necessary in competitive (like Gibby and arguably Bloodhound), Valk's reposition is vulnerable while ascending/flying and while it usually doesn't get punished even in ranked, pros punish it *hard* while flying and if it's used wrong it's a team death sentence. So it's almost impossible to use it to rotate out of a tight spot. Octane had a higher pick rate as the team movement legend last ALGS champs.
She also kills herself or her entire team sometimes when ulting so that's an issue.

Aug 13, 2009

the event is out but they forgot to update the playlists

Aug 13, 2009

prowler is still in the care package for now :rip:

Feb 19, 2004

Ladies, I'm back
Lipstick Apathy
Is there a group for the forum? Almost maxed out this season pass.

Jan 5, 2010

Argento posted:

Is there a group for the forum? Almost maxed out this season pass.

If you mean a club, there are too many people here playing to fit in one club. Most people play together on the goon Discord. There's a link in the OP but I'm not sure if it's current.

Feb 4, 2001

repiv posted:

prowler is still in the care package for now :rip:

It’s still season 9. The rumor there was for season 10. We’ve got like three more weeks of this season.

Aug 13, 2009

yeah the ground-loot prowler was in the trailer for this event though

guess they just recorded the trailer on the season 10 branch

egg tats
Apr 3, 2010
it was? didn't someone just spot a prowler with ironsights, which is a thing you've been able to do for 2 seasons now?

like, you wouldn't do it, because why drop the digithreat, but you can just take that off

Aug 13, 2009

the trailer takes place on the new arena map, and you can't remove optics in arena

Sep 13, 2007

A free custom title is a free custom title

Lipstick Apathy
I wish the quickdraw holster's effects are just a bit more noticeable. I was toying with it in the firing range and it just doesn't feel that much different to me.

Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
Yeah the effect isn't great for the itemization budget. Bring back double tap damnit.

Aug 16, 2012

Decided to revisit my one clip montage and gave it a baller soundtrack! I found clips of me one clipping dudes with the R99 too satisfying to pass up!

Evil Kit
May 29, 2013

I'm viable ladies.

this is peak clown performance

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Reminder, the rewards tracks are WEEKLY for this event. Next week this set of rewards will be gone and a new one will take it’s place.

I hope that means 3 legendary skins.

Apr 17, 2005

nah they put out the prize trackers, only one legendary. tons of stars and loot robots tho

Dec 2, 2011

Maxxed my battlepass with about a 90/10 split for Arenas/BR took about 45hrs I want to say as I hadn't played the steam version prior to this season. I think that seems about fair considering its been a few months

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010
based on my 1 data point this new arenas map is imba. 100% of the games were decided by what side of the map the team spawned on. Unfortunately we got the short end of the stick in sudden death


Bottom Liner
Feb 15, 2006

a specific vein of lasagna
Winning a 2v3 in sudden death :sparkles:

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