Lord Cyrahzax posted:Boo at Sophia's codename. No companion of humanity worth its salt should be cool with changing one letter and calling it a day Yes it's pretty lame, though I suppose they don't even really need to conceal her identity with a codename in the Jails, since basically nobody outside of the Phantom Thieves even knows that she exists to begin with.
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# ? Feb 13, 2025 09:09 |
Lol read through some of the thread and was glad to see how many other people had the exact experience of beating the first boss with one character left alive with like 3 HP, now that's what I call tuning. I guess if people can answer a yes/no question in spoilers -- does the game let you acknowledge any S-Links/romances from the original game?
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CharlieFoxtrot posted:I guess if people can answer a yes/no question in spoilers -- does the game let you acknowledge any S-Links/romances from the original game? No, you cannot continue any romances. There is one event where you can invite a party member to join you and you have a dialogue option to call it a date if said party member is female, but if you do they act surprised and treat it like a first date. The game kinda acts like you maxed out all your party member S-Links, but also none of them have their second awakenings so ![]()
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I just realized that there are two Persona skill combo move things (square-square-triangle-triangle and square-square-square-triangle), so it's worth checking for every new Persona I make. Like I made Setanta recently who is Nuclear type, but both his combo attacks are different physical attacks. In practice I find it kind of tough to actually execute those combos in boss fights (trying to do so seems to be a recipe for getting killed), but I'd prefer to make use of some of these neat combos instead of the boring strategy of just hanging back and using "regular" skills/magic. Lots of them look cool (like Makoto's one where she punches a bunch), but it's hard to find opportunities to do them. I just finished the second boss and I'm liking this game's plot a lot. It also makes use of the characters in a way that feels a lot more "balanced" somehow. Despite the party being smaller for most of the original Persona 5, it constantly felt like various party members were kind of superfluous, but this does a good job of making the group as a whole mesh together well.
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The 'type' mostly refers to the Showtime element if you use them as an equipped Persona. So if Joker uses Showtime while Setanta is equipped it'll be Nuclear damage. Fortunately I don't think bosses can Null/Absorb Showtimes, so you're not really 'punished' for using the wrong Persona.
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ApplesandOranges posted:Equipment is good but weapons are not a priority. You can upgrade armour periodically, but I've rarely felt the 'if I don't give Ann a piece of armour for the next dungeon she's donezo'. I think it was more I was surprised at how quick some of the party members die in fights (and yes they had default gear) and I just wasn't sure if it was because I needed more armor for everyone.
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Yeah I wouldn't say armor is useless but it doesn't really turn anybody into a tank, having the best gear just means you die in three hits from a boss instead of two. Ultimately dodging is way more important than armor or endurance.
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Just finished 3rd jail here There have been scenes that could be read as romantic so far, but I assume nothing overt will happen. Past confidantes are not really referenced, this game seems strongly focused on the group as a whole instead of just Joker.
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THE AWESOME GHOST posted:I think it was more I was surprised at how quick some of the party members die in fights (and yes they had default gear) and I just wasn't sure if it was because I needed more armor for everyone. I'd recommend making use of Ann and Ryuji if you can then until things start to shape up. Ann's Tarunda is extremely helpful and reasonably cheap, she can also throw out something like Marin Karin at later levels to lock enemies down for a while, and Ryuji is the bulkiest character by far.
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I'm flowing with money but I also maxed bond, money boost, junk boost asap and barely used other bond like Stat boosters.
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ApplesandOranges posted:I'd recommend making use of Ann and Ryuji if you can then until things start to shape up. Ann's Tarunda is extremely helpful and reasonably cheap, she can also throw out something like Marin Karin at later levels to lock enemies down for a while, and Ryuji is the bulkiest character by far. As an aside, I'm fairly tickled that Marin Kirin is actually somewhat useful now that you have enough enemies on the field that locking them down is a viable alternative to just 'keep spewing damage and defense debuffs, cause everything worthwhile is immune'.
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ApplesandOranges posted:The 'type' mostly refers to the Showtime element if you use them as an equipped Persona. So if Joker uses Showtime while Setanta is equipped it'll be Nuclear damage. Fortunately I don't think bosses can Null/Absorb Showtimes, so you're not really 'punished' for using the wrong Persona. Showtimes do Almighty damage and I'm pretty sure the type listed is their Skill Inheritance category for fusion stuff.
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Dragonatrix posted:Showtimes do Almighty damage and I'm pretty sure the type listed is their Skill Inheritance category for fusion stuff. Hmm that makes more sense, I guess the animation changing depending on the Persona type threw me off.
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Being able to switch between innately learned skills at will is such a good QoL feature, I hope they backport it into Persona 6. Maybe for party members only, but still it's so nice.
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Got stuck infinitely loading after the second Lock Warden. Thanks PC version!! Good thing that fight was a breeze or I'd be pissed!
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Jail 5: I was confused at first by the Thieves immediately realizing that it was Akane's Jail, but I guess it's actually that they knew her Shadow would be there but not that it was her Jail specifically? Also, fantastic touch having Futaba be the only one to avoid the trap because she's so out of shape she lagged behind
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There’s 3, squarex5 trianglex2 uses a skill as well.
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Well, finished the game (there's still post-game requests to do, but that's about it). I think the people who said it was basically Persona with just a hint of Mussou gameplay were correct; after the first few Jails, your best strategy is basically 'spam skills, use items to recover HP/SP, repeat'. The final boss only got off a few attacks because I kept chunking on their shields. The story's pretty good. I have a few minor quibbles here and there, but they're ultimately just quibbles and don't detract from a very solid spin-off. My probably rough tier list of characters battle-wise towards the end: Top Tier: Joker: Duh. High Tier: Sophia: Sophia is deceptively great. Her combos (if you ever need to actually use them) are the best of the three healers. Rakunda is available all game and extremely applicable, or she can just use it for free. She hits like an absolute truck with Kougaon thanks to her high Ma and learning Boost/Amps way earlier than anyone else; for comparison, nobody else even had their Amp yet by the time I hit the final checkpoint (Morgana was probably the closest to it). She won't actually be hitting weaknesses very often since Bless weakness is fairly rare, but hey, she's still a healer so it's not like that SP is gonna go to waste. Ryuji: Matarukaja is great alone, though it's not The Reason why Ryuji is strong since Joker can easily carry that. Ryuji is extremely durable, hits hard, and has decent support with Matarukaja and Shock. His excellent set of passives (Rebel Soul, Technical High, Shock Boost) also lift him up, and he'll rarely run into a situation where he just can't do damage since I don't think I've run into anything that resists both Physical and Elec. Yusuke: Yusuke and Ryuji are very close since they fill similar roles: buff, status that sets up Technicals, crits. Yusuke crits and evades more often, which can be helpful when spamming physicals since he could dodge an attack that would otherwise kill him. Masukukaja is less noticeably impactful compared to Matarukaja, but I tend to find Joker carrying Mataru anyway so Yusuke can fill that in. Yusuke is definitely more useful early game, by the end they kinda even out, I just used Ryuji slightly more often on bosses. Good Tier: Ann: Ann is pretty good. She hits very hard with her Agi spells, Diarahan is a nice backup option, and her multiple status ailments are nice for both Soul Thief and to help out Morgana and Haru. Her combos are actually pretty decent even late game for crowd control if you need to conserve SP especially with her access to crowd control status spells, and she has easy access to Tarunda for safety and Dekaja to strip enemy buffs. What keeps her out from the top is that she's pretty bad if the enemy resists Fire or worse, as she's basically downgraded to single target healer with a few debuffs. In addition, she learns Amp way too late so her damage kinda evens out with the others and loses to Sophia. Wolf: Good, safe character. Combos are pretty good and do a good chunk of damage, and carries a good variety of skills applicable to most situations (Dekaja, Heat Riser, Megidola, One-Shot Kill), and I could bring them to just about any fight without fear of running into a resistance. What holds them back is the backloaded learnset; like Haru, still hadn't learned Gun Amp at the end, misses out on their really good endgame skills, and the lack of weakness hitting options means they're basically just a Ryuji/Yusuke fishing for crits, but with less versatile buffing options. Will probably rise up once they finish learning their skills, however. Morgana: I like Morgana, he's a nice healer, his combos are ok, and he can do a good chunk of damage on Burning enemies with his Garu spells thanks to Technical Adept and the long duration of Burn. High Ag also gives him just a bit more survivability. But it's rare that he'd be better than Sophia outside of elemental shenanigans, and he's somewhat dependent on Burn to really pull off big damage. Still a good mage and Wind weakness is more common than Bless, but he's not the best and Masukunda is the least important debuff. Eh Tier: Haru: Haru's a decent physical chonker, and her combos are probably the easiest to use. Her gun combos are pretty great and cost no ammo, and One-Shot Kill covers a wide area. Haru is also the only character that can heal status effects (though items are plentiful), and Heat Riser is good for picking a rezzed character back up. She was just shy of learning Gun Amp at the end so she really took a backseat to Ryuji/Yusuke, and Psy just ends up as a worse element compared to Elec and Ice. I originally rated her higher but honestly unless I needed Psy weakness, I usually left her at home for bosses. If she got Gun Amp just a bit earlier that might have changed. Her damage ceiling is probably higher due to Technical Adept, but... Makoto: Makoto is... mostly riding on Marakukaja. On the surface, she's still a healer, she has four ways of hitting Technicals (Nuclear hits Burn/Freeze/Shock and she does have a physical move for Dizzy). But you're probably using physical attacks on Freeze/Shock, and Morgana is probably the better option for nailing Burns thanks to Technical Adept. Bleh combos and no access to Recarm just puts her behind compared to Sophie/Morgana early on, too. Marakukaja is still good and means Joker won't have to carry it, but that's really her best asset, that and Dekunda to nullify debuffs. ApplesandOranges fucked around with this message at 20:20 on Mar 2, 2021 |
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Beat the second jail last night. Wife was watching me fight and said does... does that dragon have boxers on ![]()
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In Dungeon 5 on my Merciless run and I have decided that I really fuckin hate crits in this action game. The extent to which getting crit fucks you over is way too high for a random mechanic.
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The second boss was a lot easier than the first. I was actually able to easily get full combos against him, whereas I had to constantly hang back with the first since she'd attack you before you could finish one most of the time.
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Started playing the game yesterday, and by jove I missed the P5 world. Was good seeing the Phantom Thieves in action again. Still in the 1st jail, when it turned out that ||you needed to turn off 2 more power stations to get to the palace|| it made me sorta sad! Lost like 30 minutes of progress and had to do the fight tutorials all over again because the game decided to crash for no reason, but luckily cutscene skips exist, and it gave me another chance to fight the Bicorn and get a bit more used to the combat (still not fully used to it though). At least it taught me to save religiously and hasn't crashed since. Audio felt off at a few points, though that might have been my headphones. SP limitations suck, as usual. It's nice you can insta-refill cause checkpoints are plentiful but that just means more extra loading as you enter in and out. Still getting hang of the dodging and general combat, I get hit way too often cause I can't dodge cancel well enough. Really like how each character seems to have their own unique playstyle/moveset. Especially interested in Ryuji's charging up and Yusuke's counters and Ann's enchant mechanic. Do Ann's Fire-enchanted attacks trigger enemy weaknesses like Persona skills do? Maybe I should go down to Easy instead of Normal. I love the UI aesthetics so much, Sophie's shop menu is super cute and all the other menus are fuckin' dope too. Sorta sad that the round table discussions are gone, but happy to have pre-infiltration chitchat around. Been reading the tips and character thoughts that other people have posted which were very helpful.
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Ann and Makoto's enchants do hit weaknesses, but are less potent at exposing enemies because they're inherently lower damage. Pretty nice for racking up just a bit of extra damage though if applicable and I believe Ann's fire whips have a low chance of inducing Burn.
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ZepiaEltnamOberon posted:Audio felt off at a few points, though that might have been my headphones. Nah, the audio balancing is...I'll be generous and say "inconsistent". It's fairly understandable given the obvious real world issues affecting development, but sometimes lines are completely fine, sometimes they're too quiet and sometimes they start one and then become the other midway through. It's very consistent in its inconsistency.
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ZepiaEltnamOberon posted:Lost like 30 minutes of progress and had to do the fight tutorials all over again because the game decided to crash for no reason, but luckily cutscene skips exist, and it gave me another chance to fight the Bicorn and get a bit more used to the combat (still not fully used to it though). At least it taught me to save religiously and hasn't crashed since. ZepiaEltnamOberon posted:Audio felt off at a few points, though that might have been my headphones. ZepiaEltnamOberon posted:Really like how each character seems to have their own unique playstyle/moveset. Especially interested in Ryuji's charging up and Yusuke's counters and Ann's enchant mechanic. Do Ann's Fire-enchanted attacks trigger enemy weaknesses like Persona skills do?
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How many jails are there? Starting the -----------sixth---------- and there must be at least one more, possibly two, because we're not dethroning God yet. Not spoiling that last bit because: 1) it's an assumption and I don't know which God exactly 2) come on it's Persona. It's a given by now.
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There are eight, but the last two are essentially back to back and are very small in isolation.
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All of the "reach the location on the complete opposite end of the map without using fast travel or raising the security level" missions can ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Maybe if it was just once or twice I wouldn't mind but the game hits you with like ten of those fuckers and they're not even remotely fun.
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Sydin posted:All of the "reach the location on the complete opposite end of the map without using fast travel or raising the security level" missions can In case you didn't know, you can slam an overworld Shadow with a Persona skill to start the fight and it won't count towards the security level.
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Oh I know, I just fight my way all the way to the point. It's just tedious as gently caress. Particularly when you make it 95% of the way and then get caught by a spotlight in one of those 2D sections because Joker decides to fling himself forward into one after you jump onto a ledge.
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I mean it's not even that difficult? Just jump between Ambush points, Ambush an enemy if you need to, and make use of Joker's ability to initiate fights from a distance if there aren't any good points to do it. The worst bits are the spotlight sections which aren't that bad. Well that and waiting forever for the hooks to travel in the 4th Jail.
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For what's it's worth you can also save it at the checkpoints if you come across one and then reload from there if you fail. Not the most useful but some of the spotlighted 2d sections are right after checkpoints so it's helpful there.
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You don’t need to hide at all, the only thing that absolutely raises it is the spotlights. You can run right past most shadows and the reaction time on raising the alarm is so long it won’t happen by the time you’ve crossed their sight range, and any you can’t just run past you can run right up to and hit to start combat without triggering anything. You don’t even need to ambush them.
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ApplesandOranges posted:I mean it's not even that difficult? Just jump between Ambush points, Ambush an enemy if you need to, and make use of Joker's ability to initiate fights from a distance if there aren't any good points to do it. Again, never said it was difficult. It's just tedious as gently caress and the controls during the spotlight sections sometimes cause Joker to fling himself into a spotlight when you just wanted him to pull himself up onto a ledge.
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I can only remember 2 having spotlight sections, even.
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Sydin posted:All of the "reach the location on the complete opposite end of the map without using fast travel or raising the security level" missions can i didnt really like those either but aside from the spotlights you can just shoot the shadows with jokers gun to start combat and it wont count towards being detected. theres also save points before the spotlight parts so you can reload if you screw up.
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In the third jail immediately after getting the third piece of evidence, you are given a dialogue choice. If you know what's good for you, you will choose "HEE-HO!" I repeat: if you see a dialogue choice containing, "HEE-HO!", you should choose it.
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gonna rub some feet for like 5 hours
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Shooting shadows with any character’s gun works to start a fight with no ambush, joker’s is just the most convenient (and Haru’s seems to be impossible to target the flying shadows)
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# ? Feb 13, 2025 09:09 |
Gay Rat Wedding posted:Shooting shadows with any character’s gun works to start a fight with no ambush, joker’s is just the most convenient (and Haru’s seems to be impossible to target the flying shadows) yup. i always forgot you had to target instead hitting triangle with the other characters and those were the few times i actually got detected.
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