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Missy Hyatt
Nov 20, 2004

1978 ~ 2023


Are there any party members you won't really miss out too much if you just ignore them forever? I feel like there are too many

Honestly if all you want to do is finish the story you’ll keep everyone levelled well enough to stay useful by just bringing them in whenever they have an affinity that beats the weakness for the boss you’re about to fight.

It’s not a hard game to just “finish”.


Feb 19, 2013

That's it! No more hiding in tomato crates! It's time to show that idiota Germany how a real nation fights!

For pasta~! CHARGE!


Are there any party members you won't really miss out too much if you just ignore them forever? I feel like there are too many

Getting all masteries for a character is like 20 to 30 minutes of direct control (including time between fights) and keeping everyone up to level is just setting up a rotation when filling requests in old jails.

PSA, do not ignore a character's level forever. It could bite you.

Jul 24, 2013

Grimey Drawer
More endgame spoilers. I am a big fan of the og phantom thieves grumbling that they have to kill another god.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.


Are there any party members you won't really miss out too much if you just ignore them forever? I feel like there are too many

Everyone's useful to a certain degree, it's a matter of 'do I miss out on their really cool endgame skill if they're just missing a bit of exp'.

I feel like the least important characters to level personally are Makoto, Sophie and Yusuke personally in terms of 'actually gaining new skills'. Makoto really just caps out at Marakakuja since (in my opinion) as a healer she's generally worse than the other two options. Sophie finishes the majority of her skillset very early and her final skill is postgame levels territory. Yusuke's last few skills before his capstone aren't that great , so again it's 'postgame levels'.

That said, Sophie and Yusuke are very good characters so I just use them anyway, they're just lower on the 'must grab last few skills before final boss' list... but honestly you're swapping party members enough that it'll rarely be an issue.

Oct 24, 2010

Hello? Can you hear me? ...Perhaps if I shout? AAAAAAAAAH!
Generally I level characters when I'm doing requests and backtracking.

Jun 29, 2005

Dante's allowance - $100
I've been keeping all of them leveled evenly but I have to keep fighting the urge to not just use Ryuji and Yusuke all of the time because they're so much fun and my best bros

Jun 20, 2011

Better stay in line when
You see a Pavel like me shinin

Namnesor posted:

I've been keeping all of them leveled evenly but I have to keep fighting the urge to not just use Ryuji and Yusuke all of the time because they're so much fun and my best bros


Even though I wasn't the biggest Haru fan in P5, she's earned a place in my squad

Oct 15, 2011

You see the most shocking sights sometimes
I'm replaying it, and god the scene where they show Zenkichi the Metaverse is probably one of the best moments in the series in terms of writing quality

Tom Taylorson being excellent at his job also helps

Jun 29, 2005

Dante's allowance - $100

waah posted:


Even though I wasn't the biggest Haru fan in P5, she's earned a place in my squad

Hell yes, Haru is a beast; (3rd Jail boss spoilers) it's incredibly obvious that Hyodo's weakness was going to be Psi, but the amount of hurt Haru can put out in that fight is buck wild.

Oct 15, 2011

You see the most shocking sights sometimes
Also being able to swing that axe and fire that grenade launcher in an action game as opposed to a turn-based one is a lot more visceral

Jul 24, 2013

Grimey Drawer
I do love how disturbed Zenkichi is when he realizes just how terrifying Haru actually is.

Nov 13, 2005


Are there any party members you won't really miss out too much if you just ignore them forever? I feel like there are too many

I thought the same thing early into the game (and I think asked it in this thread), but it's actually pretty easy to just cycle people in every so often. Every couple checkpoints I'll look at my party and cycle in the lowest level ones if they've out-leveled the others (unless I need people of specific elements for a boss).

It's good to have as many people that can hit a boss's elemental weakness as possible, and keeping everyone leveled lets you do that.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
I'm kinda blanking on it since I haven't reached that part in my NG+ yet but (Jail 4 spoilers, possibly spoilers for later on) was it ever revealed what was up with that side path on the beach on Okinawa that had a sign warning people away as a sacred site?

Oct 15, 2011

You see the most shocking sights sometimes

ApplesandOranges posted:

I'm kinda blanking on it since I haven't reached that part in my NG+ yet but (Jail 4 spoilers, possibly spoilers for later on) was it ever revealed what was up with that side path on the beach on Okinawa that had a sign warning people away as a sacred site?

I think it was literally just sacred ground. I think it was just put there to draw parallels to the lab the brainwashed citizens saw as sacred

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

BearDrivingTruck posted:

I think it was literally just sacred ground. I think it was just put there to draw parallels to the lab the brainwashed citizens saw as sacred

But didn't Sophia say there she had no databases on the actual existence of a sacred ground there? That's why it seems like that sign was planted.

Jan 15, 2006
Re: Zenkichi

In the 5th Jail when he awakens to his Persona, I was like - what famous thieves are left, watch it be Jean Valjean. And just I laughed so loudly.

Badger of Basra
Jul 25, 2007

The fact that some of the menu things in this game are the exact opposite of how they are in P5 (save is triangle and menu is options, where it was the opposite in P5) is driving me nuts.

Jul 24, 2013

Grimey Drawer
So how exactly do you get the Sophie shop to refresh?

Oct 24, 2010

Hello? Can you hear me? ...Perhaps if I shout? AAAAAAAAAH!

Hunt11 posted:

So how exactly do you get the Sophie shop to refresh?

Do some battles in the jail? At least that's when items usually refresh for me.

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

It must be on an invisible timer in the background, that's the only thing that makes sense to me.

Commander Keene
Dec 21, 2016

Faster than the others

Let me just say that my father has an Echo Dot, and when Sophia says phrases like "Okay" and "Let me help you with that" her VA absolutely nails the exact inflection that Alexa uses and it's great.

Badger of Basra posted:

The fact that some of the menu things in this game are the exact opposite of how they are in P5 (save is triangle and menu is options, where it was the opposite in P5) is driving me nuts.
Yeah I get why they had to do it (Triangle/X is an attack button in Strikers so it couldn't be a menu button as well) but it absolutely hosed with my muscle memory for a while.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Arist posted:

It must be on an invisible timer in the background, that's the only thing that makes sense to me.

It's definitely battle related, I can do a big boss fight for a request but if that's the only thing I do in a Jail then the shop doesn't refresh even if that boss fight took me twenty minutes.

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

I feel like I've done twenty minutes of fights before and also had it not refresh, so...

Oct 6, 2009

I'm good... I Haven't slept for a solid 83 hours, but yeah... I'm good...

Lipstick Apathy
Got to the best part of the game in Jail 3 HEEEEE HAWWWWWW

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

To be clear, it's probably both things.

Mar 26, 2007

organize digital employees

Commander Keene posted:

Let me just say that my father has an Echo Dot, and when Sophia says phrases like "Okay" and "Let me help you with that" her VA absolutely nails the exact inflection that Alexa uses and it's great.

Every time Sophia goes "Got it. I'll [X]" it's always good :allears:

Jul 24, 2013

Grimey Drawer
I just found out that the VA for Emma for the english dub was also the VA for Siri which is a really cool touch.

Apr 18, 2008

My favourite little monsters

Commander Keene posted:

Let me just say that my father has an Echo Dot, and when Sophia says phrases like "Okay" and "Let me help you with that" her VA absolutely nails the exact inflection that Alexa uses and it's great..

No way it isn't intentional. That and using the Siri VA are great touches.

Sep 12, 2007

When I'm asked to enter my name, is it first name/last name or is it the other way around?

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

YggiDee posted:

When I'm asked to enter my name, is it first name/last name or is it the other way around?


Sep 12, 2007


Nov 19, 2011

"Let's be positive! Let's start a fire!"
This game is fun and pacing wise, actually a hell of a lot better than P5 was.

Up to just entering the 6th Jail and an Ultraman reference was not what I was expecting out of Japanese Tony Stark

Oct 24, 2010

Hello? Can you hear me? ...Perhaps if I shout? AAAAAAAAAH!
Okay, old man being a greatsword bloodbourne guy that shoots wave energy was completely different than what I expected from the anime opening.

Sep 7, 2014

You Win!

Tae posted:

Okay, old man being a greatsword bloodbourne guy that shoots wave energy was completely different than what I expected from the anime opening.

He's the "I don't want to play Persona I want to play musou" character

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
I've mostly finished Azur Lane Crosswave so I'm back to this again. Real quick question, is using Persona Points in the Velvet Room the only way to level Joker's personas? I thought I'd level up Jack O Lantern and even after multiple fights where everyone else's Persona leveled up, it's still stuck at level 2. I had it equipped (since I know in most Persona games the ones you don't have equipped don't gain exp) so either they require enormous amounts of exp even at low levels, or I'm just wasting time trying to level them through battle. I feel like it's the second one, but I wanted to make sure.

Jan 15, 2006
They can level up through battles, my experience is they just take longer. I don't know what percentage of XP they get when not active.

Commander Keene
Dec 21, 2016

Faster than the others

Yeah they'll level up, but they require more exp than party member personas. You're not meant to stick with one Persona, even Arsene, for very long.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Also, Personas with full inherited loadouts take way more exp to level. I have a level 64 Cerberus and he has about 140,000 xp to level up, while my relatively fresh Abaddon has a fraction of that despite being a similar level.

Missy Hyatt
Nov 20, 2004

1978 ~ 2023
Persona points is infinitely faster and you can convert your endless supply of money into PP by summoning and deleting your highest level personas over and over.

Never grind for persona levels it’s just not worth doing.

FWIW by the time I finished the story the only fusions I’d done were for the requests and so that was the only time I ever bothered to level up personas. You can quite happily play the entire story beginning to end without getting any deeper into the system than “do I have a decent spread of elements to match up with weaknesses and am I using the highest level persona I have for that element?”.

I only got further into fusing and levelling in the post game to finish off trophies for the platinum.


Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
I sometimes tried to use my PXP to keep my buddy Arsene up to date but that ran out of steam pretty quickly. I think he's at level 46, maybe I'll get back to him when I'm done fusing. It's funny that they keep giving him skills at big level gaps, like Maeiga somewhere around level 25 and One-Shot Kill in the 40s or something.

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