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Missy Hyatt
Nov 20, 2004

1978 ~ 2023
Arsene has lovely stats even at high levels and isn’t worth keeping around when there are way better curse personas to use.


Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Arsene is my buddy and my pal. :colbert:

Also I just threw some utility skill cards on him like Recarm so I can feel that he's contributing sometimes. :unsmith:

Mar 26, 2007

organize digital employees

Do downed party members still get XP?

Nov 13, 2005

Twelve by Pies posted:

I've mostly finished Azur Lane Crosswave so I'm back to this again. Real quick question, is using Persona Points in the Velvet Room the only way to level Joker's personas? I thought I'd level up Jack O Lantern and even after multiple fights where everyone else's Persona leveled up, it's still stuck at level 2. I had it equipped (since I know in most Persona games the ones you don't have equipped don't gain exp) so either they require enormous amounts of exp even at low levels, or I'm just wasting time trying to level them through battle. I feel like it's the second one, but I wanted to make sure.

You get so many Persona Points (especially after leveling the bond skill that increases masks dropped) that I can easily instantly level any Personas to my current level and keep doing so until they've learned all their skills (with the exception of Arsene who seems to continue to learn skills at much higher levels but is extremely expensive to level up that high).

History Comes Inside! posted:

Arsene has lovely stats even at high levels and isn’t worth keeping around when there are way better curse personas to use.

It's kind of weird that Arsene continues to learn skills at much higher levels, given his stats make him worse. I guess so that players can use him if they really want to go crazy with stat buff items or something. I got mine to 13, but getting him much higher than that costs seemingly exponentially higher amounts of points.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
NG+ stocks stat raising items in Sophie's shop, so you can use all that yen to feed your favourite Persona pal into a monster.

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
I don't care about leveling junk Personas like Pixie too much except just to fill out their skill list for potential future fusion fodder. I got Jack to level 5 for his last skill and I don't care about his levels now. I don't have Arsene anymore either, I used him to make Succubus and gave her his Curse skill. I could resummon him I guess to level him for more skills but eh.

So that Archangel fight kicked the poo poo out of me, I just barely won with Joker as the only one standing and he was at single digit HP. Not having any way to revive characters at the moment hurts. The giant voodoo doll fight went a little better but not by much. I'm actually kinda getting my rear end kicked by some regular mobs too, anything with the owl guys and Bicorn just tears through my party.

I did finally get to see the "We just despise the police :) " scene which was great, at least. I'm definitely warming up to Haru. Sojiro got some good moments too.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Yeah the first dungeon is *really* rough. The best advice I can give is to buy revive items at Sophie's shop whenever you exit. Morgana/Sophie do learn Recarm, so I'd keep at least one of them around as soon as they learn it.

As a bonus option, don't be afraid to use status effects! Haru can use Evil Touch for cheap and then you can use Psy for Technicals. It's an alternate option to burning spells if your weakness inflictors are running low on SP. Ann/Sophie are very helpful if battles are being a slog just for Tarunda/Rakunda.

Lotus Aura
Aug 16, 2009

Ailments are actually super good and important. Soul Thief lets you get back SP for using them which can really extend your run lengths, especially in the first Jail where SP is at a premium.

ApplesandOranges posted:

I sometimes tried to use my PXP to keep my buddy Arsene up to date but that ran out of steam pretty quickly. I think he's at level 46, maybe I'll get back to him when I'm done fusing. It's funny that they keep giving him skills at big level gaps, like Maeiga somewhere around level 25 and One-Shot Kill in the 40s or something.

Rebel Soul is at 10 and then Maeiga is at 32. Once I hit that, I stopped giving him PP because it's just a sink. Sure at level 95 he learns Riot Gun and all, but it is not worth the hassle of getting him that high. Bound to be a better alternative.

Apr 10, 2013

you guys made me ink!

So I just got this and I finished the second jail. Are all boss fights meant to feel like damage sponges like this? I don't mind the difficulty too much (I'm able to dash in and out and eventually wear them down) but I feel like they take so much damage before you can take them down, and I'm using so many items, I can't help but wonder whether I'm dealing way too little damage or whether they're meant to be fights of attrition.

Oct 24, 2010

Hello? Can you hear me? ...Perhaps if I shout? AAAAAAAAAH!
Items become less of a problem once you unlock cooking. Then you're just literally spilling SP items that heal for more than it says because of bond passives.

Feb 19, 2013

That's it! No more hiding in tomato crates! It's time to show that idiota Germany how a real nation fights!

For pasta~! CHARGE!

Although god drat why are coffee beans so rare?
PSA: get Sophia's sales bond skill to maximum soonish, it's the only way to get more beans and more items for sale = more chance of being able to brew coffee.

Is there a way to guarantee them//put a thumb on the scale? That is, are the items on sale fully random or do they depend on something?

Oct 29, 2011

Another spring commute

ApplesandOranges posted:

Arsene is my buddy and my pal. :colbert:

Also I just threw some utility skill cards on him like Recarm so I can feel that he's contributing sometimes. :unsmith:

Currently grinding my way up to 80 to finish off the compendium, once I have I plan to make my NG+ goal to slowly build up a 99 on all stats Arsene.

e. Another small QoL change I really would have liked - along the same lines of being able to refill HP/SP at checkpoints at the cost of respawning all enemies without having to leave the dungeon - would be the ability to just directly buy persona points. When you've got the cash and all you're doing is pumping up a Jack o' Lantern from level 2 to level 45 or whatever, it gets tedious going into the registry, summoning ~5 guys, going to enhancement, deleting those ~5 guys, was that enough PP? No, still need a bit more, back into the registry, summon those ~5 guys again, etc etc. Not a huge deal by any means, but there are a lot of little optimizations that could be made to waste less of the player's time.

Sydin fucked around with this message at 17:34 on Mar 9, 2021

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

God, Counter Strike is so loving good in context even if I already listened to it before the game came out

Dec 28, 2006

Sydin posted:

Currently grinding my way up to 80 to finish off the compendium, once I have I plan to make my NG+ goal to slowly build up a 99 on all stats Arsene.

e. Another small QoL change I really would have liked - along the same lines of being able to refill HP/SP at checkpoints at the cost of respawning all enemies without having to leave the dungeon - would be the ability to just directly buy persona points. When you've got the cash and all you're doing is pumping up a Jack o' Lantern from level 2 to level 45 or whatever, it gets tedious going into the registry, summoning ~5 guys, going to enhancement, deleting those ~5 guys, was that enough PP? No, still need a bit more, back into the registry, summon those ~5 guys again, etc etc. Not a huge deal by any means, but there are a lot of little optimizations that could be made to waste less of the player's time.

You can just hit the Options button (on PS4) on the summoning screen and sell any Persona for points then resummon them without changing screens/going to enhancement until you have enough points. So the really optimal way to do it is just summon/sell whoever gets you the most points from the View/Summon screen. The wording is a bit confusing though, I thought I was deleting from the registry the first time I tried it.

Jun 29, 2005

Dante's allowance - $100

Arist posted:

God, Counter Strike is so loving good in context even if I already listened to it before the game came out

Simply mentioning it immediately made me go listen to it again, that song stands equal to some of Meguro's best work, god drat

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

Namnesor posted:

Simply mentioning it immediately made me go listen to it again, that song stands equal to some of Meguro's best work, god drat

It's not even him! It's Gota Masuoka!

Jun 30, 2012

That song is one of my favorite boss themes ever now. It's one of the best "get loving PUMPED UP to KICK rear end" boss themes around.

Jun 29, 2005

Dante's allowance - $100

Arist posted:

It's not even him! It's Gota Masuoka!

I know it's not him, but it stands up with his best work nonetheless!

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

Namnesor posted:

I know it's not him, but it stands up with his best work nonetheless!

I agree!

Jun 29, 2005

Dante's allowance - $100

Arist posted:

I agree!

Great! Let's go get ramen!

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
Got to Alice and got my rear end handed to me. Not really sure how to deal with her. Sophia's shop had two revive items but I ended up using them on the warden fight, and neither Morgana nor Sophia have learned Recarm yet. It's not even the next skill they can potentially learn. But by the time I get Alice down to halfway my entire party is empty on SP, and without having any healing, I can't hold out, especially when Alice does that spinning move that makes her bounce around everywhere.

Dec 7, 2006
Thanks, I'm flattered.

Twelve by Pies posted:

Got to Alice and got my rear end handed to me. Not really sure how to deal with her. Sophia's shop had two revive items but I ended up using them on the warden fight, and neither Morgana nor Sophia have learned Recarm yet. It's not even the next skill they can potentially learn. But by the time I get Alice down to halfway my entire party is empty on SP, and without having any healing, I can't hold out, especially when Alice does that spinning move that makes her bounce around everywhere.

I am close to the end of the game and if it makes you feel any better that has been the most difficult battle in the game for me. I am not ashamed to say after I lost twice I did what the game recommended and turned the game down to easy.

After Alice I turned the game back to normal and have not died since. I think I could have beat her on normal but I needed to stock up on a ton of SP drinks/items. All bosses are easy in the game if you just spam their weakness as it stuns them. Against Alice it is just really hard to do because you have so little SP and you can't cook yet to make some strong SP recovery items.

Commander Keene
Dec 21, 2016

Faster than the others

Twelve by Pies posted:

Got to Alice and got my rear end handed to me. Not really sure how to deal with her. Sophia's shop had two revive items but I ended up using them on the warden fight, and neither Morgana nor Sophia have learned Recarm yet. It's not even the next skill they can potentially learn. But by the time I get Alice down to halfway my entire party is empty on SP, and without having any healing, I can't hold out, especially when Alice does that spinning move that makes her bounce around everywhere.
Alice has long cooldowns on her big attacks, so if you focus on dodging until she does one of those, you can get in a full combo or two afterwards. The spinning one is easy to dodge just by circle-strafing around her, keep going in one direction and she'll always miss you. Just make sure not to get caught on the poppers; that killed me at least once. For the others, just keep your distance while she's attacking; all of them are pretty short-range except the spin.

Having Slime and Succubus in your roster as well as a Persona with Agi/Maragi can help as well; Alice uses entirely Phys and Psy attacks, so swapping in to a resistant Persona when she's doing a big attack will help you survive if she hits.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Twelve by Pies posted:

Got to Alice and got my rear end handed to me. Not really sure how to deal with her. Sophia's shop had two revive items but I ended up using them on the warden fight, and neither Morgana nor Sophia have learned Recarm yet. It's not even the next skill they can potentially learn. But by the time I get Alice down to halfway my entire party is empty on SP, and without having any healing, I can't hold out, especially when Alice does that spinning move that makes her bounce around everywhere.

If you just want to burst as quickly as possible, inflicting Burn on Alice and then having Mona/Joker spam Garu til it wears off is probably the most efficient form of damage. Alternatively, since many of her attacks in the first phase have long windups, quick swapping to Yusuke when you see them and hitting X can get you some free damage.

If you've been using them enough to unlock their Mastery Arts, having Sophia and Ann in the party is good for free Rakunda and Tarundas. If you want to manually control healing to prevent them from wasting SP on Kouha, control Sophia/Morgana manually as much as possible.

Honestly Alice is pretty much about 'oh right, you have to learn to dodge', since there's no real way to tank her spinning move; even Ryuji gets 2-shot by it I think.

Owl Inspector
Sep 14, 2011

There's an outlaw camp right here with some shady folks eatin' beans. yeehaw chucklefuck.
I beat alice on the first try by indiscriminately slamming the dodge button but I still had to chew through a huge number of healing items and had a couple characters get downed

Oct 15, 2011

You see the most shocking sights sometimes
I managed to beat her on my first attempt with everyone still standing this run and a much better grasp of the mechanics, but it was still close. Always have Tarunda/Rakunda up, when she does her buzz-saw move lock on and stay near the center of the arena, and always be moving

Sep 12, 2007

Does Futaba's equipment matter?

Jul 24, 2013

Grimey Drawer

YggiDee posted:

Does Futaba's equipment matter?

It does but only for the hacking stuff. As long as you keep up with requests that give her gear you should be fine.

Oct 29, 2011

Another spring commute

Thrillhou posted:

You can just hit the Options button (on PS4) on the summoning screen and sell any Persona for points then resummon them without changing screens/going to enhancement until you have enough points. So the really optimal way to do it is just summon/sell whoever gets you the most points from the View/Summon screen. The wording is a bit confusing though, I thought I was deleting from the registry the first time I tried it.

Oh hey thank you this saves SO much time! :)

YggiDee posted:

Does Futaba's equipment matter?

Better armor makes her take less damage during the hacking segments.

Apr 18, 2008

My favourite little monsters
Alice's attacks not only have a long cool down, they have a long windup as well. You'll get a good amount of advance notice with the attack name appearing above her head - unless of course she's just using a regular attack, but it's still pretty easy to notice her winding up for it. The key thing to do is to slam that dodge button to get out of her way when she begins one.

Anyway I finally got the plat tonight, roughly 60 hours or so. Quite happy with the game, just a great fusion of Persona and action/musou mechanics.

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
Beat Alice on my third try, having a better party helped (Ann/Morgana/Sophia as opposed to Haru/Ryuji/Sophia) and so did keeping Slime equipped instead of swapping to Hua Po. My second attempt was weird, two of my party members died at the very beginning of the fight from full HP. I'm guessing she must have a light/dark move of some type that I just didn't dodge.

One complaint I have is that as far as I can tell, there's no way to access Sophia's shop unless you've found a Jail and are actively meeting to choose whether or not to go in. Normally this wouldn't be much of an issue (not much need to buy stuff if you aren't actively dungeon crawling) but it is an issue when you have loot you want to sell, because you want to buy items at the real world shops and need money. It's possible I could be missing something but I've looked at every menu and the shop just doesn't seem to be there aside from the "Explore the Jail" menu.

Now I'm in Sendai and all I have to say is Haru is right.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
That no longer becomes an issue after the 2nd jail, since after that you have the option to revisit old Jails, which means you always have access to the Hangout.

Oct 29, 2011

Another spring commute
The thread title should really be changed to "Persona 4 Strikers: The first dungeon is the hardest, dodge vs Alice"

Jul 24, 2013

Grimey Drawer
I am not a big fan of the final boss as while it makes a fine spectacle it just takes too long and there is no real challenge to it.

Owl Inspector
Sep 14, 2011

There's an outlaw camp right here with some shady folks eatin' beans. yeehaw chucklefuck.
cool, I crashed during the story after the second boss some 40 minutes from the last save and have to do it again. I'm uh, glad that boss was a lot easier than the first one

Owl Inspector
Sep 14, 2011

There's an outlaw camp right here with some shady folks eatin' beans. yeehaw chucklefuck.
ok yusuke actually fucks this boss up really fast

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Generally, the character that has a heavy hand in that dungeon's storyline is gonna be good against the boss. So Ann for Alice and Yusuke for Natsume.

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

When I did the sixth Palace boss today I brought Ryuji, Makoto, and Zenkichi, not knowing the boss was weak to Electricity and Nuclear, so it melted hilariously quickly due to that and my go-to strategy of "fully buff everyone and Rakunda the boss."

Anyway, the optional King Frost fight was incredibly annoying, partially due to the hordes of Jack Frost that spawn. Black Frost was a lot more manageable in comparison.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
I also accidentally brought that party not knowing that it was a good combo for that boss either but it makes a lot of sense when you realize that all eight elements are represented as weaknesses and Ryuji/Makoto are the only ones left. Alice is weak to Fire/Wind, Natsume to Ice/Bless, and Hyodo to Psy/Curse. If a more keen-eyed player was deducing things then that would be a fairly logical path. Realistically though I went 'oh right, you have Marakukaja now'.


Mar 26, 2007

organize digital employees

Hmm making Jail 3 gluttony seems like a real stretch to me

Edit: Also this one lady who appears to be doing all eight different shopkeeper voices owns a lot

CharlieFoxtrot fucked around with this message at 07:15 on Mar 10, 2021

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