God damnit who was responsible for putting a sky beam in a Persona game?
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# ? Feb 14, 2025 00:55 |
What in the gently caress, this is already out? I had filed this in a "maybe sometime in 2022" mental category since last I checked an English release wasn't even announced.
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Ytlaya posted:What in the gently caress, this is already out? I had filed this in a "maybe sometime in 2022" mental category since last I checked an English release wasn't even announced. it got announced like just a month or two ago. And the digial deluxe edition lets you play 4 days early. It's pretty much just because covid caused delays on the dub voiceover (and Ryuji's still has issues, all his dialogue is mixed too low)
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Bought this on Steam, and is anyone having trouble with the camera? I'm one of those poor souls who gets motion sick from videogames, and this one hits me the hardest of any non-FPS since, I wanna say, Nier Automata? The camera is hyper sensitive in general and then the way it tracks your character so fast in fights just completely fucks me up.
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I'm loving this but the combat system feels a bit overwhelming, with every character having their own thing going on and having to manage personas and weaknesses in real time.
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There is something reassuring about coming back to the P5 setting.
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Hunt11 posted:There is something reassuring about coming back to the P5 setting. I really appreciate them recreating all the nooks and crannies in Shibuya even if you don’t get to do anything with most of them. [e] this is the first time i got a soundtrack on a console, is there any way to download it somewhere or am I really expected to launch another app for a sound test?
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Hunt11 posted:There is something reassuring about coming back to the P5 setting. Yeah getting back into the old stomping grounds and hearing that music was like a balm for my weary soul. Beaten the first dungeon now and I'm loving the road trip feel of the bit after.
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I had that feeling with Royal when I finally started it, too. Persona 5's whole vibe is oddly comforting to me.
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Harrow posted:I had that feeling with Royal when I finally started it, too. Persona 5's whole vibe is oddly comforting to me. It came out at the perfect time in April, too. One month after quarantine started, just as the reality of what was happening was really starting to settle in. Walking around and interacting with that version of Tokyo felt like a warm blanket.
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lunar detritus posted:I'm loving this but the combat system feels a bit overwhelming, with every character having their own thing going on and having to manage personas and weaknesses in real time. Yeah. The few musous i've played will usually trickle the characters in one at a time, but as a sequel to P5 you kinda immediately get 4 movesets and then the other four come on the next sequence. It's really overwhelming. Oh, and usually there's some risk-free missions to just experiment, meanwhile here it's "here's your huge dungeon. Do what you will with the eight movesets." On the other side, Ryuji is loving precious, so the game is good. MorningMoon fucked around with this message at 02:52 on Feb 20, 2021 |
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Dynasty Warriors style games seem to consistently have their difficulty frontloaded so I'm not too worried. Also I'm glad that they kept Joker's TrollFace dialogue options
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I've only played a few different Musou style games, mostly the Zelda and One Piece ones, and drat but you feel fragile in this one if you miss a step, getting my rear end blown clean up by Silky's. I guess that's appropriate to SMT/Persona though.
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This is also the first one I've played where you can't guard. Also, very early game question: Igor isn't in the Velvet Room and the fact that he isn't there is just being ignored by everyone. Is this because his Japanese VA died and it's that dumb tradition where if a VA dies they also get rid of the character?
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I don't think I like the gameplay in this at all. Feels like they are constantly introducing new things to do where I'm in a battle (3 hours into the game) and having 5 tutorials pop up in one fight and it's just kinda overwhelming. I wish you had a lot less abilities.
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You can practice your moves basically any time you're in a level and I spend a lot of time swinging at air to get a feel for things.
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Im scared of buying this because of a potential Royal edition down the line
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Fojar38 posted:Dynasty Warriors style games seem to consistently have their difficulty frontloaded so I'm not too worried. On top of that, Persona games usually have pretty frontloaded difficulty, too. Doubling up on it here it seems
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After beating the first area so far it seems like physical skills are way better than magic. It might change later, but the Damage to SP ratio against bosses seems real bad. That SP feels better spent on buffs and healing.
Ethiser fucked around with this message at 03:17 on Feb 20, 2021 |
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Yeah I think that if you actually just straight up cast an ability it does a lot more shield damage but at least in the first area SP is so limited that it feels like a waste. As it stands the existence of SP in this game is actually a little bit strange to me, since the purpose it serves in an RPG (as a resource to be slowly drained by random encounters that requires careful management) doesn't seem applicable here.
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Also, is Shadow Alice the horniest character design we've seen in a Persona game so far?
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The two criticisms I recall hearing after the Japanese release were: - SP feels too punishing, especially given how strongly you're pushed to use it to break shields - Joker is really overpowered, which is to be expected for a Persona game protagonist but feels kinda bad in an action-RPG where you can switch who you're controlling, because Joker too often is the "right" character to be manually controlling
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Oh Jesus why'd they name her that, I got real loving scared for a second when I saw that name and horny together.
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Gaius Marius posted:Oh Jesus why'd they name her that, I got real loving scared for a second when I saw that name and horny together. I hadn't even considered that until you brought it up. Bullet dodged.
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Harrow posted:The two criticisms I recall hearing after the Japanese release were: I'd have been totally fine if Joker just had his original Persona and they changed the purpose of the Velvet Room from fusing new personas to some other form of powering up your characters.
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Joker being really strong doesn't bother me. It's consistent with the original game that he's supposed to be the one who is good in every situation, with the rest of the party filling niche positions depending on what you're up against.
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Happy to see the triumphant return of pancake hallway
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Well a crash and the series habitual lack of auto save just cost me about an hour of gameplay, getting real tired of that old chestnut.
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Ethiser posted:I'd have been totally fine if Joker just had his original Persona and they changed the purpose of the Velvet Room from fusing new personas to some other form of powering up your characters. I think the Persona Q system could've worked, with everyone having their main persona and one sub-persona, but I guess it's harder to come up with a story justification for the non-wild card characters to have one extra persona when you're not doing a weird Persona Q crossover game
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Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems that Strikers confirms that Only the Phantom Thieves themselves have any memory of the confrontation with Yaldabaoth. Even confidants like Sojiro don't seem to remember it.
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Fojar38 posted:This is also the first one I've played where you can't guard. I think Igor doesn't really appear in the spinoffs, he'll probably make a reappearance in Persona 6.
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Game is a joy and seeing the characters have fun together was one thing I did not get enough of in the original Persona 5. What surprises me is how fun the level itself is to look at and explore. My only experience with Dynasty Warrior knockoffs is with the Gundam ones and most of the times in those games the levels were really boring and I was just there for the Gundams. I am still in the first palace/jail but if the other ones are this much fun the game is looking to be very entertaining.
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I'm liking the gameplay more after I put it on easy and just kinda mashed to victory.
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Debating between PS4 and switch versions, how do they compare so far?
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you know, for better or worse, this game has exactly the same plot pacing as regular Persona 5. loving itMainwaring posted:Debating between PS4 and switch versions, how do they compare so far? i'm playing on PS4, it runs at a near constant 60fps. reports are saying switch is around 30 and it looks a bit worse.
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A few hours in and is Joker the only character that can Ambush from a distance or by running up to enemies? It seems like everyone else has difficulty doing so outside of from vantage points because pressing X just brings up their unique action. He's also clearly the most powerful, but at the same time feels the most gated by SP. I think another annoying part of it is how much you have to pay attention to at any given time. There's character switching, checking to see if anybody got afflicted with a status, checking to see if there's any environment things to take care of, checking to see if anyone is giving you a prompt to switch to them, Showtime, etc. Also, are weapon upgrades actually useful in this game because of the fighting style? I haven't done too much messing around with party members but I imagine someone will make a rough character guide soon enough. But just from that little messing around: Joker: Dagger sweeps and gun shots, lots of versatility from Persona switching. If you're swapping away from him, make sure to leave him in a competent Persona. Ryuji: Club swings and fairly slow but powerful chargeable headbutts. Doesn't seem too amazing so far personally, especially since SP is a real concern for him. Morgana: Sword slashes and spins, nice ground/air transitions. Can turn into a car and mow enemies down. Small size may be a benefit? Ann: Whips to cover area, can use X to give herself Fire enchant which is nice for saving SP. Might be a bit slow as a trade-off. Yusuke: Rapid sword thrusts, counter stances. Seems good for racking up damage on single targets but long animations might make it more difficult to dodge if spamming. Makoto: Punch machinegun, can use X to give herself Nuclear enchant. Combos can help cover her lack of range with things like wheelie spins. Haru: Extendable axe swings allow her to quickly spin through mobs. Melady's gun fire seems the only other option to easily hit Shot weaknesses. Nice trash mob clearer, but a little slow and open to getting hit while doing so. Sophia: Not that great for crowds, but decent timing allows her to play a safe ranged playstyle. Haven't used her that much. Mainwaring posted:Debating between PS4 and switch versions, how do they compare so far? Playing on Switch, handheld has some noticeable loading time and some 'characters start speaking a split second before the text box appears', but nothing that's unplayable.
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SUNKOS posted:Really looking forward to this but I do hope they milk Persona 5 a bit more. I know ArcSys is busy with Guilty Gear Strive right now but they made the excellent Persona 4 Arena games and I've been hoping that we see a Persona 5 Arena at some point. I think this might be wishful thinking at this point since by the time they manage to complete development and release the game it may be too late. Then again Persona 6 is obviously a long way off so who knows? That's what I'd love to see and I suspect Strikers is likely a result of ArcSys being too busy right now to have made a Persona Arena game. I liked P4 Arena but I like fighting games and I like persona. Imo it’s the totally wrong fit for such a story heavy game that wants to continue the story, and 2d fighters are increasingly a kind of niche genre (especially with arcades being 100% dead even in japan thanks to covid) A warriors game makes sense for this kinda thing because it’s actiony but not actiony enough to turn off people who only play RPGs. I hope this is good! Gonna get it on switch
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ApplesandOranges posted:A few hours in and is Joker the only character that can Ambush from a distance or by running up to enemies? It seems like everyone else has difficulty doing so outside of from vantage points because pressing X just brings up their unique action. He's also clearly the most powerful, but at the same time feels the most gated by SP. I think another annoying part of it is how much you have to pay attention to at any given time. There's character switching, checking to see if anybody got afflicted with a status, checking to see if there's any environment things to take care of, checking to see if anyone is giving you a prompt to switch to them, Showtime, etc. You know every character has guns, right? I'd say Ann is actually ridiculously good against gun weak enemies in this game since you can actually aim her drat SMG this time and it just chews through things. And yeah, ambushing in general is kinda wonky, I try to always do it from a vantage point of some sort because doing it neutral is really hard, you need to be kinda way too close.
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Okay, this isn’t exactly a complaint per se, but Sophia has way too much Eve from WALL-E in her character design. Like, Pixar should really be calling a lawyer amounts.
Stroth fucked around with this message at 15:58 on Feb 20, 2021 |
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# ? Feb 14, 2025 00:55 |
Infinity Gaia posted:You know every character has guns, right? I'd say Ann is actually ridiculously good against gun weak enemies in this game since you can actually aim her drat SMG this time and it just chews through things. And yeah, ambushing in general is kinda wonky, I try to always do it from a vantage point of some sort because doing it neutral is really hard, you need to be kinda way too close. Yeah, it actually works out alright and Haru's is still ridiculous. The difficulty felt like it spiked a bit towards the end of the first dungeon. I'm not sure how I feel about 'hey, there's a full cast of eight playable characters right away' since if you're lucky you brought someone to hit the mini-boss' weakness and if not well time to just wail on it the best you can. I think rolling with a physical squad with a healer or two is gonna be my best bet for longevity at least for now. So something like Haru/Yusuke/Morgana, or swap Yusuke for Sophia? Ryuji's ridiculously tanky but I can't really get the feel of his combos yet.
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