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Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Futaba also shines in Strikers, she has some great lines but that's to be expected from a turbo-nerd where 60% of her speech is gonna be references of some sort.


Sep 12, 2007

Is there a 'recommended level' for Mad Rabbit Alice or is this going to be a 'git gud' thing?

Edit : the answer was 'complain on the internet'

YggiDee fucked around with this message at 01:44 on Mar 12, 2021

Mar 26, 2007

organize digital employees

ApplesandOranges posted:

Futaba also shines in Strikers, she has some great lines but that's to be expected from a turbo-nerd where 60% of her speech is gonna be references of some sort.

The very first line in the game being "Just go ham on them" was a very good sign

May 24, 2007

To be honest it's a huge boon to the cast to A) Already be together and B) Not be obligated to be up all on Joker's business.

Oct 15, 2011

You see the most shocking sights sometimes

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
I'm sure it's been discussed before but the Sapporo Jail made me realize they're doing a seven deadly sins thing which...what? Natsume's Shadow is a pretty good representative for Pride (well, okay, "vanity"), but Lust doesn't fit for Alice's Shadow. She wanted to make other women jealous of her and ruin their lives, that's not really Lust. Yeah she "stole" their boyfriends to do it but it's not like she wanted to gently caress them, just upset the girls they were dating. And Gluttony just has absolutely nothing to do with this mayor. It's so weird that they tried to do this.

Aug 21, 2015

Voted #1 Babysitter in Mushroom Kingdom

They tried to retread the deadly sins theming that the original game had (and did much more successfully.... mostly) and it just kinda doesn't work. The Sendai Jail works but Shibuya & Sapporo are a bit too much a stretch to work. If anything Wrath would've made more sense for Alice than Lust did.

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
I say this not knowing who the other Monarchs are or what their deals are but it almost feels to me that it was like "Alice is an attractive woman, she's gotta be Lust! It doesn't matter that lust doesn't fit her life or her desires, Lust has to be an attractive woman!"

Commander Keene
Dec 21, 2016

Faster than the others

I personally think Alice is Envy. Lacking a Sin that is directly "disproportionate revenge", Alice's deal is that she couldn't stand to see other women happy, after her own happiness was "ruined" by her high school bullies.

Hell, they probably could have made a better argument that she's Gluttony than Hyodo. She's "consuming" relationships.

But yeah, I wish they hadn't tried to do the Deadly Sins again. Not only did base P5 use it, they haven't done a great job of connecting the characters to a relevant Sin, and also the theme is a bit overused in modern media anyways. Maybe since the Monarchs were supposed to be people wronged by those around them, go with a theme about how the Virtues can be corrupted or something like that, to mirror the Sins theme of base P5. Or go with some other religion's/philosophy's idea of the ultimate evils.

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
Corrupted Virtues sounds like it could have been really good theming, and would fit really well with who I've seen so far. Alice would be a decent Humility, Natsume would be a really good Diligence, and the Mayor seems like she'd be a solid Patience.

Commander Keene
Dec 21, 2016

Faster than the others

I think Hyodo would be better as Kindness or Charity than Patience, both because Haru spends a lot of time talking up her "warmth and kindness" during the arc (and because the trigger for her becoming a Monarch is her guilt over the death of a little girl), and because there's a character I feel is shaping up to be a better Patience coming up in the plot, though I have no idea whether that character will end up as an actual Monarch yet.

Sep 7, 2014

You Win!
Alice had a Lust for revenge

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
That's a good point about Hyodo, I mostly picked Patience because one of the definitions is "tolerance of provocation without responding in disrespect/anger" and when you first meet her she's yelling at a dude and threatening to fire him because of some wilted flowers. But I'll just have to wait and see about the other Monarchs past Sapporo.

On another note I think it's kind of funny that Ichinose found out the group is the Phantom Thieves because they were openly talking about being the Phantom Thieves in public. Whoops!

Commander Keene
Dec 21, 2016

Faster than the others

Twelve by Pies posted:

On another note I think it's kind of funny that Ichinose found out the group is the Phantom Thieves because they were openly talking about being the Phantom Thieves in public. Whoops!
The Phantom Thieves will never be good at the "phantom" part of their names. Subtlety (and not talking about heists in the middle of public venues) is for cowards. That scene is also hilarious because Yusuke is the only one who could be bothered to actually (stage) whisper.

Ryuji will never stop shouting in the middle of a crowded street at midday about how "WE THE PHANTOM THIEVES GET NO RESPECT!" :v:

Oct 29, 2011

Another spring commute
There were so many scenes in P5 where the group was just hanging out in public loudly talking about being the Phantom Thieves and their plans, and never got busted for it outside of that one time Makoto recorded them. So I admit I was grinning pretty hard during the university presentation scene when Ichinose comes up and is all "so you're the Phantom Thieves, huh?" and when they try to deny it she goes "uh, you were talking about it. Loudly. In public."

Badger of Basra
Jul 25, 2007

Alice being Lust and not Envy is truly crazy, considering that’s all she talks about. It’s like how they tried (and failed) to make Kaneshiro fit Gluttony.

Dec 2, 2008

The glow is a guide, my friend. Though it falls to you to avert catastrophe, you will never fight alone.
It's almost like the concept is so overused to the point of losing all meaning, and the writers only spending four seconds on google on what it meant.

I'm being harsh, but growing up with games and related media has developed a bitter taste for that. That and anytime anyone goes on about destiny.

Oct 15, 2011

You see the most shocking sights sometimes
Jail 4 question: Hopefully I didn't glaze over it if it did happen in the game, but if I didn't, is it ever explained what the voice that sounded like Sophia actually was? I'd have assumed it was EMMA, but it was using Sophia's VA. My guess based on that is that it was actually Pandora starting to manifest, but I feel like that's somehow a flimsy assumption

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
Oh wow the minimum level requirements for Fusion suck. I wanted to make Eligor using Pixie and Andra, but they need to be 23 and 25 respectively. I pulled a level 6 Pixie out of the compendium and just going from level 6 to 12 takes nearly 80k PP alone. It ended up working out because I needed to use Ame no Uzume to make Eligoor so it could have Divine Grace for Lavenza's request but still. So yeah it isn't just Arsene that requires ludicrous amounts of PP to level up, it's any Persona. It makes sense since using PP to level Persona just works on "EXP needed = amount of PP you need to spend" and since Joker's Personas take thousands of EXP just to gain a single level that adds up. It adds up, Jerry!

Nov 19, 2011

"Let's be positive! Let's start a fire!"

Blockhouse posted:

Alice had a Lust for revenge


Also I feel like the seven deadly sins is such a corporate mandate that the game just flat out loving forgets about it eventually. Yeah, they tried to shoe-horn Hyodo into Wrath, but eventually it just... stops trying to really pigeon-hole its antagonists into that window

Argent Cinereus
Feb 25, 2013

Twelve by Pies posted:

Oh wow the minimum level requirements for Fusion suck. I wanted to make Eligor using Pixie and Andra, but they need to be 23 and 25 respectively. I pulled a level 6 Pixie out of the compendium and just going from level 6 to 12 takes nearly 80k PP alone. It ended up working out because I needed to use Ame no Uzume to make Eligoor so it could have Divine Grace for Lavenza's request but still. So yeah it isn't just Arsene that requires ludicrous amounts of PP to level up, it's any Persona. It makes sense since using PP to level Persona just works on "EXP needed = amount of PP you need to spend" and since Joker's Personas take thousands of EXP just to gain a single level that adds up. It adds up, Jerry!

Just wait until the late-game Personas start showing up with exactly one combination to make them.

Apr 18, 2008

My favourite little monsters
Is there a particular reason people are assigning the 7 sins to the jail's? I never really thought about them while playing.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Morpheus posted:

Is there a particular reason people are assigning the 7 sins to the jail's? I never really thought about them while playing.

The arena where you fight them is called, for instance, Cage of Lust. I think you also get a trophy when you beat each Jail on the PS version that also mentions the sin.

Apr 18, 2008

My favourite little monsters

ApplesandOranges posted:

The arena where you fight them is called, for instance, Cage of Lust. I think you also get a trophy when you beat each Jail on the PS version that also mentions the sin.

Ah okay. Shows how much I pay attention to that stuff lol

Jun 29, 2005

Dante's allowance - $100
I just got the final party member and drat was it good to hear Will Power again

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
I don't know what music was in Persona 5 but the song that plays after you get all three cores and go to infiltrate the Castle for the first time owns.

Feb 19, 2013

That's it! No more hiding in tomato crates! It's time to show that idiota Germany how a real nation fights!

For pasta~! CHARGE!

The title for that one is Life Will Change when going for the boss and it's from Persona 5.
If I misunderstood which song then it's a new one, titled Daredevil

Aug 21, 2015

Voted #1 Babysitter in Mushroom Kingdom

Daredevil plays when you've taken all the cores and go secure the route to the treasure.

Life Will Change plays when you go back up the 2nd time to actually confront the boss.

Mar 26, 2007

organize digital employees

Crossposting, what might be an ongoing series...

CharlieFoxtrot posted:

"it's showtime"

Based on the recipe card here, freestyled a bit:

I did it all in one pot to save on cleanup and concentrate flavors, I didn't have apple so instead kept the carrot in chunks (it was plenty sweet without it, in a good way), swapped some of the spices. I had to the keep the "LeBlanc" theming so there was a splash of coffee in the final reduction.

This was drat good, the balance was between sweet and spicy-salty, which worked really well. I am looking forward to the other half tomorrow since curry develops additional traits when refrigerated. that why it is a Persona food...?

CharlieFoxtrot posted:

Riffed on this recipe:

I was gonna add a few shrimp but forgot lol, protein-wise it felt fine with the egg and the ground pork as topping.

This soup was incredibly powerful, miso is very good

Nov 27, 2014

(It's you!)

Namnesor posted:

I just got the final party member and drat was it good to hear Will Power again

That whole sequence was fantastic.

Now I wish they'd done a remix of Blooming Villain.

Dr. Fishopolis
Aug 31, 2004

a shark on beer is a beer engineer

CharlieFoxtrot posted:

Crossposting, what might be an ongoing series...

love your food posts, post them everywhere

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
I'm in Okinawa now. Zenkichi sure has some poo poo going on in his life.

Also boo Makoto, fuckin' copaganda.

Nov 27, 2014

(It's you!)

Twelve by Pies posted:

I'm in Okinawa now. Zenkichi sure has some poo poo going on in his life.

Also boo Makoto, fuckin' copaganda.

I liked the contrast between Zenkichi's monologue about how it was a soul crushing job and Makoto's ":dumb: I'll be fine!" response.

There's one CG cutscene in Okinawa that actually made me jump, when you're all eating and there's some guys out by your RV.

Feb 19, 2013

That's it! No more hiding in tomato crates! It's time to show that idiota Germany how a real nation fights!

For pasta~! CHARGE!

I completely understand from a gameplay perspective why they did that fight the way they did, but thinking about the 5th jail monarch fight (5th Jail spoilers) I feel Zenkichi should have been the one to fight the 1v1 against cognitive Joker.

Jun 20, 2011

Better stay in line when
You see a Pavel like me shinin

Man I can't wait to get to Okinawa in game to see what parts of Oki they went to. I wish more games had Oki as a locale because it's no way I'll ever make it back to visit, but man I miss it.

Sep 7, 2014

You Win!

waah posted:

Man I can't wait to get to Okinawa in game to see what parts of Oki they went to. I wish more games had Oki as a locale because it's no way I'll ever make it back to visit, but man I miss it.

Might wanna temper your expectations on this one

I'm pretty sure the island they go to is fictional.

Mar 26, 2007

organize digital employees

lol that when I first saw a scene in Dotonbori I was like "oh yeah that looks familiar" because of Yakuza

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
So one thing I'm not 100% clear on is what the idea of entering the Metaverse means.

What I mean is, for the first two Jails, it looks like they're choosing an out of the way spot hidden from view. Okay, I thought, this makes sense. Nobody gets to see them vanish into thin air. But then in Sapporo the entrance to the Trauma Cell is in the middle of a crowded park where there's no way for them to hide, and they still enter the Metaverse. So then I thought, "Okay, maybe it's like, their minds are transported but their bodies stay where they are, and maybe time doesn't pass in the Jails so that's why there's no time management and they can spend hours in there but it's still midday when they come out." But then after the Sapporo Jail it's nighttime and they're like "Boy that sure did take a long time!" so time obviously passes, but if their minds are transported but not their bodies that'd mean they're just standing around like zombies in the real world and somebody would probably cart them to the hospital so that doesn't make sense either.

I know in a sense it's just a game, I should really just relax, but them going to the Metaverse in midday in a crowded park full of people is throwing me off hard because it doesn't make any goddamn sense.

Nov 19, 2011

"Let's be positive! Let's start a fire!"

FireWorksWell posted:

I liked the contrast between Zenkichi's monologue about how it was a soul crushing job and Makoto's ":dumb: I'll be fine!" response.

I related to Zenkichi too much because I said very similar things to a younger individual who really, really wanted to go to Law School and become a lawyer, right down to the ":dumb: It'll be all okay!"

Spoilers: It wasn't, don't loving go to law school

So Makoto, take Gramps' advice, don't be a loving cop

MechaX fucked around with this message at 23:51 on Mar 13, 2021


Aug 21, 2015

Voted #1 Babysitter in Mushroom Kingdom

In the original game the first time they unknowingly activate the navigation app they walk through some streets and alleys on the way to the first palace and it's more of a transition. I think it's just implied that they are navigating in a similar way every other time but they just don't show it. I recall in the first game they would start walking off camera before the wavy load screen effect.

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