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Mar 11, 2013

When they enter Mementos it's at the subway station entrance with a crowd of people. Ann protests that they can't just vanish into thin air in front of everyone, and Ryuji gives some goofy analogy about "nobody notices pieces of trash vanishing from a trash can" before hitting the button anyway.


Commander Keene
Dec 21, 2016

Faster than the others

Spoilers for P5, but I think when you enter Mementos, you just vanish from public cognition like when Yaldy "deletes" you and nobody sees you or cares when you're suddenly gone. So while you're in Mementos, you don't exist in the real world and nobody notices you're gone. And after Kaneshiro's Palace you re-enter reality in the middle of a crowded city intersection and aside from a couple of "?!"s above peoples' heads nothing comes of it.

You could also say something like people just rationalize it away because their worldview doesn't support the idea that people can just vanish into thin air. "Oh, it must've been a trick of the light." "Oh, I only saw it out of the corner of my eyes so I'm not sure what really happened." "Man, I must be real tired. I could've sworn there was a bunch of kids here a moment ago."

Sep 12, 2007

I figure using technomagic to hack the collective unconscious means that people can't actually perceive you vanishing or something.

May 5, 2005

I'm about to fight the boss for the 2nd jail, and I just want to say I appreciate the game's ownership of "Beauty Thief".

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Gruckles posted:

When they enter Mementos it's at the subway station entrance with a crowd of people. Ann protests that they can't just vanish into thin air in front of everyone, and Ryuji gives some goofy analogy about "nobody notices pieces of trash vanishing from a trash can" before hitting the button anyway.

The dumb thing is that they can pull people into the Metaverse, even unintentionally, but in a crowd of people, none of them get pulled in... eh?

I'm not even sure you can say 'they need to be a really close distance' since Ann got pulled in in the original P5 at a respectable distance away.

On an unrelated note, one thing I like about Strikers is that the game consistently uses code names in the Jails. So many times in the original you've had people saying 'Ryuji', etc. in the Palace and I'm all 'you idiots'. The only one that's dropped it is Futaba by calling Yusuke Inari once or twice.

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
Ann did call Sophia by her name once near the end of Jail 3, but since her code name is basically the same as her regular name anyway it could've just been a typo in the script, and also it doesn't feel like it would really matter.

Jun 20, 2011

Better stay in line when
You see a Pavel like me shinin

MechaX posted:

I related to Zenkichi too much because I said very similar things to a younger individual who really, really wanted to go to Law School and become a lawyer, right down to the ":dumb: It'll be all okay!"

Did you also yell, Aaaaah monster cat! at them as well?

Nov 19, 2011

"Let's be positive! Let's start a fire!"

waah posted:

Did you also yell, Aaaaah monster cat! at them as well?

This was honestly probably the missing link and I wish I did

Nameless Pete
May 8, 2007

Get a load of those...

ApplesandOranges posted:

On an unrelated note, one thing I like about Strikers is that the game consistently uses code names in the Jails. So many times in the original you've had people saying 'Ryuji', etc. in the Palace and I'm all 'you idiots'. The only one that's dropped it is Futaba by calling Yusuke Inari once or twice.

The have very strict operational security, but only in the Metaverse where it doesn't matter. The second they get back to the real world it's "Alright Phantom Thieves!"

Aug 21, 2015

Voted #1 Babysitter in Mushroom Kingdom

MechaX posted:

I related to Zenkichi too much because I said very similar things to a younger individual who really, really wanted to go to Law School and become a lawyer, right down to the ":dumb: It'll be all okay!"

Spoilers: It wasn't, don't loving go to law school

So Makoto, take Gramps' advice, don't be a loving cop

I admit I could be wrong on my angle here but I always kinda took it like this: Makoto is working towards being a cop less because she genuinely wants to (though I imagine there still is some genuine desire to follow her dad's footsteps) and more that she wants to incite change from the inside. It's still incredibly naive and in all likelihood it will go as well as you'd expect; she'll probably just get pushed out for trying to speak out against anyone or anything.

Still though I'd like to think if anyone could start wide reform from the inside it'd be her. The combination of her unfathomable stubbornness and having Sae around who is a literal law wizard could actually accomplish some poo poo.

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
I just think it's funny that Makoto comes off worse than an actual cop in that scene in the RV.

Makoto: Cops are great people who love their families and want to see justice done and create a better world!

Zenkichi: The force is full of corruption and all cops are dogshit including me, whenever I look in the mirror I can't help but hate what I am.

Sep 7, 2014

You Win!
tbf "corruption" implies that the Japanese police aren't working as intended, which is to say as basically a PR firm for the Japanese government first and then a group of people who actually solve crimes second.

im saint germain
Jan 30, 2021

i've come from the future to tell you all we have to stop party rock before it returns
Hello, just came across this thread recently and after reading it all, i felt compelled to give answers to some unanswered questions that i know answers to. this could end up being a Bad Idea, but i suppose what fun is life without some risk, and SA has given me so much over the literal decades at this point that why not risk it: i provided loc editing on this joint (specifically but not exclusively: the first chapter, when you first go to meet Akane, Okinawa, Akane's Jail (but not a certain somebody's awakening, that was another editor's brilliance), the last 2 chapters/the end of the game, some system stuff like the Bond skills, Sophia shop stuff, and all the request texts), as i've done for the company since the two concurrently-released dancing games. (i also edited the text of the curry recipe, but the recipe is not my own.) so, like i said, answers:

BearDrivingTruck posted:

I can't tell if Zenkichi sent them there without the knowledge of all the merch or with it, and I desperately hope it's the latter

Sorry but Zenkichi mentions he doesn't know what it is she's into before sending them up there. He's not the most attentive dad before/at that point of the story.

Arist posted:

The mixing is noticeably bad and it happens all the time with lines from other characters as well.

Voice recording was indeed done remotely, using these neat little portable professional stations sent out by the recording studio. the inferior voice lines were flagged during the voice file checks, but they were in such great swaths that a large percentage probably would have needed re-recording entirely, which didn't happen (budget concerns are real deal chicken meal). this was the first game recorded by the studio with COVID necessitations, so i definitely understand how it turned out, but it'd be nice to do something about it. i simply pray that they add separate volume sliders on future re-releases, since boosting the volume would go a long way.


Also is it just me or is the translation / writing in this game so far way better than Persona 5? I didn’t play Royal which apparently was better but the base game often felt like it had lines they just forgot to translate

P5 vanilla was loc'ed and released before i worked for the company, but of course i heard plenty of war stories--for example, the text was getting revised by the developers so often that some direct translations ended up in the game, rather than being edited. we attempted to correct these instances in P5R, but the influx of text for that project was so intense (it has more text than any other game by the company) that we couldn't review 100 percent of the old game's content in time. we also learned too late into the process that some old unvoiced lines were now voiced (i.e., when we were at the studio recording the lines), so not all of those were addressed before it was too late. but we did draft up as many of the worst offenders we could, since we took the "remaster" aspect seriously.

Commander Keene posted:

Let me just say that my father has an Echo Dot, and when Sophia says phrases like "Okay" and "Let me help you with that" her VA absolutely nails the exact inflection that Alexa uses and it's great.

Morpheus posted:

No way it isn't intentional. That and using the Siri VA are great touches.

This was definitely intentional from the get-go, i'm glad it's appreciated--we wanted to work in as much IRL AI Assistant stuff as we could to get it to feel authentic (without overdoing it to obnoxiousness). it definitely helps that Megan Taylor Harvey absolutely decimated her role as Sophia. Honestly, every VA did a killer job on this project, even people providing the "additional voices" (oh yeah i also edited the lines for all the background voices like the Shibuya barkers/ads and the Okinawa radio DJ, who is def worth a listen)... but man, Tom Taylorson, huh? and guess what--you have Mass Effect Andromeda to thank for that! Do you grasp the weight of that!? You! have to thank! Mass Effect Andromeda!!! Also it was hilarious how the team, when discussing voice casting, was all like "man, it'd be so badass to have Siri be in this game AS Persona's Siri"... only to learn during scheduling that the project lead and the voice studio worked their magic to pull it off! poo poo like that is one thing that makes it all worthwhile.

Twelve by Pies posted:

One complaint I have is that as far as I can tell, there's no way to access Sophia's shop unless you've found a Jail and are actively meeting to choose whether or not to go in. Normally this wouldn't be much of an issue (not much need to buy stuff if you aren't actively dungeon crawling) but it is an issue when you have loot you want to sell, because you want to buy items at the real world shops and need money. It's possible I could be missing something but I've looked at every menu and the shop just doesn't seem to be there aside from the "Explore the Jail" menu.

I never actually thought about that until just now, if she's on your phone you should be able to use the shop anytime... Well, I guess if delivery's as immediate as it is in the gold bar scene, maybe the Thieves just need to be present for delivery the moment they pay for it? lol

Twelve by Pies posted:

The sentries in dungeon 2 have Lu Bu's voice actor and that amuses me to no end.

now this is the mother loving content i came here for. also in reward for your keen ear, i will fully admit here, Yusuke's "my frugality cannot be stopped!" near the station in Shibuya is a DW Cao Cao reference. there's also an oblique ref to "Enemy officer defeated" from Futaba at least once. my biggest regret is i don't think i got to work in a reference to "chicken ribs" (that one's for my OG ROTK homies)

BearDrivingTruck posted:

Jail 4 question: Hopefully I didn't glaze over it if it did happen in the game, but if I didn't, is it ever explained what the voice that sounded like Sophia actually was? I'd have assumed it was EMMA, but it was using Sophia's VA. My guess based on that is that it was actually Pandora starting to manifest, but I feel like that's somehow a flimsy assumption

You guessed correctly. (Using EMMA's voice there also would have just absolutely tanked any surprise in the final boss lol. i guess a third voice could have been used, but that might be even more of a WTF moment.)

i hope this has helped increase your understanding and enjoyment of the game/series and i also hope i don't lose my job for it (this is probably just paranoia though--i don't do social media anymore, and also, good luck finding fireable content in my post history lol). tbh i'm a huge sucker for both Persona (since 3) and musou games (since DW4--and yes, the Persona-ness of this game's combat instead of heavy musou-ness tripped me up at first too lol), so working on this was like a dream project for me. lastly i probably can't answer mechanics questions because i'm still playing through the game myself (i know all the scenes, but watching relevant assigned content in a ROM and playing 100% of a game are two different things, especially since my job didn't require witnessing combat--someone else edited all the Master Arts). thanks for playing and shut the gently caress up, idiot

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

good post, here

Mar 26, 2007

organize digital employees

im saint germain posted:

Sophia shop stuff

I got a chuckle out of this :allears:

im saint germain
Jan 30, 2021

i've come from the future to tell you all we have to stop party rock before it returns

CharlieFoxtrot posted:

I got a chuckle out of this :allears:

A fair amount of those are straight translations, but a large handful were changed to sound more like a store in English (but not all, for verisimilitude). Amazoom, though, was a crowd-sourced term across the loc team, I believe. The place where I expanded the most was the "requester names"--those were much more basic in JP, but we figured adding flavor there would help keep them from becoming total white noise.

Aug 21, 2015

Voted #1 Babysitter in Mushroom Kingdom

Man this is making me want to get back to the game after being distracted away from it by various things. Except I still have the infinite loading screen bug after the 5th jail boss that I haven't managed to fix.

Fate is cruel.

Dec 2, 2008

The glow is a guide, my friend. Though it falls to you to avert catastrophe, you will never fight alone.
Well, I can safely say the team's hard work brought plenty of smiles and memorable moments. So good job!

Level Seven
Feb 14, 2013

Wubba dubba dubba
that blew.


im saint germain posted:

The place where I expanded the most was the "requester names"--those were much more basic in JP, but we figured adding flavor there would help keep them from becoming total white noise.

Ryuji yelling about phantom thieving and Futaba scared shitless were greats

Mar 26, 2007

organize digital employees

I am only halfway through the game but I don't know if there will be one to top the watermelon-related request

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
Since you did Okinawa, can I ask if the off-limits ritual site actually means anything? Since Sophia mentions there was no record of an actual site being there, but you never actually visit it and it's basically dropped as soon as you leave.

My offhand guess is that it's where the lab director's body is, but there's no outright confirmation.

Also I don't know if you can thank all the VAs from your end, but they all did a smashing job. Ryuji and Futaba were highlights for me but everyone had some good moments. (Though I will say I noticed one instance of inconsistent pronunciation, specifically that Haru pronounces Hiiragi differently from everyone else before going after the first Trauma Cell).

im saint germain
Jan 30, 2021

i've come from the future to tell you all we have to stop party rock before it returns

ApplesandOranges posted:

Since you did Okinawa, can I ask if the off-limits ritual site actually means anything? Since Sophia mentions there was no record of an actual site being there, but you never actually visit it and it's basically dropped as soon as you leave.

My offhand guess is that it's where the lab director's body is, but there's no outright confirmation.

Also I don't know if you can thank all the VAs from your end, but they all did a smashing job. Ryuji and Futaba were highlights for me but everyone had some good moments. (Though I will say I noticed one instance of inconsistent pronunciation, specifically that Haru pronounces Hiiragi differently from everyone else before going after the first Trauma Cell).

It is indeed because the lab director was there. why didn't they just move the body? no idea! my guess is they wanted a reason to work in an Okinawan cultural aspect somewhere so it wouldn't just be surface-level stuff (plus the Shiisaa) and thought "this would be useful to keep people from discovering something."

Also, an interesting note: my internet connection at home is too crappy for me to sit in on most voice recording sessions! I was able to attend them for a recent project but the audio would drop out on me, so it's a good thing i wasn't performing a crucial role at the time! Confound you, Cox Internet

im saint germain fucked around with this message at 07:00 on Mar 14, 2021

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
Speaking of localization stuff I always enjoy looking at the vending machine drinks and trying to figure out what they're parodies of.

Some are easy, like Dr. Salt, 1UP, and Second Maid, some aren't quite as obvious like Creature and Sepia Shock, and some are just completely lost on me, like Oh! Shiroku and Joylent.

im saint germain
Jan 30, 2021

i've come from the future to tell you all we have to stop party rock before it returns

Twelve by Pies posted:

Speaking of localization stuff I always enjoy looking at the vending machine drinks and trying to figure out what they're parodies of.

Some are easy, like Dr. Salt, 1UP, and Second Maid, some aren't quite as obvious like Creature and Sepia Shock, and some are just completely lost on me, like Oh! Shiroku and Joylent.

I don't know where Oh! Shiroku came from, but Joylent is a play on Soylent (not that I've seen it in a vending machine before).

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
I'm not sure about one of them, but I'm pretty sure Joylent is a parody of Soylent.


Apr 18, 2008

My favourite little monsters
Hey so I kind of just thought of something in the final dungeon: got some real dedicated delivery guys bringing stuff to an RV while the world around them is collapsing and merging huh

Item Getter
Dec 14, 2015
"Creature" is maybe Monster Energy?
I think it's maybe too dated to include in a game now, but my favorite was in Persona 3 with "Cylon Tea" where the description said "there are 12 known varieties".
This is a cool post, I imagine it must have been a difficult localization to work with due to all the cultural references to different regions of Japan.

Item Getter fucked around with this message at 09:27 on Mar 14, 2021

Oct 29, 2011

Another spring commute
Not sure how much insight you have into the localization as a whole but during the Konoe calling card scene when Ryuji fucks up his line and says the group will be "baking" Konoe's desires instead of "taking" them, was that the original slip up in the Japanese, or was it modified to something that would sound natural?

As an on-and-off hobbyist translator, localization details fascinate me, thank you for making these posts. :)

Jan 17, 2009

The Master of Magnetism
I thought that the localisation for the game was very well done and considering we're living through a global pandemic and the actors were having to work from home issues with the volume of some of the lines are very forgivable.

Thank you for all your hard work.

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
"Boy it sure is nice that Fusion only uses two Personas in this game and there's no three or five fusion stuff."

"Trickster, you have now unlocked Triad Fusion."


So I did jump in Jail 4 when I found that tape recording of a woman screaming. Legit startled me, it was very spooky. It was a really good area, even if it was extremely short. It was a lot of really twisted stuff that you don't normally see in the modern Persona games, especially with stuff like the director committing suicide so he can't have his Desire stolen. Also Ryuji got a fantastic scene at the end.

I got to the Jail 5 and god drat is the story going places. I almost just want to say "gently caress sleep" and just keep playing.

lunar detritus
May 6, 2009

Awesome post. I have only one question:

lunar detritus posted:

This is killing me and I need to know: is this the same VA as P4G Naoto?

Feels Villeneuve
Oct 7, 2007

^^^ me, pro gaming
I got the churrasco recepie from a late game request and the entire RV crew is going apeshit

Nov 27, 2014

(It's you!)

Sydin posted:

during the Konoe calling card scene when Ryuji fucks up his line and says the group will be "baking" Konoe's desires instead of "taking" them

This moment was probably the hardest a video game's made me laugh in years.

The game as a whole was very pleasant to play through. Most games don't really elicit reactions from me, but I was really immersed throughout, and I found myself wishing the game was just as long as original Persona 5. I thought I'd get annoyed at Sophia at some point but she's just so drat adorable, and Zenkichi is easily my favorite character in the franchise now.

Jun 29, 2005

Dante's allowance - $100

im saint germain posted:

shut the gently caress up, idiot

Hey, pass this on to the rest of the team: y'all loving nailed it and this has been one of the most memorable scripts across the entire SMT franchise and if this is the quality we're going to get in future titles, we're in good hands and I have zero worries

Gaius Marius
Oct 9, 2012

You the same Comte de Saint Germain from the Witcher thread?

Nov 19, 2011

"Let's be positive! Let's start a fire!"

YoshiOfYellow posted:

I admit I could be wrong on my angle here but I always kinda took it like this: Makoto is working towards being a cop less because she genuinely wants to (though I imagine there still is some genuine desire to follow her dad's footsteps) and more that she wants to incite change from the inside. It's still incredibly naive and in all likelihood it will go as well as you'd expect; she'll probably just get pushed out for trying to speak out against anyone or anything.

Still though I'd like to think if anyone could start wide reform from the inside it'd be her. The combination of her unfathomable stubbornness and having Sae around who is a literal law wizard could actually accomplish some poo poo.

Your angle is 100% correct; Makoto realizes the inherent corruption going in and wants to promote positive change from the get-go in her own way. But what will ultimately happen is something you mentioned; she'll get pushed out for trying to speak out or suggest changing the status quo.

I get where Makoto is coming from (like hell, the starting point for why I personally became a lawyer was Phoenix loving Wright), but Zenkichi being like "it absolutely does not go down that way" really hit me; change is going to be buffeted by budget, or politics, etc.

Hell, prior Persona characters tried this approach and ended up becoming cogs; Katsuya just wants to be a chef, Akihiko spends more time wrestling bears than doing actual police work, and... well.. I guess there's Chie if that pans out

Jul 24, 2013

Grimey Drawer

I also want to join in everyone saying that you and the people you work with did an amazing job with this game.

Oct 29, 2011

Another spring commute
I expected Zenkichi and Makoto's dialogue together to be some pretty pro-cop cringe poo poo, but it was actually one of the best written bits in the game. The game initially presents him as manipulative and corrupt just like the rest, unconvinced of the groups ability to enact any kind of real justice, but that conversation and Zenkichi's underlying desperate plea to Makoto that if she actually wants to hold onto her sense of justice then becoming a cop is the worst thing she could possibly do is a phenomenal pivot point towards what he ultimately is in the story.

FireWorksWell posted:

The game as a whole was very pleasant to play through. Most games don't really elicit reactions from me, but I was really immersed throughout, and I found myself wishing the game was just as long as original Persona 5. I thought I'd get annoyed at Sophia at some point but she's just so drat adorable, and Zenkichi is easily my favorite character in the franchise now.

Yeah, the game is just... nice. It's really heartwarming. Getting to watch these characters you grew to really like in P5 get to interact and go on a road trip and constantly get giddy over the prospect of a new tasty meal is a good feeling.

Jun 20, 2011

Better stay in line when
You see a Pavel like me shinin

Namnesor posted:

Hey, pass this on to the rest of the team: y'all loving nailed it and this has been one of the most memorable scripts across the entire SMT franchise and if this is the quality we're going to get in future titles, we're in good hands and I have zero worries


Like the bar has been raised and if there is something like vanilla P5 that's trotted out next for a localization it's gonna be a shame.


im saint germain
Jan 30, 2021

i've come from the future to tell you all we have to stop party rock before it returns

Sydin posted:

Not sure how much insight you have into the localization as a whole but during the Konoe calling card scene when Ryuji fucks up his line and says the group will be "baking" Konoe's desires instead of "taking" them, was that the original slip up in the Japanese, or was it modified to something that would sound natural?

As an on-and-off hobbyist translator, localization details fascinate me, thank you for making these posts. :)

From what i recall of the raw TL of the scene, Ryuji does misspeak there, but the words were modified so it'd sound more like an actual slip-up in English. i don't remember exactly what he says in Japanese (although a fanlation of Scramble on YT might give an idea), but from what i recall, it would've been two totally different-sounding words in EN if directly translated, so it wouldn't have sounded as realistic as the scene demanded. would've been a bummer to have that one fall flat

lunar detritus posted:

Awesome post. I have only one question:

This sounds like Val Arem, who is the most recent Naoto and one of the voice directors at the studio we've used for all the Persona games. she pops up at least one or two more times in the game (pretty sure she's the engaged TV host whose betrothed proposes to Alice on TV), and IMDB confirms she's in the game as "Additional Voices" (i actually may not have mentioned it otherwise because union rules about sneaking in voices are WAY stricter, whereas non-union can have whoever you want in there--they used to have loc staffers who went to the studio for the day throw in a BG voice or two every once in a while if they wanted, but those days are sadly over). i wasn't at recording so i can't say i know firsthand it's true, but i've heard her talk enough to be willing to wager that's her lol

Gaius Marius posted:

You the same Comte de Saint Germain from the Witcher thread?

No, i was unfortunately unaware of the username i pulled from my butt--i just read a lot of loony esoteric books. (working on a personal writing project, not because i believe i'm the famous immortal)

Also thanks for all the kind words! we were all definitely invested in making this game a good'n. i feel very lucky to work with people who agree that each project should be considered "The (name of game) Show", and not "The (name of loc'er) Show". we may not be infallible beings, but we definitely care about making the games good, and much more so than we care about showing off Sick Writing Skillz to the adversity of the text.

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