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Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
I mean Strikers already gave them all cool fighting movesets.


Feb 22, 2006


ApplesandOranges posted:

Yeah I'm fine on that level, but Akechi is pretty much left completely out of Strikers. They also really only namedrop Kamoshida, Madarame and Shido in passing, too.
Yeah, outside of that spoiler, pretty much the only reference to non-party members from P5 outside of the intro in Shibuya is that in one optional dialogue in Osaka, Ann says she's getting souvenirs for Shiho.

(Which was actually a nice surprise in itself, tbh.)

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story

Harrow posted:

The Metaverse is a topic of scientific research and something that a few people in a conspiracy know about prior to Persona 5. Futaba's mother researched it (it's a field of research called "cognitive psience"), for example. You still need a special power to be able to enter the Metaverse, but some of the villains in Persona 5 are aware of it and can use people who have that power to manipulate or kill people through the Metaverse.

There's also one villain in Persona 5 who has the ability to manipulate his Palace to a degree, sort of like how in Inception some people got training to resist the dream-intruders.

Ah okay, so the villains don't actually go in the Metaverse then? Is this because P5 seems to take the stance that Persona users are inherently good/noble? I'm kind of getting that interpretation from how Morgana explained it in this game, that it represents "your rebellious heart against the injustices of this world" or whatever, so an evil Persona user wouldn't really fit with that, unlike in P4 where the main villain was a Persona user.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Twelve by Pies posted:

Ah okay, so the villains don't actually go in the Metaverse then? Is this because P5 seems to take the stance that Persona users are inherently good/noble? I'm kind of getting that interpretation from how Morgana explained it in this game, that it represents "your rebellious heart against the injustices of this world" or whatever, so an evil Persona user wouldn't really fit with that, unlike in P4 where the main villain was a Persona user.

There are (as a mild spoiler) bad Persona users in every game. I'm not going to go too far into spoiler territory, but having a Persona doesn't mean that you're inherently good, just that you have a strong will to overcome other's preconceived notions of you.

Commander Keene
Dec 21, 2016

Faster than the others

Spiffster posted:

Switch has been extremely stable playing it in handheld mode exclusively with no crashes. There have been some frame rate drops in super intense times but nothing to bad to pull me from playing it.

The one spot where it was noticeable was in the third area final boss but I wasn’t completely sure if that was truly a drop off or just part of the theme Ice jail and the screen got super blue around the edges so I didn’t know if it was supposed to be like that
Took me a couple of tries to notice the heater thing (and I noticed the "objective here" marker before I noticed the dialogue), but once I did I managed to beat her on that run, IIRC. The whole thing becomes much easier once it's moving at normal speed. :v:

Twelve by Pies posted:

I've been having more of a blast with the combat system since I realized that C4 has your Persona use a skill of its chosen element. C6 sometimes does, but it's not consistent. Raja Naga uses Maziodyne as its C6 which is great for example, but Ganesha uses Charge instead of a nuke skill. Learning that has helped me conserve my SP much better since I can bust out a Ziodyne with Raja Naga on enemy Ganeshas instead of casting it.

So everyone here did a good job of answering my questions last time, and I appreciate it! One other thing I'm wondering though, how do other humans become aware of the Metaverse? It doesn't seem like just anyone can enter it, since not everyone using EMMA gets taken there. Likewise I assume the phone app they used in the first game didn't transport people there, but some people are aware of it, like I think they mention a couple of the later villains in P5 knew about Palaces and stuff. How did they get that knowledge? Did they work alongside their Shadows? Is there any way for a human to know what their Shadow is doing in the Metaverse?

Also as someone who currently doesn't have a way to play P5 and isn't sure if I want to sink hundreds of hours into a Persona game again, how good is the P5 anime? I know it probably differs from the game in some ways but is it good/bad/decent?
The Metaverse Navigator (the app that the PTs used in P5 to access the Metaverse) is used to directly transport people to the Metaverse, but unlike EMMA which is a personal assistant app that also allows access to the Metaverse and thus is on most peoples' phones, it only gets installed on your phone (mysteriously) once you get a Persona IIRC (except Joker gets it before he gets his 'cause he's special). I think the app can only transport people with Personas (or the "will of rebellion" that allows you to have a Persona in P5), because while some people get transported into the Metaverse by accident along with the protagonists, it's always (future) party members and not just random Joe Schmoes off the street.

Nov 27, 2014

(It's you!)

YoshiOfYellow posted:

I'm terrible at fighting games but I absolutely want a P5 Arena just to see how all the Phantom Thieves gets translated into a cool badass moveset. Though I don't know how likely it would be to happen.

I'd get p5 arena just because I want more of Zenkichi and Sophia. It was a pleasant surprise that the two new characters ended up being my favorites in the franchise.

Aug 21, 2015

Voted #1 Babysitter in Mushroom Kingdom

Oh well I'll be damned, that beta opt-in actually worked and I was able to get past the infinite load screen bug. Back into the game finally!

ApplesandOranges posted:

I mean Strikers already gave them all cool fighting movesets.

Fair enough, although they are somewhat basic compared to what you could design for a fighting game. P4A had some fun looking shenanigans for all the cast to go nutty. Also the big supers.

FireWorksWell posted:

I'd get p5 arena just because I want more of Zenkichi and Sophia. It was a pleasant surprise that the two new characters ended up being my favorites in the franchise.

Yeah they're both so good. A theoretical P5A could mean seeing the Phantom Thieves interact with the P3/P4 people and that's always a fun time with all these morons. I can already see Yusuke and Kanji being the weirdest of friends over the artistic value of knitting.

Apr 23, 2012

I'm skeptical we'll get a Persona 5 Arena, as Strikers has sold significantly more than Arena did. Persona has gotten a lot bigger, and a fighting game might not bring in the kind of sales that Atlus is looking for anymore. Of course, a fighting game might be much cheaper to make than a game like Strikers, but I know very little about game budgets.

Anyway, regarding Strikers itself, I'm at the sixth jail and I feel my strategy of buying out all the healing items across town (that are reasonably cheap) every opportunity I get is paying off. I have so many healing items I'll probably finish the game with an enormous stockpile remaining. That said, some bosses have proven pretty difficult (I had a very hard time with the 5th jail boss) so maybe I'll burn through it all faster than I expect. I just appreciate that they've made using items so quick and easy that I usually don't have to worry about actually losing, it just hurts my pride when I have to use them.

Jun 30, 2012

Twelve by Pies posted:

Ah okay, so the villains don't actually go in the Metaverse then? Is this because P5 seems to take the stance that Persona users are inherently good/noble? I'm kind of getting that interpretation from how Morgana explained it in this game, that it represents "your rebellious heart against the injustices of this world" or whatever, so an evil Persona user wouldn't really fit with that, unlike in P4 where the main villain was a Persona user.

Like was already pointed out, every Persona game has at least one villainous Persona user, and Persona 5 is no exception. P5 Persona awakenings tend to be fueled by defiance in the face of injustice, but what you do with that power doesn't have to be noble.

Sightly more specific: as a general rule, Persona users in P5 can't have a normal Palace, so any villain whose Palace you enter doesn't have a Persona, and a person entering their own Palace can have unpredictable effects.

Nov 27, 2014

(It's you!)

Zinkraptor posted:

I'm skeptical we'll get a Persona 5 Arena, as Strikers has sold significantly more than Arena did. Persona has gotten a lot bigger, and a fighting game might not bring in the kind of sales that Atlus is looking for anymore. Of course, a fighting game might be much cheaper to make than a game like Strikers, but I know very little about game budgets.

Anyway, regarding Strikers itself, I'm at the sixth jail and I feel my strategy of buying out all the healing items across town (that are reasonably cheap) every opportunity I get is paying off. I have so many healing items I'll probably finish the game with an enormous stockpile remaining. That said, some bosses have proven pretty difficult (I had a very hard time with the 5th jail boss) so maybe I'll burn through it all faster than I expect. I just appreciate that they've made using items so quick and easy that I usually don't have to worry about actually losing, it just hurts my pride when I have to use them.

You should save everything for merciless if you plan on doing that. Mixed with the bond skill for increased item potency, you'll be able to keep yourself afloat. I didn't need to use items too often after I had good SP pools in regular NG.

Owl Inspector
Sep 14, 2011

There's an outlaw camp right here with some shady folks eatin' beans. yeehaw chucklefuck.
I completed the third dungeon.

so when haru's good, she's really good, huh. breaking a psi-weak enemy's shield with her psi whirlwind lets you just hold it on them long enough to very nearly break the next shield by the time they stand up again, repeat.

Mar 26, 2007

organize digital employees

Gay Rat Wedding posted:

I completed the third dungeon.

so when haru's good, she's really good, huh. breaking a psi-weak enemy's shield with her psi whirlwind lets you just hold it on them long enough to very nearly break the next shield by the time they stand up again, repeat.

CharlieFoxtrot posted:

Haru dabbing is too powerful

Needed to be on this page as well

Coming soon:

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

Gay Rat Wedding posted:

I completed the third dungeon.

so when haru's good, she's really good, huh. breaking a psi-weak enemy's shield with her psi whirlwind lets you just hold it on them long enough to very nearly break the next shield by the time they stand up again, repeat.

As someone who's going through Merciless, Haru is somewhat dependent on her psi whirlwind. Psiodyne is fine and Technical Aspect helps her... but she only gets Psy Boost (not Amp) and her Ma is average enough that on bosses it'll take multiple uses of it to crack a shield. Yusuke and Ryuji have the same issues; Yusuke doesn't even learn Ice Boost, so he has the toughest time breaking shields with his element, but at least Knockdown Style helps him do it with physicals.

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
So while I'm in Osaka I found out that rice is not the true bottleneck ingredient, since you can buy three from the supermarket in town along with the two from Sophie's shop.

No, the true bottleneck ingredients are beef and onion, which are only available through Sophie's shop, and that's just two per stock. I'm now swimming in rice but perpetually out of beef and onion.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.
You get used to bottlenecks changing. Right now my bottlenecks are beef, tofu, carrots and crab.

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
That Cerberus fight sucked. I need to buy some Burn Heal, I went in without any. Also even with its attack debuffed and my defense/evade buffed it kept completely destroying my party. I made it through but man was it ugly. Though part of that was definitely due to Joker using Lilith, who's weak to fire. I didn't have any other ice persona though!

Also god drat it Ganesha/Raja Naga/Fortuna learn your final skills so I can fuse you away, I've been pumping PP into you for ages.

Lotus Aura
Aug 16, 2009

They don't learn the Severe spells until they're levelled into... into the mid-70s. You might be waiting a while for that.

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
Oh no I'm only level 59 this sucks. :negative:

Either I fuse them away now and have to spend five billion PP to level them up when I'm in the 70s, or I have to cart them around in my party for the entire rest of the game. Ugh.

Feb 19, 2013

That's it! No more hiding in tomato crates! It's time to show that idiota Germany how a real nation fights!

For pasta~! CHARGE!

Just fuse them away and resummon them later, you'll need 5 gazillions PPs anyways, Wild Card Personas always require stupid amounts of experience to level. There's a reason in mainline games the primary social link reward is a load of levels to newly fused personas of the link's Arcana.

This game is really generous about this because fusing or deleting Personas refunds a lot of PP.

Nov 27, 2014

(It's you!)

Twelve by Pies posted:

So while I'm in Osaka I found out that rice is not the true bottleneck ingredient, since you can buy three from the supermarket in town along with the two from Sophie's shop.

No, the true bottleneck ingredients are beef and onion, which are only available through Sophie's shop, and that's just two per stock. I'm now swimming in rice but perpetually out of beef and onion.

You might think you're set on rice but you'll always need more. Even if you approach 99 rice you still won't have enough. Everything good uses rice and crab. I ended up doing most of my shopping in endgame while cleaning up requests.

Oct 15, 2011

You see the most shocking sights sometimes
I'm having the most trouble getting tofu, actually. The Crab Hot Pot and Obanzai are two of the best recipes, and the Osaka market does not carry tofu. I have to rely on Sophia's shop.

Nov 27, 2014

(It's you!)

After the final boss her shop will be your only source, and it refreshes after about four fights in a Jail. You should find a nice groove between requests and stocking up by that point though.

Oct 6, 2009

I'm good... I Haven't slept for a solid 83 hours, but yeah... I'm good...

Lipstick Apathy

Omobono posted:

This game is really generous about this because fusing or deleting Personas refunds a lot of PP.

This right here, and if you know what you are doing and get to the point in the game where you can focus PP to bump stats individual instead of just leveling up you can actually break the game if you were really dedicated.

Royal and Strikers velvet room fusions truly spoiled us on getting what we want

Mar 26, 2007

organize digital employees

Man I wish I had the brain for fusion management and growth, lol I am just on autopilot with all that stuff. For all the fusion quests I just looked at a guide

Feb 19, 2013

That's it! No more hiding in tomato crates! It's time to show that idiota Germany how a real nation fights!

For pasta~! CHARGE!

CharlieFoxtrot posted:

Man I wish I had the brain for fusion management and growth, lol I am just on autopilot with all that stuff. For all the fusion quests I just looked at a guide

This game has easy mode fusion. Try a mainline Persona game for medium mode, and a "proper" SMT for :atlus: mode.

Spiffster posted:

Royal and Strikers velvet room fusions truly spoiled us on getting what we want

I'd say that 4 Golden started to spoil us with non-random inheritance. Maybe Devil Survivor had it first? Anyways, that is the biggest QoL fusion change, everything else is gravy.
:cloud: Why, back in my day we had to fuse uphill both ways :cloud:

Note: I never played Persona 3, 2 or 1 :v:

E: merciless makes stat incenses simply rain from the sky. Every random encounter can drop up to two.

Apr 18, 2008

My favourite little monsters

Omobono posted:

I'd say that 4 Golden started to spoil us with non-random inheritance. Maybe Devil Survivor had it first? Anyways, that is the biggest QoL fusion change, everything else is gravy.
:cloud: Why, back in my day we had to fuse uphill both ways :cloud:

E: merciless makes stat incenses simply rain from the sky. Every random encounter can drop up to two.

Devil Survivor had it first, yeah. Think it was the first one as well to let you choose what persona you wanted to fuse, then pick from the available possible combinations.

Incenses are plentiful in merciful because they quickly become the only way to get any stronger, once you hit level 99.

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story

Omobono posted:

This game has easy mode fusion. Try a mainline Persona game for medium mode, and a "proper" SMT for :atlus: mode.

Man, I do not miss random skill rolls. Also does this mean you don't consider SMT IV a "proper" SMT? :v:

Fondly remembering when Vinny and Jeff summoned Satan with the worst skill roll.

Lotus Aura
Aug 16, 2009


Twelve by Pies posted:

Man, I do not miss random skill rolls. Also does this mean you don't consider SMT IV a "proper" SMT?

If you go back far enough, which for main SMT games isn't really all that far, you get no skill inheritance at all. Along with demons that don't level up and all sorts of other nonsense that were left in the past for a reason.

Mainline SMT is about as consistent with the way skill inheritance at fusion works as most of the spin-offs, really.

Feb 19, 2013

That's it! No more hiding in tomato crates! It's time to show that idiota Germany how a real nation fights!

For pasta~! CHARGE!

Twelve by Pies posted:

Man, I do not miss random skill rolls. Also does this mean you don't consider SMT IV a "proper" SMT? :v:

Fondly remembering when Vinny and Jeff summoned Satan with the worst skill roll.

Technically Persona is a MegaTen spinoff, that's what I meant by proper.
Why wouldn't IV count as a proper one? Fandom (un)holy wars?

Nov 27, 2014

(It's you!)

CharlieFoxtrot posted:

Man I wish I had the brain for fusion management and growth, lol I am just on autopilot with all that stuff. For all the fusion quests I just looked at a guide

If you want 99 stats for a persona, there's a nice little exploit and I'll try to explain it because the other sources took a while for me to make sense.

1. So you take a Pixie from your registry; it's one of the cheapest to pay for and it'll be the source of your stat growth. Also summon a Jack o Lantern for this step.

2. You will use the stat growth feature to get all of Pixie's stats to 20, as well as Jack o Lantern (for this step only, you won't invest in him after this.) You can go higher than 20, but that's better saved for later in the chain.

3. Fuse them into bicorn, summon another pixie and get its stats to 20, fuse with bicorn for silkie. Follow this chain.

Silky + Arsene = Succubus

Succubus + Andras = Hua Po

Hua Po + Slime = Lamia

Lamia + High Pixie = Jack Frost

4. Once you reach Jack Frost, summon another Pixie and get its stats to 20, fuse for Jack o lantern and continue through the chain until content; you're passing the accumulated stat points through this Jack O Lantern, using Pixie to add more each round. Then you can fuse from there towards whatever you need to have 99 stats.

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story

Omobono posted:

Technically Persona is a MegaTen spinoff, that's what I meant by proper.
Why wouldn't IV count as a proper one? Fandom (un)holy wars?

I just meant because SMT IV lets you pick which skills to inherit like this game does, so it's pretty "easy mode" as well. Not that I'm bashing it or anything because I definitely think it's a much better system than "back out of the fusion menu for an hour hoping for a good skill roll."

So it's real easy to tell when you have a fusion accident, because the game won't let you skip the fusion scene. Tried to make a Forneus and ended up with an absolutely awful Black Ooze, its stats at level 60 were barely higher than my registered 38 one and its skills were terrible.

I'm getting antsy because there's a ton of low level Personas I can't fuse due to the ingredients being too low level, and as a semi-completionist that really bothers me.

Aug 19, 2004

It's a hard world for little things.

FireWorksWell posted:

If you want 99 stats for a persona, there's a nice little exploit and I'll try to explain it because the other sources took a while for me to make sense.

1. So you take a Pixie from your registry; it's one of the cheapest to pay for and it'll be the source of your stat growth. Also summon a Jack o Lantern for this step.

2. You will use the stat growth feature to get all of Pixie's stats to 20, as well as Jack o Lantern (for this step only, you won't invest in him after this.) You can go higher than 20, but that's better saved for later in the chain.

3. Fuse them into bicorn, summon another pixie and get its stats to 20, fuse with bicorn for silkie. Follow this chain.

Silky + Arsene = Succubus

Succubus + Andras = Hua Po

Hua Po + Slime = Lamia

Lamia + High Pixie = Jack Frost

4. Once you reach Jack Frost, summon another Pixie and get its stats to 20, fuse for Jack o lantern and continue through the chain until content; you're passing the accumulated stat points through this Jack O Lantern, using Pixie to add more each round. Then you can fuse from there towards whatever you need to have 99 stats.
It's worth adding that it costs a couple hundred thousand persona points to take a stock pixie and raise its level/stats all to 20. So the first couple times you try this you'll end up having to summon and dismiss several high level personas to generate enough PP to pay for it.

But every time you fuse a new persona you get PP as if you'd just released the two (or whatever) personas you just used as fusion fodder. And once you get a persona with a couple 99 stats it'll start giving you hundreds of thousands of PP for fusing with them.

You can also save e.g. a stat-boosted Jack Frost and use it to summon/dismiss to generate PP efficiently--Jack Frost's base level is 24, and if you fuse a Jack Frost with all stats (not counting level) as 99 and save him to the compendium it'll cost ~11k to summon him and dismissing him will give you something like a quarter million PP.

Eventually if you build high level personas with maxed stats they'll cost like 80k to summon and give you a couple million PP for dismissing them, which makes it easy to use that as a method of stat boosting other high-level personas (instead of trying to figure out all the fusion semantics to build them from personas you've already got max stat versions of).

All of this is gross overkill unless you're postgame, though.

Fusion is serious business.

Oct 6, 2009

I'm good... I Haven't slept for a solid 83 hours, but yeah... I'm good...

Lipstick Apathy
Be careful with this method because a fusion accident can throw it off and you’ll have to find a way to fuse them to get it back on track.

Or you can end up like me and getting two accidents in a row and get somewhat back on track when it pulls arsene back into the mix who is a ingredient in this cheese recipe

Aug 19, 2004

It's a hard world for little things.

Spiffster posted:

Be careful with this method because a fusion accident can throw it off and you’ll have to find a way to fuse them to get it back on track.

Or you can end up like me and getting two accidents in a row and get somewhat back on track when it pulls arsene back into the mix who is a ingredient in this cheese recipe
On the other hand a fusion accident adds a huge stat boost.

It's a little bit of a pain in the rear end because you can't fuse things by picking the inputs, but as far as I know there's no way to get "stuck".

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
loving Queen Mab.

So I got the mission for King Frost and after the Cerberus debacle I decided to try and find a fire Persona without an ice weakness, and there was Queen Mab. Seemed great, so I pulled her out of the compendium and dumped as much PP into her as I could, it was a big sacrifice but I figured hey it'll make things way easier.

So you know how most Personas' C4 attacks are a spell of their element? Yeah. For some reason, not Queen Mab. Turns out despite being a fire Persona, her C4 ice attack. Her C6 is a fire attack, but a C6 is tough to pull off on a boss consistently without it being down from AoA/Showtime. So I just ended up using Forneus the whole fight since it nulls ice and I had it inherit Maragidyne.

I'm still mad about this, especially since C6 being weird is something other Personas do too, so why her C4 had to be ice really irritates me.

Feb 19, 2013

That's it! No more hiding in tomato crates! It's time to show that idiota Germany how a real nation fights!

For pasta~! CHARGE!

Have you checked the 2xattack 2xspecial string on her? It brings out a different skill than the 3xattack special string.

Jul 2, 2009

"Either Sonic is God, or could kill God, and I do not care if there is a difference!"

College Slice

Twelve by Pies posted:

loving Queen Mab.

So I got the mission for King Frost and after the Cerberus debacle I decided to try and find a fire Persona without an ice weakness, and there was Queen Mab. Seemed great, so I pulled her out of the compendium and dumped as much PP into her as I could, it was a big sacrifice but I figured hey it'll make things way easier.

So you know how most Personas' C4 attacks are a spell of their element? Yeah. For some reason, not Queen Mab. Turns out despite being a fire Persona, her C4 ice attack. Her C6 is a fire attack, but a C6 is tough to pull off on a boss consistently without it being down from AoA/Showtime. So I just ended up using Forneus the whole fight since it nulls ice and I had it inherit Maragidyne.

I'm still mad about this, especially since C6 being weird is something other Personas do too, so why her C4 had to be ice really irritates me.

you could also just wear a null ice accessory and use whatever fire persona

Edit: wait I'm a huge idiot those don't exist

Xad fucked around with this message at 22:22 on Mar 19, 2021

Mar 26, 2007

organize digital employees

"Joker's Kitchen", Okinawa edition

CharlieFoxtrot posted:

The base recipe is here: but I didn't have half of that stuff so I did my best to substitute while keeping the spirit lol

Meat was beef stewed in sake, soy sauce, and maple syrup (!) (I don't have black sugar...) whisked with enough water to cover in my instant pot, 25 minutes pressure cooked then on the stove reduced until some sauce clung to the meat.
Soup was chicken broth, a splash of soy sauce and dash of salt. Brought to a boil, tossed in some shrimp, and after a few minutes reduced the heat and stirred in some kondashi powder.
Noodles: I have tons of ramen noodles and nothing else lol. Dreaming of the day I can go to the Asian grocer soon...
Finished with chopped scallions, I don't have pickled red ginger but I sliced up some sushi ginger

The flavor and texture of the meat was really good, and the soup was exactly as Ann described

CharlieFoxtrot posted:

Speaking of persona 5 memes...

Sushi rice, Canadian bacon (Okinawa or Hawaii would have spam), egg whisked with a mirin/cornstarch slurry, and a spread of miso butter. I did the "TikTok wrap" that is covered in this video

Served with miso soup and beer from Okinawa. I devoured it instantly, the slight sugariness of the sushi rice and mirin melded really well with the salt of the canbac and miso butter

Oct 25, 2010

I Failed At Anime 2022
Dang, this game seems to be crashing a bit more than I would like for it to be crashing.


Commander Keene
Dec 21, 2016

Faster than the others

Which version are you playing? Because there's a beta build you could try on PC that may increase stability.

Saint Freak posted:

If you enter code H5328QXV3R74myei3uhh6ab2Pa5pUitjmVh into the beta tab of P5Strikers on steam you can download an experimental hotfix which might make the game playable.

I mean like, I wouldn't hold my breath, but if you bought this on PC I guess it's worth trying.

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