great, now i'm just imagining Futaba in the background nodding, casually saying "I've been shipping it for months" and then frantically tapping on her phone to add to her fanfic edit: jesus, so this is what it feels like to snipe the top of a page with a bad post
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# ? Feb 15, 2025 16:59 |
Look, we all saw in Sendai, Joker admitted he and Yusuke were an item now, so Ryuji's out of luck.
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ok, I got a good chuckle out of (dungeon 6) the calling card written by zenkichi just being boring cop poo poo
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Gay Rat Wedding posted:ok, I got a good chuckle out of (dungeon 6) the calling card written by zenkichi just being boring cop poo poo "What? It's an arrest warrant!" was great lmao
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Gay Rat Wedding posted:ok, I got a good chuckle out of (dungeon 6) the calling card written by zenkichi just being boring cop poo poo "We're going to bake back the des- ta-take!" "SKULL YOU HAD ONE LINE"
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Gay Rat Wedding posted:ok, I got a good chuckle out of (dungeon 6) the calling card written by zenkichi just being boring cop poo poo I hope Makoto realizes in that moment that so much of being a cop is going to be very boring legalese.
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is there a recommended level for the dire shadows, because today my level 45-ish party spent the better part of ten minutes and an entire pharmaceutical shelf desperately pummeling a teddy bear to death
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that's around the level I did the first 3 of them. the one in the fourth dungeon I left until later because it spams the instakill moves so doing that slightly behind the curve is more annoying than the others. Starting at the sixth dungeon, I then did the remaining optional bosses and every subsequent one as soon as it appeared. You can expect some of them to take as long as ten minutes though. Make sure to keep the enemy's attack and defense lowered at all times, using dekaja if they raise any of their stats, and your attack/defense/evade rate buffed as much as possible (I recall one or two of the optional bosses would negate your buffs but the rest you want to have them up all the time). the most annoying ones so far were king frost, because the fucker gets lots of adds unlike most others, and the request boss in dungeon 5 because it resists physical which makes it take way longer - all those 3 hits up to your elemental combo finisher do add up. Owl Inspector fucked around with this message at 05:08 on Apr 5, 2021 |
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might shelve them until i get debilitate, then. i've really been neglecting buffs/debuffs compared to other persona games
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I didn’t bother touching the Dire Shadows until right before the final boss and they still felt plenty difficult.
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I've been making sure to always have dekaja/dekunda on a persona and matarukaja/marakukaja/masukukaja somewhere on my others each time I fuse up a new set of personas and it's been serving me well. I don't bother with them on the jabroni fights but anything with a boss health bar is worth debuffing - dekaja/dekunda by themselves are not too expensive to cast. If any of your teammates at the time have buff moves I think it's better to have them cast to save waluigi's SP though
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The 4th Dungeon's I found to be super easy because it's weak to both Fire and Wind. Have Ann Burn it, then Morgana spams Garula/dyne, AoA, repeat until you need to refresh Burn.
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I trashed Dekaja on all my Personas because it seems useless, every time the bosses buff themselves Dekaja just flat out doesn't work. I tried ten times to get rid of Sapporo's boss's attack buff and it just wouldn't go away, so I just figured there was no point in keeping it.
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Twelve by Pies posted:I trashed Dekaja on all my Personas because it seems useless, every time the bosses buff themselves Dekaja just flat out doesn't work. I tried ten times to get rid of Sapporo's boss's attack buff and it just wouldn't go away, so I just figured there was no point in keeping it. Because that's from her rage status, not a kaja spell.
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Yeah there's a reason Haru's really good in Sapporo, not only because the enemy's weak to Psy, but also because the Rage status means free Technicals. Dekaja does work on other actual buffs.
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I'd say Dekaja's practically mandatory for the request fight in Kyoto, since it regularly uses Heat Riser
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Eh it was that and it also being useless against the Sendai boss's buff he gives himself. It just seems like when there's something worth using Dekaja on, the game just goes "Nope sorry it's special so you can't dispel it." Got annoying and I dumped it. It's not like I can't just give it back though, which is probably more important now that I'm on Merciless. Speaking of which, my first playthrough Kurama Tengu was a huge pain in the rear end, I wasted a ton of revival and SP restoration items when I fought him. Now that I'm on Merciless, I used Debilitate on him, and noticed he was weak to gun. And I already had Ann in my party to deal with the Koppa Tengu in the normal encounters, so I was able to just stunlock the rear end in a top hat with her and the fight was a complete joke.
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Even with Joker, any Gun-weak bosses are kind of a joke. They just melt because he has Gun attacks as part of his basic combo that don't use ammo. Just XXX(X?) will shred any weakness and deplete both health bars and shields in nothing flat.
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Did I miss it or does Alice not have any seen talking to any of the thieves after? Seems where that Natsume got a scene after when he was like the biggest prick out of any of the monarchs so far, Ann even sounded like she wanted to talk to Alice. Weird.
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Man, after the third dungeon, poo poo just goes off at a breakneck pace, huh? Both Okinawa and Kyoto had really short palaces and tons of plot going on! Wolf doing the whole 'scream to the heavens' after Shadow Akane vanished, only for everyone to tell him that she's fine was so hilarious. The Kyoto boss fight was hella fun too, I was expecting the Palace to last longer, and for Zenkichi to be integral (since bosses tend to be weak to the story-connected character), so the 1 vs 1 caught me off guard and it was awesome.
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Acerbatus posted:Did I miss it or does Alice not have any seen talking to any of the thieves after? She doesn't. This is mostly because since Alice was the first Monarch they defeated and weren't completely sure how Jails worked, they couldn't be completely sure Alice would have a change of heart. And once they saw the TV show, the cops had already arrested her. When they knew that changes of heart could trigger, they were able to bust in on Natsume's press conference since they were expecting one, and a press conference is easier to get into than a TV studio anyway. And with Mariko, since Haru had a personal connection to her, Mariko obviously wanted to talk to her afterwards. At the very least, if you go on the ferris wheel with Ann, she talks a bit about Alice and how she hopes they can be friends after everything is over.
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Beat Dungeon 7. Got some thoughts on the boss I was kinda excited to see a neurodivergent character, even if it's kinda cliche in an AI story. Bummed me out that we basically had her doing the twist that her personality is her trying to appear normal, and then next scene she gets is showing that actually that's wrong and it's "just" the deep trauma she's endured her whole life. Like. It makes sense, and it's absolutely what this whole game is about super explicitly, but it sucks that she gets all of 20 minutes to explain her deal and spends most of it on the fake-out twist. In that way it's very persona 5 to seemingly be about to have a conversation of the real outcasts of society, only to dial it back to something safer. Ah well. Everything about EMMA and Sophia? awesome. loving love AI stories where it gains sentience and becomes as god, and where it gains heart and truly reaches humanity-like state. The latter meaning having her own stand is rad AF. I do also love Sophia being the breaking and healing point for Ichinose is great. That which she built would absolutely hit the hardest. I guess I'll defeat the final dungeon tomorrow.
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MorningMoon posted:Beat Dungeon 7. Got some thoughts on the boss If it helps she's likely still neuro-divergent. Her trauma comes from people not properly understanding that neuro-divergence and calling her an emotionless doll instead of someone with a different emotional context/capability than others who needed guidance and help. It's certainly worse than it would otherwise be because of that trauma, but I don't think she's meant to be like this only because of her trauma.
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I just finished the first boss and it’s nice that Ann continues to be the best character immediately. Edit: I appreciate how much the Phantom Thieves like good food. Makes me hungry though. what’s the difference between Sendai beef tongue and lengua like I get in tacos? I assume preparation? DC Murderverse fucked around with this message at 05:00 on Apr 6, 2021 |
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It's also worth noting that she's not portrayed as 'wrong' for being neruo-divergent, more that she's wrong for processing and going about it in an unhealthy way, and then imposing her will onto other people. Society dumped on her the same way it did Alice, and while she started with good intentions (creating Sophie to help her understand), once the actual work started (having to explain what a heart was to Sophie), she just shut down, proclaimed it useless, and decided that all of humanity would be better without emotions.
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So the bond skills that raise stats...are they bugged in the US release, do they only take effect on a level up, or do they only work until a certain value? I'm in Jail 6 and my team has been 99 for ages, the only bond skills I have left are the strength/magic ones. Ann has had 90 in her magic stat for a while, and I just leveled up my bonds. I put three levels into magic, and her magic stat is still 90. So either it only takes effect on a level up (and thus is effectively useless as a skill for NG+), only works if the stat is less than a certain value (like it only adds a point up to 80 or 90), or it's just bugged and doesn't work at all, because otherwise Ann should have a magic stat of 93 after those bond levels. If it's the case that they only take effect on a level up, that actually means you should go hard on those skills on your first playthrough as they're just a waste of points on NG+ since you hit 99 so quickly, plus it would help reduce the amount of incenses you'd need to max stats.
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Twelve by Pies posted:So the bond skills that raise stats...are they bugged in the US release, do they only take effect on a level up, or do they only work until a certain value? I'm in Jail 6 and my team has been 99 for ages, the only bond skills I have left are the strength/magic ones. Ann has had 90 in her magic stat for a while, and I just leveled up my bonds. I put three levels into magic, and her magic stat is still 90. So either it only takes effect on a level up (and thus is effectively useless as a skill for NG+), only works if the stat is less than a certain value (like it only adds a point up to 80 or 90), or it's just bugged and doesn't work at all, because otherwise Ann should have a magic stat of 93 after those bond levels. If it's the case that they only take effect on a level up, that actually means you should go hard on those skills on your first playthrough as they're just a waste of points on NG+ since you hit 99 so quickly, plus it would help reduce the amount of incenses you'd need to max stats. It also might just not show up on character stats at all, whislt still being applied to them. It's only 1 point per level after all, so it's whatever level the bond skill is at is added to every character when doing the calculations.
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Boosts from equipment doesn't show on the stats page, so I wouldn't be surprised if the Bonds worked the same way.
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I guess that makes sense, even if it's confusing. It would be weird to change Joker's Persona's stats after he equipped it. So uh, goddamn, Alice's Die For Me! is absolutely useless on Merciless. Cast it about twelve times on a dark weak enemy before they actually died. Level might be part of the chances to hit, I would assume, and every Shadow at this point in the game is level 99 while my Alice is only 92. I do appreciate Alice has a special Showtime unique to her.
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You know, realizing who they got to voice Ichinose is as much of a masterstroke as who they got for EMMA
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CharlieFoxtrot posted:You know, realizing who they got to voice Ichinose is as much of a masterstroke as who they got for EMMA I wouldn't say as much but it is still excellent casting.
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Twelve by Pies posted:I guess that makes sense, even if it's confusing. It would be weird to change Joker's Persona's stats after he equipped it. Huh, either you got really unlucky or something weird is going on. I'm pretty sure my Alice was only 93 for a long time and Die For Me usually only took about 1-3 tries against enemies weak to curse, maybe a couple tries more if they had health bars.
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Also, I hope your Alice has Mudo Boost. Yoshitsune also has a unique Showtime. I can't remember if anybody else does, I think Lucifer may do?
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She does have Mudo Boost (as well as Curse Amp/Boost), dunno if Ailment Boost would work. I just noticed Ganeshas are weak to curse while I was going through Jail 6 and figured Die For Me might be a quick and easy way to deal with them, but so far it just takes so many casts before they fall, usually around nine or ten (I am doing it right at the start while they have full health though). Lucifer's is unique too, yeah, a star falls from the sky and causes an Almighty spell looking explosion. I don't remember Yoshitsune's, though I had to have used it to get past the tutorial battle.
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Left neko shogun an honorary slot in the roster for the rest of the game so I could finish off the final boss with it.![]() Ending is ![]()
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i really don't appreciate how so many lategame personas are fused by taking much, much lower-level ones and pumping up their levels to stratospheric heights. even if you have the resources to amass PP quickly it's so tedious to summon and dismiss personas again and again to hike up the numbers
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Oxxidation posted:i really don't appreciate how so many lategame personas are fused by taking much, much lower-level ones and pumping up their levels to stratospheric heights. even if you have the resources to amass PP quickly it's so tedious to summon and dismiss personas again and again to hike up the numbers They're sadly likely intended for Merciless (which ups all the random dungeon Persona to 77 at minimum and when you get them they retain that level).
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Oxxidation posted:i really don't appreciate how so many lategame personas are fused by taking much, much lower-level ones and pumping up their levels to stratospheric heights. even if you have the resources to amass PP quickly it's so tedious to summon and dismiss personas again and again to hike up the numbers If you do Merciless NG+, that problem is solved very quickly. Also I think a lot of the Personas with high level requirements are actually solved in other ways? Like Bugs and Lilith can show up as masks later on, some can be fused with sensible level base Personas eventually, and some that do require a bit of levelling the base forms are the ones that you want to level anyway (like levelling Nebiros for Alice gets you Debilitate, so it's a net bonus).
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As I was looking at Bond skills I saw that Luck affects ailment rates. So, I took a bunch of PP, dumped it into Alice's Luck stat to bring it up to around 85, and now Die For Me is real good at killing things. She only had 49 Luck before then. My Lucifer also now gets me about 1.9 million PP for around 85k yen. Good stuff, though I am now always out of money again.
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# ? Feb 15, 2025 16:59 |
Oxxidation posted:i really don't appreciate how so many lategame personas are fused by taking much, much lower-level ones and pumping up their levels to stratospheric heights. even if you have the resources to amass PP quickly it's so tedious to summon and dismiss personas again and again to hike up the numbers If you add PP to a persona, get bonus stats from fusion, or get a bunch of stat bonuses from a fusion accident never release that persona. Keep fusing it. Because any bonus stats--from PP, fusion, or whatever--only count as bonus stats on that individual persona. Release it, even after registering it to the compendium, and those bonus stat points are lost. On the other hand if you use it as fusion fodder, whatever you get will inherit all those bonus points. And every time you fuse a demon you earn PP, just as if you'd released it, and you get more PP the more bonus stats the persona has. You can min/max this by fusing in loops, but really if you just get in the habit of fusing everything and dismissing nothing you'll end up rolling in PP.
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