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Hilario Baldness
Feb 10, 2005


Grimey Drawer
Henceforth, Alice will be referred to as Belle Delphine and I won't hear otherwise



Owl Inspector
Sep 14, 2011

There's an outlaw camp right here with some shady folks eatin' beans. yeehaw chucklefuck.
I’m really glad that waluigi dying isn’t an instant game over anymore since I had a fight on the first dungeon here where he went from full health to dead within the first second of the fight, not even sure what happened

Dec 21, 2017

Gay Rat Wedding posted:

I’m really glad that waluigi dying isn’t an instant game over anymore since I had a fight on the first dungeon here where he went from full health to dead within the first second of the fight, not even sure what happened

lol same. i was pleasantly surprised when it just switched characters and the battle kept going.

Feb 13, 2012

who, me?

I only just beat the first Jail last night, but I love Zenkichi, he sucks so much

Jun 29, 2005

Dante's allowance - $100

Arist posted:

I only just beat the first Jail last night, but I love Zenkichi, he sucks so much

I love that they reserve all the love for Sophia so all that's left is pure derision for Zenkichi

Jul 2, 2009

"Either Sonic is God, or could kill God, and I do not care if there is a difference!"

College Slice
Both of the new characters are great and it's a very welcome surprise

Jun 23, 2008
Zenkichi has my favourite line so farMONSTER CAT!!!

Nov 13, 2005

Xad posted:

Both of the new characters are great and it's a very welcome surprise

Sophia is pretty funny so far. I didn't think I'd like her from her character design, but she has an amusing semi-deadpan sort of humor and meshes well with the rest of the cast.

ASenileAnimal posted:

their levels wont always be even but you can get them caught up fast in a few fights in whatever your latest dungeon is. its better to have an underleveled party member that can hit weaknesses because alot of the fights will be a slog if you cant.

Yeah, I ended up figuring out that it isn't very tough to keep everyone up to speed (and is kind of necessary due to SP limitations, at least early on).

Missy Hyatt
Nov 20, 2004

1978 ~ 2023
It is very dumb that you get a fight where the instruction is to block the enemies attacks when there’s no block function and what it means is dodge the enemies attacks.

Or have I somehow almost finished the game and entirely missed there being a block function.

Oct 16, 2012

Roose is loose.

I like how Sophie is always surprised by her showtime at the end.

Twelve by Pies
May 4, 2012

Again a very likpatous story
I've started noticing that Futaba uses a lot of really old idioms (like "the bee's knees") and I assume that this is supposed to come off as a little weird.

Jun 30, 2012

In the original she also frequently does "make like a banana and split," "make like a tree and leaf," etc. puns. Definitely meant to come off as a little weird.

Oct 15, 2011

You see the most shocking sights sometimes
Some of these minibosses are brutal. I've had trouble with the Archangel and the Mokoi. Both took retries, and the Mokoi fight ended with Haru on her own just barely eking out the win.

Feb 24, 2011

Smart and cool, handsome, wealthy and so sexy
the new characters are very likable, zenkichi grew on me exponentially despite being a cop. doesn't hurt that he's a dad trying his best and his moveset is fun as hell

Oct 15, 2011

You see the most shocking sights sometimes
Yeah, Zenkichi just introduced himself to the gang in my file and he's already a hoot.

Sep 7, 2014

You Win!

Hilario Baldness posted:

Henceforth, Alice will be referred to as Belle Delphine and I won't hear otherwise


Her actual inspiration is waaaay more obvious than that

Nov 13, 2005

BearDrivingTruck posted:

Some of these minibosses are brutal. I've had trouble with the Archangel and the Mokoi. Both took retries, and the Mokoi fight ended with Haru on her own just barely eking out the win.

I had a lot of trouble with Archangel (I won first try, but used most of my healing items in the process) but had an easier time with Mokoi after changing my playstyle to just be really cautious and hang back from the boss and only get close to it immediately after it finishes an attack (and bail out the instant it starts a new attack).

Party members seem pretty good at avoiding attacks, so, at least for these early minibosses, it seems like you can basically hang back and play it safe.

Oct 16, 2012

Roose is loose.

The only time I’ve felt the party just could not avoid attacks was the second phase of the first jail boss.

Hilario Baldness
Feb 10, 2005


Grimey Drawer

Blockhouse posted:

Her actual inspiration is waaaay more obvious than that

I am glad I don't know who that is

Sep 1, 2011

Sorry I meant to say I hope that the police use maximum force and kill or maim a bunch of innocent people, thus paving a way for a proletarian uprising and socialist utopia

also here's a stupid take
I'm happy to confirm that everyone's favorite SMT mascot, Mara, is in fact in this game as an optional encounter, and has an attack where it obscures your vision by shooting cum onto your screen

Nov 13, 2005

This one cutscene during the first jail made me realized that the original P5 (and P5R) don't actually have any "CG action cutscenes." The cutscene was cool so I hope they keep doing those in the future.

Missy Hyatt
Nov 20, 2004

1978 ~ 2023
Finished the story, that last boss was kind of silly.

Platinum is going to be a grind though, holy gently caress. You need bond at 99 for the all skills trophy and I finished the game at 52, and that was with the increased bond exp skill maxed out ASAP.

I might just wrap up the post-game requests and call it done.

Jun 30, 2005

History Comes Inside! posted:

Finished the story, that last boss was kind of silly.

Platinum is going to be a grind though, holy gently caress. You need bond at 99 for the all skills trophy and I finished the game at 52, and that was with the increased bond exp skill maxed out ASAP.

I might just wrap up the post-game requests and call it done.

I read an achievement guide cause I got the platinum in Royal and thought it might be a fun thing in Strikers, apparently it takes 13 hours of straight grinding the last boss to get that bond rating up to max. So yeah, not gonna be doing that. Maybe it'd go up a decent amount playing new game+ and be a bit less tedious?

Hilario Baldness
Feb 10, 2005


Grimey Drawer
Haru :) : If you kill a pig, that will give you some satisfaction. If you kill all the pigs, that will give you complete satisfaction.

May 24, 2007

Zenkichi is probably one of my favorite Persona characters period but I admit a good chunk of that is some loving excellent voice acting.

Jul 24, 2013

Grimey Drawer
I have enjoyed both Sophia and Zengichi's interactions with the rest of the phantom thieves.

Jun 11, 2005

one issue i have with the game (and musou games in general) is that it's hard to read the screen when you're fighting a mob.
i have trouble telling when i can use the special moves, when the enemy is susceptible/weak etc

Sep 1, 2011

Sorry I meant to say I hope that the police use maximum force and kill or maim a bunch of innocent people, thus paving a way for a proletarian uprising and socialist utopia

also here's a stupid take

Hilario Baldness posted:

Haru :) : If you kill a pig, that will give you some satisfaction. If you kill all the pigs, that will give you complete satisfaction.

Haru also rented out the entirety of Disneyland for a night for her friends to hang out in

At least having a cop on the team is extremely strategically useful. Haru should lean on her extreme 1%er status more for the team

Sep 1, 2011

Sorry I meant to say I hope that the police use maximum force and kill or maim a bunch of innocent people, thus paving a way for a proletarian uprising and socialist utopia

also here's a stupid take
Of course New Game+ Joker has an income that would let him rent Disneyland at least once a week

Oct 15, 2011

You see the most shocking sights sometimes
Any advice for Alice? She's whipping my rear end.

Dec 2, 2008

The glow is a guide, my friend. Though it falls to you to avert catastrophe, you will never fight alone.

BearDrivingTruck posted:

Any advice for Alice? She's whipping my rear end.

Spam your dodge. Like in most high difficulty play in musou, you wind up darting in and out for attacks. Nail a combo and run to dodge the counterattack. You may have to (infuriatingly) fight the camera to keep it either zoomed out or tilted up to watch which attacks she's doing and plan accordingly. Don't be afraid to buy out the shops of healing items for both HP and SP and abuse it, and ensure you've gotten the latest personas fused.

Also look to go in swinging when she's paying attention to a party member rather than you.

Jun 22, 2012

Thankee kindly.

BearDrivingTruck posted:

Any advice for Alice? She's whipping my rear end.

Don't burn all the crackers immediately, you'll want to save one or two of them for when she jumps onto the pole. Bring Morgana; he won't have the meter to be Garu'ing all day but it'll help sneak some damage in. She'll stop the pole move in phase 2.

If you bring Yusuke, you can swap to him right before she does her kick (it's got a fairly noticeable windup at least) and get a free Counter.

In phase 2, the key move is her move when she spins towards you a few times. Just continually focus on dodging otherwise you're just eating damage; if you're focused on dodging it and aren't hugging the edges of the arena it's actually fairly easy to dodge. She has a noticeable lag period after each of her attacks, which is your time to attack.

bobjr posted:

The only time I’ve felt the party just could not avoid attacks was the second phase of the first jail boss.

That one is dependent on you, I think. If you're not dodging, your party members are just gonna eat it. If you're dodging their attacks, then they're also dodging them.

Oct 15, 2011

You see the most shocking sights sometimes

Drakenel posted:

Spam your dodge

holy poo poo there's a dodge

Oct 24, 2010

Hello? Can you hear me? ...Perhaps if I shout? AAAAAAAAAH!
When am I supposed to be able to take on the blue sparks? I tried take the one in shibuya after nearly beating the 2nd dungeon but uh....still annihilated.

Sep 1, 2011

Sorry I meant to say I hope that the police use maximum force and kill or maim a bunch of innocent people, thus paving a way for a proletarian uprising and socialist utopia

also here's a stupid take

BearDrivingTruck posted:

Any advice for Alice? She's whipping my rear end.

That's because of her distorted desires, I recommend changing her heart (unless you're into that)

Oct 31, 2010

Tae posted:

When am I supposed to be able to take on the blue sparks? I tried take the one in shibuya after nearly beating the 2nd dungeon but uh....still annihilated.

Best bet seems to be at least partway through two dungeons after you find them, at first. Later on you scale up in absurdity enough to take them on earlier but i would probably be cautious until jail 5-6

Oct 15, 2011

You see the most shocking sights sometimes
Fusing a Slime with Agi and Garu and spamming dodge gets me a lot closer to victory, but I still can't do it yet. I think I'll grind for yen and EXP tomorrow, and if that doesn't work I'll switch to Easy.

Aug 21, 2015

Voted #1 Babysitter in Mushroom Kingdom

Game needs to calm the hell down with the requests. Just when I've gotten caught up I progress a day and 8 more pop up. Please stop I'm dying.

May 24, 2007

YoshiOfYellow posted:

Game needs to calm the hell down with the requests. Just when I've gotten caught up I progress a day and 8 more pop up. Please stop I'm dying.

Lavenza will not accept no for an answer.


Hilario Baldness
Feb 10, 2005


Grimey Drawer

Fojar38 posted:

That's because of her distorted desires, I recommend changing her heart (unless you're into that)

Persona 5 Simpers

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