I'm pretty far into the game and I still don't really understand how technicals work lol
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# ? Feb 18, 2025 17:26 |
fadam posted:I'm pretty far into the game and I still don't really understand how technicals work lol If an enemy is afflicted with a status effect certain spell elements will do Technical damage. Burn, Shock and Freeze are Nuclear (Shock and Freeze also gun/phys), every other status effect is Psy except Dizzy and Sleep which just trigger on whatever hits first. Psy and Nuclear don't have qutie as much that is weak to them but if you toss status effects on enemies then they'll start dishing out hilarious amounts of damage. Edit: I think Burn also works on Wind but I can't remember if that is in Strikers or just P5 classic. Pretty sure it is in Strikers though.
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Burn is also Wind IIRC
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If you've played Persona 5, technicals work exactly the same way in this game.
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Other than everything going so fast you’ll basically never notice if anything has a status effect applied unless you spot the TECHNICAL pop up, which will usually only be there for a second because you’ll already be doing something to interrupt it or the thing will die. I can count on no hands the number of times I actively tried to take advantage of a status effect on my whole play through.
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I got owned by first jail boss (Alice). I just didn't have enough resources to keep myself alive, and the party apparently isn't great at dodging her attacks, so I kept needing to use resources to heal them. I got to her second phase, but ended up gradually running out of items until I could no longer keep my team alive. My Joker is around level 15 and the party is ~13; judging from how much XP mobs give I imagine this should be high enough to fight this boss, but my damage seems low since it takes so long (and her attacks hit so hard). I also have the most up-to-date Personas (it's annoying that Hua Po just has Maragi though - that increased SP cost is brutal at this point, so I've still been using Jack's Agi, even though it probably does less damage). Is there any good use to spinning around the pole during that fight? Seems like it might be a trap, since I've gotten owned when I tried it and she attacked near the pole (and it didn't seem to do much damage to start with).
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Slime is the best option for the first dungeon boss I think to help reduce most of her damage aside from Mapsi. As a general rule, the party is about as good at dodging as you are. So if you're getting hit a lot, they'll probably get hit trying to keep up with you. The second phase is really about learning her movements, dodging and moving in during her lag times; playing it safe is more conducive since your party members will slowly rack up free damage for you. The big trip up is her saw spin; you need to dodge it about 4-5 times (the party will dodge it as long as you do) and then she'll be vulnerable for several seconds.
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I think I’m finally starting to get a hang of this game but either I’m doing something wrong or they need to cut every miniboss/boss health by like a quarter. I didn’t have any trouble with the 1st boss but it did take like 10 minutes of just chipping away at it. I was hitting weaknesses constantly and interrupting when possible but the only thing that seems to do big damage is the showtimes and even that’s a little underwhelming.
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does dashing have invincibility frames? I'm not exactly seeing how to avoid damage correctly. silkies for example seem able to perfectly track with spells they're readying as I'm dashing around them in a tight circle.
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So is the game good for someone who loved p5 but never played a mosou game? The only guy I know who got it so far legit played over 500 hours of persona 5 and he's been playing valheim instead of this, so I don't know what to expect.
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Son of Rodney posted:So is the game good for someone who loved p5 but never played a mosou game? The only guy I know who got it so far legit played over 500 hours of persona 5 and he's been playing valheim instead of this, so I don't know what to expect. It’s not very musou at all. It’s Persona dungeons where they replaced all the turn based battles with action battles.
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A talking coyote posted:I think I’m finally starting to get a hang of this game but either I’m doing something wrong or they need to cut every miniboss/boss health by like a quarter. I didn’t have any trouble with the 1st boss but it did take like 10 minutes of just chipping away at it. Use Rakunda (Sophie comes with it if you don't want to use Joker for it) to drop their defense. Later on you can use Matarukaja to also buff ATK (Ryuji will learn it pretty late, but he does have Tarukaja for single targets and it's not like he's using his SP for anything). All-Out Attacks are the big damage bomb but you need to deplete all their shields to use it. It's standard Persona where buffs and debuffs do matter. Sophie/Makoto is a pretty good default team later on because that's that's two healers with a DEF down and DEF up, and you can throw in Ann for ATK down, Ryuji for ATK up, Yusuke for SPD up or Morgana for SPD down.
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i just hit the final dungeon and overall id say i enjoyed this one more than p5. its alot shorter but it doesnt drag the way p5 did. especially towards the end.
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Not reading the thread to avoid spoilers (only on first dungeon) but just popping in to say this game rules and if you're on the fence about picking it up, do it. If you liked P5 this is more of that good stuff.
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ApplesandOranges posted:Use Rakunda (Sophie comes with it if you don't want to use Joker for it) to drop their defense. Later on you can use Matarukaja to also buff ATK (Ryuji will learn it pretty late, but he does have Tarukaja for single targets and it's not like he's using his SP for anything). All-Out Attacks are the big damage bomb but you need to deplete all their shields to use it. Is there any way to turn off teammate skills so Sophie doesn't waste her SP on anything else? I'm going to take her into my next Alice attempt.
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Gay Rat Wedding posted:does dashing have invincibility frames? I'm not exactly seeing how to avoid damage correctly. silkies for example seem able to perfectly track with spells they're readying as I'm dashing around them in a tight circle. Yes. Later in the game you get a skill where, if you are hit during those invincibility frames, a counter attack is triggered.
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My heart is going a mile a milisecond because I managed to beat Alice in a fight that went down to the absolute wire I made liberal use of Rakunda and Tarunda. Sophie was the last one standing in the end
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Welp, finished everything in the first playthrough. Normally in a game like this I'd get going on NG+ Merciless right away but SP management is such a pain that I'm not even going to bother. Glaring flaw in what would otherwise be a great game.
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Oh my god Zenkichi is having a moment, y'all
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BearDrivingTruck posted:Oh my god Zenkichi is having a moment, y'all my new favorite persona character
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Mechafunkzilla posted:Welp, finished everything in the first playthrough. Normally in a game like this I'd get going on NG+ Merciless right away but SP management is such a pain that I'm not even going to bother. Glaring flaw in what would otherwise be a great game. Your level carries over into NG+ Basically everything does. NG+ is "play through the game again at endgame power and everything is balanced for it" That being said, prepare for an rear end-whooping if you go with Merciless difficulty. Got my first merciless game over in the tutorial lmao
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Fojar38 posted:Your level carries over into NG+ I know that, but SP management is even more of a thing in Merciless. So having to use all your skills and buffs and debuffs is great but having to sit through three loading screens at every checkpoint to restore SP, and having bosses that are even bigger HP sponges, doesn't sound like a great time.
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I was expecting pure musoi but I'm surprised at how much of this is a rpg game
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Mechafunkzilla posted:I know that, but SP management is even more of a thing in Merciless. So having to use all your skills and buffs and debuffs is great but having to sit through three loading screens at every checkpoint to restore SP, and having bosses that are even bigger HP sponges, doesn't sound like a great time. I actually haven't been having any SP problems on Merciless so far. Between high level Bond abilities and SP Incenses dropping like candy the game seems to be encouraging me to let loose with SP consumption. That being said, it helps that I use almost all of my abilities as part of combos now and Siegfried can combo into a free Heat Riser.
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Fojar38 posted:
Not sure this is correct, from the feel of it ng+ doesn’t scale at all unless you play on merciless and gently caress that. I repeated the shadow of god request a few times to get to 90 so I could fuse Lucifer once I started, and my plan was to just rush ng+ for the bond exp to wrap up the platinum but you get absolutely gently caress all exp since it’s all still scaled the same way as a normal playthrough. You go through everything like a blender but I don’t think there’s any benefit to doing this over fighting shadow of god for 10 hours straight other than it being slightly more engaging. Missy Hyatt fucked around with this message at 00:44 on Feb 27, 2021 |
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Empress Brosephine posted:I was expecting pure musoi but I'm surprised at how much of this is a rpg game Like, I keep comparing this to something like... Hyrule Warriors and I've been pretty impressed how they definitely wanted this a Persona 5 game first (even if not turned based) and a musou game second
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In case anyone was wondering, the base level for enemies on Merciless is 72 and when you collect their masks you collect them at that scaled level, so if you grab Pixie again on Merciless you get a level 72 Pixie. This explains some of the fusion requirements for high level Personas and fortunately it seems that you do not in fact need to grind low level Personas to their 60's
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So what's the loop with regard to party members; should you constantly be swapping in and out?
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I don't get combat. Everyone keeps yelling at me to use skills, but using skills eats through SP like nobody's business, and there's no way to recover from that midfight. The first boss is just another shadow Yukiko.
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TheLoser posted:I don't get combat. She's weak to fire? Apply fire to ann's attack and spam her normals.
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Just got to the (late late game spoiler) Konoe boss. This music in this game loving SLAPS
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Tae posted:She's weak to fire? Apply fire to ann's attack and spam her normals. I have Ann fully leveled with Joker and she bites it after like two hits. No way to revive dudes, from what I can tell.
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It took me a bit too. Special moves at the end of combos use your persona’s skills without using SP and different skills are mapped to 3 main combos 2,3, and 5. 2 is squarex2, trianglex2 3 is squarex3, triangle 5 is squarex5, trianglex2 The skill used changes depending on your persona and it only pertains to skills that the persona gets naturally, so fusing a high pixie to have agi won’t be able to combo into it. This is only relevant to joker though as only his combo 2 and 5 ends in a persona skill all the other characters still get combo 3 to end in there respective damage types but the other 2 have character specific abilities instead. Easiest way to get a handle on it is to practice the combos for a bit when out of combat to see which one ends in which skill. Edit: also dodge, dodge, dodge constantly you should never be standing still unless you’re attacking.
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OP should be updated to let goons know that there's a dodge button
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TheLoser posted:I don't get combat. You can use items liberally and the game expects you to do so. Pretty soon you get the ability to cook which effectively gives you as many SP restoring items as you want.
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Fojar38 posted:In case anyone was wondering, the base level for enemies on Merciless is 72 and when you collect their masks you collect them at that scaled level, so if you grab Pixie again on Merciless you get a level 72 Pixie. You can just take a bunch of money, then summon and delete high level personas over and over to generate pp and level them in the velvet room. Way faster and you don’t have to play on merciless.
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Just got to the start of dungeon 5. Zenkichi Owns.
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History Comes Inside! posted:You can just take a bunch of money, then summon and delete high level personas over and over to generate pp and level them in the velvet room. Way faster and you don’t have to play on merciless. I just did this for a few personas. I felt like a fuckin moron, but I can tell i'm not going to play through this game a second time. Just turning money into pp like a Vegas gigolo. That said, It's also at that point where it feels like you don't really need the extra power. By that point in the game you're used to the dodge-spam and attack interrupting. Which reminds me... A helpful note about interrupting boss and miniboss attacks. Hitting a weakness by itself isn't what stops attacks. Breaking a shield does. And tougher enemies can require multiple weakness hits to break one shield, at which point you try to prime it by halfway breaking the shield and then saving it for when they start one of the attacks you have trouble with. Critical hits also do shield damage, even from basic attacks, but not as much as spells.
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ASenileAnimal posted:i just hit the final dungeon and overall id say i enjoyed this one more than p5. its alot shorter but it doesnt drag the way p5 did. especially towards the end. I’m at like 17 hours and I’m just before the third dungeon lol.
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# ? Feb 18, 2025 17:26 |
I can just sell all the treasure I pick up right? There's no reason to hoard it?
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