I made three albums of increasing-quality in the early 2010s. I have been working on LP4 since 2013 and lately feel the music of those three albums have been aging well. Laptop Rap [1] is the rawest of the bunch and of the lowest fidelity. Recorded on my laptop’s microphone with very little post-mixing, it nonetheless is a mix of very sincere and inspired rap. Laptop Rap 2 was recorded on the same microphone, but with every syllable individually-mastered for sonic clarity. This project is much stronger and features songs which sometimes enter into psychedelic lyricism, but mostly channel an alternative, underground rap-vibe. Laptop Rap 3 is verifiably psychedelic rap from start to finish. Recorded on an “actual” microphone (Blue Yeti) and somewhat-properly mixed and mastered, Laptop Rap 3 climbs extremely ambitious heights and ends with a 17 minute~ song suite of six continuous songs. Before reaching that peak, you hear the best I can muster over 9 other tracks with a truly eclectic mix of instrumentation and topicality. You can stream and download everything for free, on an ActivityPub-hosted site or Mastodon. Thank you for this opportunity — — I have out-of-this-world intentions for my 4th album, to release in 2024.
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# ? Feb 15, 2025 17:28 |
Thank you!
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I'd be more likely to click those links if you didn't sound like an adsense blogger describing someone elses' music
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Give peace a chance!
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Get it while it's rare!
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This sucks, dude. It's like if Hobo Johnson didn't know anyone who played any instruments. I get that you really like acid and it makes you have really crazy complex thoughts about the nature of the universe but rapping is not the medium for you. You're doing the thing amateur white rappers do where they kind of sound like they're imitating a New Yorker accent, but you don't have the charisma of the Beastie Boys or Aesop Rock to make it work. Beats are low-mid, production is bad. First release sounds like you're whispering into your laptop mic so you don't wake up your parents, third release sounds like you're yelling at it from across the room. Hang it up.
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Based on what I'm hearing here, if it's going to take you 11 years to "release" your next "album," you might as well as just leave it unreleased. All of the albums are unlistenable in their own unique ways. The first one just has an unpleasant sound - all the vocals are super clipped but the music isn't, and it just has the feel like you put it together in an evening. Album 2 has a bizarre split stereo delay effect on your vocals, making it sound like you recorded it in your bathroom. And Album 3 has the vocals so low in the mix that they are really difficult to hear, which actually makes it the best album of the bunch. And honestly, all of this feels very disingenuous. You're singing praises about this material, and I get that you're proud of something you've made, but you also have to be a better judge of your own work than this. It's all a dime a dozen, and there's nothing that's out there to grab anyone's attention. And then the fact that you've been working on album 4 since 2013? Come on. What exactly are you doing that it's going to take you so long? You seem like the kind of artist who's reach goes very far beyond their grasp, and the thing is you don't even know it. Like, a 6-song 19 minute connected suite of music isn't exactly impressive when it's all low-tier poo poo. Taking so long to produce something isn't impressive when it sounds worse than albums literally recorded over the phone. It feels like quantity over quality. Based on what I'm hearing, you're not putting together a masterpiece or something that's really going to push the boundaries of music - you're probably just loving around. It doesn't help that all of your loving songs take so long to get started. Take the song PS - why am I getting 40 seconds of a loop of XTC's Dear God? Why? If I wanted to listen to Dear God by XTC, I'd listen to loving XTC. And then when your lines come in, I can't figure out why you used that sample. It's just loving bizarre. It feels thoughtless, and like you don't edit your work. It had nothing to do with God, it wasn't anything to comment on the song. And I turned it off after some line about Bobby and Whitney because seriously, what the gently caress? And you know what - it also felt like you were looking for praise. And that's what pisses me off. You're not missing the mark in a way that makes me think that you tried and with a few adjustments you could get there. You're missing the mark in ways that make me feel like you think recording an album is some achievement. Well, nowadays, anybody who wants to can make an album. But I'm going to be fair in my criticism - if this is important to you - scale the gently caress back. Focus on your rapping skills and getting them good enough - focus on making your own beats and simplifying them. Get into the song quickly - don't take up 30 seconds - you're going to lose all your listeners with that poo poo. And have something to say and start saying it. Here's the reality - if you're looking to get people interested in your work, you need to do it quickly. You don't have time to waste. And that's all you've done. And also - if you want people to care about Laptop Rap 4 - you got to keep something coming. Nobody is going to wait the next 3 years to finally hear what you're going to drop. You got to earn that anticipation. Here's the moment of truth though - is your heart really into this? Are you willing to put in the work that it takes to be good, or are you just going to keep going the way you're going? Because if you won't put in the work, then this all is pointless and you should hang it up. Right now, I don't hear the work.
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quote:"...And Album 3 ... the best album of the bunch..." The reviews are in! quote:"...really crazy complex thoughts about the nature of the universe..." The critics are raving!!
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Super bump of love!
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# ? Feb 15, 2025 17:28 |
Happy new year. My music rocks! (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
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