- Escape From Noise
Boss wants me in as scheduled tomorrow to tidy up. With a broken collarbone. Cool.
Apr 25, 2021 12:00
- Adbot
Sep 9, 2024 16:03
- Khad
third time's the HRAAAAAAAAAAAAALF
Boss wants me in as scheduled tomorrow to tidy up. With a broken collarbone. Cool.
Tell him to eat your butt.
Apr 26, 2021 00:47
- Escape From Noise
Tell him to eat your butt.
I'm going in but if they try and make me do anything that's going to strain me at all I'm walking
Apr 26, 2021 01:17
- Escape From Noise
Okay. Situation isn't as bad as I initially thought. I won't be tidying up like they said.
Apr 26, 2021 02:31
- Escape From Noise
Fuuuuuuuuuuck this jooooob!
Apr 26, 2021 09:47
my old boss used to only use comic sans and would send these angry all caps emails all the time. it was cool
Apr 27, 2021 16:43
- Escape From Noise
Having to join seven different chat groups when you are hired to a new company is definitely a really good sign that things are run well and efficiently.
Apr 28, 2021 05:18
- Escape From Noise
A few of my friends from college are working in libraries. It's apparently pretty competitive but I don't know the whole story
Apr 29, 2021 02:34
- Escape From Noise
I sat down to sketch out a list of things that need to change in this brewery for the meeting this afternoon. There's a lot but the list took very little time because I've been thinking about it today. Also I really need to tackle like 2 or 3 of them today because I really need the owner to be able to focus on the point. We really need a deep clean. I want to toss and replace every gasket and hose that I can. After that are a lot more expensive and difficult changes so I don't want to get sidetracked
Apr 29, 2021 02:38
- Escape From Noise
I'm starting to legitimately fantasize about walking out the door directly into traffic, so I guess it's time to actually turn on my "get a different job" face.
I'm not quite there yet myself, but I'm still hoping this job is temporary.
We had a meeting yesterday and I was supposed to bring up issues I noticed. I only brought up about three major issues, these were things I felt required immediate change. They were basically changing our cleaning SOPs, replacing all of our gaskets and smaller hoses, and allowing for a full two weeks of fermentation instead of cutting things off after five days. The boss immediately agreed to it, which is good overall. The thing is that the current head brewer has been trying to get them to make these changes for the last three years, and the head brewer before him was as well and even quit over it after several years with the company.
The head brewer and I are cool, he's not mad at me or anything, but he's pretty irritated, understandably, about the fact that the boss wouldn't listen to him, then I walk in and say what he's been for three years and suddenly it's done. I'd be pretty annoyed too.
On the other hand, I asked what exactly my job was and the owner and manager went into a several minutes long explanation of everyone's responsibilities within the company, complete with chart, and didn't really answer the question.
Apr 30, 2021 02:40
- Escape From Noise
I mean I can't blame him for being annoyed either. It blows to push hard for change and suddenly someone finally listens to the same thing you've been saying for years, out of someone else's mouth.
Oh, I absolutely get his frustration and anger. I didn't even propose anything that was cutting edge or anything, just super standard SOPs for the industry. I've only had a brief taste of what that was like and it was really frustrating for sure. I can't imagine that crap after 3 years. I'm just glad he's not mad at me because we do get along really well and he's a cool guy. I also went over with him what I was going to say so at least he wasn't blindsided. Either way, I feel for the guy. It's some loving bullshit for sure
Also, felt on not knowing what your job even is. I have sold more in two weeks, revenue and net profit wise, than what my company has made in five years. And my boss still stuff I don't know poo poo about poo poo, verbatim.
I run multiple businesses in my own when I'm not at my job. And I do well enough that I shouldn't have to have a job. I only have this one to please another person, and that other person holds my life in their hands in a lot of ways that I can't get into here. It's complex and it's unhappy. Someday I will not have to do that. I keep holding on to my life with the hope that someday exists.
Ooof I'm sorry to hear that. I hope your quest and my coworkers quest for a better gig work out! You both deserve it!
Apr 30, 2021 04:07
- Twenty Four
I'm not quite there yet myself, but I'm still hoping this job is temporary.
We had a meeting yesterday and I was supposed to bring up issues I noticed. I only brought up about three major issues, these were things I felt required immediate change. They were basically changing our cleaning SOPs, replacing all of our gaskets and smaller hoses, and allowing for a full two weeks of fermentation instead of cutting things off after five days. The boss immediately agreed to it, which is good overall. The thing is that the current head brewer has been trying to get them to make these changes for the last three years, and the head brewer before him was as well and even quit over it after several years with the company.
The head brewer and I are cool, he's not mad at me or anything, but he's pretty irritated, understandably, about the fact that the boss wouldn't listen to him, then I walk in and say what he's been for three years and suddenly it's done. I'd be pretty annoyed too.
On the other hand, I asked what exactly my job was and the owner and manager went into a several minutes long explanation of everyone's responsibilities within the company, complete with chart, and didn't really answer the question.
I mean I can't blame him for being annoyed either. It blows to push hard for change and suddenly someone finally listens to the same thing you've been saying for years, out of someone else's mouth.
Being the "long term lifer person" at my work, to give perspective, I can understand him being annoyed that he was ignored, but I am willing to bet that annoyance is aimed at the management, not you.
And if it was me, after getting over the initial "why wouldn't you listen to me?" couple of days, I would be glad that at least the stuff that needed to be done finally got done.
You did well.
Apr 30, 2021 07:12
- Escape From Noise
Yeah. We joked about it afterwards. Like, at least it got done, but it's just goofy. I'm basically a consultant I guess, meaning a get paid more than anyone else to state the obvious.
May 2, 2021 11:19
- Escape From Noise
Take the paper until you find another gig. That's my current plan.
I got my book pitch in to the right people finally and now I gotta do the negotiation dance, and when that's finalized I'm quitting. I realize I won't get rich, and that was never the plan, but it's better than *gestures around* so.
That's the plan. Good luck with your negotiations!
May 3, 2021 00:42
- Escape From Noise
The owner apparently told the head brewer that we aren't selling nearly as much as the nearby brewery and we should think about that. Hm. Wonder why they're selling more? Possibly because they follow proper practices like cleaning and fermentation SOPs and package their beer in industry standard sanke kegs allowing for outside sales instead of using cornelius kegs? Or possibly that they focus on allowing for proper fermentation and lagering and bottle from the tank to make a superior product slowly increasing demand through word of mouth and building up a fan base for long term gains instead of rushing production and releasing a product full of off flavors caused by rushed fermentation and bottling from kegs causing problems with DO and carbonation levels for short term profits? Maybe that they regularly come out with new and relavent styles instead of every beer they make being based on one of two malt bills using one of two varieties of yeasts? Maybe it's because they focus on production through one system instead of hanging onto a tiny pub system and the tanks taking up space that could be used for a proper HLT and keg washer as well as at least three full sized 500 liter tanks, which would give us a net gain of at least 600 liters, 1100 if we could fit four while also standardizing production?
Escape From Noise fucked around with this message at 03:43 on May 3, 2021
May 3, 2021 03:39
- Escape From Noise
I plan on bringing it up next meeting. I wanted to earlier but the cleaning and fermentation SOPs were so loving critical that I wanted to make sure my message didn't get bogged down in money squabbles.
May 3, 2021 04:38
- Escape From Noise
Fuuuuuuuuuuck this jooooob!
May 3, 2021 08:51
Fuuuuuuuuuuck this jooooob!
May 4, 2021 21:04
- Escape From Noise
I'm here "helping" brew, except I can barely do anything.
May 5, 2021 05:39
- Escape From Noise
Jesus. I can't believe it's been less than a month.
May 5, 2021 09:18
- Escape From Noise
I like my coworkers but my boss is an rear end and I hate this place so much. It's just soul crushing. Good luck to everyone
May 5, 2021 12:55
- Vernii
I straight up nailed a six million dollar sale in a month and my boss just said I don't have the chops to sell.
That's two plus years of revenue, with a 30% margin.
I'm done. I'll walk soon and I'm okay with that.
Sales is one of the hardest professions to recruit for and retain. He's an absolute moron to antagonize you like that.
If you're into looking for another sales job you could probably walk out and get a new job elsewhere within a couple weeks.
May 5, 2021 19:42
- Vernii
at one of my old jobs the CEO lost both of the company's sales reps by deciding to shake up their strategy from emails and demos to focus on cold calling instead.
He also want to reduce their pay on top of that because cold calling was "less work" and therefore they should be paid less
One told him to go gently caress himself and was fired on the spot, then got hired to do the same thing for 3x the pay elsewhere. The other quarter-assed the job for a month, barely made any calls, then quit once he got an offer secured.
May 5, 2021 19:51
- Adbot
Sep 9, 2024 16:03