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Deep Glove Bruno

yung swamp thang

Goons Are Great posted:

everyone wants to poop, but barely anyone wants to push

I worked with a nearly spherical man who was convinced that in a few short years every toilet would have a vacuum tube to suck poo poo out with, eliminating the need to push. He was confident. He said, "when this happens and you are making GBS threads into the tube, remember Rohit told you it would happen". I have marked his words for 14 years. Still waiting.


Drink-Mix Man

You are an odd fellow, but I must say... you throw a swell shindig.


more falafel please

forums poster

"rocking flow overhead storage"

thanks Saoshyant and nesamdoom for the sigs!

Dip Viscous

Dynamite Dogmilk

Dip Viscous

lick my sack and drink some holy wine

Dip Viscous

king kong ding dong dibblin a dick GO BROOKLYN

frump truck

hello... again!

honking for gronkus

Finger Prince

Finger Prince posted:

I can't find the weird stuff that pops in your head immediately after waking up thread so I'll post this here instead.

Irish schoolgirl superhero - Shillelagh Moon

I found the thread

frump truck

hello... again!

nostalgic pickle art

EDIT: this is actually probably a pretty profitable idea


There he go
Taking a drop - British slang for going on a walk when you are upset

Dip Viscous

breathe like a hamburger

Oh no

frump truck posted:

nostalgic pickle art

EDIT: this is actually probably a pretty profitable idea
Classic Vlasic.

sephiRoth IRA

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality."

-Carl Sagan


The ocean is calling and I must go

Bog water's got her

Scaly Haylie

Please, Mr. President was my father, just call me the President

The Hello Machine

I'm not a real machine, but I am a real Hello-sayer.
The only thing that can get me out of bed today is a state ordinance.

Deep Glove Bruno

yung swamp thang
if you've never breathed the mountain air or seen a man truly farted down


Don't post Small Dash!
jump jump jump freeze

frump truck

hello... again!

Deep Glove Bruno posted:

or seen a man truly farted down

i have never seen this what is it like

Deep Glove Bruno

yung swamp thang

frump truck posted:

i have never seen this what is it like

not a pretty sight... or smell

difficult to forget

google THIS

How many roads must a man fart down

Deep Glove Bruno

yung swamp thang
o fart down babylon

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.

Dip Viscous posted:

Dynamite Dogmilk

A Doctor dogballs tribute band?

frump truck

hello... again!

despite all my brain i'm still just a train in the rain


There he go
Philadelphia passion

frump truck

hello... again!

all teens want is to drink orange juice and draw on the ceiling

The Mighty Moltres

Come! We must fly!

"Urethra Franklin"
Which is apparently a thing other people have thought of before, but I thought it was funny.

The Mighty Moltres

Come! We must fly!

Yes I googled it, and my search history now contains that term.

frump truck

hello... again!

dynastic rear end in a top hat

Dip Viscous

poopy lou and the shitters

Eat My Ghastly Ass

Dip Viscous posted:

poopy lou and the shitters

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
dog lingerie

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

for fucks sake

My toilet has the word "HAFA" embossed on it and every time I see it when I'm having a piss in the morning I think "hafa deez nuts"


Don't post Small Dash!

for fucks sake posted:

My toilet has the word "HAFA" embossed on it and every time I see it when I'm having a piss in the morning I think "hafa deez nuts"


Dip Viscous

🎵 scatalogical jokes at the hotel california 🎵

frump truck

hello... again!

vin diesel's wife is named lynn diesel


a pair to draw to

tried to deploy this one at work. everyone acted extremely baffled and offended like it tormented their brains or something idk. kind of a bummer, cause it's a good one i think about a lot

Dip Viscous

three horses all named "my horse".


tune sushi


Finger Prince

Shave your teeth

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