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Mar 24, 2007
I just deadlifted 405lbs five times. It only took 10 years and half a dozen injuries.

Extra plates make my brain juices happy.

Edit: dog tax

Sacrist65 fucked around with this message at 19:28 on Oct 14, 2022


Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

Sacrist65 posted:

I just deadlifted 405lbs five times. It only took 10 years and half a dozen injuries.

Extra plates make my brain juices happy.

Edit: dog tax

Give that dog some pets from me. That looks like a Good Dogtm

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Unfortunately, no more turtles for the year…but yesterday’s sunset across the valley at Shenandoah National Park was magical :unsmith:

e: might’ve slightly overdone it (8.5mi hiked total, ~178 flights of stairs climbed according to my phone; my shins are yelling), but here’s a pic of Old Rag and the valley below.

Icon Of Sin fucked around with this message at 13:31 on Oct 28, 2022

Nuclear Tourist
Apr 7, 2005

The great French Onion Soup experiment: success.

Soul Dentist
Mar 17, 2009
Oh man alive that looks amazing!

Apr 28, 2010

Stay safe, have fun. Watch out for the little ghouls.

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

bulletsponge13 posted:

Stay safe, have fun. Watch out for the little ghouls.

We make little goodie bags with those cheap old school party favors (witch fingers, spider rings, vampire teeth, bubbles, etc) and candy.

It makes the wife super excited and I get to plant a peppermint patty "bomb" for some unlucky kid to find.

Soul Dentist
Mar 17, 2009
What on earth is wrong with peppermint patties?

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Soul Dentist posted:

What on earth is wrong with peppermint patties?

Nothing, aside from them not being in my belly :getin:

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Did my first reverse sear on a steak. Would do again.

Soul Dentist
Mar 17, 2009
:eyepop: I had some trouble with the scale of those photos and could have sworn that was a full brisket and fat cap. Looks dope either way!

Dec 2, 2011

What is a soldier but a miserable pile of eaten cats and strange language?
There is a livefeed of a shiba inu who recently gave birth to 3 puppies.

Apr 10, 2003


Grimey Drawer
I crossed the 100 pounds lost milestone this weekend! 315 to 215 over the last year and a half.

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

Thwomp posted:

I crossed the 100 pounds lost milestone this weekend! 315 to 215 over the last year and a half.

gently caress YEAH! That is some WORK to get done. I hope you are feeling better in all things.

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

Did my first reverse sear on a steak. Would do again.

Whoa that looks good

Thwomp posted:

I crossed the 100 pounds lost milestone this weekend! 315 to 215 over the last year and a half.

Good work!

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

7 years sober today.

It's good to be alive.

I took a little getaway, you should visit the West Coast of nz too.

Syrian Lannister
Aug 25, 2007

Oh, did I kill him too?
I've been a very busy little man.

Sugartime Jones

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

7 years sober today.

It's good to be alive.

I took a little getaway, you should visit the West Coast of nz too.

Congratulations dude. I hit 6 years earlier this month too.

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

Syrian Lannister posted:

Congratulations dude. I hit 6 years earlier this month too.

Congratulations to you both! That long is a victory by any standards. I only hope some of my relatives can make it that far.

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

Have used Cameo twice this year and both times the video was an absolute delight and surprise to the recipient.

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

Have been watching episodes of the 2001 horror anthology show Night Visions. Pretty hit or miss although with each story only having 20 minutes or so it keeps up a decent pace and fun to play “hey it’s that guy.” Baffling decision to have Henry Rollins host as even he doesn’t seem to know why he’s there, but it is fun when he declares the moral of a story to be “leave strangers alone!”

One story stood out as it was both directed by and stars Bill Pullman, and then surprised me by being one of the most fun little horror stories I’d seen in a long while. Don’t want to spoil anything:

Jan 15, 2006
I'm making chili today. I started with a base of mole sauce and sauteed a sweet and a Spanish onion, added 7-8 crushed toes of garlic, added a couple of tablespoons of veal demiglace, chopped up a green pepper, and added the usual chili spices and some tomato paste. Once that was ready, I tossed that into a big pot with a pound of kidney beans I'd soaked overnight, two cans of diced tomatoes, some beef broth, and some ground beef, chorizo, and chopped bistek that I had previously browned.

It's not much to look at right now as it needs 4 hours of cook time, but for reference, that is a 4 gallon pasta boiler. I have so much chili.

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

A.o.D. posted:

I'm making chili today. I started with a base of mole sauce and sauteed a sweet and a Spanish onion, added 7-8 crushed toes of garlic, added a couple of tablespoons of veal demiglace, chopped up a green pepper, and added the usual chili spices and some tomato paste. Once that was ready, I tossed that into a big pot with a pound of kidney beans I'd soaked overnight, two cans of diced tomatoes, some beef broth, and some ground beef, chorizo, and chopped bistek that I had previously browned.

It's not much to look at right now as it needs 4 hours of cook time, but for reference, that is a 4 gallon pasta boiler. I have so much chili.

I haven't tried a mole base for my chili, now you have me thinking....

Try using a poblano pepper instead of the green/bell pepper. I like the extra flavor it gives and everyone swears there is some secret ingredient that they can't quite place.

Jan 15, 2006

ASAPI posted:

I haven't tried a mole base for my chili, now you have me thinking....

Try using a poblano pepper instead of the green/bell pepper. I like the extra flavor it gives and everyone swears there is some secret ingredient that they can't quite place.

I did have a poblano, but I forgot that I don't have access to an open flame with which to remove the rather tough skin, so I abandoned it and added more chipotle powder. It was definitely on my mind, but I didn't think it all the way through.

Jan 15, 2006
Here's the after on the chili:

I gave it about 4 hours on the stove after I threw it together, and that's dished up with some sharp cheddar, some broken up tostadas, and a dollop of Mexican crema. It was chili at 10 am, good at 11, and well, now it's noon and time to eat.

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

A.o.D. posted:

Here's the after on the chili:

I gave it about 4 hours on the stove after I threw it together, and that's dished up with some sharp cheddar, some broken up tostadas, and a dollop of Mexican crema. It was chili at 10 am, good at 11, and well, now it's noon and time to eat.


Nuclear Tourist
Apr 7, 2005

I'm usually extremely skeptical about flavored coffee, but this stuff is amazing.


Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Nuclear Tourist posted:

I'm usually extremely skeptical about flavored coffee, but this stuff is amazing.


I would’ve bought that on bag art alone :stwoon:

The Eyes Have It
Feb 10, 2008

Third Eye Sees All
I'm super happy with how my bread turned out. Made a big pot of soup to go with it, just yolo'd it from scratch and it turned out fantastic. Pretty sweet combo.

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

The Eyes Have It posted:

I'm super happy with how my bread turned out. Made a big pot of soup to go with it, just yolo'd it from scratch and it turned out fantastic. Pretty sweet combo.

Fresh bread and a good soup/stew is my kryptonite.

No knead bread recipe?

The Eyes Have It
Feb 10, 2008

Third Eye Sees All
Sure is! I always mess with the recipe to put a spin on it, and I end up giving it a bit of kneading anyway. This one has wheat bran (a good handful in with with flour, and a good handful for forming.)

No good pics of the finished soup, but here's in progress. Beef, barley, beans, carrot, onion, spinach... perfect match to the bread.

The Eyes Have It fucked around with this message at 03:12 on Dec 21, 2022

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

The Eyes Have It posted:

Sure is! I always mess with the recipe to put a spin on it, and I end up giving it a bit of kneading anyway. This one has wheat bran (a good handful in with with flour, and a good handful for forming.)

No good pics of the finished soup, but here's in progress. Beef, barley, beans, carrot, onion, spinach... perfect match to the bread.

My no knead bread always fails. I need to try it again. Soup looks good! Last week I did a Guinness beef stew, had a nice baguette to sop up everything.

Suntan Boy
May 27, 2005
Stained, dirty, smells like weed, possibly a relic from the sixties.

I just got offered the role I've been trying to get for the last five years, for more money than I was even asking for, at a pretty decent commuting distance! The senior guy I'd done the interview with got promoted to a regional role since then, and he's already talking about creating a regional role for me "once [I'm] satisfied with the situation at the local level". Like, holy poo poo, this doesn't even feel real.

Hell, I'd pretty much given up on entering the field at this level; I'd only applied to this one on a whim while throwing my resume into the hat for lower level roles.

Soul Dentist
Mar 17, 2009
Hell yeah to that! I'm currently so happy with my new job that I wish the plant didn't close for Christmas break, so I feel you there

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

Congrats to both!

Icon Of Sin
Dec 26, 2008

Anyone got any recs for things to go see around the Great Smoky Mountains/blue ridge parkway near Asheville? Asked a former coworker if she wanted to go up there and got an enthusiastic “YES LETS GO” :unsmith:

I’ve got a list of places to go, but other ideas won’t hurt. I know the Parkway near Boone fairly well (it’s my backup plan if the weather fucks it all up near Asheville), but never really explored around Asheville/GSMNP.

Soul Dentist
Mar 17, 2009
I spent a weekend downtown and the only place that wasn't extremely unfriendly and/or bad was a tapas place called Zambra. Dope food and friendly service, and a good wine list. The pinball museum is cool too.

Apr 10, 2003


Grimey Drawer
I’m nearing the end of my weight loss journey and today I fit into size 34 slim Levi’s!

At my biggest I was in size 44 relaxed fit.

Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

Thwomp posted:

I’m nearing the end of my weight loss journey and today I fit into size 34 slim Levi’s!

At my biggest I was in size 44 relaxed fit.

First, congratulations!

Second, even at my fittest I was never able to wear slim fit anything. Those cuts get really wonky with proportions sometimes.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

I'm applying for a new position and made it through the first round of interviews. Now I go to assessments and assuming I pass, 9 weeks of training.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.


Apr 20, 2007
I invented the line.

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

I'm applying for a new position and made it through the first round of interviews. Now I go to assessments and assuming I pass, 9 weeks of training.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.

If you got through the first round you should be fine on the assessments.


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