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I'm open to interpretation!
I remember a lot of my dreams actually. My last one involved a grown up version of a weird kid I knew at school holding me hostage and trying to like, be a creep. It ended with me shooting him in the head and dropping him straight into a casket that was just sitting on the side of the road.

I am a patient they.


Ohtori Akio

emSparkly posted:

I remember a lot of my dreams actually. My last one involved a grown up version of a weird kid I knew at school holding me hostage and trying to like, be a creep. It ended with me shooting him in the head and dropping him straight into a casket that was just sitting on the side of the road.

Insanely conclusive. Utterly cut and dry.


I was watching simpsons at 0.75 without knowing until a scene where homer and bart were getting back massages at a hotel and the noises they were making were super drawn out like a youtube poop
Dreamt I had a thing of post it notes and someone took a post it note without asking and I felt an indignant fury like I never felt before but I just sat with it. Because I'm an adult. We sit with it.


I'm open to interpretation!
The most recent dream I had involved me being an absolute god on the trumpet, but I've never actually played trumpet in my life.

I am a patient they.


There he go
A zombie plague (cliche, I know) broke across the world. I was in "Southern City" (basically New Orleans) when it reached the United States. I was part of a huge mob of people running to get to the last train out of the city. We were all pushing other people down (me included) to distract the zombies, and I eventually got in the very packed train. I was safe...

Except then I was suddenly in a car with my two brothers and some random driver that was also fleeing the city. The driver tricked us and drove off a pier in a murder-suicide attempt. Luckily I got the door open before we hit the water, so I was able to swim out and then rescue my brothers.


There he go
Also a lot of people were dressed up in costumes because they wanted to look funny when they became zombies

Finger Prince

Farecoal posted:

Also a lot of people were dressed up in costumes because they wanted to look funny when they became zombies

Lol I love this. *gets bit by zombie* *hurriedly ties on a cape, straps a giant dildo on my head, and slips on two huge #1 fan foam hands* "this is gonna be hilarious"

Hey why don't they just slap ball gags in people who've been zombied? They won't be able to infect people by biting them then.

The Hello Machine

I'm not a real machine, but I am a real Hello-sayer.
One time I had a dream that I went on a big shopping spree. When I woke up I discovered that all the poo poo that I had bought in my dream was sitting in a big pile in my apartment. It turns out that that too was a dream.


There he go
Jeffrey (of YOSPOS) changed the look of the forums to be more "Web 2.0". He also got rid of dark mode. There was a huge outcry by goons, although some of them pointed out he needed to attract new users so he could pay for his cancer treatments (???). I remember one post specifically pointed out how this wouldn't have been an issue if the US has universal healthcare (they got probated). Eventually the changes were quietly reversed, and then I woke up.

Also, I tried to look at BYOB's reactions by checking the chat thread, but the update screwed up long threads and all the pages were out of order


I'm open to interpretation!
I had a dream where it was the cast of Digimon in a submarine and they were Jewish. They got really mad at a random shithead kid and banished him to the surface.

I am a patient they.

Escape From Noise

I had a dream that Netflix was doing like new seasons of the hit NBC show Just Shoot Me! set a few years after the original or something. I don't know why.

Edit: Cardi B was in it as well.

Escape From Noise fucked around with this message at 01:57 on Dec 27, 2022


Status: caterpillar
Goal: some kind of neat moth
I had a dream where Darth Vader was around and I knew he could read my mind. I didn’t want to betray Luke so I had to jam my thoughts with the cantina band song

thanks deep dish peat moss for the Pomelo Princess!

Finger Prince

I just dreamed that I was watching a Barbara Streisand biopic starring Natalie Portman, but when I started watching it, it was actually Jim Carey in really convincing drag*, doing an incredibly faithful performance. I had no idea Barbara Streisand was such a provocative and controversial singer in her day.

*It's actually possible that it was Jim Carey in really convincing drag as Natalie Portman, playing Barbara Streisand.


There he go
My brother got a new pet bird (a dove). My mom and I took it on a walk, but lost track of it on the way back. My brother went out to search for it but could never find it, so we assumed it had been killed :smith:

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Farecoal posted:

My brother got a new pet bird (a dove). My mom and I took it on a walk, but lost track of it on the way back. My brother went out to search for it but could never find it, so we assumed it had been killed :smith:

taking a bird for a walk?

did I read that correctly :goofy:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


There he go
Not on a leash, it hopped and flew alongside us

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Farecoal posted:

Not on a leash, it hopped and flew alongside us

forgot this was the dreams thread lol

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
I had a dream I was playing with a black rabbit.

baka of lathspell

Prurient Squid posted:

I had a dream I was playing with a black rabbit.

was it the black rabbit of inlé

join dork order
sig by ??? <3 u

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
I was walking down the path to someone's house at night. I was going to turn away when the door opened.
I said "hello my friend, I thought I saw a museum in your front window".
"why yes it is, come on in"
And I spent the evening gazing at all his vintage merch with the graphics on the packages.

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.

baka fwocka fwame posted:

was it the black rabbit of inlé

Maybe it was Jesus?


just woke up from a dream that felt very profound. the details aren't super important but it basically felt like I was letting go of a part of myself. I had to say goodbye to a "me" that existed before now, a "me" who I had spent so much time with and loved dearly, and who now was gone forever. I think it's because I've realized I love my gf, and that realization means I'm no longer the person I was before, and I have to say goodbye to that person before both of us ("me" now and "me" before) can part ways.

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
I went to room where children were being dressed up in old timey military uniforms and hats.

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
My last dream Otacon had built this secret branch with all his hidden money. But he needed to get it (to get out of dodge?) so he clambered up and the whole thing collapsed and maybe someone stole it?

How Wonderful!

I only have excellent ideas
In my dream there was a sandwich called "raisin champ" that was swiftly becoming the new hot recipe to make. I went to a symposium to learn all about it and realized that the instructor was an alligator or crocodile precariously standing upright on its hind legs. When it opened its mouth just an awful hiss came out and its powerpoint slides made no sense. But everyone else around me in the lecture hall was assiduously taking notes. I began to wonder if maybe I was a stupid person.

-sig by Manifisto! goblin by Khanstant! News and possum by deep dish peat moss!


There he go
What was the recipe??

Finger Prince

Farecoal posted:

What was the recipe??



I arrive at the Supreme Court to explain the appeal of Beck’s nonsense lyrics and why he shouldn’t be forgotten. Internally I know that they were never good and I wasted time playing a Mutations cassette while mowing lawns when I could have been listening to Tom Waits, Erykah Badu or the Stooges.

I’m forced to move to Europe but forgot to switch to a local cell phone plan, I unlock my iPhone’s bootroom which is a hardware hack with screws everywhere meanwhile my repair table is attached to someone’s go kart so now we’re flying everywhere and I can never call home.

The Hello Machine

I'm not a real machine, but I am a real Hello-sayer.
I had a dream that the numbers on the numpad to enter my apartment building were in a different configuration and I was just staring at it because I could only remember how to punch in the code physically and not the actual numbers themselves

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.

How Wonderful! posted:

its powerpoint slides made no sense.

That's crocodiles for you.

Prof. Alligator

How Wonderful! posted:

In my dream there was a sandwich called "raisin champ" that was swiftly becoming the new hot recipe to make. I went to a symposium to learn all about it and realized that the instructor was an alligator or crocodile precariously standing upright on its hind legs. When it opened its mouth just an awful hiss came out and its powerpoint slides made no sense. But everyone else around me in the lecture hall was assiduously taking notes. I began to wonder if maybe I was a stupid person.

hard not to take this post personally

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
Looks like the crocodile academic mafia are closing ranks again.

How Wonderful!

I only have excellent ideas
A troubling dream last night. I met a guy whose last name was Spiedie, and I said "oh, like Spider-Man." And he flew into a rage and said that was an anti-semitic dogwhistle.

Later the dream skipped scenes and me and Spiedie were dancing intensely at a disco. I was trying to keep up with his moves and falling far, far behind, and when he was so lost in the music that his eyes were closed I would take a second to catch my breath and drink some water from this handy hamster-type water tube that was hanging from the ceiling.

When I woke up I decided to see if Spiedie was a real last name and it turns out spiedie is a cubed meat snack in Central New York.

-sig by Manifisto! goblin by Khanstant! News and possum by deep dish peat moss!


There he go

How Wonderful! posted:

A troubling dream last night. I met a guy whose last name was Spiedie, and I said "oh, like Spider-Man." And he flew into a rage and said that was an anti-semitic dogwhistle.

actual lol

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
A bunch of gangsters are kidnapping someone. Then one of the gangsters who is a woman goes into another room and starts streaming video games on the internet because that's her hobby.

I wake up and say "that's genius" but on reflection it isn't really. It's just a thing.

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
A female engineer becomes a superhero and builds something to stop the bad guy but as she does it she creates her ideal man in a sort of Geordie Laforge style. And it's sort of like making Rem Lezar. Also the guy looks like a black charlie day.

Prurient Squid

Tiddy cat Buddha improving your day.
I went on the park and part of the water had turned red. Then I went on Google maps later and large swathes of the oceans had turned red and there was a warning. Nine paradigms are happening all at once.

Escape From Noise

Prurient Squid posted:

I went on the park and part of the water had turned red. Then I went on Google maps later and large swathes of the oceans had turned red and there was a warning. Nine paradigms are happening all at once.



I'm open to interpretation!
In the latest dream I bought a second hairdryer when I meant to get clippers and I beat myself up for it because I already have a hairdryer. This clearly says something about my impulse purchasing habits. I should be a psychologist.

I am a patient they.


Finger Prince

A Sci fi action movie starring Gal Gadot, me (possibly), and someone who may be someone or may be completely fabricated.
The plot involved alien experimental drive technology and a substance the aliens intended to use that would make host species have alien children. There was more going on like my friend's wedding, some kind of pseudo Amsterdam that I've sort of visited in a dream before, and two of my work colleagues that I was trying to avoid for reasons I don't remember clearly.
Thanks, melatonin!

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