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styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo
Hello, just wanted to introduce myself. I suppose I will be posting here soon because I'm taking an online course in data science on Udemy. Just learning the basics of python at the moment. Thought I would introduce myself because I can see myself in the future having some serious computer questions.



post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011


Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
interesting ... tell us more about this so called data "science"

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo

rotor posted:

interesting ... tell us more about this so called data "science"

I dont know much about that part yet ...I'm learning the ropes of python right now

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
I ascribe to the theory of intelligent data design

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
i’m doing an online course in front end development I get to use a command line and also a thing called an “IDE” which is probably a bit behind where most people in this forum are at and I kinda can’t wait to hang out and share my knowledge

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo

echinopsis posted:

i’m doing an online course in front end development I get to use a command line and also a thing called an “IDE” which is probably a bit behind where most people in this forum are at and I kinda can’t wait to hang out and share my knowledge


Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
are you trying to tell me all this image data was originally just ones and zeros?? How gullible do you think i am

Cybernetic Vermin
Apr 18, 2005

much as i appreciate a good gimmick you really need to give this a bit more energy

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

Cybernetic Vermin posted:

much as i appreciate a good gimmick you really need to give this a bit more energy

look im just tired ok

Feb 21, 2008

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo
So do you cool smart cats think it's a total waste of time on the real or what

Feb 12, 2001

by vyelkin
Fun Shoe

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

styls trill epic posted:

So do you cool smart cats think it's a total waste of time on the real or what

I think it's cool you're learning more about computers.

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo

SYSV Fanfic posted:

I think it's cool you're learning more about computers.

Thank you

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

SYSV Fanfic posted:

I think it's cool you're learning more about computers.

data isnt computers

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

styls trill epic posted:

So do you cool smart cats think it's a total waste of time on the real or what

well are you gonna chase the money or try to find a career path within data science that doesn’t accelerate humanities downfall

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
doing front end web development so i can make
a web page to increase awareness of COVID

Dec 10, 2003

Nap Ghost

styls trill epic posted:

So do you cool smart cats think it's a total waste of time on the real or what

If you’re enjoying yourself and/or learning it’s a good use of time.

Truman Peyote
Oct 11, 2006

you're learning data science through an online course? cool. im taking a poo poo through my rear end in a top hat

sounds like a cool thing to learn, enjoy

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo

tk posted:

If you’re enjoying yourself and/or learning it’s a good use of time.

Well, I wouldn't say I'm enjoying myself yet. I'm simply hoping it ramps up to something more interesting

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo
I guess that's one of the tough things about this "coding" business that you lads love so much. you are so far from making anything interesting when you start... Its a tough prospect I must admit

Bored Online
May 25, 2009

We don't need Rome telling us what to do.
when i first started programming i made text adventures and manipulated images and other far out poo poo. now i just make a loving web app go vroom

Bored Online
May 25, 2009

We don't need Rome telling us what to do.
i used to make a camera out of python and raspberry pi, now i cry at cloud

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

you shouldn't learn computer you should live in the mountaons

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
if you want real skills that will help you make a living in the future, my advice is to learn how to extract clean, drinkable water from the corpses left from the coming food riots

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

Bored Online posted:

i used to make a camera out of python and raspberry pi, now i cry at cloud


Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

styls trill epic posted:

Well, I wouldn't say I'm enjoying myself yet. I'm simply hoping it ramps up to something more interesting

whats the course

I am doing "the odin project"

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo

echinopsis posted:

whats the course

I am doing "the odin project"

That's supposed to be a good one OP.

I'm doing "Complete machine learning and data science bootcamp 2022" on Udemy. I got it for $10

I'd quite like to hear your experience with Odin project. Made anything cool?
I started to do that many many moons ago and didn't have the time or dedication.... I now have some free time.

styls trill epic fucked around with this message at 07:18 on Jan 12, 2022

Nov 8, 2008

and you
have proved
to be...

a real shitty poster,
and a real james
might be an unpopular opinion around these parts but that's no substitute for a real institutional education

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo

SpaceAceJase posted:

might be an unpopular opinion around these parts but that's no substitute for a real institutional education

I can't get one of those rite now OP

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

styls trill epic posted:

That's supposed to be a good one OP.

I'm doing "Complete machine learning and data science bootcamp 2022" on Udemy. I got it for $10

I'd quite like to hear your experience with Odin project. Made anything cool?
I started to do that many many moons ago and didn't have the time or dedication.... I now have some free time.

I'm still on the foundational part. I work slow. but yeah a lot of people rate it and the discord is quite active.

Mar 17, 2009

echinopsis posted:

well are you gonna chase the money or try to find a career path within data science that doesn’t accelerate humanities downfall

Learn to stop worrying and love the bomb.

Nov 25, 2006
"data science" is a fancy name that was created because "statistics" give people PTSD about being bored to death in math classes

Mar 22, 2007

Excuse me, pardon me, sheer perfection coming through

Zlodo posted:

"data science" is a fancy name that was created because "statistics" give people PTSD about being bored to death in math classes

lol 100% true

also stats are occasionally used for the public good

data science is mostly used to string together all of your discrete (and discreet) internet personae

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
statistics: creating useful actionable knowledge to inform policy

data science: how word clouds are made

Sep 13, 2009

this is a better avatar than what I had before
u don't need "Science" for data. it's just 0s and 1s on a computer. get a brain, moran


styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo
Not much progress today goons. Seems like I'm still really far from making anything good

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