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Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch

styls trill epic posted:

Not much progress today goons. Seems like I'm still really far from making anything good

yeah, agreed.


Sep 19, 2021

styls trill epic posted:

Seems like I'm still really far from making anything good
not true op, this quote would go great on a hallmark card

Bored Online
May 25, 2009

We don't need Rome telling us what to do.
whatre some good resources for learning pen testing? i read through a basic bug bounty book and would like to take a crack at it. right now the biggest challenge is holding all the possible vulnerabilities in my head even after copious note taking

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo

Bored Online posted:

whatre some good resources for learning pen testing? i read through a basic bug bounty book and would like to take a crack at it. right now the biggest challenge is holding all the possible vulnerabilities in my head even after copious note taking

what's pen testing

Nov 8, 2008

and you
have proved
to be...

a real shitty poster,
and a real james

styls trill epic posted:

what's pen testing

maybe computers
are not for you

Nov 25, 2006

styls trill epic posted:

what's pen testing

its penetration testing, that's when they check that nothing leaks through safety measures

Asymmetric POSTer
Aug 17, 2005

styls trill epic posted:

what's pen testing

is the exam you take for admittance to the pen 15 club

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo

Asymmetric POSTer posted:

is the exam you take for admittance to the pen 15 club

Sweet like some honeybuns

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo
This is really boring as sin

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
imagine that

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

styls trill epic posted:

This is really boring as sin

yeah, you gotta have just the right level of brain damage to enjoy it. I recommend several months of total isolation from the rest of humanity, and a belief that being good at computers is a competition with others.

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo

SYSV Fanfic posted:

yeah, you gotta have just the right level of brain damage to enjoy it. I recommend several months of total isolation from the rest of humanity, and a belief that being good at computers is a competition with others.

I have the isolation on lock

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo
if I had an epic group of ppl to work with and write poo poo on whiteboards it would be a lot better.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
Most people start with game making b/c it's more "fun". Assuming you aren't just a gimmick. If you learn how to do little stuff with unity I think you can make it into an .apk you can attempt to use to get the kind of encouragement to keep going.

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo

echinopsis posted:

imagine that

word. how's the odin project OP you seeing some results? I'm trying to treat it like the gym ya bird?

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

styls trill epic posted:

I have the isolation on lock

It's important it's voluntary isolation. The kind that comes from the sort of neurosis/perfectionism that keeps you from giving up when your code doesn't do what it's supposed to do and you get frustrated.

A lot of people think state mandated covid isolation ticks this box, but I respectfully disagree.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica
It's also harder to get into these days. I had a lot of encouragement as a kid to learn technology from adults that realized they could just ask me to do things for them if they praised me for how good I was with technology.

You just don't get that kind of reinforcement today.

Bored Online
May 25, 2009

We don't need Rome telling us what to do.
if you are bored at the “learning programming with python” part just wait until the data part

Salt Fish
Sep 11, 2003

Cybernetic Crumb
Coding is for idiots just learn how to copy files on linux and get your 6 figgies running jiggle.exe on your maltron while you lift weights and imagine what its like to be dead

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo

Bored Online posted:

if you are bored at the “learning programming with python” part just wait until the data part

I feel like I will be better at the data part? I have done some R and taken stats and poo poo but i can't see anything recognizable yet as a table in this course. :confused: I guess big data uses lists as tables??? da gently caress/

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy

styls trill epic posted:

word. how's the odin project OP you seeing some results? I'm trying to treat it like the gym ya bird?

i’m a slow person and also have a full time job and two kids and burgeoning photography career and attempting a solo live music project and an international water drinking movement so progress is extremely slow. it’s good though. I’ve learned a little bit about staging with git

Dec 10, 2003

Nap Ghost

styls trill epic posted:

I feel like I will be better at the data part? I have done some R and taken stats and poo poo but i can't see anything recognizable yet as a table in this course. :confused: I guess big data uses lists as tables??? da gently caress/

A list of rows is a table, yes.

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
plus I gently caress around a lot

Salt Fish
Sep 11, 2003

Cybernetic Crumb

styls trill epic posted:

I have done some R and taken stats

Yeah Ritilin helps, that's a good idea. In fact any drugs you have on hand are probably going to be useful

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo

Salt Fish posted:

Yeah Ritilin helps, that's a good idea. In fact any drugs you have on hand are probably going to be useful


Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
opioids help because then it’s ok , just ok all the time

Nov 15, 2005


styls trill epic posted:

I feel like I will be better at the data part? I have done some R and taken stats and poo poo but i can't see anything recognizable yet as a table in this course. :confused: I guess big data uses lists as tables??? da gently caress/

Welcome to Data Science! Focus on the infrastructure part IMO because feature engineering has you competing against people with Masters+ degrees in math. There's still a huge talent gap for engineers who can build Data Science pipelines that automate gathering data, rebuilding models, and then updating the prod code with new models. Very wild west there still.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

styls trill epic posted:

I feel like I will be better at the data part? I have done some R and taken stats and poo poo but i can't see anything recognizable yet as a table in this course. :confused: I guess big data uses lists as tables??? da gently caress/

Hope you paid attention to matrices in algebra 2 op.

SYSV Fanfic
Sep 9, 2003

by Pragmatica

MrQueasy posted:

Welcome to Data Science! Focus on the infrastructure part IMO because feature engineering has you competing against people with Masters+ degrees in math. There's still a huge talent gap for engineers who can build Data Science pipelines that automate gathering data, rebuilding models, and then updating the prod code with new models. Very wild west there still.

Holy poo poo, the jobs are real?

Nov 15, 2005


SYSV Fanfic posted:

Holy poo poo, the jobs are real?

Yes, but most of them involve trying to hide that you solved the problem with a regex based rules engine.

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo

MrQueasy posted:

Welcome to Data Science! Focus on the infrastructure part IMO because feature engineering has you competing against people with Masters+ degrees in math. There's still a huge talent gap for engineers who can build Data Science pipelines that automate gathering data, rebuilding models, and then updating the prod code with new models. Very wild west there still.

I don't know what any of this means OP :D

Bored Online
May 25, 2009

We don't need Rome telling us what to do.

MrQueasy posted:

Welcome to Data Science! Focus on the infrastructure part IMO because feature engineering has you competing against people with Masters+ degrees in math. There's still a huge talent gap for engineers who can build Data Science pipelines that automate gathering data, rebuilding models, and then updating the prod code with new models. Very wild west there still.

i really wish making these resources was left to the sysops people

Nov 15, 2005


styls trill epic posted:

I don't know what any of this means OP :D

Don't worry, just focus on understanding linear and logarithmic regressions for now.

Nov 15, 2005


Bored Online posted:

i really wish making these resources was left to the sysops people

LOL, we still can't get regular SDLC pipelines built consistently in our industry. The sysops people don't have time for ANOTHER ONE!

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo
I skipped to the end and it looks boring as poo poo and you make a thing that can barely recognize dog breeds..

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
well, what were you expecting?

Bored Online
May 25, 2009

We don't need Rome telling us what to do.
data science is bs but business types make their own head canon about what it is hence
the salaries

Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
I don't really expect a job in front-end, I just need to do something, and then something else, until eventually escaping pharmacy into something with a future is possible.

I wanna ask my boss to move to 4 days a week and put the extra day into web poo poo and/or trying to make any of my other ideas into cash money.

styls trill epic
Dec 28, 2021

by sebmojo

echinopsis posted:

I don't really expect a job in front-end, I just need to do something, and then something else, until eventually escaping pharmacy into something with a future is possible.

I wanna ask my boss to move to 4 days a week and put the extra day into web poo poo and/or trying to make any of my other ideas into cash money.

Are you an actual pharm D?


Apr 13, 2004

by Fluffdaddy
no im in new zealand we don't have that degree but I am a pharmacist (bachelor of pharmacy)

it fucken sucks man. the money is fine I guess but I am poo poo with money so I need more and its dullllll and I can just feel so much ability within me just going to waste every moment of every hour in the dispensary

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