Hyperlynx posted:Doesn't goldmining lock the thread? When it's run its course, however many pages in the future that is. Really I was just using it as a pretext for a bad "mine" joke.
# ? Jun 25, 2022 06:35 |
# ? Sep 9, 2024 16:49 |
bulletsponge13 posted:I don't like Twizzlers. I can agree with you there. Twizzlers don't really taste of anything. Real licorice is delicious. Fruit candy (Airheads or something) are delicious. Twizzlers are their ungodly, unflavored hybrid.
# ? Jun 25, 2022 06:43 |
Midjack posted:When it's run its course, however many pages in the future that is. Really I was just using it as a pretext for a bad "mine" joke. Oh. That went completely over my head .
# ? Jun 25, 2022 06:47 |
Midjack posted:When it's run its course, however many pages in the future that is. Really I was just using it as a pretext for a bad "mine" joke. Went over my head, too.
# ? Jun 25, 2022 15:42 |
My normal post letting you guys know it's still going. Helping someone out until the 4th doing 'security', so it might be until next week. But im still doing poo poo. Upcoming stories includes 'Why I'm a retired E4'.
# ? Jun 30, 2022 23:52 |
I only read the first page so far but I wanted you to know that the gun team poem was really evocative for me and one of the things I sincerely miss from the military was the sense of comfort, security, and camaraderie that was communicated by a gesture as simple as crossing ankles with your buddy. Thanks.
# ? Jul 5, 2022 19:56 |
"A janitor dressed like a tree" slayed me. Your bathos is sublime.
# ? Jul 6, 2022 15:52 |
I worked 100 hours last week, and was able to scribble some. I'll be transcribing as I get around to it, but enjoy a few pages of my bullshit.raminasi posted:"A janitor dressed like a tree" slayed me. Your bathos is sublime. I had to look this word up. Learning!? In my thread!? Stanley Goodspeed posted:I only read the first page so far but I wanted you to know that the gun team poem was really evocative for me and one of the things I sincerely miss from the military was the sense of comfort, security, and camaraderie that was communicated by a gesture as simple as crossing ankles with your buddy. Thanks. I'm stealing this comment for a later piece.
# ? Jul 10, 2022 02:39 |
This poo poo's soothing to the soul. I started reading excerpts to my daughter when we speak on the phone. Neither of us have these experiences, but we share... something with them. Growing up in trap houses. Dealing with those kinda people. There are things that you learn. The train is coming 'round that track, on the bridge, with you standing there. Alone with them around. No runnin', 'cause what's worse. At a certain point you know what's gonna happen. You're good, you'll be there to build on what's left. Alone again. Why calm? This can't be good. Chucky's in lockup, someone came and took the dogs. What now? The next disaster. Start fillin' them water bottles. We ain't hittin' the store for a while. Done with it. Away from it. Life, like normal folks. There's threads. Tuggin' gentley away. Need somethin'? That butterfly wing can set off a typhoon. You good. Prepared. Knowledgeable. Uniquely so. Trauma must have been worth somethin'. Now you're helpin'. Unspoken but understood. Can't ask. Shouldn't. Won't. Won't delete all that, but felt I should've.
# ? Jul 10, 2022 02:41 |
Well that story was incredible and terrifying. Kudos. Hope your body can find some peace.
# ? Jul 10, 2022 02:48 |
madeintaipei posted:This poo poo's soothing to the soul. Thank you for sharing this. I find it incredibly powerful, and shockingly familiar. It's a good piece. I hope you found some solace in sharing it. Pain is heavy, no matter the cause. I grew up in a similar world- I have some stories from before the service that are just as horrid as anything I experienced at war. If my poo poo gives anyone something positive, it's worth it. You guys telling me that it's improved your lives or outlooks makes it worth sharing, and gives me motivation to share and dig. Turns out writing poo poo out makes you realize you aren't so Fonz with the past as you thought. But the fact I have helped even one of you in some fashion is loving diesel. I love you guys, and I love the community. And seriously ❤.
# ? Jul 10, 2022 03:06 |
bulletsponge13 posted:Thank you for sharing this. I find it incredibly powerful, and shockingly familiar. It's a good piece. I hope you found some solace in sharing it. Pain is heavy, no matter the cause. Bro, we were all in the poo poo. You're just putting it down so the rest of the world will maybe get an idea of what that poo poo actually was. I fought in three different conflicts than yours, but everything you've written could have happened to someone I served with, not the circumstances but the emotions.
# ? Jul 10, 2022 06:54 |
Reading this makes me so glad that my nephew didn't go Airborne. Instead, he's just a regular leg humping a mortar baseplate everywhere. So yeah, he'll still have destroyed knees and herniated disks when he gets done, but maybe not as badly?
# ? Jul 10, 2022 11:01 |
Holy poo poo I think now I understand why my whole body hurts sometimes when I sneeze. Goddamned pinched nerves.
# ? Jul 10, 2022 12:30 |
Luck always gets a vote. Love your stories. Thanks for letting us see them.
# ? Jul 11, 2022 00:02 |
Sorry for the long pause- family went through the Rona after vacation. Upload tomorrow- today's got ruined when the page got wet.
# ? Jul 25, 2022 03:16 |
Admin- so I remembered they make White Out, so that may help with this insanity. The Little hard drive of paper is just over a quarter inch in height now.
# ? Jul 27, 2022 03:10 |
Holy poo poo, that second story.
# ? Jul 27, 2022 04:44 |
Yeah the first story was absolutely captivating. Then the Second story just came out of nowhere and eclipsed it entirely. I don't expect my opinion to matter in the slightest when you go through that thing deep in your mind, but to me, you did the only thing you could. No choice was involved, no reasonably acceptable alternatives were offered. Some people can take a step back and say "not my fault, not my responsibility to go beyond the rules of the land". You have proven again and again in every one of your stories that this is not the kind of mindset you could ever adopt. You did the only thing you could. You did the work and handled the crisis to the best of your abilities. Rule makers and law writers would never understand the fact that to you, there was no alternative where you just let the kid suffer. I'm certain that you know all this, otherwise this wouldn't be something you'd be telling us. If you had any niggling doubt about actually having had an alternative where just leaving the kid to suffer was acceptable, then that fact would have salted the emotional wound and poisoned your mind. You did good in a lovely war, with a lovely set of tools and a lovely supporting structure at your back.
# ? Jul 27, 2022 09:34 |
A bit more lighthearted. The time I met Fox News.
# ? Jul 30, 2022 04:46 |
So in short, there were no Fox given.
# ? Jul 30, 2022 05:28 |
Dude. Book. Seriously.
# ? Jul 30, 2022 15:23 |
# ? Jul 30, 2022 22:52 |
fresh_cheese posted:Dude. Coffee table book with scans of the handwritten pages.
# ? Jul 30, 2022 22:57 |
Sarern posted:Coffee table book with scans of the handwritten pages. Well, float it to a publisher, and put it in the hands of art directors. I don't know if you can sell a handwritten book as-is, but I bet they'll at least take a look at including some of it/
# ? Jul 31, 2022 01:20 |
I appreciate the ideas and support. I'm giving more consideration to the idea, but no idea where to start, or how to really get into it.
# ? Jul 31, 2022 01:21 |
Well you've already gotten past the absolutely hardest part: Building up the mental energy to actually write it down AND getting to the point where you are okay with other people reading it.
# ? Jul 31, 2022 08:21 |
A bit of an odd suggestion but maybe hit up Max from Terminal Lance on how he did it?
# ? Jul 31, 2022 09:17 |
Go to the creative conventions subforum and ask in the fiction writing or self publishing threads. They'll point you in the right direction if you're serious. You very much should be serious. You have great talent.
# ? Jul 31, 2022 14:15 |
Burt posted:A bit of an odd suggestion but maybe hit up Max from Terminal Lance on how he did it? his agent does seem to be open to submissions https://www.veritasliterary.com
# ? Jul 31, 2022 14:48 |
I didn't mean for everyone to do my homework. Lol. I ended up driving all day today, stealing moments to research before digging in tomorrow. E- there are a few reasons I'm giving it slightly more serious consideration. I think the idea of a book with scans would be cool visually-to the point I wonder if White Out might be a poor choice, that the angry scrawls and attempts to hide mistakes add something to the emotion. But I haven't a clue about it. I go back and re-read the stuff, but it just generally doesn't hit me emotionally. Your guy's responses are different. Y'all have had me in tears. I reread the responses over and over and over to wring everything I can from them, because I value them. The consideration got a little serious after I stumbled onto this on IG- https://www.instagram.com/reel/CexjU-dlj1t/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= It's a challenge thing, I guess, but it's had me hosed up since I saw it. It made me realize think a little more about some poo poo bulletsponge13 fucked around with this message at 04:35 on Aug 1, 2022 |
# ? Aug 1, 2022 04:07 |
Also, maybe check in with Joe Kassabian from Lions Led By Donkeys. He published a book of his experiences and yours and his are very simpatico, though yours are better written. He's very active on Twitter.
# ? Aug 1, 2022 04:30 |
The whiteout has felt like a form italics since the ink is of a different thickness and the handwriting a bit more expressed when you write over a whiteout covered area. So it either doesn't register or it lends some added punch to a given sentence depending on context.
# ? Aug 1, 2022 05:40 |
The important thing is to have your words preserved across as many academic libraries as possible. I know you've often said your experiences were not particularly special or unique, and that may well be true but your gift for retelling them in a way that brings the reader there with you in an immediate and accessible way very very much is. There will come a day when there is no one who was there, and that future needs you, because you are giving a small window into what it was to be there better than anyone else who has ever tried.
# ? Aug 1, 2022 06:14 |
What others have said. It can a physical book, or an ebook, or a downloadable pdf, or a somethingawful.txt, but I and others find interesting the experiences you're writing about. There's something raw and unfiltered that your written ~words~ impart that reach out to me, giving me a different perspective from everything else I've read. In the end, you need to do what works for you. If it's just posts here, do that. If it's putting the images into a pdf hosted somewhere, do that. If you keep writing and find it might work for you to look at putting out a book, do that.
# ? Aug 1, 2022 06:52 |
If you were to publish I think the actual physical form brings a lot to the writing, even the mistakes and little changes in handwriting, etc. Again, from a civilian perspective, I think these are some of the most powerful and well written anecdotes about military service I've ever read. You could absolutely publish this and reach a lot of people outside of our little Internet corner.
# ? Aug 2, 2022 15:53 |
An event I could never adequately describe. This might get a revisit. Iraqi Fire Department Brain droppings- just something I thought would go one way, and went another.
# ? Aug 5, 2022 01:51 |
Is it a trick of the lighting or a specific pen you are using that produce that golden font color? Cause it is awesome and somehow makes the whole thing a lot more legible to me.
# ? Aug 5, 2022 07:24 |
A lot of inks do that because they're rusting, essentially. That's why art supplies advertise "archival" and "acid free" properties. They also make a whole spectrum of inks for pen nerds and I imagine some madman may choose brown.
# ? Aug 5, 2022 07:37 |
# ? Sep 9, 2024 16:49 |
Wasabi the J posted:They also make a whole spectrum of inks for pen nerds and I imagine some madman may choose brown. This. Pens are a bit if a hobby type thing for me. There is a fantastic small shop in York, PA- Pippis Pen Shop. Small and packed with everything from antique writing tools to the latest high end, and tons of ink, and a nice selection of paper. Growing up poor, I always wanted 'nice' school supplies. When I was into art, my family constantly bought me the wrong brands of material- even though I wanted cheaper, higher quality stuff from the same store. Once I reached adulthood, I never bought another poo poo pen or notebook for myself. As I got older and had the extra cash to spend on 'dumb stuff', I started getting nicer things. They make life more enjoyable in tiny ways. Lined paper was all Leuchturn1917, a German competitor to Moleskin, who makes more durable books. Recent unlined paper is a wonderful import Bank Paper from Japan. That was a whim- I always wanted "Murder Stationary", the kind of fancy paper with water marks and poo poo that the police could track in 25 minutes. I know I sound like a bougie hipster, but I rarely talk about it, and I'm just slightly better off White Trash. Most of the writing was with Ferris Wheel Roaring 20s Black Denim, which looks much better in person, and I'm nearly out of, thanks to you guys. The Black is one of the Noodler inks that is washout resistance. The Brown is also Noodlers, "Rome Burning". I got it because it is supposedly more 'Bronze'. It's a really nice ink, and with a wider nib, it lays a bit lighter than something more fine. ❤
# ? Aug 5, 2022 14:51 |