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post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011

Sailor Doom posted:

you mean guy whos in a meeting during his posting



Jun 30, 2018

guy who positions his camera at the worst angle

post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011

AnimeIsTrash posted:

guy who positions his camera at the worst angle

guy with xps nostril cam

Feb 26, 2012

post hole digger posted:

guy with xps nostril cam

my school issued laptop had one of those. completely baffling design decision. it would have taken 5 seconds of user testing to demonstrate what a bad idea it was.

(in addition to being nostril cam, if you decided to use the keyboard, it was just knuckle cam)

my homie dhall
Dec 9, 2010

honey, oh please, it's just a machine

Sailor Doom posted:

you mean guy whos in a meeting during his posting

Corla Plankun
May 8, 2007

improve the lives of everyone
guy who screenshares to show us something and accidentally reveals that he only barely knows how to use his computer as he mouses all over the screen trying to figure out how to find and reopen the app he used to make a diagram yesterday

Corla Plankun
May 8, 2007

improve the lives of everyone
guy who seems like a junior dev but is actually turning in code written by two pakistani subcontractors he secretly hired to do his job

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

El Mero Mero posted:

Guy who joined the meeting by phone today

We require duo every 7 days (:negative:) so at least once a a week there's someone who got duo'ed right before the meeting and doesn't want to deal with it so they dial in. It's painful.

Asymmetric POSTer
Aug 17, 2005

Corla Plankun posted:

guy who screenshares to show us something and accidentally reveals that he only barely knows how to use his computer as he mouses all over the screen trying to figure out how to find and reopen the app he used to make a diagram yesterday

guy who asks you to reforward the email that he/she's copied on and came in less than 24 hours ago because they're too lazy to find it themselves in their inbox

May 12, 2009

Guy who cannot control his facial expressions when listening to BS on camera (its me, and its a legitimate problem)

Feb 26, 2012

nvrgrls posted:

We require duo every 7 days (:negative:) so

Oh really?

We require it every 12 hours.

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
i get logged out of our admin panel after ten minutes of inactivity ItS fOr SoC2 CoMplIAnCe no it is loving not

(i keep the main page in a pinned tab that i never use, with a 5 minute auto reload, to get around this)

Buck Turgidson
Feb 6, 2011

The guy that takes a poo poo like clockwork every morning at 9:10, trying to keep it together during the 9AM meeting

Corla Plankun
May 8, 2007

improve the lives of everyone

Buck Turgidson posted:

The guy that takes a poo poo like clockwork every morning at 9:10, trying to keep it together during the 9AM meeting

lmao my job always has a 30- to 90-minute block of meetings first thing in the morning after i've had my coffee and a glass of water and i am always absolutely bursting for a piss by the end

sometimes i can step away with bluetooth headphones on but a lot of times ive gotta be available to turn my mic on so i can't even risk that

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

Buck Turgidson posted:

The guy that takes a poo poo like clockwork every morning at 9:10, trying to keep it together during the 9AM meeting
do not doxx me tia

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Buck Turgidson posted:

The guy that takes a poo poo like clockwork every morning at 9:10, trying to keep it together during the 9AM meeting

yeah, haha, that guy. hahaa

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

graph posted:

yeah, haha, that guy. hahaa

outhole surfer
Mar 18, 2003

i might have turned off my wifi mid meeting and claimed my internet dropped once or twice due to nature demanding schedules be kept

Apr 26, 2006

graph posted:

yeah, haha, that guy. hahaa

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

i just put "sorry i gotta step away" in chat and then go to the bathroom. if i am gonna listen but can't respond i say that. im a grown man, im not gonna sit there all uncomfortable. if there's something i REALLY need to hear, it'll get said again, or put in the meeting notes, or they'll talk about something else until i get back

try my strategy, it's good

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

i cant imagine lying about my internet dropping. ain't nobody gonna ask when i say im stepping away, and if they do it'll only happen once i am quite sure

That Fucking Sned
Oct 28, 2010

just join from the toilet :confused:

leave it unmuted to show dominance

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

Sailor Doom posted:

you mean guy whos in a meeting during his posting

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
Guy who just rolled out of bed and opened his laptop and hasn't showered yet

Asymmetric POSTer
Aug 17, 2005

Sapozhnik posted:

Guy who just rolled out of bed and opened his laptop and hasn't showered yet

uh, this presumes you shower at least once a day??? smdh

Feb 18, 2011

Running no point.

presents using the powerpoint web app rather than the actual program, not in presentation mode, ruler and other toolbars maximised, with the comments and notes panes open


Kernel Sanders
Sep 15, 2020
guy screen sharing his browser that’s not running an ad blocker and you can see all his “hot Russian babes waiting for you” ads plaster everywhere

my homie dhall
Dec 9, 2010

honey, oh please, it's just a machine

Kernel Sanders posted:

guy screen sharing his browser that’s not running an ad blocker and you can see all his “hot Russian babes waiting for you” ads plaster everywhere

I’m a fan of the guy with job postings in his other tabs

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

my homie dhall posted:

I’m a fan of the guy with job postings in his other tabs

absolute power move

Feb 26, 2012

when la croix was first trendy out here, a power move in the valley tech companies was to show up to a meeting with a flavor that your company didn't stock, implying that you'd been interviewing somewhere else

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
i actually remember that lore yes lol

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

lmao that is petty as gently caress anf also hilarious

Nov 12, 2016


i still love the poster who accidentally sent his offer letter to hr & his boss instead of his resignation

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

PIZZA.BAT posted:

i still love the poster who accidentally sent his offer letter to hr & his boss instead of his resignation

the bloody maneuver is named for the poster who did it

Dec 9, 2003

R.I.P. Inter-OS Sass - b.2000AD d.2003AD

Kernel Sanders posted:

guy screen sharing his browser that’s not running an ad blocker and you can see all his “hot Russian babes waiting for you” ads plaster everywhere

I also like the bookmarks bar.
Nobody has ever commented on my "User Control Panel" though.

post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011

guy who is not paying attention with his camera on and loudly typing on a mechanical keyboard unmuted while the meeting is going on.

post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011

guy who was me this morning lol

Jun 30, 2018

host who whispers into his headset/phone the whole meeting

Jun 30, 2018

PIZZA.BAT posted:

i still love the poster who accidentally sent his offer letter to hr & his boss instead of his resignation



Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP
guy on the built in mic in a $200 dell

i had a real bad teams call today

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