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Best Bi Geek Squid
Mar 25, 2016

git apologist posted:

i discovered auto transcription in chime today which gives me an excuse to pay even less attention

reading this as an auto transcription of “chome” and enjoying it


Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

peep that exclusively uses as their zoom avatar obnoxious gifs from Five Nights at Freddy's games and only says something when somebody mentions her stupid pics, otherwise has nothing to add or contribute, ever

this has been happening for half a year now, since this woman child was added as our point of contact. our customer is one of the 3 biggest companies in the industry.

Nov 3, 2006


laserghost posted:

peep that exclusively uses as their zoom avatar obnoxious gifs from Five Nights at Freddy's games and only says something when somebody mentions her stupid pics, otherwise has nothing to add or contribute, ever

this has been happening for half a year now, since this woman child was added as our point of contact. our customer is one of the 3 biggest companies in the industry.

as a counterpoint: guy who has as his teams pfp finn and jake from adventure time, which is the only one ive seen in this org that isn't someone's actual photo, their pet, or nothing. and he happens to be an invaluable contributor who's key to like half the projects going on :shrug:

Buck Turgidson
Feb 6, 2011

white landlord dude doing land acknowledgment at the start of every meeting

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

Raluek posted:

as a counterpoint: guy who has as his teams pfp finn and jake from adventure time, which is the only one ive seen in this org that isn't someone's actual photo, their pet, or nothing. and he happens to be an invaluable contributor who's key to like half the projects going on :shrug:
this guy is cool imo

Nov 3, 2006


jesus WEP posted:

this guy is cool imo

yeah agreed. weird avatar in a work setting doesn't have to be a negative trait

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

it’s better than a rick sanchez av

git apologist
Jun 4, 2003

i always have a stupid av at work because work is boring as poo poo and i’ll find any reason to slightly subvert it or amuse myself pathetically

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

my avatar is a picture of me on a laptop with poodle jones the first's head on my lap

he was a good boy. i don't want to change it. i miss him.

git apologist
Jun 4, 2003

Achmed Jones posted:

my avatar is a picture of me on a laptop with poodle jones the first's head on my lap

he was a good boy. i don't want to change it. i miss him.

Nov 15, 2005


Came here to post this, very thankful that someone less lazy than me has beaten me to the punch.

Cat Face Joe
Feb 20, 2005

goth vegan crossfit mom who vapes

Jun 30, 2018

guy who is pretty clearly playing a game on his mechanical keyboard during a meeting

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

guy who is quite clearly a twitch streamer, with a blue yeti mic, elaborate bisexual lighting, and a wall of funko pops in the background

Nov 12, 2016


well-read undead posted:

elaborate bisexual lighting,


Nov 27, 2004

No love for your made-up things.

watch a twitch stream and it should make sense

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

George posted:

watch a twitch stream

please do not advocate self harm

Nov 15, 2005


PIZZA.BAT posted:

bisexual lighting???

Nov 12, 2016


uh oh

Aug 24, 2004

Aug 24, 2004


Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 10, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

entering the meeting like :gay:

DJ Commie
Feb 29, 2004

Stupid drivers always breaking car, Gronk fix car...
wfh peep who endangers every other wfh peep with their incompetence and flippant disregard for even the bare minimum of functionality on camera, even if it is all the job deserves

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

my WORK avatar :mad:

Jun 7, 2004

gal who pauses for a second between sentences and then keeps talking and everyone else gets cut off when trying to break in

Corla Plankun
May 8, 2007

improve the lives of everyone
i just encountered the first good type of peep at a meeting i've ever heard of: person with a problem that is appropriate for the meeting and also has an extremely pleasant and calm and quiet voice

Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 10, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

Corla Plankun posted:

i just encountered the first good type of peep at a meeting i've ever heard of: person with a problem that is appropriate for the meeting and also has an extremely pleasant and calm and quiet voice

everyone else left huh?

Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 10, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

the senior person who didn't read the invite and isn't interested in what's being shown but has big ideas about what should happen and takes the meeting in a whole new and terrible direction

Best Bi Geek Squid
Mar 25, 2016

Corla Plankun posted:

i just encountered the first good type of peep at a meeting i've ever heard of: person with a problem that is appropriate for the meeting and also has an extremely pleasant and calm and quiet voice

now you’re just making stuff up

Pythagoras a trois
Feb 19, 2004

I have a lot of points to make and I will make them later.
The guy who shows up to every meeting with an impassioned apology about having their camera off. I get it. You're not paying attention. me neither, it's cool.

go play outside Skyler
Nov 7, 2005

guy who audibly burps and notices he wasn't muted, causing an uncomfortable silence

Dec 30, 2008

person who joins and says their camera is off because they’re eating lunch during the meeting (slavishly on account of their extreme dedication), says nothing until people are obviously wrapping up, then adds another 5-15 minutes to the meeting with clarifying questions

Nov 27, 2004

No love for your made-up things.
person who shows up 30 minutes late and asks questions that only reveal they aren't loving listening

Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 10, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

I'm the one that unmuted to cough instead of miting then muted myself to talk, hello and *coughs loudly down the mic deafening everyone*

git apologist
Jun 4, 2003

person with hello.jpg as camera background

Oct 23, 2012

person who gets their mic settings inverted and unmutes to piss

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

Glorgnole posted:

person who gets their mic settings inverted and unmutes to piss

that's not inverted

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

jeffrey toobin

Jonny 290
May 5, 2005

[ASK] me about OS/2 WARP

well-read undead posted:

jeffrey toobin

jackin it on da clock baby


Best Bi Geek Squid
Mar 25, 2016
oh no I “accidentally” unmuted myself and everyone on the call “accidentally” heard my frothy stream

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