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Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.

Best Bi Geek Squid posted:

oh no I “accidentally” unmuted myself and everyone on the call “accidentally” heard my frothy stream

someone turns their camera on “someone frying chicken in there?”


Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 10, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

the PM that subjected everyone to 15 minutes of stream of consciousness monologue about audio settings, her laptop and the weather at the start of the call

Nov 25, 2006
people filling the right side of your screen with notifications by replying "thank you" after an interminable all hands company meeting

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Zlodo posted:

people filling the right side of your screen with notifications by replying "thank you" after an interminable all hands company meeting


Asymmetric POSTer
Aug 17, 2005

Zlodo posted:

people filling the right side of your screen with notifications by replying "thank you" after an interminable all hands company meeting

im triggered

Nov 27, 2004

No love for your made-up things.
someone posting enthusiastically about the transparently dismissive praise coming from the bosses

Progressive JPEG
Feb 19, 2003

someone making a vague hand motion while talking and osx extremely helpfully displaying a thumbs up overlay

Cybernetic Vermin
Apr 18, 2005

Progressive JPEG posted:

someone making a vague hand motion while talking and osx extremely helpfully displaying a thumbs up overlay

first step towards fully replacing the entire meeting by abstract glyphs randomly showing up on screen at random points of the day. which sounds pretty good.

Best Bi Geek Squid
Mar 25, 2016

Progressive JPEG posted:

someone making a vague hand motion while talking and osx extremely helpfully displaying a thumbs up overlay

whoever is responsible for that Mac gesture feature should be shot

Corla Plankun
May 8, 2007

improve the lives of everyone

Best Bi Geek Squid posted:

oh no I “accidentally” unmuted myself and everyone on the call “accidentally” heard my frothy stream

i wish it wasn't so easy to make me remember the phrase HOME OF CHALLENGE PISSING all the time but I'm basically constantly thinking it whenever im in yospos and i dont even use the piss theme

Dec 9, 2003

R.I.P. Inter-OS Sass - b.2000AD d.2003AD

Zlodo posted:

people filling the right side of your screen with notifications by replying "thank you" after an interminable all hands company meeting

this is indeed awful, but you can right click the meeting chat -> Leave

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

~Coxy posted:

this is indeed awful, but you can right click the meeting chat -> Leave

im never quick enough to avoid the initial barrage

Mar 7, 2007

Don't you just hate when you wind up in a store with people who are in a socioeconomic class that is pretty obviously about two levels lower than your own?

Progressive JPEG posted:

someone making a vague hand motion while talking and osx extremely helpfully displaying a thumbs up overlay

this is always amazing to see during meetings

thumbs ups, fireworks, at the least opportune times too…

Mar 7, 2007

Don't you just hate when you wind up in a store with people who are in a socioeconomic class that is pretty obviously about two levels lower than your own?

Best Bi Geek Squid posted:

whoever is responsible for that Mac gesture feature should be promoted

Jun 30, 2018

guy who schedules all his meetings before he leaves for vacation

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

not a meeting but guy you asked a question to who edges you with the three dots for like an hour before eventually replying “ok”

Nov 27, 2004

No love for your made-up things.
Person who always says "hey" and doesn't say what they need.

Feb 12, 2014

trust me, I'm a cat.

Person who turns the stand-up into discussion about Disney+, for the third time in a month

Dec 13, 2011

dickhead who says everything's fine on the call with you and your PM and then turns around and immediately calls his account manager to express his deep concerns

Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 10, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

guy that never pays attention and has to have questions repeated because they weren't listening (this is me)

Nov 23, 2006

Powerful Two-Hander posted:

guy that never pays attention and has to have questions repeated because they weren't listening (this is me)

"what do you mean by <last sentence I paid any form of attention to>?" while I figure out what the gently caress is happening

Deep Dish Fuckfest
Sep 6, 2006

Computer Touching

Toilet Rascal
hey guys sorry i'm late could someone summarize the last 21 pages of this thread?

go play outside Skyler
Nov 7, 2005

shitface posted:

"what do you mean by <last sentence I paid any form of attention to>?" while I figure out what the gently caress is happening

i always say the name of the person i am asking the question to before asking the question to avoid these situations because i am a nice person

go play outside Skyler
Nov 7, 2005

the guy who has to host a weekly stand-up at 9am with 30 people hungover tomorrow because tonight is company christmas dinner (that's me)

Deep Dish Fuckfest
Sep 6, 2006

Computer Touching

Toilet Rascal
if you really were a nice person you'd find a way to skip that standup

Jun 30, 2018

Powerful Two-Hander posted:

guy that never pays attention and has to have questions repeated because they weren't listening (this is me)

when you get called out for doing something else during a meeting: sorry i forgot i was double muted

go play outside Skyler
Nov 7, 2005

Deep Dish Fuckfest posted:

if you really were a nice person you'd find a way to skip that standup

but that would require me to plan this meeting more than an hour before the end of the next workday and that's a no-go

Corla Plankun
May 8, 2007

improve the lives of everyone

George posted:

Person who always says "hey" and doesn't say what they need.

i love these people because my policy is to never reply to a message that is just a greeting, and so i never have to help these boomers with anything

Corla Plankun
May 8, 2007

improve the lives of everyone
guy who is or isnt available depengding on how stupid your problem is (its me)

go play outside Skyler
Nov 7, 2005

the guy who managed to pull through with a pretty bad hangover and only embarrassed himself twice

Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 10, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

go play outside Skyler posted:

the guy who managed to pull through with a pretty bad hangover and only embarrassed himself twice

you've got to stop doxxing me like this

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

Deep Dish Fuckfest posted:

hey guys sorry i'm late could someone summarize the last 21 pages of this thread?

it’s u

Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 10, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

guy who inexplicably set up or accepts a meeting at 5am local time and puts their video on so you can see that they look like death

well-read undead
Dec 13, 2022

guy who screenshares a big bang theory clip for a "humor break"

jesus WEP
Oct 17, 2004

well-read undead posted:

guy who screenshares a big bang theory clip for a "humor break"

Mar 15, 2020

Forget it Jake, it's cybertown.


Dec 9, 2003

R.I.P. Inter-OS Sass - b.2000AD d.2003AD

well-read undead posted:

guy who screenshares a big bang theory clip for a "humor break"

today I saw a tiktok of a youtube being posted to MS Teams
the actual video part was like one of those postage-stamp realmedia files from the late 90s, contained in a pillarbox then a letterbox

my homie dhall
Dec 9, 2010

honey, oh please, it's just a machine
was caught chortling at a pointed question into a hot mic this week. i’m the type of peep

go play outside Skyler
Nov 7, 2005

the guy who quotes the "series of tubes" line by heart in answer to a uxui guy who obviously does not understand how the internet works


Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 10, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

guy who uses wild metaphors to describe problems or concepts

(this is me)

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