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Finger Prince



Finger Prince

That's the title of the movie I just watched.

Finger Prince

It's good

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

yuru camp owns I wish I had the fortitude for winter camping

sb hermit

Areola Grande posted:

yuru camp owns I wish I had the fortitude for winter camping


sb hermit


beer pal

star wars episode iii: revenge of the sith


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

perfect blue. it was extremely good, it was a lot to take in and i had to sit in silence on the bus home but very very good
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops

Finger Prince

watho posted:

perfect blue. it was extremely good, it was a lot to take in and i had to sit in silence on the bus home but very very good

From the title, that sounds like a surfing movie. Like Warren Miller style.

Twenty Four

I watched a movie last night, but I was too tired and drunk to remember what I watched, so I just looked at my DVR list to see what had been deleted and I still can't figure it out. Thinking about asking but not sure if I want to admit I was so drunk and exhausted that I don't even remember what movie we watched last night lol. At least I can say I remember I somehow stayed awake for all of it, which can't be said for everyone last night.

beer pal

star wars episode iv: a new hope

Robot Made of Meat

Hot Guys with Guns.

I avoided it for some time because the IMDB / Amazon description mentions Mel Gibson which is an automatic NO for me. Turns out that they're dumb for mentioning him.

Thanks to Manifisto for the sig!

beer pal

star wars episode v: the empire strikes back

beer pal

star wars episode vi: return of the jedi

beer pal

star wars episode vii: the force awakens


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

on the edge of my seat about what the next one’s gonna be
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops

Robot Made of Meat

Death Kiss.

Thanks to Manifisto for the sig!

sb hermit

choose or die

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

watho posted:

on the edge of my seat about what the next one’s gonna be

frump truck

hello... again!

i tried to watch Fallen Angels twice and fell asleep twice. this has more to do with me than the quality of the film.
it's very 90's.

Emo Szyslak

bullet train

sb hermit

Broad Peak

Ohtori Akio

Violent Night

Finger Prince

Emily the Criminal - pretty good. Had its flaws, and I felt the ending was kind of unnecessary, but not bad.
3000 Years of Longing - I guess this is a fantastical romance type deal, but there's no chemistry between Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba. There's also loads stuff that's introduced and never even acknowledged for the rest of the movie. I think I would go as far as saying It's Bad.

beer pal

star wars episode viii: the last jedi

beer pal

star wars episode ix: the rise of skywalker


I only have canyoneyes for you

I just watched this last night for the first time the way I assume the director intended it to be seen, on a phone screen during a flight.
I liked it and I have sorta a weird connection to one of the plot elements in that my dad grew up on the same street as Moe the Chimp. my grandparents lived there, and so when we'd visit we'd be kept up to date on the "FREE MOE" campaign, where he was unjustly imprisoned in chimpanzee jail for biting a woman's finger. then we heard that Moe's dad got mauled by a different chimp when they went to visit Moe in chimp jail for Moe's birthday, and Moe escaped and to this day has never been found. there's a really good article online about the whole story from i think esquire or gq.


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

kiss kiss bang bang
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops

Prof. Alligator

beer pal posted:

star wars episode ix: the rise of skywalker

you mad fool

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

beer pal

it is done

Ohtori Akio

beer pal posted:

it is done

Have you tried one of the fancy fan watch orders?

beer pal

nah im not really into star wars

Twenty Four

My friend finally convinced me to watch Memento with her and it... was interesting? I think the hype I was fed overkilled it, but I still enjoyed it. Still a few questions in my mind about the ending but it's more trivial stuff, not "I don't get it" stuff.

Emo Szyslak

national lampoons christmas vacation, which i thinki already watched this year?


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

blade runner
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops


"I just saved your ass... with MONOPOLY!"
my dad and i are watching return to oz (1985) and it is quite good in an obscure sequel kind of way. i like the practical effects and poo poo they're so cool, like the hall full of heads and the stone walls with faces.

e: you know what the nome king reminds me of? the crack master from the sesame street short.

barclayed fucked around with this message at 05:20 on Dec 22, 2022

"What I wouldn't give to return to those halcyon days."

Finger Prince

I finally watched What We Do in Shadows last night and it was brilliant.

Prof. Alligator

i saw avatar: the way of water. it was super long. it was okay i guess. the special effects weren't as impactful as the first film, because the rest of the movie industry has made huge progress in vfx over the past decade and it didn't look that special compared to other contemporary films.


Twenty Four

I've seen this movie at least a dozen times, couldn't say exactly how many, but I was flipping through the channel guide and The Jerk (1979) with Steve Martin happened to be on and I still maintain it is one of the funniest movies ever made. It's stupid humor but it just nails it, and Steve is perfect in it.

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