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Eugh. That reminds me of the pool scene from Poltergeist. I really don't like scenes in which the actor is legit terrified.



I don't really like horror or gross-out movies. I pretty much only started this because it had Jennifer Connelly.

The chimpanzee just slit the throat of the serial killer and it's over now. Weird.

Robot Made of Meat

The Celluloid Closet.

A history of gay cinema, narrated by Lily Tomlin. With guest interviews with everyone from Gore Vidal to Tom Hanks. I watch it every so often, and always enjoy it.

Thanks to Manifisto for the sig!

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


Now I'm watching one where Galadriel has psychic visions and puts Ted Theodore Logan in jail for a murder he didn't commit.


cruft posted:

Now I'm watching one where Galadriel has psychic visions and puts Ted Theodore Logan in jail for a murder he didn't commit.

Guys, I think the dad who drives the yellow VW bus is about to try to kill Galadriel and dump her in Ted's lake, just like he did with Batman's Rachel.


cruft posted:

Guys, I think the dad who drives the yellow VW bus is about to try to kill Galadriel and dump her in Ted's lake, just like he did with Batman's Rachel.

The ghost of Sneaky Pete saved her at the last minute!

baka of lathspell

Galadriel owns

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i watched 12 angry men. it was more like, 2 angry men, 1 very persistent man, and 9 men of varying levels of stubbornness


I wanted to make sure I got the right elf so I Googled her...


baka of lathspell

FutonForensic posted:

i watched 12 angry men. it was more like, 2 angry men, 1 very persistent man, and 9 men of varying levels of stubbornness
this unironically would make me flip my poo poo if I signed up for 12 angry men and most of them were merely slightly aggrieved. this is like if u saw the hateful 8 and it turned out they all actually really like each other and enjoy each other’s company

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baka of lathspell

cruft posted:

I wanted to make sure I got the right elf so I Googled her...


jrr toking is a creative genius

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The Mighty Moltres

Come! We must fly!

I watched a movie called Horse Girl last night for probably the tenth time.
It's a horror/sci-fi film starring Alison Brie (Annie from Community, you know her) and Molly Shannon (from Saturday Night Live, you know her.)
It is fantastic. 10 out of 10.


I have known many horse girls with Brie vibes, so I will take this recommendation all the way to the television.


Barbie: A Fairy Secret

baka of lathspell

were they identical or frat

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sb hermit

baka fwocka fwame posted:

were they identical or frat


sb hermit

(I used to watch the movie on tv as a kid and this promo has stuck to me to this day... it's hilarious)

baka of lathspell

what the hell

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Twenty Four

The Mighty Moltres posted:

I watched a movie called Horse Girl last night for probably the tenth time.
It's a horror/sci-fi film starring Alison Brie (Annie from Community, you know her) and Molly Shannon (from Saturday Night Live, you know her.)
It is fantastic. 10 out of 10.

I looked them up on imdb to check your assumptions and:

1. No I don't, at least I don't think so

2. Didn't know her name or what she's from but I recognized her picture



1st Sgt. Matthews and the men have Procured for me a cummerbund from a traveling gypsy, who screeched Victory shall come at a Terrible price. i am Honored.
School of Good and Evil, on Netflix. Good concept, good cast, fun visuals, but could tell within the first few minutes that we were dealing with an adaptation from a book for Young Adults. Just don't think too hard when watching.

sb hermit


Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs


I only have canyoneyes for you
The Swimmers on netflix. the story of two syrian refugee sisters who are swimmers. the preview on netflix shows a scene in the third act where they get involved in swimming in the country they've fled to, which was very cute and uplifting.

that is NOT the tone of like, 2/3rds of the movie, which follows their true story and all the misery they experienced in the crossing. it's an extremely moving story but oh man is it very sad most of the time.


The Awakening. It's the kind of ghost story where after it ends, you go "oh snap, you mean..." and then you want to watch it again with your fresh perspective.

It's also beautifully shot, IMHO, doing some super interesting things with light and color saturation.

Seems it got bad reviews. I think I might be leaning too hard into the film making process and not hard enough into the storytelling? IDK. I liked it.


I also watched Season 2, episodes 1 and 2 of The Love Boat, entitle "Marooned".

The crew takes a trip to a deserted island only to discover it's inhabited by crazy Gomez Addams, who takes them hostage at gunpoint and forces them to plan a surprise birthday party. They make plans to escape, but are thwarted by the arrival of a hurricane. An old lady inexplicably grows affection for the captor, and by the end of the double-episode plans the surprise party, then decides to stay behind and keep him company as she lives out the last few months of her terminal illness.

Meanwhile, Isaac the bartender manages to pull the wool over the eyes of a sexy model by having the crew talk him up like he's some rich successful dude. When she finds out he's the ship's bartender, she's angry, but, because she's a woman and therefore flighty, comes around to forgiving him after he takes responsibility for the safety of the passengers when the idiot acting captain doesn't. A love connection happens.

Finally, a woman who is a total jackass to her husband, during the hurricane on the island, confesses to him that the romance is gone, and she wants a real man. Her husband lowers his voice and makes up some stories about sleeping with a whole lot of women before he met her, and this somehow rekindles the romantic spark in their marriage.

C- would not recommend unless you hate yourself.

Emo Szyslak

Robot Made of Meat posted:

A Talking Cat !?! (Rifftrax edition)

it was filmed in a house largely used for filming softcore gay porn iirc??

beer pal

speak no evil

Robot Made of Meat

Scuba Trooper posted:

it was filmed in a house largely used for filming softcore gay porn iirc??

It was filmed in a house that the director used for several of his formulaic films featuring attractive shirtless young men wandering around. It was also used for actual porn, I think.

The house was clearly built by someone with more money than taste or sense, and apparently it was vacant for quite a while judging by the number of movies shot there. It was later sold, so the flow of movies was stopped.

Thanks to Manifisto for the sig!

Dr. Honked

eat it you slaaaaaaag
Bartleby on tubi

it's loving brilliant. Crispin Glover being the most Crispin Glover-y he can be. not a cheerful movie, but it IS funny. the end is sad. based on a Herman Melville story.

thanks deep dish pete moss and Plant MONSTER

beer pal


beer pal

good time

baka of lathspell

constantine. boy does kano reeves smoke a lot of cigarettes in that movie

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1st Sgt. Matthews and the men have Procured for me a cummerbund from a traveling gypsy, who screeched Victory shall come at a Terrible price. i am Honored.
The Princess, on Hulu.

Solid action choreography, but kinda absent on everything else. Like if two people were blazed and pitching ideas back and forth and one of them was What If John Wick but a Medieval Princess, wrote that on a napkin, and then discovered said napkin with twelve hours before their pitch was due and needed to come up with a script and actual plot. Costumes and use of color in the film also decent.


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

beer pal posted:

good time

hell yeah
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops

baka of lathspell

yee that’s a good movie

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free hubcaps

I started watching Billy Wilder'sThe Private Life of Sherlock Holmes on Amazon but was really stoned and fell asleep shortly into it- not the movies fault though, it seems like an entertaining mix of intrigue, action and humor, and I kind of love adventure movies from that time period (60s/70s). Also Sherlock does cocaine in it which is p cool.

beer pal


sb hermit

groundhog day

also, watched a bit of palm springs (2020)


baka of lathspell

children of the sea. this had some wack poo poo it & a lcl instrumentality lite kind of like if eva had no emotional weight whatsoever. sorry to be harsh cuz good visualis but i couldnt with this movie and am sorta mad i watched it

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