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Oct 27, 2008

Blame it on the misfortune of your bark!
Fun Shoe
forgot to fill out the form oops

uh things i like
funy computer electronic stuff
alcohol (beer, bourbon, scotch)
:pcgaming: (
scifi books/movies/etc
gunpla :monar:
space or astronomy things
shirt size mens large if that matters

if u wana stalk my twitter or something


Oct 27, 2008

Blame it on the misfortune of your bark!
Fun Shoe
shameful snipe

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
signing up for my first time ever o7 i hope to participate in spreading christmas cheer

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
lord fifth quick facts 101:

* i am a university student studying computer so anything you think would be helpful for learning would be amazing
* i like funny computers and old computers, retro electronics, related paraphernalia, etc
* my music taste is something like jazz-funk-pop-jimmy-buffett. so take what you want from that
* i like coffee a lot
* shirt-wise i am generally a true american size medium

i might come back and update this if something else comes to mind. merry christmas to all in advance (:

Jul 24, 2007


Stuff about me:

>> I don't do weed or drink, so please neither of those things. <<

Computer Current Interests:
* reverse engineering
* emulation stuff (JIT, etc)
* learning new langs / theory

Other stuff I do:
* Ki-Aikido / Iaido martial arts
* 3d Printing
* Small IoT / electronics stuff

I wear an American women's small or medium for shirts.

Music wise I'm open to pretty much anything, but have an affinity for prog rock, EDM, and classical.

Jun 28, 2005

i know i said "i'm down" before but i didn't fill out the form

does it have to be something new, or just worth $40+?

i got a bunch of stuff i think yosposters would like but, well, times are tough

e: alternatively me and the missus could make something creative but idk if that'd be "worth it"

Beeftweeter fucked around with this message at 23:03 on Nov 12, 2022

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
I mean it's just there to ensure there's the slightest bit of care and effort. I wouldn't sweat receipts or anything. I'm sure anyone would be happy to get something cool.

Also mods please rename the thread to 'Call it a Chomeback'

Jun 28, 2005

yeah i mean i just wouldn't want to disappoint. hmm i'll mull it over

Nov 20, 2005


i'm having a lot of trouble coming up with stuff i like - at least stuff that doesn't ultimately devolve into "video games that i'll buy for myself anyway" - but i'll try to put down some ideas for gifts & what interests i can think of. will edit later

- love me some pinball
- career c++ programming; interested in learning Rust
- new clothes*, especially for <50-60F weather - US sizes large/xl for shirts, size 12-14, ish, for pants (will provide measurements if requested. god clothes-shopping is farcical sometimes...)
- anything to do with Outer Wilds
- weed paraphernalia, especially stuff for dabbing concentrates
- anything that helps my adhd rear end keep organized & not lose things

* good luck shopping for a barrel-shaped transwoman lol (i'd be all the more pleased for the attempt, but, y'know)

Ciaphas fucked around with this message at 00:56 on Dec 7, 2022

Jul 7, 2012

uh stuff about me

- i like computer
- scotch
- weed
- poo poo size large
- compujter

Mar 28, 2004

All I needed was that fatty blunt...

King of Breakfast
size 2xl
i am impossible to shop for cuz there's nothing i need but i like retro stuff and beep boop implements idk

in tho

Feb 13, 2021

oh yeah ive also been eyeballing some machine girl merch on ebay ill add that to my post

Sep 11, 2001

Clapping Larry
It's been a minute - let's do this. :)

Feb 12, 2014

"Authorities say the phony Pope can be recognized by his high-top sneakers and incredibly foul mouth."


just submitted.

small board electronics

just let me know where to ship the hottest gift of the season (75$ Tesla Glasses)

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

sb hermit posted:

I volunteer emergency elf if it's needed.

I forgot what I wrote and I was probably not logged in when I wrote it so here's my blurb.

RULE #1, PLEASE NOTHING ILLEGAL. THIS INCLUDES WEED. Weed in the US is still not cool in the federal level. There are no other rules except the obvious one of using your best judgement.

Otherwise, anything else is cool. But if you want me to be specific...

I like computers. Old computers, and things that run on old computers. Small computers, including arduinos and raspberry pis. CD-ROMs full of 90s shareware. Old hardware. floppy disks, both pc and mac formatted.

I like learning stuff, so old books you find interesting will probably be interesting to me. Finance. Music. Philosophy. History. Fiction. Sheet music. Recipes.

I have a steam account and can post a username if people want.

born on a buy you
Aug 14, 2005

Odd Fullback
Bird Gang
Sack Them All
I知 in

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

sb hermit posted:

I volunteer emergency elf if it's needed.

Also, if anyone wonders where the yostop is, I have it. I'm still, uh, doing stuff with it. I've been busy this year so I may not be able to ship it out.

Please post a picture of it. I was the first one to ship it like 12 years ago. I want to see my baby all grown up.

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

I'm in!!

Whomever gets me as their santa is going to receive a laptop of some kind.

Dans Macabre fucked around with this message at 21:27 on Nov 17, 2022

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

Sep 24, 2014

a blue star tattoo for you!

Hi howdy

Likes :
- fps games (quake mostly)
- bicycles
- computer
- funny computer
- making/collecting art and graffiti
- dicking around with midi controllers and ableton once in a blue moon
- shirt size: US Large
- pets: 2 dogge, 1 catte

Please no:
- drugs
- bombs
- guns
- mattresses
- game consoles containing living or dead organisms

thank you for your generosity and merry yosmas to you

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

nvrgrls posted:

Please post a picture of it. I was the first one to ship it like 12 years ago. I want to see my baby all grown up.

it has not changed since I received it.

I may add stickers and replace the hard drive.

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

awesome :)

post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011

oh by god

Feb 13, 2021

if i end up with the yostop im using it in class

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
yostop posting during class hours :engleft:

Feb 13, 2021

Fuzzy Mammal posted:

yostop posting during class hours :engleft:

i already finished classes for today

Sep 21, 2004

Grimey Drawer
signed up for first time. ive been a goon since 2004 i think.

Mar 28, 2004

All I needed was that fatty blunt...

King of Breakfast

obeyasia posted:

signed up for first time. ive been a goon since 2004 i think.

it says it in every single post my dude

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
reminder signups close and assignments go out after this weekend, on 11/28!

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

Fuzzy Mammal posted:

reminder signups close and assignments go out after this weekend, on 11/28!

How many people are signed up so far?

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
looks like after a couple dedupes and any latecomers we値l be about two dozen.

git apologist
Jun 4, 2003

Achmed Jones posted:

i've been using nearly the same post every year and every year it's awesome so I'm gonna keep it up

hi im achmed jones, i touch computers and hearts. i like many things, including:

* the aesthetic and music surrounding vaporwave, future funk, and related genres
* ham radio stuff
* i play guitar (poorly) and make beeps and boops in ableton. it's a lot of fun
* i like looking at stars and planets with my telescope
* spicy food and also non-spicy food (I知 always stoked to try whatever local foods, condiments, etc you might want to throw at me)
* beer and bourbon and red wine
* renaissance fairs and similar
* funny computer and the ti-99/4a
* sci fi and fantasy stuff in general
* fully automated luxury gay space communism
* I知 buddhist and reasonably serious about it; I probably have all the literature I知 after, but if you have a local monastery or nunnery that sells, uh stuff I guess, that壇 be rad?

little jones will be 7 soon. ms jones has general nerd interests (sci fi, fantasy, especially star trek) and loves classic rock. poodle jones turns 2 tomorrow.

shirt size is XL

do buddhists celebrate xmas

Feb 13, 2021

i only specified my first name on the form so hopefully that's fine

Dec 24, 2007

hbag posted:

i only specified my first name on the form so hopefully that's fine

my experience with sending gifts to the uk is that will mean you have to go to the post office in person and persuade them to release the package to you after paying customs on it; i recommend providing your full name if fuzzy mammal can't match you with another uk-based participant.

Feb 13, 2021

well poo poo how do i edit my submission

Dec 24, 2007

hbag posted:

well poo poo how do i edit my submission

don't sweat it for now, fuzzy mammal may have a domestic match for you and then it's a nonissue but if the yosmas elf asks you for your last name it's because you have an international santa asking for it.

attn participants: if you get hbag and are not uk-based, contact me or another elf so we can get it sorted out before you mail it and save them having to fast talk his majesty's revenue service on the receive end.

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
signups are closed. working on my google sheets foo to shuffle up responses and remember how to send cell contents as an email. i'm also tying to make some arrangements to minimize intl shipping. keep an eye out. no promises i'll get them out tonight tho.

Fuzzy Mammal fucked around with this message at 03:08 on Nov 29, 2022

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
ok unfortunately i couldn't finagle a reciprocal arrangement within countries so there'll be one incoming and outgoing set of international deliveries. pairings going out tonight after work.

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
ok all emails should be sent. i think i didn't make any fuckups!


Feb 13, 2021

hmm maybe i shouldve put something in my special instructions instead of just the thread

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