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Sep 11, 2001

Clapping Larry

Sniep posted:

hahhahaa thank you.

Anyway I also got some things, and no clue as to the santa!! Two packages, specifically.

One contained this!

First, A tin of home made chocolate chip and raisin cookies! Yum!

Then three vials of booze! I wasn't able to get the QR codes to scan, but I already know what's up with Japanese whiskey so here we go!

* Suntory Kurayoshi 18
* Suntory Yamazaki 12
* Oban 14

I LOVE the Yamazaki 12 already (have a bottle stashed away!) I mostly just sip the Hibiki blended when I'm doing JP whiskey! The Kurayoshi 18 is new to me! I will be sipping the Oban tonight, thank you!

And then from this package, finally a R2 tamagochi! I actually never had a tamagochi growing up, so this will be a new thing for me!

But wait there was another package, also unidentified sender and this one honestly I wasnt sure if was a secret santa gift or not becuase i also am into lock picking, and have ordered from CI before! haha

A pick set and a easily re-pinnable practice lock, including security pins! While I have plenty of picks (thank you regardless,) the practice lock is COOL! I did not have one of these yet, so now I can practice my LPL imitations even better! Thanks!

Sorry for not having the time to put a note in the box. I was down to only a few hours when it came time to pack and ship and had like a dozen other packages to mail that day too, hahah!

I had a few of those 50ml vials around so I gave you some of my best bottles. The Matsui Kurayoshi 18 is probably the most expensive bottle even though Suntory's got the name recognition.

The cookies are dark chocolate craisin cookies loosely following this recipe:

R2 seemed like a suitable hacker substitute until your Dolphin arrives. R2 knows how to hack stuff, right? XD

And the CI dummy lock & training kit seemed like a good way to get some practice in :)

Merry Yosmas sniep - you're indeed impossible to shop for


sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

Modulo16 posted:

I’m glad you liked your gift. I also included incredibly cliche sticker packs for the YOSTOP. I’ll also check out the mythical man month. Also check out obsidian for mental maps it used .md files and organizes notes very well.


sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

Jul 7, 2012

lol. there it is

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

Does it still turn on/work at all?

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

nvrgrls posted:

Does it still turn on/work at all?

Probably. Worked the last time I tried using it. I keep the battery outside of the laptop, though.

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Kuvo posted:

ahegao face keycaps...

i am cracking the gently caress up right now laughing at these, holy poo poo how awful lol

Deep Dish Fuckfest posted:

that said that silicon graphics glass owns

yeah it does

it still exists :siren:

what the gently caress man

Sep 24, 2014

a blue star tattoo for you!

hihi! i actually got mine on friday but im a horrible person and am posting the pictures of my rad gift late.

my santa wants to throw down in quake, a challenge i happily accept

here's a picture of the haul, i laughed my rear end off at the copy of Shaq-Fu it's in my display case now and i'm faming the print ASAP. Unfortunately the dog treats busted open :(

i have a friend with a vhs player and we're going to watch Computer Warriors and i'm very excited.

Thanks so much, Kuvo!

sb hermit
Dec 13, 2016

faxlore posted:

hihi! i actually got mine on friday but im a horrible person and am posting the pictures of my rad gift late.

my santa wants to throw down in quake, a challenge i happily accept

here's a picture of the haul, i laughed my rear end off at the copy of Shaq-Fu it's in my display case now and i'm faming the print ASAP. Unfortunately the dog treats busted open :(

i have a friend with a vhs player and we're going to watch Computer Warriors and i'm very excited.

Thanks so much, Kuvo!

... what's the page 2 message?

Oct 27, 2008

Blame it on the misfortune of your bark!
Fun Shoe
im glad the gifts arrived (mostly) unscarred also post doggo/catte pics

Jul 18, 2009

I'm looking for the man who shot my paw.

i love the "shark eating the internet" art

Oct 27, 2008

Blame it on the misfortune of your bark!
Fun Shoe

give my friend brian money

Jul 7, 2012


Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
a package came!

all the best stuff comes from china, and a very intriguing note...

it's a portable console?!

i've never heard of this, or the original, but if it can play KD2 I'll be really impressed!

charging now, will report back asap!

Feb 13, 2021

apparently my thing might be "arriving early"

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
ok this thing is pretty sick, it's android and autodownoads a bunch of emulator frontends. now i just have to dig up all the roms that i definitely have and get them onto the device.

thanks jimmy carter! i've been told to keep an eye out for a second item which i am definitely doing also!!

Sep 9, 2003

Wanna run with my crew, hah? Rule cyberspace and crunch numbers like I do?

Hey I've had this for a few days but just had time to post it:

Neito got me a really cool book from a local retro computing organization:

Its got a bunch of cool black and white photography from various old computer bits and parts, very cool. I'll flip through this while listening to this

They also got me a neat looking book on the Commadore 64. I read "On The Edge: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore" years ago (like wow, probably 15 years ago... I was in college) and am really into history of that platform.

Finally, when they reached out to make sure I had gotten my gifts, I said that I had and apologized I hadn't posted them earlier. I don't talk about my personal life too much on the forums, but my wife and I just had our first child, born on the last day of last year, and today is her first day home. When I told them this, they added on this cool projector lamp, that's so awesome.

Thanks so much, Neito! This is all really great.

Jul 7, 2012

Fuzzy Mammal posted:

a package came!

all the best stuff comes from china, and a very intriguing note...

it's a portable console?!

i've never heard of this, or the original, but if it can play KD2 I'll be really impressed!

charging now, will report back asap!

wow that rules!

wish i had a yosmas gift :smith:

Jimmy Carter
Nov 3, 2005

hell yeah, got my YOSMAS gift today and don't have to worry about it floating away if it showed up tomorrow.

This is already promising.

Excellent, I'm sure the Postal Police would love to know about this. I should mention they have something like a 98% conviction rate.

im calling the cops


I should get that stock turned into a big sticker somehow then put it on the back of a laptop.

This is technically a dead company so it's going into my rotation of work shirts

you don't know how hard it was to style this

the beans have been unleashed

Thanks for all this stuff. Despite my terrible posts, you truly figured out how to gift.

Sep 24, 2014

a blue star tattoo for you!

Jimmy Carter posted:

hell yeah, got my YOSMAS gift today and don't have to worry about it floating away if it showed up tomorrow.

Thanks for all this stuff. Despite my terrible posts, you truly figured out how to gift.

Hell yeah I'm glad you like it! B)

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

That clippy drawing owns

Jimmy Carter
Nov 3, 2005


Fuzzy Mammal posted:

ok this thing is pretty sick, it's android and autodownoads a bunch of emulator frontends. now i just have to dig up all the roms that i definitely have and get them onto the device.

thanks jimmy carter! i've been told to keep an eye out for a second item which i am definitely doing also!!

I very much took a Divorced Dad tack here and your second gift should be arriving early next week but it'll definitely give you the best summer of your life

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???
when i went downstairs this morning, there was a cute little package nestled under the yosmas tree .....

what could be inside????

everything about this is very exciting - but the letter comes first

i appreciate the sentiment but my posting is a lost cause. let's take a look inside

(1) casio wristwatch (the best watch in the world)
(1) copy of HACK MATCH for the NES (i love zachtronics and this gift and am very sad i only have a SNES at home)
(1) stylish hat for wearing to political events around campus
(2) boxes of some of the best computer software ever sold (i first discovered the joy of computing on windows vista)
(1) bag of delicious coffee that i cannot wait to try
(1) tayne pin. he's going on my backpack

thank you santa fuzzy mammal!! you have made this the best yosmas ever and i cannot wait to wear, display, and use these gifts. i hope you are infected with holiday cheer for months to come (:

Sep 24, 2014

a blue star tattoo for you!

lmfao @ the hat, also if that's the same tayne pin i have the hat wobbles

Fuzzy Mammal
Aug 15, 2001

Lipstick Apathy
Hey I'm glad you like everything!

- The casio I bought two of because it felt extremely yospos as soon as I saw it. I get constant compliments when i wear mine.
- Cafe Vita is probably my favourite Seattle coffee these days and del sol is their medium roast.
- The hat was a goon project back during the primaries I think. still sad the tape was never released!!!
- Here is the story of hack/match. I got to pick it up in person from the zachtronics offices and meet the team :3:
- vista is the most pos of oses natch
- the tayne pin should do a nice hat wobble yea

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts


Mar 3, 2004

President of
the Brendan Fraser
Fan Club

Sep 9, 2003

Wanna run with my crew, hah? Rule cyberspace and crunch numbers like I do?

lord fifth
Dec 26, 2019

LUCK ???

graph posted:


youll have to take me out to dinner first

Oct 27, 2008

Blame it on the misfortune of your bark!
Fun Shoe

Feb 13, 2021

i dont have crabs actually

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts


Jul 7, 2012

wots this precious??


baby manatee!!!!! she has earned a permanent spot on my desk

package #1!

this is the closest I want to get to an E46 M3

package #2!

gently caress yes. literally EXACTLY what i need rn

now we're talkin

did u know that if u think about decisions they are better decisions??????

THANKS lord fifth! this is an amazing package. a yosmas for the ages!

Jul 7, 2012

the socks are so goddamn comfy. this is precisely what i needed. im buying more

git apologist
Jun 4, 2003

merino undergarments are the best, highly recommended

Lutha Mahtin
Oct 10, 2010

Your brokebrain sin is absolved...go and shitpost no more!

holy crap lois

is this guy really named 'ben eater'? hosed up if true

i guess its time to wire up my own nintendo. yospos, bihtc

the full haul

thank you, mystery santa! this looks like a lot of fun

p.s. if you sent me a card or anything in the regular mail, i don't have it yet, but don't worry. the local post office is way understaffed and they aren't delivering my mail every day. i will get it eventually though

Feb 13, 2021

oh nice it showed up
thats all i sent really, was gonna get you an EEPROM programmer and 5v power supply to go with it but the ones i could find were more than i could really afford :/

Dec 24, 2007

there are some fairly inexpensive arduino addons to read and write eeproms and the microchip serial eeprom dev board is pretty decent for dips. soics you'll need a clip or something to touch the legs.

Lutha Mahtin
Oct 10, 2010

Your brokebrain sin is absolved...go and shitpost no more!

long before i got this gift, i was already pretty sure that "finding an excuse to buy an arduino" would be one of the next steps in my electronics hobby projects. now i have the excuse :sickos:


Feb 13, 2021

i did it, i saved christmas

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