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Residency Evil
Jul 28, 2003

4/5 godo... Schumi

ethanol posted:

i like my 14 pro cause it has 120 hz screen and a hdmi port

idk sounds like neither of those will help me shitpost and look at pornography?


Mar 6, 2013


Tsaedje posted:

Worst track is now Vegas

Vegas will be better than Monaco.

Jan 19, 2014

ethanol posted:

i like my 14 pro cause it has 120 hz screen and a hdmi port

The HDMI port ruins the aesthetics of the laptop.

Panic! At The Tesco
Aug 19, 2005


the surrounding tackiness of vegas will at least probably be funny somehow

track will suck tho

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


Apple should stop restricting their laptops to only running a single external display. Also DisplayPort MST has been a thing for ages.

Jul 13, 2007

Thanks Ants posted:

Apple should stop restricting their laptops to only running a single external display. Also DisplayPort MST has been a thing for ages.
i can run 2 displays

Jun 19, 2011

The first few turns are quite good but the rest of it is shit.

Thanks Ants posted:

Apple should stop restricting their laptops to only running a single external display. Also DisplayPort MST has been a thing for ages.

That's only a thing on the base model laptops. Any of the "Pro" chips can run multiple displays.

I do agree with you though that Apple should stop.

Feb 8, 2012


Thanks Ants posted:

Apple should stop restricting their laptops to only running a single external display. Also DisplayPort MST has been a thing for ages.

It’s only the base apple silicon that does that. M1 Pro runs up to four displays and everything none apple silicon supports multiple external displays. h2h

Jul 6, 2009

I mean, who would have noticed another madman around here?

Feels Villeneuve posted:

there are worse circuits but I hate silverstone the most op

it's not even that it's objectively bad or anything, there's just something about it that i hate

It's Br*tish OP.

Jan 19, 2014

Thanks Ants posted:

Apple should stop restricting their laptops to only running a single external display. Also DisplayPort MST has been a thing for ages.

If you need to look at more than 2 screens on your computer for any reason whatsoever you are a nerd.

Oct 8, 2005

beauty by stroll

italian quid posted:

If you need to look at more than 2 screens on your computer for any reason whatsoever you are a nerd.

this is a bad take, but its you, so what do i expect

Feb 8, 2012


italian quid posted:

If you need to look at more than 2 screens on your computer for any reason whatsoever you are a nerd.

While in some ways you are correct, it would be nice if the M1/2 base chip could support two external displays if in clamshell mode. It would make my work desk much nicer instead of having to use the small 13” screen at a real desk

Jan 19, 2014

They make that its called the Mac Mini.

Feb 8, 2012


italian quid posted:

They make that its called the Mac Mini.

I have a Mac Studio personally at home and it owns bones. I need a laptop for work and so if my work M1 supported two full monitors it would also own instead of having to bribe someone to buy me an M1 Pro new laptop!!!

Jan 19, 2014

like to an extent I sympathize, it was an artificial limit put in for no reason. but on the other hand it impacts me in no way whatsoever using my M1 MacBook so I don't really care lmao

Mar 12, 2018

Feels Villeneuve posted:

there are worse circuits but I hate silverstone the most op

it's not even that it's objectively bad or anything, there's just something about it that i hate

It’s bad compared to the old high speed layouts.

Jan 25, 2010

italian quid posted:

If you need to look at more than 2 screens on your computer for any reason whatsoever you are a nerd.

My dude I'm a network architect by trade. I'm constantly looking at code and CLI. If I'm staring and comparing, which monitor am I using to shitpost?

Custard Undies
Jan 7, 2006


italian quid posted:

If you need to look at more than 2 screens on your computer for any reason whatsoever you are a nerd.

I used to use 3 22" monitors at work, now switched to 1.

It just happens to be a 49" Ultra wide screen, so I can poo poo post in 4K Ultra wide resolution!

Anime Store Adventure
May 6, 2009

I know some people with 4 screens and inevitably like 3 and 4 are filled with like a chrome instance with 40 tabs of which they need none, and can’t find any. If they want one of those tabs they open a new one because how can you find the old one? It’s just some different manifestation of digital hoarding.

Feb 8, 2012


Anime Store Adventure posted:

I know some people with 4 screens and inevitably like 3 and 4 are filled with like a chrome instance with 40 tabs of which they need none, and can’t find any. If they want one of those tabs they open a new one because how can you find the old one? It’s just some different manifestation of digital hoarding.

That’s me except I can find each of those tabs that I want on the first try

Sep 10, 2010


TheBacon posted:

That’s me except I can find each of those tabs that I want on the first try

how many tabs do you have.

Feb 8, 2012


ShallNoiseUpon posted:

how many tabs do you have.

Easily over 100 across my two work computers

Apr 1, 2005
Also Mods can i please have my tag removed now that my boy Danny Ric has successfully exposed McLaren for the dud team they are

net work error
Feb 26, 2011

I don't have any extra screen I only need one and it's for posting

Anime Store Adventure
May 6, 2009

I support 2 (Two) work screens. My desk has three screens, but one is the Good Screen so I can swivel away from the bad screens when I feel the need to Post.

Mode 7
Jul 28, 2007

ROFLBOT posted:

Also Mods can i please have my tag removed now that my boy Danny Ric has successfully exposed McLaren for the dud team they are

Here I fixed it for you

Edit: Alternatively

Mode 7 fucked around with this message at 02:23 on Nov 22, 2022

Jul 22, 2014


2022 FIA Formula 1 WDC
I visibly recoil whenever I see people say that they use Chrome as their web browser.

Apr 17, 2006

i remember when all this was fields
I asked for a cast iron pan for Christmas in like 2015, and at first I was crestfallen that my sister got me an enamelled one, because I had been reading reddit and for some reason thought it would be fun to faff around for months trying to 'season' it and then disowning family members for putting it in the sink, but I am eternally grateful that she went for the enamel.

Cutting with a Victorinox Fibrox; sometimes tempted to get some Japanese steel, is it worth it? Should I get a Wusthof/some other western chef's knife instead? Stick with the fibrox? (it seems to lose its edge pretty quickly, although I don't have a honing steel).

I was looking at the 11 in 1 instant pot because I use the slow cooker and rice cooker a lot, and was thinking of getting an air fryer, but I heard the air fryer function on the instant pot falls well short of a dedicated machine.

Oven keeps tripping the kitchen breaker so landlord is sending an electrician tomorrow.

Hamilton WDC 2023

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


Your oven element is broken, 99% of the time that's the reason for breaker trips

Apr 17, 2006

i remember when all this was fields
I assumed as much, but oddly it started as an intermittent problem and then became permanent. It also happens if I turn the dial to the setting that only switches the light and the fan on.

Apr 10, 2013

you guys made me ink!

Late to the party but happy that Alpine beat McLaren. Allez les bleus.

Can’t wait to feel despair next year as the Frenchmen are destroyed by the only thing they hate more than the English: other Frenchmen

May 1, 2005

The only thing good about Monaco is that since it's ancient, the paddock is also tiny and made for a hilarious qualifying session (or was it the race?) when weather conditions were changing and teams were scrambling to find/equip the right tyres.

Still should be first to go though. Sorry Sharl.

May 13, 2007


Diorama posted:

Cutting with a Victorinox Fibrox; sometimes tempted to get some Japanese steel, is it worth it? Should I get a Wusthof/some other western chef's knife instead? Stick with the fibrox? (it seems to lose its edge pretty quickly, although I don't have a honing steel).

Hamilton WDC 2023

I've been using a minosharp for years and it seems to work fine keeping my reasonably cheap European knives sharp.

Mar 17, 2006

Fun Shoe

Wow, what a car and team. 2023 is going to be freaking epic.

Feels Villeneuve
Oct 7, 2007

^^^ me, pro gaming
Looks like it's shaping up to be an incredible year to be a scud supporter, and yet another epic fail year to be Br*tish op

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


Going to post at Elon Musk until he buys Red Bull Racing

Oct 8, 2005

beauty by stroll

Thanks Ants posted:

Going to post at Elon Musk until he buys Red Bull Racing

Great strat to take down RBR

Nov 27, 2007

[1950s eel-based dad joke]
I decided to get back into F1 after a looooong time away. Started watching each race (highlights) from when Our Lewis arrived, 2007. Just made it to the end of 2021. What a great season with just a godawful last couple of races.

The end left such a sour taste in my mouth, I’m not sure I want to spend any more time watching WDC* Verstappen trounce the entire field for another season. Might just skip 2022 and wait for next year’s races.

Oh, and for the real topics of this thread - I have a 14” M1 MacBook Pro, a small convection oven that I can call an air fryer if I have to, and stainless steel pans.

Dec 16, 2004

you can watch the first two or three races, but i wouldnt go much further than that


Nov 27, 2007

[1950s eel-based dad joke]
Just need to work out what eldritch horrors I need to invoke so that 2023 can be the year of Our Alex Getting In There

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