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Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


Mika Snakkinen


Jun 2, 2005
max vertappenade

Jul 6, 2009

I mean, who would have noticed another madman around here?

It's going to be hard to top this place's Charles Hot Dog. :henget:

Apr 19, 2018


Pragmatica posted:

dont close this thread! :argh: its not time yet!

now it is

Jan 18, 2005

Zedd posted:

It's going to be hard to top this place's Charles Hot Dog. :henget:

what happened to Bottas' bones?!

Jul 24, 2007

Thanks Ants posted:

Mika Snakkinen

ngl I might steal this as a name change

there's a good interview with Mika in Motorsport Magazine as well, I know we have at least one or two Hakkinen fans in here (we all should be Hakkinen fans FWIW, the dude owns)

Feels Villeneuve
Oct 7, 2007

^^^ me, pro gaming

Frond posted:

None of these names have anything on the F1 Reject’s forum name “Morbidelli Obese.”


Zeta Acosta
Dec 16, 2019

ban hass for american it up fromula 1 and rename me charles hot dog, thank you and god bless

Jul 13, 2007

Lol just remembered how Daniel nocardo has no car

Rev. Dr. Moses P. Lester
Oct 3, 2000
Moneygram Haas is a pitiful F1 team name, they'll never recapture the glory days of Rich Haas

Dr. Gojo Shioji
Apr 22, 2004

crackhaed posted:

what happened to Bottas' bones?!

"Valtteri, it's James..."

Jun 13, 2005


Harry Lime posted:

Alpine livery is basically the same as last years as well

At least you'll be able to tell them apart on track.

Too many dark cars this year.

Jan 19, 2014

Cirofren posted:

At least you'll be able to tell them apart on track.

Too many dark cars this year.

thats a racism

Jul 24, 2007

Cirofren posted:

At least you'll be able to tell them apart on track.

Too many dark cars this year.

Almost to the bad old days of the WEC when every factory prototype was using black, white and red.

Mar 16, 2016


I was, in a way, the one who had to leave.

Fernando taco has me cracking up and I don't know why

Custard Undies
Jan 7, 2006


harperdc posted:

ngl I might steal this as a name change

there's a good interview with Mika in Motorsport Magazine as well, I know we have at least one or two Hakkinen fans in here (we all should be Hakkinen fans FWIW, the dude owns)

I do love Mika!

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


harperdc posted:

ngl I might steal this as a name change

there's a good interview with Mika in Motorsport Magazine as well, I know we have at least one or two Hakkinen fans in here (we all should be Hakkinen fans FWIW, the dude owns)

Hakkinen in 1998 was when I started watching F1, think it was very shortly after ITV got the rights back and started producing full length shows. Naturally had to support the McLaren boys.

Feb 24, 2003


Yeah ITV was from 97.

Source : Am old.

Mar 16, 2016


I was, in a way, the one who had to leave.

The west mclarens were great looking cars to young me

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004



Edit: Jesus christ the launch on this

Thanks Ants fucked around with this message at 12:44 on Feb 17, 2023

May 5, 2009

Yukibisquets is a real person

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004



Sep 30, 2005

Oh my God what the fuck am I?

I know Haas is strapped for cash but it's hosed up to make their drivers do GrubHub deliveries for money.

Oct 23, 2008

Alive and kicking.
Countdown starts now for an F1 team to shoot a grub hub commercial with the car running on the streets

Sep 10, 2010


Lewis next championship winning car right there

Mao Zedong Thot
Oct 16, 2008

kinda funny that merc and rbr are showing off their lovely third string driver so much recently

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


According to Sky, F2 is doing pre-season testing. Is that just to get teams and drivers familiar with setting cars up again after a few months off, checking timing systems and telemetry etc?

Jun 2, 2005

Thanks Ants posted:

According to Sky, F2 is doing pre-season testing. Is that just to get teams and drivers familiar with setting cars up again after a few months off, checking timing systems and telemetry etc?

you sure it's not just max checking the walls for integrity

(Yes I know max is a terrible judge of integrity but he's great at finding the barriers)

Jul 6, 2009

I mean, who would have noticed another madman around here?

FAUXTON posted:

you sure it's not just max checking the walls for integrity

(Yes I know max is a terrible judge of integrity but he's great at finding the barriers)

Of all the Max jokes to make (They tend to be good tbh) this one doesn't really work since he never drove/skipped F2.

Oct 21, 2008


Thanks Ants posted:

According to Sky, F2 is doing pre-season testing. Is that just to get teams and drivers familiar with setting cars up again after a few months off, checking timing systems and telemetry etc?

Can you imagine the state of the first corner of the first race if they don't give those binmen as much practice time as possible beforehand?

Jun 2, 2005

Zedd posted:

Of all the Max jokes to make (They tend to be good tbh) this one doesn't really work since he never drove/skipped F2.

yes but he does drive into walls often

Jul 22, 2014


2022 FIA Formula 1 WDC
Max is a oval office. He may mature into less of one but as long as he is in that nazi fuckhole team he will be deeply dislikeable.

Unless your screen name is Khablam and you post unironically on Pistonheads.

Jul 13, 2007

Max is a fraud

Custard Undies
Jan 7, 2006


Skarsnik posted:

Can you imagine the state of the first corner of the first race if they don't give those binmen as much practice time as possible beforehand?

:flashfap: oh I'm imagining alright!

Charles Leclerc posted:

Max Seb is a oval office. He may mature into less of one but as long as he is in that nazi fuckhole team he will be deeply dislikeable.

Unless your screen name is Khablam and you post unironically on Pistonheads.

Its happened before, let's hope it can happen again.

Jun 5, 2004

Charles Leclerc posted:

Max is a oval office. He may mature into less of one but as long as he is in that nazi fuckhole team he will be deeply dislikeable.

Unless your screen name is Khablam and you post unironically on Pistonheads.

hard to disagree with such clear logic.

Jun 2, 2005

ethanol posted:

Max is a fraud

half frog half toad all fraud

Bip Roberts
Mar 29, 2005
Max should drive an alpine.

May 1, 2005

Charles Hot Dog

Jun 2, 2005

Bip Roberts posted:

Max should drive an alpine.

may his alpine ride be twice as mind-blowing as schumi's


Jan 18, 2005

FAUXTON posted:

may his alpine ride be twice as mind-blowing as schumi's
holy poo poo

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