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Feels Villeneuve
Oct 7, 2007

^^^ me, pro gaming

Charles Leclerc posted:

Wow a very bad post deserving of a 6er if ever I saw one

I have already reported it, via the admin emergency email address


Residency Evil
Jul 28, 2003

4/5 godo... Schumi

refleks posted:

Can one watch that milf manor thing without getting permanent CTE and become a Max fan?


Oct 23, 2008

Alive and kicking.
My impressions from testing are Oh My God Chadlonso and Sigma-Martin Racing Have Done It Again Nando And Druggo Coming Soon To A Podium Near You and I wouldn't want it any other way...

Jan 19, 2014

ilmucche posted:

Holy poo poo

Watching that one guy go insane and turn into some creepy redditor incel cause his MILF got stolen is like something out of Shakespeare

Jul 22, 2014


2022 FIA Formula 1 WDC

Feels Villeneuve posted:

I have already reported it, via the admin emergency email address

Good lad, we need to be vigilant in weeding out the wrong think on these forums.

Sudden Loud Noise
Feb 18, 2007

DTS gives KMag's pole position literally two sentences in the very last episode.

Bad show, not worth your time.

Mar 16, 2016


I was, in a way, the one who had to leave.

italian quid posted:

Watching that one guy go insane and turn into some creepy redditor incel cause his MILF got stolen is like something out of Shakespeare

he seemed pretty reasonable for an episode or two then went completely nuts. Still find it weird that like half the cast is basically invisible

the milk machine
Jul 23, 2002

Sudden Loud Noise posted:

DTS gives KMag's pole position literally two sentences in the very last episode.

Bad show, not worth your time.

yeah! same with seb retiring.

maybe if they cut one of the 200+ slow mo replays of zhou's crash they could find the time, ah well too late now

net work error
Feb 26, 2011

I think I will skip this season. Thank you for the information.

May 31, 2012

It'll make sense, eventually.
At least watch the Mercedes episode, just for the 40 minutes of Toto cracking into an increasingly unhinged salt elemental.

the milk machine
Jul 23, 2002

maybe earlier DTS seasons did it as well but the most recent one seems to only cover about 6 or 7 races. like the thing ends and it feels like they haven't touched half the season.

then lol at "watch the next season to see the stuff we left out of this one"

Bloody Pom
Jun 5, 2011

Lichtenstein posted:

At least watch the Mercedes episode, just for the 40 minutes of Toto cracking into an increasingly unhinged salt elemental.

This tbh. Normally I hate Horner mugging for the camera, but watching him troll Toto never gets old.

Jan 6, 2006

Stroll together, win together

Frond posted:

I really like how openly hostile the entire F1 grid is toward Andretti. I mean yes I would love more teams but Michael, perhaps airing out your dirty laundry in the open pissed the wrong guys off.

wait did he say something recently or am i missing something

Jan 19, 2014

Michael Andretti has had a several decades long chip on his shoulder about being on the outside of F1 looking in. Why he's shocked that he's come in, not understood the dynamics at play with adding a new team and then proceeded to run his mouth and that's been poorly received is beyond

Jun 27, 2007

the milk machine posted:

maybe earlier DTS seasons did it as well but the most recent one seems to only cover about 6 or 7 races. like the thing ends and it feels like they haven't touched half the season.

then lol at "watch the next season to see the stuff we left out of this one"

Yeah the first 5 episodes all just go from preseason testing to Silverstone for the big teams, then 6-10 skip straight to Silly Season, the Red Bull Budget controversy, and a wet fart of a mention of Max winning the Driver's Championship.

Watched that crash way too many times and THEN THEY NEVER EVEN SHOW ANY FOOTAGE OF ZHOU! No interviews, no candid shots, nothing. Other than the crash they completely ignored Alpha Romeo (along with Williams and Aston Martin.)

The complete absence of three of the teams makes me wonder if they fully pulled out of cooperating with the show.

Oct 18, 2005

I know you know how to do this.
Get up.

boxcarhobo posted:

Fernando Alonso is loving cool as poo poo

Jun 5, 2004

italian quid posted:

Michael Andretti has had a several decades long chip on his shoulder about being on the outside of F1 looking in. Why he's shocked that he's come in, not understood the dynamics at play with adding a new team and then proceeded to run his mouth and that's been poorly received is beyond

it's the American way

Diet Crack
Jan 15, 2001

Show about drama only focusses on drama and not the sport, colour me surprised.

Residency Evil
Jul 28, 2003

4/5 godo... Schumi

Crain posted:

Yeah the first 5 episodes all just go from preseason testing to Silverstone for the big teams, then 6-10 skip straight to Silly Season, the Red Bull Budget controversy, and a wet fart of a mention of Max winning the Driver's Championship.

Watched that crash way too many times and THEN THEY NEVER EVEN SHOW ANY FOOTAGE OF ZHOU! No interviews, no candid shots, nothing. Other than the crash they completely ignored Alpha Romeo (along with Williams and Aston Martin.)

The complete absence of three of the teams makes me wonder if they fully pulled out of cooperating with the show.

Didn’t they interview him right after the crash? Episode 4 maybe?

Just finished episode 6. At least DTS is better than all of last F1 season.

Red Warrior
Jul 23, 2002
Is about to die!

Crain posted:

Yeah the first 5 episodes all just go from preseason testing to Silverstone for the big teams, then 6-10 skip straight to Silly Season, the Red Bull Budget controversy, and a wet fart of a mention of Max winning the Driver's Championship.

Watched that crash way too many times and THEN THEY NEVER EVEN SHOW ANY FOOTAGE OF ZHOU! No interviews, no candid shots, nothing. Other than the crash they completely ignored Alpha Romeo (along with Williams and Aston Martin.)

The complete absence of three of the teams makes me wonder if they fully pulled out of cooperating with the show.

They did show Zhou (very) briefly in the interview chair in ep 2 after the crash.

Nothing much of interest happened with those teams ultimately, probably DeVries drive is about it otherwise. If Vettel had gotten on the podium or something then maybe but otherwise his career just dribbled to an end and it wasn't a very notable departure.

Also it's just very dependent on which teams they were embedded with on what weekends, who they chose to visit and what they can pull from that and stitch together a narrative from after the fact. Element of luck there but they just spend more time with the bigger teams anyway.

Max's win was a wet fart forgone conclusion that no one even realized had happened so you know.

the milk machine
Jul 23, 2002

they didn't show big valt at all (that's bad) and they also didn't even show a glimpse of l*nce stroll (that's good)

Bip Roberts
Mar 29, 2005
Fundamentally DTS is built on narratives and the narratives are built on access.

Jan 6, 2006

Stroll together, win together

italian quid posted:

Michael Andretti has had a several decades long chip on his shoulder about being on the outside of F1 looking in. Why he's shocked that he's come in, not understood the dynamics at play with adding a new team and then proceeded to run his mouth and that's been poorly received is beyond

much like his stint as a driver then

Jul 13, 2007

the dilution fee is extremely dumb tho

Bloody Pom
Jun 5, 2011

Showing Otmar completely ballsing up the Alpine contract negotiations was pretty good at least. Ah yes, admit out loud that you pay your drivers less than anybody else and then wonder why they all look for greener pastures, excellent strategy :shuckyes:

Bloody Pom fucked around with this message at 00:18 on Feb 27, 2023

Bip Roberts
Mar 29, 2005

Bloody Pom posted:

Showing Otmar completely ballsing up the Alpine contract negotiations was pretty good at least. Ah yes, admit out loud that you pay your drivers less than anybody else and then wonder why they all look for greener pastures, excellent strategy :shuckyes:

Even Cyril was better than this fool.

To be fair with Piastri he's going to crash a bunch of cars his first few years no matter what and if he shows promise he's not going to resign with alpine in any case. They basically have no reason for not going with a veteran where they are in the midfield. McLaren is in exactly the same position.

Jan 19, 2014

Rhopunzel posted:

much like his stint as a driver then

I'm pretty sure his stint as a driver is why he has such a chip on his shoulder over the whole thing.

I'm all for more teams on the grid, especially one that isn't just a B-team buying poo poo from a larger team which seems like it's a sizeable chunk of the grid at this point. But the approach was completely wrong on Andretti's part and he's going to get nowhere because of that.

ethanol posted:

the dilution fee is extremely dumb tho

It's extremely dumb but the teams (especially the factory/large ones) have a stranglehold over the direction of the sport and F1 is going to continue producing poo poo to mediocre seasons until that changes. The whole entry fee thing is just one of like a million broken things that don't get fixed because the teams have a say in the rules.

Diet Crack
Jan 15, 2001

Ferrari: Give us all your money, even if we came last.

Jan 19, 2014

This B-Team bullshit is so loving bad you may as well just go the MotoGP route at this point and let the other teams buy a Red Bull, a Mercedes or a Ferrari and call it a day. They're still not going to be winning championships but they can at least win the odd race and its not a total loving farce.

Sudden Loud Noise
Feb 18, 2007

the milk machine posted:

they also didn't even show a glimpse of l*nce stroll (that's good)

They didn't explicitly mention how big of a gently caress up he is, which is also a crime.

Jun 2, 2005

ethanol posted:

is this the perspective of the rock

no from the perspective of the rock it was right because the brain reverses things

Aug 2, 2004

This for my justices slingin' thangs, rib breakin' kings / Truck, necklace, robe, gavel and things / For the solicitors seein' them dissents spin and grin / That robe with the lace trim that win.

the milk machine posted:

drive to survive had very little seb footage, 2/10

The season opened with Seb calling the Mercedes ugly - no better way to start the season

The Big Jesus
Oct 29, 2007

If you don’t watch DTS you’ll miss the one episode that opens with Gasly (lol) drifting around Tokyo while Yuki farts up the passenger seat

Jun 28, 2008

praise chuck, raise heck

ethanol posted:

the dilution fee is extremely dumb tho

Maybe it’s because I’m used to the dumb way American sports do expansions, but it makes some sense to me. And probably why some rich people would rather just buy a team vs starting it, they want the access, fanbase, and prestige now vs paying a fee to all the teams and setting up the whole organization from scratch

Jun 19, 2011

The first few turns are quite good but the rest of it is shit.
Toto’s childish meltdown in the team principal meeting was worth the rest of DTS being absolute poo poo.

Merc is looking equally garbo this year as well so fingers crossed he has a very Austrian heart attack.

Jan 19, 2014

Nybble posted:

Maybe it’s because I’m used to the dumb way American sports do expansions, but it makes some sense to me. And probably why some rich people would rather just buy a team vs starting it, they want the access, fanbase, and prestige now vs paying a fee to all the teams and setting up the whole organization from scratch

ya you're right, it should be my god given right to turn a profit when I own an existing business and nothing should obstruct that

Rev. Dr. Moses P. Lester
Oct 3, 2000

boxcarhobo posted:

Fernando Alonso is loving cool as poo poo
also extremely handsome

Bip Roberts
Mar 29, 2005

Nybble posted:

Maybe it’s because I’m used to the dumb way American sports do expansions, but it makes some sense to me. And probably why some rich people would rather just buy a team vs starting it, they want the access, fanbase, and prestige now vs paying a fee to all the teams and setting up the whole organization from scratch

Then you have leagues like MLS that are just Ponzi schemes where basically whole source of revenue for the established teams is the entry fees from expansion teams.

Aug 15, 2003

Well, in Whoville they say - that his tiny hands grew three sizes that day.

MustardFacial posted:

Toto’s childish meltdown in the team principal meeting was worth the rest of DTS being absolute poo poo.

I dunno, I also enjoyed Binotto repeatedly saying "we are aware we're making mistakes" while continuing to make the exact same mistakes.


Jul 26, 2002

Touchdown Steelers

Diet Crack posted:

Sport about being dramatic only focuses on drama and not the sport, colour me surprised.


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