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Nov 8, 2008

and you
have proved
to be...

a real shitty poster,
and a real james
They're called lactating queens


Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 10, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

that's an unfortunate snype right there

Agile Vector
May 21, 2007

scrum bored

is that some kind of diamond dog?

Apr 11, 2002

bob page thinks he’s jc denton

Agile Vector
May 21, 2007

scrum bored

meanwhile in the musk compound:

Jul 20, 2000

shit wizard dad

effortless cool

Feb 26, 2012

i have glasses like that

Carthag Tuek
Oct 15, 2005

Tider skal komme,
tider skal henrulle,
slægt skal følge slægters gang

NoneMoreNegative posted:

effortless cool

Jul 20, 2000

shit wizard dad

lol scrolling AliX and

"Remember... We Care."

Pythagoras a trois
Feb 19, 2004

I have a lot of points to make and I will make them later.

NoneMoreNegative posted:

lol scrolling AliX and

"But cannot truth can be made through the repetition of a lie?" yells Dick Cheney, as he tears his shirt off exposing a giant mechanical heart protruding from his chest, his weak point

Carthag Tuek
Oct 15, 2005

Tider skal komme,
tider skal henrulle,
slægt skal følge slægters gang

Sagebrush posted:

i have glasses like that

i had similar ones in the late nineties. i did not look that cool at all and tbh i doubt anybody ever will.

also in general, 90s clip-on shades were so annoyingly heavy

Feb 26, 2012

round or oval wire-rimmed glasses are back in style. square plastic frames are now super millennial and cheugy. all the k-pop stars are wearing delicate 90s inspired styles

Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 10, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

Sagebrush posted:

round or oval wire-rimmed glasses are back in style. square plastic frames are now super millennial and cheugy. all the k-pop stars are wearing delicate 90s inspired styles

I want to say I don't believe you but I'm assuming by having to actually teach students you're probably more aware of current trends than the rest of us

I refuse to believe that boot cut jeans are coming back though

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

are my glasses cool y/n

Feb 26, 2012

Just google "BTS glasses" and you'll see it's all stuff like this:

We are solidly back in the 90s. All my students are wearing baggy sweatshirts, high waisted mom jeans, and wire rimmed glasses. They especially dislike skinny jeans and thick plastic nerd glasses as these are accoutrements of millennials.

Sep 10, 2003

peed on;


Sagebrush posted:

these are accoutrements of millennials.

Feb 26, 2012

Achmed Jones posted:

are my glasses cool y/n

Sort of. They're pretty dadly, so they're fine if you are going for that look. They are cooler than plastic "hipster glasses" for sure

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

i wear my dadness on my sleeve (and elsewhere)

Feb 26, 2012

Not particularly fun fact: if you look for glasses frames on Amazon and eBay, the wire aviator with clear lenses not unlike yours is now being sold as "Dahmer glasses," presumably because of the show that just came out. I hate it. I hate the idea that people watched it and thought "drat that guy looks good." I hate all media about serial killers.

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
my solution is to simply have good eyesight that doesnt need to be corrected but y'all can do whatever

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004


i am glad that these aren't near as big as aviators - while i like my dadsthetic, serial killer chic is not my jam

Feb 26, 2012

I'm stoked about the current fashion because it means I can be in style wearing elliptical gold glasses like my professional idol, Dr. Henry Jones Jr., Ph.D

Truman Peyote
Oct 11, 2006

meanwhile i am not wearing glasses at all like *my* professional idol, dude lebowski

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
these were the only glasses i had that I ever truly loved

Jun 11, 2001

Official Carrier of the Neil Bush Torch
this was the first commercial i ever saw on TV that made me feel targeted

Sep 10, 2003

peed on;

good glasses, worn well

Agile Vector
May 21, 2007

scrum bored

Powerful Two-Hander posted:

I refuse to believe that boot cut jeans are coming back though

same. my partner bought some and i felt like it was a prank on me, but seeing you say it now i feel like it's a prank on everyone

Sagebrush posted:

Not particularly fun fact: if you look for glasses frames on Amazon and eBay, the wire aviator with clear lenses not unlike yours is now being sold as "Dahmer glasses," presumably because of the show that just came out. I hate it. I hate the idea that people watched it and thought "drat that guy looks good." I hate all media about serial killers.

the only interesting one (to me) was mindhunter and netflix nuked it before covering btk, which would have been an interesting way to skip and show the way the fbi evolved their approach between his emergence and his capture. i guess he wasn't sexy enough for the swooning subscribers

i have not watched the dahmer one and have no interest to

Sagebrush posted:

I'm stoked about the current fashion because it means I can be in style wearing elliptical gold glasses like my professional idol, Dr. Henry Jones Jr., Ph.D

i had an art history prof that dressed like professor jones and, frankly, it was an awesome look

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

i had a friend in grad school that did the indiana jones thing. i think it's pretty common

post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011

my dad always wore the type of glasses taht were wire aviator with clear lenses, and im gonna have to pass on this trend because of that. its all i can see if i try them on.

Jul 20, 2000

shit wizard dad

Sagebrush posted:

Not particularly fun fact: if you look for glasses frames on Amazon and eBay, the wire aviator with clear lenses not unlike yours is now being sold as "Dahmer glasses," presumably because of the show that just came out. I hate it. I hate the idea that people watched it and thought "drat that guy looks good." I hate all media about serial killers.

lol I picked up some new frames for an updated prescription at Specsavers just before the whole 'Dahmer Glasses' thing landed, and then I was like ah poo poo

Powerful Two-Hander
Mar 10, 2004

Mods please change my name to "Tooter Skeleton" TIA.

Agile Vector posted:

same. my partner bought some and i felt like it was a prank on me, but seeing you say it now i feel like it's a prank on everyone

boot cut is definitely a "we all suffered so you don't have to" and yet they keep throwing themselves in front of the bus over and over!

otoh maybe this means the semi shameful t-shirts from threadless circa 2005 I have in the bottom of a drawer will be funny again.....

post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011

Powerful Two-Hander posted:

I want to say I don't believe you but I'm assuming by having to actually teach students you're probably more aware of current trends than the rest of us

I refuse to believe that boot cut jeans are coming back though

theyre already back. all of that early 00s cobra snake hipster sleaze pastiche poo poo is in vogue again.

polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

it’s really loving weird to walk into a store like h&m and see graphic t’s with “vintage” britney spears and christina aguilera art on them. plus there is a ton of simpsons stuff that probably would have been extremely uncool to wear in the actual 90s

I absolutely loathe shopping for clothes because i have no sense of style or identity and i have perpetual anxiety about people perceiving me as being part of any particular subculture

polyester concept fucked around with this message at 05:05 on Feb 11, 2023

Jul 18, 2009

I'm looking for the man who shot my paw.

Sagebrush posted:

Just google "BTS glasses" and you'll see it's all stuff like this:

We are solidly back in the 90s. All my students are wearing baggy sweatshirts, high waisted mom jeans, and wire rimmed glasses. They especially dislike skinny jeans and thick plastic nerd glasses as these are accoutrements of millennials.

i had glasses just like that when i was a child. those are way more milliennial than chunky nerd glasses, loving poseurs

Chris Knight
Jun 5, 2002

me @ ur posts

Fun Shoe

polyester concept posted:

it’s really loving weird to walk into a store like h&m and see graphic t’s with “vintage” britney spears and christina aguilera art on them. plus there is a ton of simpsons stuff that probably would have been extremely uncool to wear in the actual 90s

I absolutely loathe shopping for clothes because i have no sense of style or identity and i have perpetual anxiety about people perceiving me as being part of any particular subculture
never been in h&m, I always figured their "fast fashion" thing was meant to cater to people who want to dress jn whatever is fashionable right now and are gonna chuck it after like 6-12 months.

for dudes anyway imo you can't go wrong with regular Levi's for jeans and some shirts from like The Gap or Uniqlo for pure MOR laziness. if work needs non-jeans, then again Gap has khakis that haven't changed style in the 25 years I've been wearing them.

embrace the beige

Feb 25, 2005
Yeah I like h&ms shirts and hoodies because they fit well and the price is fair, I just buy the solid colored ones. I've worn the same series of levi jeans since like jr high.

e: lol the jeans I get are the 527 slim boot cut

dougdrums fucked around with this message at 19:25 on Feb 11, 2023

Jun 28, 2005


Sagebrush posted:

Just google "BTS glasses" and you'll see it's all stuff like this:

We are solidly back in the 90s. All my students are wearing baggy sweatshirts, high waisted mom jeans, and wire rimmed glasses. They especially dislike skinny jeans and thick plastic nerd glasses as these are accoutrements of millennials.

these are 1996-era stebe glasses

Deep Dish Fuckfest
Sep 6, 2006

Computer Touching

Toilet Rascal
can't help but think of boris from goldeneye

polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

Chris Knight posted:

for dudes anyway imo you can't go wrong with regular Levi's for jeans and some shirts from like The Gap or Uniqlo for pure MOR laziness.

yeah I recently discovered uniqlo, has a lot of great just normal clothes without logos or slogans on them


Feb 26, 2012

Beeftweeter posted:

these are 1996-era stebe glasses

Deep Dish Fuckfest posted:

can't help but think of boris from goldeneye

it's as though they were in style in the 90s!

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