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Where do you save your personal files
This poll is closed.
Rawdogging my home directory 12 8.39%
Documents/ 12 8.39%
dropbox 6 4.20%
icloud 9 6.29%
onedrive 6 4.20%
s3 bucket 5 3.50%
email to myself 9 6.29%
yeeted via rsync to an old optiplex in the basement 6 4.20%
sd card 6 4.20%
printed out 10 6.99%
github 7 4.90%
a backup on the vm itself 6 4.20%
rapidshare 4 2.80%
google drive 8 5.59%
box 4 2.80%
egnyte 3 2.10%
sharefile 4 2.80%
spideroak 3 2.10%
megaupload 6 4.20%
printed out 11 7.69%
uploaded to web server to send link to rms's demon to email it to him 6 4.20%
Total: 31 votes
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polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017

dehumanize yourself and face to the trash bin


Deep Dish Fuckfest
Sep 6, 2006

Computer Touching

Toilet Rascal
turn on ur monitor

Jenny Agutter
Mar 18, 2009

microsoft only lets you get up to 2TB of OneDrive as a consumer, what’s up with that. seems like a no brainer to let people pay more for more storage

Aug 9, 2009

Jenny Agutter posted:

microsoft only lets you get up to 2TB of OneDrive as a consumer, what’s up with that. seems like a no brainer to let people pay more for more storage

They can't, they're using FAT32

mobby_6kl fucked around with this message at 19:34 on Feb 4, 2023

Jul 25, 2007


Aug 9, 2009

There's an Ars review of cloud backup services:

the winner is iDrive which doesn't seem to be related to either Apple nor BMW

Mr. Crow
May 22, 2008

Snap City mayor for life
I pay $20 a month for unlimited storage on google workspaces, theres like 16? TB up there. I've recovered disks from it a couple times, rclone is great and google never sees anything unencrypted.

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

Oysters Autobio posted:

resurrecting to quote this because im seriously at a loss and too embarassed to ask anyone how to actually organize my file drive docs or actually get windows search to be able to search my docs.

like, what do the meganerds do here? I have this sprawling multi folder garbage that im tempted just to consolidate into one folder, but even with the fairly lovely folder structure it at least gives some sort of searchability for my docs.

Search is why I started this thread! Dropbox does great full text indexing except for markdown files :(.

My folders look like this:

Apps (apps that use Dropbox, e.g. Joplin)
Archive (old projects that I keep because I have space but don't need)
  Kids (school forms etc)
  DJ (contracts, "press kit" lol, etc)
  Folders for various orgs I volunteer with
Mackup (dotfile sync)
   Personal photos
   Important memes
Projects (was coding projects but these are mostly moved to github)
Public (various publicly shared folders mostly :filez:)
If you're using Windows I'd recommend starting by scanning your whole situation with treesize pro and find some quick wins to delete the garbage you don't need. Take a one-time backup to external drive and then go hog wild with delete key. Then depending on what kind of stuff you have I'd categorize based on topic.

If I were 100% macOS I'd probably take advantage of the labeling system and do smart folders.

Share Bear
Apr 27, 2004

really gotta figure this out, prob gonna get a 5 bay synology then sync to s3 glacier like weekly

really gotta figure out my music situation, itunes blew everything up so now i have a folder that foobar sits on top of which works but is very VERY unorganized

Laserjet 4P
Mar 28, 2005

What does it mean?
Fun Shoe

Oysters Autobio posted:

resurrecting to quote this because im seriously at a loss and too embarassed to ask anyone how to actually organize my file drive docs or actually get windows search to be able to search my docs.

like, what do the meganerds do here? I have this sprawling multi folder garbage that im tempted just to consolidate into one folder, but even with the fairly lovely folder structure it at least gives some sort of searchability for my docs. combined with the interface of the latter has been dumbed down which sucks, i would love an expert mode. it has a music fingerprint mode but that’s not very good. i still want something that can find similar jpgs with different resolutions/crops.

for photos there is only one way that works: dir with year as name and subdirs with year-month-day containing photos. prune early and often because doing it later is more painful, especially with family pictures. i despise lightroom or bridge or whatever adobe poo poo trying to be smarter than a hierarchical fs.

for music i use first letter folder containing artist - albumname containing mp3s/flac which are selfcontained naming wise, but retroactively tagging your music is a poo poo job. some people give a poo poo about the year it was released, i don’t.

important thing is to keep your folders as shallow as possible. use partitions to separate roughly by category so music is on the music drive, documents are on the docs drive, and so on. only time real depth is allowed is when you have a node_modules .

google drive just makes everything unfindable. just get a synology and dump to glacier. hope you never need it.

Mr. Crow
May 22, 2008

Snap City mayor for life
i gave up trying to manage my own music and embraced online streaming, great decision

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

nvrgrls posted:

Search is why I started this thread! Dropbox does great full text indexing except for markdown files :(.

My folders look like this:

Apps (apps that use Dropbox, e.g. Joplin)
Archive (old projects that I keep because I have space but don't need)
  Kids (school forms etc)
  DJ (contracts, "press kit" lol, etc)
  Folders for various orgs I volunteer with
Mackup (dotfile sync)
   Personal photos
   Important memes
Projects (was coding projects but these are mostly moved to github)
Public (various publicly shared folders mostly :filez:)
If you're using Windows I'd recommend starting by scanning your whole situation with treesize pro and find some quick wins to delete the garbage you don't need. Take a one-time backup to external drive and then go hog wild with delete key. Then depending on what kind of stuff you have I'd categorize based on topic.

If I were 100% macOS I'd probably take advantage of the labeling system and do smart folders.

wiztree is the best windows disk analysis tool

Dec 27, 2003

Laserjet 4P posted:

use partitions to separate roughly by category so music is on the music drive, documents are on the docs drive, and so on.


the gently caress is this late 90s linux poo poo

Dec 27, 2003

Captain Foo posted:

wiztree is the best windows disk analysis tool

quoting for truth

if you have been using any other tool on windows, throw it out asap and just use wiztree

polyester concept
Mar 29, 2017


quoting for truth

if you have been using any other tool on windows, throw it out asap and just use wiztree

thanks, i've been using windirstat for years but it sounds like wiztree is 46 times faster

Agile Vector
May 21, 2007

scrum bored

Laserjet 4P posted:

for photos there is only one way that works: dir with year as name and subdirs with year-month-day containing photos. prune early and often because doing it later is more painful, especially with family pictures. i despise lightroom or bridge or whatever adobe poo poo trying to be smarter than a hierarchical fs.

having just done a preliminary tidying of several old drives with files and photos from the last 25 years these absolutely were

the best were when i had pulled files with date naming, the worst were ones where the creation metadata was wrong and exif data didn't exist because the digital camera had a crappy clock and would reset to the initial epoch date. my memory was off by a few years and i was lucky to find duplicates with older and more accurate dates to improve sorting

Captain Foo posted:

wiztree is the best windows disk analysis tool

it's real nice and i keep forgetting to switch out from windirstat. they're very similar but wiztree is way quicker

there's also grandperspective for macs

polyester concept posted:

thanks, i've been using windirstat for years but it sounds like wiztree is 46 times faster

it's so fast and i don't know why i reverted on my newer machine

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts



the gently caress is this late 90s linux poo poo

isnt drive partitioning certain ways a cultural thing across the world

a c/w last week was saying that when they were a cj at a previous job everyones computer was formatted with an os partition and 4 others

git apologist
Jun 4, 2003

daisy disk is really good on macOS and worth the $10 or whatever perpetual license

Laserjet 4P
Mar 28, 2005

What does it mean?
Fun Shoe



the gently caress is this late 90s linux poo poo

it's late 90s windows poo poo because when c:\ goes down i had no second computer to plop it in to flatten and reinstall.

but partition is the wrong name for what my nas does which is basically faking a top level dir. either way it shows up as a different network drive which is a Good Thing because that means you don't have to commit to a certain size like w/ actual partitions, and you can't easily gently caress poo poo up

(you can still gently caress poo poo up but the blast radius is smaller)

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


qirex posted:

number 1 protip for maintaining your photo library is to delete the non-good pictures so it stays a manageable size

yah my wife goes through and aggressively deletes as much as possible as step 1. i didnt like it at first because im a Digital Hoarder but i gotta say it works great

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


Raluek posted:

lol if your phone isnt full of inscrutable close-up pictures of stuff you were working on or part numbers


Share Bear
Apr 27, 2004

does anyone roll their own? i know theres a shsc thread but its long/ancient

i feel like if i get a synology itll be easier but if it blows up i'm hosed whereas if i do some nerdass zfs low power small case thing ill at least be able to fix it if it breaks, either with parts or software

will def mirror to amazon glacier or the gcp equivalent (which i should start doing right now)

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

buy the syno

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

also wiztree is way faster because it just reads the $MFT bitmap directly instead of walking the filesystem

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Share Bear posted:

whereas if i do some nerdass zfs low power small case thing ill at least be able to fix it if it breaks, either with parts or software


Captain Foo posted:

buy the syno

Mar 3, 2013

rolling your own is great if you consider your time worthless like me

Deep Dish Fuckfest
Sep 6, 2006

Computer Touching

Toilet Rascal
or are utterly deranged and like to overengineer things yet get results that are inferior in every way to turnkey solutions, like me

Nov 12, 2016


for backups i use duplicati and it's been suiting my needs pretty dang well. i have it hooked up to backblaze and my 3 TB image comes out to less than $20 a month. i've had it running for over a year now with no issues and it's helped me restore poo poo / investigate what a file looked like 6 months ago several times now

as for actual file syncing i still use dropbox but they keep pushing more and more 'collaboration' garbage all over it and it makes me more and more worried that they're going to pull a facebook and "accidentally" share all my poo poo with random people. literally all i want is the base dropbox functionality with none of the stupid bullshit tacked on to it. mega seems to be the only alternative that also offers encryption but sheesh they just go out of their way to be shady as gently caress to the point i feel like just downloading their poo poo will put me on a watchlist

basically what i'm saying is that i understand your frustrations, op

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

that is also my experience with dropbox. they had a great product and just added layers of poo poo until i'm really kind of sick of digging through poo poo to get the good functionality

Deep Dish Fuckfest
Sep 6, 2006

Computer Touching

Toilet Rascal
gotta increase those profits!

probably the only valid reason i have for rolling my own is exactly that "hey we're sharing your stuff with people now and also you don't mind us selling all your metadata to anyone who wants it right?" thing providers could do. with my aws stuff if that happens it's because i've hosed up config somewhere and it'll be a valuable lesson. also who the gently caress is going to notice one more unsecured s3 bucket among ten million others?

Dans Macabre
Apr 24, 2004

My aunt wants to save old photos from the early 1900s for our family 100 years in the future in case they are interested, and asked me what's the best cloud service to use. Actually, she didn't ask that, she said "you have a web site right? Can you put it on there?"

So our priceless photos cloud strategy is to yeet PDF scans of photos onto my $3.50/mo vps :getin:

(I did tell her the best thing to do is literally print it because who's gonna go through my stupid vps when I die but no)

Nov 8, 2007

i sometimes throw cables away

i mean straight into the bin without spending 10+ years in the box of might-come-in-handy-someday first

im a fucking monster

print them. print them yourself if you have to.

some years ago my uncle decided to scan 100+ years of photos, save them to the cheapest CD-Rs he could find in the supermarket, and then throw the originals away because two shoeboxes of photos "took up too much space" in the giant house he lives alone in.

luckily i made a copy of them after he was done, because he immediately lost half the CDs and the other half are already giving read errors.

Achmed Jones
Oct 16, 2004

corollary to "dads rule" is that uncles strongly follow the 90/10 rule

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts
fwiw there's a service called legacybox that does this

dont know anything about them, just the name

Share Bear
Apr 27, 2004

synology just got here please rec your favorite containers

Aug 9, 2009


Nov 15, 2005


and radarr.

Readarr is kindof a mess.

Jun 26, 2004
Lipstick Apathy
Movies come out slow enough that I just do them manually

Elder Postsman
Aug 30, 2000

i used hot bot to search for "teens"

i got pihole, postgres, and a minecraft server for my kid running on mine. e: oh yeah and plex too

plus a planetracker i made because the local airport has an old ww2 bomber and i want to know when it takes off

Elder Postsman fucked around with this message at 20:17 on Feb 15, 2023


post hole digger
Mar 21, 2011

Share Bear posted:

synology just got here please rec your favorite containers

my plex container stack is plex, tautulli, sabnzbd, sonarr, and radarr

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