Anyone keeping track of team claims so far
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 04:33 |
shwinnebego posted:Anyone keeping track of team claims so far the only team claims are the delegates NeverHelm posted:If you'll have me, I guess. I'm here on behalf of the Normal Coalition. saladscooper posted:i'm a delegate from the Naive Commission, any Normals wanna step forward? Johnny Keats posted:The Insane tribe agrees to a voting treaty with the Paranoid tribe Zoya posted:Keats is the duly elected representative of the Insane Tribe. I step forth as the ambassador of the Paranoid Council.
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I think Sandwolf is the solo. Change my mind. In non-game stuff I am jealous of you people who are having nice hot summer weather. Once again questioning why I, a heat-seeker, live in Colorado, where in the middle of the traditionally hottest month of the year it is...73 degrees.
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Ah ok. We could try your option 1 imo My role card made it sound like my wincon could be compatible with a bunch of other wincons so I’m easy
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Rhymes With Clue posted:I think Sandwolf is the solo. Change my mind. Wow I really had you pinned as European for some reason
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shwinnebego posted:u solo Nah, the solo would be the most likely to not figure out about the quad faction, thus the sus on Plastic and Sand Plus I'd probably keep my head down lower so I could use my Super Solo Specials at least a few times - so far my luck as been getting Night-killed whenever I have a fun ability, which I don't this game (it's a useful ability for sorting out parts of this madness once some trust/cooperation is established, but it's not particularly entertaining)
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shwinnebego posted:Wow I really had you pinned as European for some reason Was it my accent?
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Zoya posted:are you the solo? No, but I’m hesitant to overshare on D1 when victory conditions are unknown.
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Punkreas posted:Nah, the solo would be the most likely to not figure out about the quad faction, thus the sus on Plastic and Sand solo post ##vote punkreas
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fool of sound posted:No, but I’m hesitant to overshare on D1 when victory conditions are unknown. I believe this
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Zoya posted:so the situation is this: there are 4 teams, of 4 players And I am guessing but have no confirmation that that would be entirely too easy and their sanity is either anything but their alignment, or anything at all including their alignment.
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fool of sound posted:No, but I’m hesitant to overshare on D1 when victory conditions are unknown. Yeah this is basically where I’m at. Like whoever has the idea about trying to use delegates to ferret out a solo seems logical but it also seems to simple. Considering there seems to be more thought in just our role pms than I’ve ever put into a game I doubt it’s something simple that can solve this.
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shwinnebego posted:Ah ok. We could try your option 1 imo OK. The Paranoid Council puts forth this vote: ##vote Voodoofly Keats, neverhelm, salad: any objections? whosoever has an objection, put forth an alternative vote to the table, and this cycle will repeat until none of us object. non-diplomats: now is the time to speak up if any of the four of us lied about representing your team. i will treat silence on this matter as faith in your diplomat, as speaking up reveals your alignment a recap of the strategy, in case anyone is confused (we're all confused) quote:Delegate #1 proposes a vote candidate.
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shwinnebego posted:solo post ##vote punkreas A shwinng and a miss, sorry to disappoint!
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Zoya posted:OK. The Paranoid Council puts forth this vote: ##vote Voodoofly Im still not sold this is a good idea but if you were going to do this we should vote a delegate and let that team internally decide who they want to expose to save their delegate So basically delegate of mine don’t vouch for me yet
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Hold it there for a moment Zoya. I don't know if we've all agreed to this plan just yet. While to some extent I agree to the idea of hunting down the solo (assuming they exist), mostly because they probably have way stronger powers than the rest and thus a potential threat, doing it this way will likely lead to a bunch of people's alignments being revealed first. And it probably wont be evenly distributed among the teams. For all we know, that could disproportionately help one team accomplish their wincon.
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Yeah I kinda feel like this is way too pushy, which makes me think there's an agenda behind this beyond just finding the solo.
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NeverHelm posted:Hold it there for a moment Zoya. I don't know if we've all agreed to this plan just yet. While to some extent I agree to the idea of hunting down the solo (assuming they exist), mostly because they probably have way stronger powers than the rest and thus a potential threat, doing it this way will likely lead to a bunch of people's alignments being revealed first. And it probably wont be evenly distributed among the teams. For all we know, that could disproportionately help one team accomplish their wincon. Yami Fenrir posted:Yeah I kinda feel like this is way too pushy, which makes me think there's an agenda behind this beyond just finding the solo. Voodoofly posted:Im still not sold this is a good idea
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Zoya posted:i'm open to alternative suggestions! but yes i'm being pushy because i feel like if i don't push this agenda we'll all get distracted and start fighting eachother, when we should be working together imo I don't really have a suggestion beyond "Just look at content for who seems isolated". My main concern is that this disappropriately benefits you/your team.
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Basically I’m not convinced that a solo player is a bigger threat than what some of the other groups wincon might be and I don’t know if I agree about outing an entire team potentially to get rid of a solo.
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Yami Fenrir posted:I don't really have a suggestion beyond "Just look at content for who seems isolated". How might it disproportionately benefit zoyas team. I’m squinting hard at this post to try to ascertain something about what you seem to know about possible wincons
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Honestly if we do go with randomly voting people and having them vouch then I think that a delegate should be forced to reveal one of their own along with a vote. That way at least keeps it a bit balanced. If you are asking someone else to get outed you have thrown in some real consideration by outing one of your own.
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shwinnebego posted:How might it disproportionately benefit zoyas team. I’m squinting hard at this post to try to ascertain something about what you seem to know about possible wincons Well for one, Zoya's suggestions just completely collateral damage the identities of basically every team. Second, Zoyas team might have some specific interaction with the solo.
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Yami Fenrir posted:I don't really have a suggestion beyond "Just look at content for who seems isolated". that's a fair concern, but realistically, probably all this strategy has done so far is made me a target for N1 kills i am also open to every team open claiming team members, but that doesnt seem ideal either! if anyone can think of a method of catching the solo beyond the solo accidentally slipping, or teams having to reveal a dangerous amount of info to eachother, please bring it forth... but i wracked my brains yesterday, did a pile of drugs and wracked my brains even further, and this was the best i could come up with all teams revealing all members would be more "fair", but the round robin vote proposal strategy has a chance of catching the solo earlier before members are revealed. it also seemed to me that if we go in order, each team would have a member revealed at the same rate, up until the solo is caught, since we go in order -- but, to be fair, i didn't actually announce an order, and if we're not all online at the same time it could take longer than deadline to reach the finishline, so, idk
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shwinnebego posted:How might it disproportionately benefit zoyas team. I’m squinting hard at this post to try to ascertain something about what you seem to know about possible wincons I’m just picturing a team that wins by eliminating a certain sanity. Like a group of bounty hunters Reminiscing about Hal sniping Tom tucker in the good place when Tom was like “I don’t see why revealing my flavor could do anything” and then getting shot for it.
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Yami Fenrir posted:Second, Zoyas team might have some specific interaction with the solo. you don't have to believe me, but, we don't have any specific interaction with the solo it just seems to me the categorically best D1 play we could do, and also the funniest subversion of the setup, is to take out the solo, and so i will be laboring in pursuit of that goal
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we have 26 hours to find and remove the solo before they get to use their night actions
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Sandwolf posted:I bet if we kill #17 we win because otherwise there is nothing stopping the four teams from pushing a no-elimination every day. The alternative is a long, drawn-out, political experiment. Well that's what I signed up for. I think the first step is killing the 3P and then the game will largely stop being mafia-like and instead be a game of 4 competing factions. I'd like to make a final-two deal with the Paranoid team
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I think there might be a better way. If there's something every team has seen, but the solo has not, we could use that as a code to flush them out by having everyone post something related to it. Not sure how I'd go about that, though. Something based on the letters in a mod message every team may or may not have received? I dunno.
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shwinnebego posted:I hope Sandwolf is the 17 and knows for a fact that killing the 17 causes everyone else to lose If it ends the game, that means we win
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Of course, we have no way of knowing if such a message even exists, or that the solo didn't get it too, but that's the sort of thing that might be more "team neutral".
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NeverHelm posted:I think there might be a better way. If there's something every team has seen, but the solo has not, we could use that as a code to flush them out by having everyone post something related to it. Not sure how I'd go about that, though. Something based on the letters in a mod message every team may or may not have received? I dunno. well, i kind of suspect we've all got mirrored team comps (same 4 roles), just with different action results because of sanity, so you could do it that way except, i can't see any way to actually put confirming that info into practice in a way that outs the solo
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We were all told a way that roles are "normally" formatted, even though that was Cube's trick because this game actually has a maximum of 1 role formatted like that. But maybe the 3P would have similar info to help them claim as scum. On the other hand, who would want to claim as scum? So maybe not. We don't know to what extent Cube expected us to claim immediately, but I have to presume he expected it a lot, after his last game
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What about just a predetermined sequence but we use the sanities to add variable Like say: Normal 1 Naive 2 Paranoid 3 Insane 4 Start at player 1 (or 17 or whatever) and if someone vouches for that player we move down the player list by whatever the sanity was and keep going, skipping players that have been outed until we hit the solo This keeps it random but preserves the ability to not out everyone unless solo ends up being last somehow? If we do this I don’t care if I’m the first player.
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Johnny Keats posted:Well that's what I signed up for. I think the first step is killing the 3P and then the game will largely stop being mafia-like and instead be a game of 4 competing factions. I'd like to make a final-two deal with the Paranoid team see now keats here is a good egg, the Insane Tribe is engaging with my gambit in good faith any thoughts on voodoofly, keats? DELEGATE ROULETTE: Paranoid suggests Voodoofly Insane [agrees/disagrees?] Naive? Normal? Paranoid? Insane? Naive? Normal? [...] Voodoofly posted:What about just a predetermined sequence but we use the sanities to add variable ...brother that is literally almost no different from the strategy i started with in the first place
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Zoya posted:see now keats here is a good egg, the Insane Tribe is engaging with my gambit in good faith It’s different in that it’s random, and you have no idea if this will out your entire team or none of them Half the problem I have is you are pushing this but not willing to offer up anything on your side first as a show of good faith.
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Like even your suggested taking turns isn’t even a snake order and guarantees that you will never be the team that has the most members outed unless silo is last to be found.
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Another problem with this plan: It assumes people will step up to save their team members. How do we know there isn't a team of jesters or something?
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Voodoofly posted:It’s different in that it’s random, and you have no idea if this will out your entire team or none of them i can't see it being any different, no? each team puts forth a name of someone [who is not on their team] lets say that you are Normal-aligned, for hypothetical in that scenario, delegate roulette would go: paranoid suggests you insane agrees naive agrees normal vetoes, suggests someone from the paranoid clan (outing you as normal) paranoid vetoes, suggests someone from the naive clan (outing someone as paranoid) insane agrees naive vetoes, suggests someone from the insane clan (outing someone as naive) [......]
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# ? Feb 8, 2025 04:33 |
By offering Voodoofly, Zoya has revealed the exact same information that she is asking me to reveal. Voodoofly is not on my team.
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