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Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Escape From Noise posted:

What the HELL???

*Grabs shotgun off of the gun rack in the back of my fully loaded Ford F1-50 with custom paint job and Yosemite Sam mudflaps*

our armed security guard would like a word w/ u

*hides under front desk*


Escape From Noise

Areola Grande posted:

our armed security guard would like a word w/ u

I refuse to acknowledge your authority. This shop is clearly under admiralty law! I saw that gold fringe!

Randy Travesty


If someone is intoxicated or appears so, you're not supposed to let them in, but like, you get pushed into it and then you have Kevin the Acid Clown having a bad trip by the edibles display and you just kinda gotta roll with it until the security guard gets done watching the tick tock

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Randy Travesty posted:

If someone is intoxicated or appears so, you're not supposed to let them in, but like, you get pushed into it and then you have Kevin the Acid Clown having a bad trip by the edibles display and you just kinda gotta roll with it until the security guard gets done watching the tick tock

it's like u work here. he's tick tocking as we speak

Randy Travesty


Areola Grande posted:

it's like u work here. he's tick tocking as we speak

I genuinely do not get the tick tock

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Randy Travesty posted:

I genuinely do not get the tick tock

me neither. apparently he has 4 daughters so he works 16 hour shifts 7 days on, 7 days off to pay for their tick tock phones and yob knows what else. they got him into the tock and now he's all about it


heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


comedere nuces omni tempore


Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
today they sent me home w/ two 100mg bags of gummies and a sativa pre-roll just for working at the ol dispo. they also alluded to flower samples in the near future.

my feet are screaming from all the leg work today but I'm also high as poo poo.

weird trade off but I'll take it. some days are p aight

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
we have a new strain called Sweat Helmet. that's p tough 2 sell for some reason

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Escape From Noise

You should try and sell it by singing Helmet songs.

Escape From Noise

Having trouble moving these pre rolls of Dumpster Tuna.

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Escape From Noise posted:

You should try and sell it by singing Helmet songs.

Wilma's Rainbow is absolutely itching 2 be a new strain name :rory:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Escape From Noise

Sighing as I once again put yet another discount label on the jar of Music Festival Portable Toilet.

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
we've got another strain called High Fructose Corn Syrup. what a world we live in

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Escape From Noise

Areola Grande posted:

we've got another strain called High Fructose Corn Syrup. what a world we live in

Type 2 Diabetes. The strain.

Escape From Noise

Can I interest you in an ounce of COVID Cough?

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Escape From Noise posted:

Can I interest you in an ounce of COVID Cough?

it'll happen. these cultivators have to name each new cross bred strain sl something original otherwise u end up w/ something called egg roll x grape gas, which is what I'm currently enjoying on ur behalf as a fellow Ozarkian.

TL;DR: I am trashed

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
question for u hamjobs. this is Ocean Beach by Cookies. it clams to be 34% THC w/ terps totalling 1.52%.

my understanding is that Godfather holds the current record at 34% so I'm left feeling doobious

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
what constitutes an accurate rating. seems like the industry measurement should be more of a spectrum instead

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Randy Travesty


Areola Grande posted:

question for u hamjobs. this is Ocean Beach by Cookies. it clams to be 34% THC w/ terps totalling 1.52%.

my understanding is that Godfather holds the current record at 34% so I'm left feeling doobious

THC % is usually bullshit; however, 34% is no record lol. Regularly, you can get ultrahigh THC (yes for real, yes multiple actually-good labs can confirm it) weed that is primarily used for full spec concentrates.

Also I'll straight up tell you this, terpenes are bullshit for everything the state tells you. Terpenes are flavor, and they're canaries for the actual cannabinoids present (i.e., if there's high linalool, you're probably going to see high CBN; high limonene, you're probably going to see high d9 THC, etc., and even then that's not super reliable in all cases). The only terpenes currently proven to have ANY knock on effect is beta-caryophyllene (the one that has the black peppery flavor)--it's a VERY mild anti inflammatory. That's it.

Remember: this is still the wild west. What little good research we have was clandestine at best. We'll get there but it's going to take a while, I'm pushing as hard as I can.

Randy Travesty


Also ngl cookies strains are strong but generally boring and the *brand* Cookies can be hot garbage and treats their people like poo poo. I'm dealing with some of that with a friend rn.

Escape From Noise

So cookies are the c-hops of the weed world?

Randy Travesty


Like, exactly, lol. Cookies is just a base strain that got really popular, someone slapped an expensive and vigorously defended trademark on their branding, and now everything is vaguely bready. It reminds me a lot of when everyone discovered Blue Dream at the same time and then that's all you could get, legal or otherwise, unless you really knew your poo poo, for almost 2 years.

It's p funny, ngl.

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
management has announced that samples for employees are back babyyyy :peanut:

they're sending me home with two bags of gummies, a Crescendo pre-roll and an eighth of Lucinda Williams :peanut: :peanut: :peanut: :peanut:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Randy Travesty


Areola Grande posted:

management has announced that samples for employees are back babyyyy :peanut:

they're sending me home with two bags of gummies, a Crescendo pre-roll and an eighth of Lucinda Williams :peanut: :peanut: :peanut: :peanut:

Smoke the gummies, eat the preroll, marry Lucinda Williams

Barking Gecko

Mahoro says, "Naughty things are bad."

Randy Travesty posted:

Smoke the gummies, eat the preroll, marry Lucinda Williams

:hmmyes: Sound advice.

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
my boss has read my body language and put me at the front desk whenever possible. it seems she can tell I'm old and my feet hurt.

gonna brag here but I'm extremely friendly and a good actor at work. all the veterans and old hippies love it when I ask "what can I do ya for"

also I'm rlly good at smiling all day and greeting ppl. I use the same one-liners all day and they always get laughs.

I'm doing a good job at my weed store! :peanut: :rznv:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Panic!: No Public Smoking

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
thread title. today was my favorite armed guard's last day. I rlly respect this tall black friend but he's moving away to New York.

anyways when I was leaving I said some p epic parting words of respect but he got an important text while I was halfway done blathering. anyway I made body language signals that I was leaving but at the last moment went in for a good ole country handshake (the pre-covid Caucasian Double Pump Church Style) out of old habit.

he distractedly went for his old trusty coworker fist bump but I was far too high to see that coming.

the result can only be described as the most awkward fist uncurl/me tryna shake the back of a fist dealio imaginable

:ughh: anyways that's how I'll always remember Chuck

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
that humiliation and getting the gout all in one inhospitably hot august day. fml :shepicide:

Dr. Chainsaws PhD

readin this thread makes me slightly less self-conscious about being a person that goes into the dispensary with my actual ID ready, going straight to the edibles section and asking for their fruitiest 100mg/container offering


No, I like my hat, thanks.
Please tell me he's being replaced by someone in full mail with halberd. I know I wouldn't rob someone dressed like that. I mean, I might steal their halberd, but not their weed.

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
they're sending me home with a free eighth of Lilac Diesel and a free eighth of Ice Cream Cake v2.0 this evening.

if this is their method of employee retention then consider me a lifer :peanut:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


Areola Grande posted:

if this is their method of employee retention then consider me a lifer :peanut:

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

they treat me well. It's basically a dream job besides the whole standing up all day thing :backtowork:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
they're building a drive thru window and doubling the size of my dispo :stare:

one wonders what this may portend :dogstare: :dogstare: :dogstare:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Barking Gecko

Mahoro says, "Naughty things are bad."

Areola Grande posted:

they're building a drive thru window and doubling the size of my dispo :stare:

one wonders what this may portend :dogstare: :dogstare: :dogstare:

"I'm sorry, sir. This is a dispo drive thru." :2bong:


No, I like my hat, thanks.
Can I get fried with that?

[no one has ever made this joke about dispensaries before]

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Buttchocks posted:

Can I get fried with that?

[no one has ever made this joke about dispensaries before]

lol. i'ma start using that :hf:


Barking Gecko

Mahoro says, "Naughty things are bad."
"Would you like to super size your order?"

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