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Aug 8, 2007


Maerlyn posted:

was this from an investigation result?

No, and it's been discussed extensively


Sep 13, 2002

Maerlyn posted:

was this from an investigation result?


Sep 13, 2002

what do you think of windward?

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

hambeet posted:

what do you think of windward?

i think they're incredibly dead, and have been for quite some time

Sep 13, 2002

Zoya posted:

i think they're incredibly dead, and have been for quite some time


Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

I was going to do a Max and vote beet before I went to bed but I’m worried no one is going to show up so ##vote Opop

Sep 13, 2002

i miss max

Sep 13, 2002

i miss gaspy too

Feb 8, 2006

An attempt at a Chicken Charmoula adjacent dish.

Let's start with ingredients. Stop for a moment as you are shocked you don't have garlic or cumin and make do. I knew going in I didn't have Cilantro, but that's because my Cilantro has gone to seed so I had plenty of Coriander seeds, so I just harvested those instead. Swap out the Cumin for some taco seasoning that has cumin in it, and some garlic salt, well it's gotta do. And fresh ginger for ground ginger just because.

Throw the coriander in a old pepper mill and there we go, on the go ground cilantro flavor.

Let's prep some chicken, get some thighs, debone them cut them into pieces, I did 6 per thigh, worked pretty well.

Deal with your fresh stuff, then mix it all together. Let sit in the fridge overnight.

Ok, it's morning now, let's throw together an ill-advised dice adjacent side.
Get a zucchini, spiralize it, let it sit in salt and taco seasoning to draw out the moisture. Take too make pics that look exactly the same of this mixture.

Skewer up your chicken and throw it on the grill.

While that grills for a bit, let's throw together that vinegarette. Lime juice and lime zest, olive oil, parsley and the all important preserved lemon. Save that lime zest for later, or throw in here. It is a sin to use citrus and waste the zest, whatever you are making, add the zest in.
This was an amazing flavor on its own, definitely using this again with something.

Now, back to the side, throw some quinoa and rice blend stuff on the stove and prepare according to box. Don't season it at all, the zucchini ribbons we are adding later will do that for us
When it is done cooking, fold in some of that lime zest. Taste and it's good but needs salt. No problem, we have the zucchini to take care of it. Don't rinse it or anything, you spent all this time drawing the moisture out, why add it back in? Also don't take any finished pictures of it, it was too salty and gross to be on camera.

Toss chicken in vinegarette and plate begrudingly with the side.

Chicken was amazing, side was inedible.

Aug 8, 2007


I'm about to go watch a movie I think it's done just before deadline but don't kill me that would be lovely

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

hambeet posted:

what do you think of windward?

She's been pretty quiet so she's probably scum

(har har)

Opopanax posted:

No, and it's been discussed extensively

"definitely" is just an interesting word choice, I thought maybe I missed something.

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 3

Opopanax (4): Illusionis, hambeet, Zoya, Hal Insandenza
hambeet (2): Hyper Crab Tank, Opopanax
Hyper Crab Tank (1): Voodoofly
CubicalSucrose (1): CubicalSucrose
SporkChan (0): Hal Insandenza, Hal Insandenza
Tired Moritz (0): Illusionis, Illusionis
Voodoofly (0): Hal Insandenza, Hal Insandenza

Not Voting (4): Cloacamazing!, Rhymes With Clue, SporkChan, Tired Moritz

With 12 alive, it's 7 votes to execute. The current deadline is August 06th, 2023 at 10 p.m. EDT -- that's in about 2 hours, 1 minute.

Oct 20, 2010

One day I will proofread my posts well, but today is not that day.
Folks, I'm here, I'm catching up, and I see deadline is approaching.

Sorry to all, I had family events this weekend and mafia fell by the wayside.

Oct 20, 2010

One day I will proofread my posts well, but today is not that day.

Illusionis posted:

I read over Voodoolyn, I feel vaguely okayish about them. A lot better than the several lurkers who haven't done much of anything in terms of trying to engage.

It is, but how the game has gone sure feels like scumteam has been quite lurky, Spork also tends to lurk a lot more when he's scum.

This is a complete lie.

I lurk no matter my alignment.

Oct 20, 2010

One day I will proofread my posts well, but today is not that day.
Rough reads as I sped through about 200 posts.

Illu and beet are town.

Cube too, but apparently dead? Also why did Cube target Clo? I thought they mentioned targeting Opop with the seer in the Group Hug?
-Clo I'm less sure of my read on, but if Cube dies that will clear Clo. If Cube doesn't die then I'll look at Clo more closly.

HCT and Opop have both pushed for more mafia and less just cooking. Not sure that's alignment indicative, but I did notice the tone shift from HCT that (beet or Hal, dunno why I mix you two up, but one of them) mentioned.

Hal is always an option, as voodoo says, but I don't have real read there at the moment.

Voodoo/Maer is another town read for me. They're both feeling town. Setup spec argument, but I don't think Grandi puts a hydra in scum-chat if possible, as well.
-Actually, Voodoo or Maer, are you in any masonries? How has that been handled so far? And who could confirm that for you?

Zoya, RWC, and TMor are all lurking. And I know I am as well.
-TMor I've never been able to read, but I always feel is scummy.
-RWC mostly the same, but I often town lean on.
-Zoya I feel like I enjoy their play, and this game has felt townie/distracted. I didn't like that Opop vote she just put down though.

Is Punk still in the game? I see them on the player list but feel like they have less posts than me.

Oct 20, 2010

One day I will proofread my posts well, but today is not that day.
Under an hour to deadline at the moment. And all I have are town reads.

Just noticed Punk was replaced by beet. Reading comprehension values are low for me today.

I'll give Opop's day a better reread and probably put a vote down, if only to secure a yeet for the day.

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

I lied. I never ended up reading anything today.

I see opop is at -4 and I have slight town vibes there and I think maer does as well so

##vote beet

Oct 20, 2010

One day I will proofread my posts well, but today is not that day.

Opopanax posted:

I hate to say it but Keats is def town

Opopanax posted:

##vote cube I'm not reading 4 pages and I think Keats is town

Opopanax posted:

Keats was obviously town, no question there was scum on that vote

Opop's read of Keats has at least been consistent, and ultimately correct as well.
Not impossible for a scum to put a complete town read on a town player, but I feel like I've seen Opop be more wishy-washy about it when they are scum.

Opopanax posted:

Nah, killing a townie is better than a no kill on D2, you would have been right either way.
I agree with this sentiment, but I don't like this post. As mentioned RWC hammered both days and it feels like Opop could be providing cover?

Opopanax posted:

I'm not, could be them instead/too. Presumably there are 3 left so one at a time
And then there's this post responding to why Opop was ignoring TMor and RWC on the Keats vote.
It is hours later than that other post I quoted, but I interpreted Opop's first comment as saying that RWC was likely town despite the Keats vote, but once there's some pressure on RWC being ignored Opop flips the script.

Opopanax posted:

I didnt discount them, I just looked at who was most likely. You can only eliminate one person per day, you seem to not be getting that?
And then there's this. Opop for sure discounted RWC. There was even an earlier post, which I didn't quote, where Opop included that RWC wasn't on the 'list'.

I'm not 100% sold on Opop being scum. I can see the case though, and I don't think we have the votes for anyone else.
##vote Opop
If he flips scum then RWC is highly suspicious, though.

Oct 20, 2010

One day I will proofread my posts well, but today is not that day.

Voodoofly posted:

I lied. I never ended up reading anything today.

I see opop is at -4 and I have slight town vibes there and I think maer does as well so

##vote beet

Opop is at -2 now and there's 30 minutes to deadline.

I only have a slight leaning on Opop being scum, but I really don't think there's another option for tonight.

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

SporkChan posted:

Opop is at -2 now and there's 30 minutes to deadline.

I only have a slight leaning on Opop being scum, but I really don't think there's another option for tonight.

I’ll set an alarm and check in in twenty

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

19 minutes til deadline

Jul 3, 2002

Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help

##vote opop

Oct 20, 2010

One day I will proofread my posts well, but today is not that day.
Not even sure your vote will matter. I posted in the group hug, hoping to get someone that way.

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
##vote Oppo

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
:redhammer: Good riddance, Opopanax!

Votecount for Day 3

Opopanax (7): Illusionis, hambeet, Zoya, Hal Insandenza, SporkChan, Voodoofly, Tired Moritz
hambeet (2): Hyper Crab Tank, Opopanax, Voodoofly, Voodoofly
CubicalSucrose (1): CubicalSucrose
SporkChan (0): Hal Insandenza, Hal Insandenza
Hyper Crab Tank (0): Voodoofly, Voodoofly
Tired Moritz (0): Illusionis, Illusionis
Voodoofly (0): Hal Insandenza, Hal Insandenza

Not Voting (2): Cloacamazing!, Rhymes With Clue

With 12 alive, it's 7 votes to execute. The current deadline is August 06th, 2023 at 10 p.m. EDT -- that's in about 4 minutes.

Aug 8, 2007


Ok well it's obviously beet/illu/probably zoya. Hope this isn't Lylo

Aug 8, 2007


Whoops I'm dead

Feb 8, 2006

Opopanax TOWN-aligned Ramen Egg has been executed Day 3

Cubical Sucros TOWN-aligned Red Wine-Braised Short Ribs has dissolved before your eyes Day 3

It is now Night 3 all actions not received within 24 hours are forfeit.

Aug 8, 2007


That's usually the recipe I use. The marinade is good, but the trick is soft boiling and their guide works well. I've been making hard boiled eggs since I was a little kid, but too hard and they won't absorb properly, plus you'll want that runny yolk.

Follow the instructions and put them in a bag at least overnight (I prefer a bag to a container because you'll want to roll them around every few hours for an even coat).

Usually I'll literally do a ramen with some char Siu and veggies but it's hot so I made poke bowls

Brown rice with some Marinated tuna, and of course the secret ingredient

Enjoy, and I hope you bastards choke on it :angel:

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

Adventures in Mulled Wine

I'll admit I started buying whole cinnamon sticks and cloves, then went "wait, pumpkin pie spice has all that plus ginger and allspice which are also complimentary flavors? *add to cart*

As I'm starting to remove the wrapper around the bottle, thinking to myself "I don't have a corkscrew I'm sure, so maybe I should have thought of that earl-

gently caress. Okay what to do now...

First option, a long screw, a screwdriver and a hammer. OK I'm sure we have those, watch in terror as my husband pries the cork out for me:

Add wine to pot:

I bought orange liqueur upon reading some other recipes but I've hosed my poo poo up by misjudging measurements and overdoing it, so I try to be conservative and use less than 1/3 cup, and add spices. For some stupid reason I cannot find a silicone whisk in the city so I use a salad dressing maker to mix the spices in, add a little red wine too then pour into the pot

Slaughter these oranges (my slicing skills suck):

It starts to smell pretty good but I don't want to overdo it so once it gets pretty warm I remove the orange slices, add a healthy teaspoon of honey and mix, pour into my finest mug (Tower of Terror from WDW, the symbols in the corners light up when hot liquids are added...first time using this mug!)

First taste smells good, but as my nose gets closer the wine acidity is overwhelming. Taste wise, not enough honey really to cut the bitter wine taste (I'm not a dry wine fan).

10 mins later: Belly definitely warm, it starts to grow on you so I can see why it's a thing but I wouldn't make it again without some changes. A cider sounds really good. I'm just hoping I didn't overdo it on the alcohol, it's about half the bottle of merlot, lol.

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

Trip report: a happy lightly drunken time, would possibly attempt again but maybe a lighter wine or a white.

Dec 12, 2011
Made chicken charmoula, no pics of the marinade, but I mixed that up last evening, kinda misread the recipe and though all of the herbs were supposed to to the vinaigrette, so I only added them in little before I got to making the dish.

No skewers and no grill available so I just fried the chicken in it's marinade.

No preserved lemon, so I used a fresh lemon and a lot of salt, also put in most of the herbs here before I rechecked the recipe.

Finally coated the chicken with the vinaigrette and served with leftover quinoa from yesterday, it was pretty good, but the marinade probably was a little too mild as the lemon was quite overpowering.

Aug 22, 2022

Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.
I have no idea what this is but I threw it together on a whim.


Egg marinade:

Contains sauce, rice vinegar, mirin, chili sesame oil, and a pinch of yuzu shichimi. Simmered lightly for a couple minutes and let cool. I didn't measure any ingredients.


Accidentally boiled them for slightly longer than intended, and the peeling did not go well so they're very unphotogenic. Boiled in water with rice vinegar and salt, didn't measure how much. Cooled them in ice water, peeled them, and dropped them in a baggie with the cooled marinade and let sit in the fridge for 7 hours (shouldve been minimum 8 but I was impatient and took one out for dinner).

The rest:

Fried some chicken sausages in a small amount of cooking oil because they needed to be consumed soon. Would've marinated them in something if I'd thought of it ahead of time.

Jasmine rice boiled in water with a little rice vinegar, added frozen coriander and frozen spring onion. After the rice was cooked I added the yuzu shichimi to top it off.

The "salad" is chopped celery steamed on top of the rice pot when the rice was almost done (my rice cooker died so I just stuck the steamer on top of a saucepan and it was fine) and bamboo shoots in brine. Mixed them in a sauce of rice vinegar, soy sauce, and chili sesame oil with a pinch of yuzu shichimi.

Took out the ramen egg (now it's a rice egg) and chopped it and threw it in the bowl with the rest. Tastes good, heavy on the chili!

Tofu would've probably been nice, but I had to use up the sausages before they went off.

Rhymes With Clue
Nov 18, 2010

A lady of nobility, gentility, and rage
To atone for my disappointment with my failure of pepe e cacio gnocchi, the world's easiest meal, I tried again. No, I did not go back to Trader Joe's. I tried commercially made gnocchi.

Not shown, for some reason: Flour, salt, pepper.

Turned out fine but I still feel disappointed. I do think the Dijon mustard helped.

Aug 22, 2022

Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.
Bomb pops...?

I had to improvise a bit because I didn't want to buy three cartons of fruit juice lol. In hindsight that would've been better than using concentrate since this stuff gets a bit too sweet by the time you mix enough to get a strong color from it, so they're a bit paler than I would've liked. Also, I didn't have a vertically oriented popsicle mold, so the layering was not done in the most obvious way.

I picked three concentrate boxes to make sunset-colored bomb pops. Watermelon/raspberry for the red, pineapple/passionfruit for the orange, and lemonade for the yellow.

By the time I mixed the red cordial, I already realized the colors were going to be hard to see lol. I taste tested the mix and this was already pretty strong, so I just kept it as it was and drank the rest of the glass. I probably should've just poured the concentrate directly into the molds, but I did want to make sure my concoction would be edible later on :P

Two hours later, I pulled the mold out of the freezer and filled it partly with the pineapple/passionfruit cordial. It was more yellow than orange, so I made an executive decision to skip the lemonade in the next step and just add water for a white color after this (honestly, the lemonade cordial probably would've been white too, so idk why I didn't try).

At least I filled the molds correctly? Popped one out to check out my sloppy handiwork.

The good news: It has a fruity flavor and it looks like an ice guitar!
The bad news: That's way too subtle of a color gradient. Next time I'll just stick with juice, lol.

Aug 22, 2022

Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.
Argh, addendum to the previous post. I somehow duplicated the side view photo when I meant for one of those to be the front view!

Aug 8, 2007


I forgot to take process pics but I made pulled mushroom Mac and cheese.

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

Lemon Thyme Chicken with Quinoa and Sauteed Zucchini and Onions

Heat oil in pan, season chicken thighs with salt and pepper and sear on both sides (or try, still adjusting to electric stove)

While waiting for that to cook, cut lemon in half, juice the one half and slice the other...I didn't get a pic of this but I added a bit of thyme, rosemary, and oregano to the lemon juice and a tiny bit of olive oil.

When chicken is done searing, remove from pan and add minced garlic, add chicken thighs back in with the lemon juice and herb mixture, add lemon slices on top, cover and reduce heat

While that cooks, saute zucchini and onions (we have been forgetting to buy butter so heat olive oil first, also used a bit of the chicken lemon juice for additional flavor)

Earlier I started a box of quinoa/brown rice, it's not very good...

Chicken was really good, I did well for kind of a half assed recipe, I accidentally burned the zucchini a bit while dealing with the chicken.

Feb 8, 2006

SporkChan SCUM-aligned Spork's Inauthentic Beef Stroganoff has been killed in the night.
Rhymes with Clue SCUM-aligned Recipe has been killed in the night.
Illusionis TOWN-aligned Smoked salmon soup has been killed in the night.
Cloacamazing! TOWN-aligned yellow curry has been killed in the night.

It is now Day 4.


Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 4

Not Voting (6): Hal Insandenza, hambeet, Hyper Crab Tank, Tired Moritz, Voodoofly, Zoya

With 6 alive, it's 4 votes to execute. The current deadline is August 10th, 2023 at 10 p.m. EDT -- that's in about 2 days, 23 hours.

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