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fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
When I'm voted out by a scum rush day 1 again, just remember to execute the obvious scum who did so on day 2. Just like last game.


fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
##vote Maerlyn

who is almost strictly opportunistic

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Hrm I don’t like much of what’s happening here

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

Votecount for Day 1

fool of sound (5): CubicalSucrose, CubicalSucrose, shwinnebego, Hal Insandenza, CCKeane, Maerlyn, CubicalSucrose
Johnny Keats (2): CubicalSucrose, Maerlyn, CubicalSucrose, Maerlyn, Maerlyn, CCKeane, Mr. Humalong, Sandwolf, fool of sound, CCKeane, CubicalSucrose, CubicalSucrose, fool of sound, Maerlyn
Maerlyn (2): Johnny Keats, Johnny Keats, CubicalSucrose, Johnny Keats, CubicalSucrose, fool of sound
CCKeane (2): wologar, shwinnebego, shwinnebego, Zoya, Maerlyn, CubicalSucrose, Punkreas, Maerlyn, Johnny Keats, Johnny Keats, wologar, CubicalSucrose
CubicalSucrose (1): Idle Amalgam, Johnny Keats, Johnny Keats, Johnny Keats, Mr. Humalong, Idle Amalgam, CCKeane, Maerlyn, Maerlyn, CCKeane, Mr. Humalong, Johnny Keats, CCKeane, Johnny Keats, CCKeane, wologar, Johnny Keats, Johnny Keats, Johnny Keats, Maerlyn, Maerlyn
Sandwolf (1): CubicalSucrose, CubicalSucrose, Tired Moritz
Hal Insandenza (1): hambeet, Punkreas, Punkreas
wologar (1): Idle Amalgam
Zoya (0): CubicalSucrose, CubicalSucrose, CubicalSucrose, CubicalSucrose, fool of sound, Johnny Keats, CubicalSucrose, CubicalSucrose, Johnny Keats, fool of sound
Tired Moritz (0): CCKeane, Sandwolf, Johnny Keats, shwinnebego, Johnny Keats, CCKeane, shwinnebego, fool of sound, Sandwolf, fool of sound
Punkreas (0): wologar, wologar, shwinnebego, shwinnebego
hambeet (0): Punkreas, Hal Insandenza, Hal Insandenza, Punkreas

Not Voting (0):

With 15 alive, it's 8 votes to execute. The current deadline is September 12th, 2023 at 9 p.m. PDT -- that's in about 14 minutes.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Cube you made this exact same mistake in the harry & the hendersons game. Let yourself be led by a last minute scumrush into killing me.

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

I don’t want the Opop no death D1 curse to continue

Feb 11, 2014

Fool is town, you fools.

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
Cube and Maerlyn seem to be doing their best impression of obvious scum buds

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

Hal Insandenza posted:

I don’t want the Opop no death D1 curse to continue

oh this is a thing?

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

wologar posted:

Fool is town, you fools.

and what about Keats?

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Maerlyn posted:

and what about Keats?

Unless someone counterclaims we shouldn't vote keats. Unless you're scum who want to kill the doctor, of course.

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

fool of sound posted:

Cube you made this exact same mistake in the harry & the hendersons game. Let yourself be led by a last minute scumrush into killing me.

Yeah well I want to kill Keats but doc. I'd do Keane?

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

fool of sound posted:

Unless someone counterclaims we shouldn't vote keats. Unless you're scum who want to kill the doctor, of course.

I'm asking his opinion, not to vote for him.

We're no exing so see you all on D2!

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
##vote fos

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
You were asking my opinion?

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
I also think Fool is town.

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

wologar posted:

Fool is town, you fools.

Even if, no-elim seems worse right now? Or am I wrong on the meta.

Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
##Vote fos

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

Johnny Keats posted:

You were asking my opinion?

No, Wol who said "I disregard everything Keats says D1", wondered if that was still in effect.

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut


Feb 11, 2014

Johnny Keats posted:

Cube and Maerlyn seem to be doing their best impression of obvious scum buds

Aug 8, 2007


The poor cartoon heroes: stupid, inept, and impotent, failed to erase anyone D1

It is now N1

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Maerlyn posted:

oh this is a thing?

Seems to happen far more often than any other games, yeah

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 1

fool of sound (7): CubicalSucrose, CubicalSucrose, shwinnebego, Hal Insandenza, CCKeane, Maerlyn, CubicalSucrose, Tired Moritz, Johnny Keats
Johnny Keats (2): CubicalSucrose, Maerlyn, CubicalSucrose, Maerlyn, Maerlyn, CCKeane, Mr. Humalong, Sandwolf, fool of sound, CCKeane, CubicalSucrose, CubicalSucrose, fool of sound, Maerlyn
CCKeane (2): wologar, shwinnebego, shwinnebego, Zoya, Maerlyn, CubicalSucrose, Punkreas, Maerlyn, Johnny Keats, Johnny Keats, wologar, CubicalSucrose
CubicalSucrose (1): Idle Amalgam, Johnny Keats, Johnny Keats, Johnny Keats, Mr. Humalong, Idle Amalgam, CCKeane, Maerlyn, Maerlyn, CCKeane, Mr. Humalong, Johnny Keats, CCKeane, Johnny Keats, CCKeane, wologar, Johnny Keats, Johnny Keats, Johnny Keats, Maerlyn, Maerlyn
Maerlyn (1): Johnny Keats, Johnny Keats, CubicalSucrose, Johnny Keats, CubicalSucrose, fool of sound, Johnny Keats
Hal Insandenza (1): hambeet, Punkreas, Punkreas
wologar (1): Idle Amalgam
Zoya (0): CubicalSucrose, CubicalSucrose, CubicalSucrose, CubicalSucrose, fool of sound, Johnny Keats, CubicalSucrose, CubicalSucrose, Johnny Keats, fool of sound
Tired Moritz (0): CCKeane, Sandwolf, Johnny Keats, shwinnebego, Johnny Keats, CCKeane, shwinnebego, fool of sound, Sandwolf, fool of sound
Sandwolf (0): CubicalSucrose, CubicalSucrose, Tired Moritz, Tired Moritz
Punkreas (0): wologar, wologar, shwinnebego, shwinnebego
hambeet (0): Punkreas, Hal Insandenza, Hal Insandenza, Punkreas

Not Voting (0):

With 15 alive, it's 8 votes to execute. The current deadline is September 12th, 2023 at 9 p.m. PDT -- that's in about 0 minutes.

Aug 8, 2007


Humalong, Alvin the Chipmunk, Town Aligned Vanilla


Keats, Winnie the Pooh, Town Aligned bodyguard

Got addicted to drugs N1

It is now D2

Jul 6, 2010

scoop scoop
Votecount for Day 2

Not Voting (13): CCKeane, CubicalSucrose, fool of sound, Hal Insandenza, hambeet, Idle Amalgam, Maerlyn, Punkreas, Sandwolf, shwinnebego, Tired Moritz, wologar, Zoya

With 13 alive, it's 7 votes to execute. The current deadline is September 17th, 2023 at 9 p.m. PDT -- that's in about 3 days, 14 hours.

Aug 8, 2007


Discord is still being a pain so if you lose your channel I guess PM me

Feb 11, 2014

I wonder if Keats died guarding the nk.

##vote Cube

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Hey cube why did I see you visit Keats last night

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
##vote cube

Jan 28, 2008

my shit posts don't die, they multiply

Hum is a weird kill. Hmm.

Jan 28, 2008

my shit posts don't die, they multiply

fool of sound posted:

Hey cube why did I see you visit Keats last night

This is compelling.

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

wologar posted:

I wonder if Keats died guarding the nk.

##vote Cube

So then what happened to Hum? He makes sense as NK, he sadly dies N1 frequently.

fool of sound posted:

Hey cube why did I see you visit Keats last night


##vote Cube

Jan 28, 2008

my shit posts don't die, they multiply

wologar posted:

I wonder if Keats died guarding the nk.

##vote Cube

Eh, he claimed doc, I think it's very possible he was just killed for that.

Jan 28, 2008

my shit posts don't die, they multiply

Also, I thought about how the night ended, I think I'm cool on TM now, I don't think he's lying. In this game, I mean, I bet IRL he lies all the time, just claiming to be an Olympic sprinter or whatever.

Jun 29, 2003

Everything at once
the evil step-son

This av has been socialized, viva la Revolución

I am kinda at a loss now, I was probably going to continue to yell at Keats today (I'm learning he has a knack for getting under my skin)

I may reread shwinn, I'd also like to see IA be a little more active because he's not posting much

Jan 1, 2013

Phantom my Opera and call me South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut

Goddamnit, Keats. I get 1-shot copies of roles I visit. Keats claimed cop and/or doc, figured either of those would be great to have a backup of.

Shared this in masonry to see if there would be a better target. Now I've got a 1-shot bg not the best.

Feb 11, 2014

Maerlyn posted:

So then what happened to Hum? He makes sense as NK, he sadly dies N1 frequently.

I imagine someone nightvigged Hum or Keats/histarget.


Jan 28, 2008

my shit posts don't die, they multiply

Maerlyn posted:

I am kinda at a loss now, I was probably going to continue to yell at Keats today (I'm learning he has a knack for getting under my skin)

I may reread shwinn, I'd also like to see IA be a little more active because he's not posting much

You can still yell at Keats, arguably it's better now because he can't say anything to defend himself.

I hear Keats goes to fancy restaurants and smuggles in his own bottle of ketchup and just pours it all over everything. Including sushi.

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