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Johnny Keats
Jan 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
I say we vote TM until somebody claims to be masons with him. ##Vote TM


Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)

Zoya posted:

i interpreted "a masonlet" to be a derivation of the term "brainlet" and thus thought tmor was claiming to not be in a masonry this game, is that not correct?

omg Zoya is the one smart and cool with the hip kids slang in this game.

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

Tired Moritz posted:

omg Zoya is the one smart and cool with the hip kids slang in this game.


Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
im a regular miller fyi. why in the world would i claim a mason miller

Jul 11, 2002

Tired Moritz posted:

im a regular miller fyi. why in the world would i claim a mason miller

seriously why the gently caress would you

Jul 11, 2002

i don't like that zoya and wologar went for that interpretation so quickly either, it's absurd

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

Zoya posted:

i am a MASONIZER, but i can only mason you if you are not in any other masonries, any non-thread communications whatsoever. so speak up if you are completely without a masonry of any kind!

Zoya posted:

everyone else who is also eligible for a hot fresh masonry in your local area now please let me know so i have many targets to choose from tonight!

any other takers? so far everyone has either checked in since i've asked or claimed to be eligible/ineligible, except for hal, who based on his signup may not actually know he's in this game

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

Tired Moritz posted:

im a regular miller fyi. why in the world would i claim a mason miller

I don’t buy it

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

shwinnebego posted:

i don't like that zoya and wologar went for that interpretation so quickly either, it's absurd

i dunno what else "masonlet" would mean if not that, brainlet and various derivations is a common enough term in some circles

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
also, when did I get a masonry role? I dont think I have ever gotten one?? I dont even think I get recruited into in ages.

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)
please stop implying you guys have never been called a manlet before.... im being bullied by the tall goons again....

Jul 11, 2002

Zoya posted:

i dunno what else "masonlet" would mean if not that, brainlet and various derivations is a common enough term in some circles

“Brainlet” sounds like it means “small brain” or similar. Not sure how you would see “brainlet” and think “ah, this is a word related to private chats between players of a forums version of the classic social deduction game mafia”

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

shwinnebego posted:

“Brainlet” sounds like it means “small brain” or similar. Not sure how you would see “brainlet” and think “ah, this is a word related to private chats between players of a forums version of the classic social deduction game mafia”

because i asked if anyone was masonry-free and tmor immediately said "i'm a masonlet" so i put 2 and 2 together idk this isn't a big mystery

Jul 11, 2002

Tired Moritz posted:

please stop implying you guys have never been called a manlet before.... im being bullied by the tall goons again....


so are you claiming mason

or what

is this a "i might be in a masonry zoya should masonize me to waste her power cuz i'm scum and also my scum chat is my masonry but also i claimed miller to get ahead of that" post

Jul 11, 2002

i have covid and it is making me unusually grumpy and argumentative, probably a better headspace for forums mafia than i've been in for a while

##vote moritz u gotta get killd

Tired Moritz
Mar 25, 2012

wish Lowtax would get tired of YOUR POSTS

(n o i c e)

Tired Moritz posted:

im a regular miller fyi. why in the world would i claim a mason miller

Jan 28, 2008

my shit posts don't die, they multiply

shwinnebego posted:

i have covid and it is making me unusually grumpy and argumentative, probably a better headspace for forums mafia than i've been in for a while

##vote moritz u gotta get killd

Yeah but think about it this way, you'll be positive about any case you make.

Sep 13, 2002

Johnny Keats posted:

Hambeet you're masons with scum. Don't gently caress this up.

Two eyes at all times bud

Sep 13, 2002

Johnny Keats posted:

It sounds like yes, which makes non-scum masons effectively millers, which sheds big doubt on TM's miller claim

so a quasi ecco cop and an actual cop? acab


Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

Zoya posted:

is this a request for masonization or did you just want to make the joke?

ham can you clarify

Sep 13, 2002

Zoya posted:

is this a request for masonization or did you just want to make the joke?

nah just making a ligma play

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

hambeet posted:

nah just making a ligma play

What’s ligma?

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

Sandwolf posted:

What’s ligma?

steve jobs

Sep 13, 2002

Zoya posted:

ham can you clarify


Sep 13, 2002

Sandwolf posted:

What’s ligma?

hang on

*checks notes*

Sep 13, 2002

Ligma balls!

Sep 13, 2002

Zoya there’s days left, chillax

(That’s a Natalie portmanteau of chill and relax I just made up. You can use it if you want)

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

i don't feel like waiting for hal to check in, sorry hal, but i would like to thank you all for officially participating in my experiment!

claims can be masoned:
  • hum
  • punk
  • sandwolf
  • maerlyn
  • idle amalgam

claims cannot be masoned:
  • cube

does not claim a masonizable state:
  • keats
  • wolo
  • cckeane
  • fool of sound
  • hambeet

has not posted, might not know he's in this game:
  • hal

with the conditions i listed, i don't think scum would risk speaking up to claim they can be masoned by me, unless they simply planned to kill me tonight so i couldn't report back. therefore,

humalong, punkreas, sandwolf, maerlyn, and idle amalgam are town, or at least are not scum.

i am not a masonizer at all! thank you for playing

Sep 13, 2002

what you thinking fos?

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

Zoya posted:

claims cannot be masoned:
  • cube

does not claim a masonizable state:
  • keats
  • wolo
  • cckeane
  • fool of sound
  • hambeet

I’m fine with arbitrarily voting among this group of people

Sep 13, 2002

Zoya posted:

i don't feel like waiting for hal to check in, sorry hal, but i would like to thank you all for officially participating in my experiment!

claims can be masoned:
  • hum
  • punk
  • sandwolf
  • maerlyn
  • idle amalgam

claims cannot be masoned:
  • cube

does not claim a masonizable state:
  • keats
  • wolo
  • cckeane
  • fool of sound
  • hambeet

has not posted, might not know he's in this game:
  • hal

with the conditions i listed, i don't think scum would risk speaking up to claim they can be masoned by me, unless they simply planned to kill me tonight so i couldn't report back. therefore,

humalong, punkreas, sandwolf, maerlyn, and idle amalgam are town, or at least are not scum.

i am not a masonizer at all! thank you for playing

Lol the zoya gambit

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

Feb 11, 2014

Sandwolf posted:

I’m fine with arbitrarily voting among this group of people

But not Hal??

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

wait i missed tmor off my list somehow when formatting the bullet points, sorry tmor

tmor is also in the town group

Sep 13, 2002

Zoya taking the heat off tmor

Feb 11, 2014

Sandwolf is probably a scum masonizer and Zoya a scum PGO or sth.

Sep 13, 2002

Oh lol he wasn’t even listed

Yeah I could throw down on that list I reckon.

Sep 13, 2002

Britney Spears - Masonizer

Jun 12, 2023

echoes of a distant past,
bodies die but voices last.
once were held within a cell,
your mind is where these voices dwell.

hambeet posted:

Oh lol he wasn’t even listed

Yeah I could throw down on that list I reckon.

i put the list in my confessional in quote blocks and discord completely ate tmor somehow

formating was:


and it just... removed tmor and started the list at hum, somehow, despite *not* doing that in the other categories

very strange!

...wait goddamnit it removed shwinne too, shwinne's in the third category, fucks sake it's amateur hour over here!!!!

fixes edited into the quote below:

Zoya posted:

i don't feel like waiting for hal to check in, sorry hal, but i would like to thank you all for officially participating in my experiment!

claims can be masoned:
  • tmor
  • hum
  • punk
  • sandwolf
  • maerlyn
  • idle amalgam

claims cannot be masoned:
  • cube

does not claim a masonizable state:
  • shwinne
  • keats
  • wolo
  • cckeane
  • fool of sound
  • hambeet

has not posted, might not know he's in this game:
  • hal

with the conditions i listed, i don't think scum would risk speaking up to claim they can be masoned by me, unless they simply planned to kill me tonight so i couldn't report back. therefore,

tmor, humalong, punkreas, sandwolf, maerlyn, and idle amalgam are town, or at least are not scum.

i am not a masonizer at all! thank you for playing


Sep 13, 2002

You also forgot shwinney

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